What are you sick of hearing since the verdict has been announced regarding Casey?

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I'm sick of hearing everything. Have been trying to stay away from it. The simple fact is Convicted Felon Casey Anthony got away with murder and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
That Baez "saved a life". Did it occur to him if he hadn't been so greedy to be famous he could have gotton Casey a plea deal with a confession and SOME justice could have been served. Casey needed prison for an attempt at rehabilitation. I have a strange feeling he knew she killed Caylee. His 1st speech told me he assumed she would have been found guilty of a lesser charge. What did he know I wonder. Did you hear Ann Finnels interview where she said she doesn't know what happened but assumes more than one person had something to do with it? I thought after the trial Jose promised we would "have all the answers-that it would all make sense". Bla
That Baez "saved a life". Did it occur to him if he hadn't been so greedy to be famous he could have gotton Casey a plea deal with a confession and SOME justice could have been served. Casey needed prison for an attempt at rehabilitation. I have a strange feeling he knew she killed Caylee. His 1st speech told me he assumed she would have been found guilty of a lesser charge. What did he know I wonder. Did you hear Ann Finnels interview where she said she doesn't know what happened but assumes more than one person had something to do with it? I thought after the trial Jose promised we would "have all the answers-that it would all make sense". Bla

I heard her interview yesterday and I couldn't believe what she was saying. She said that after Caylee drowned Casey didn't know what happened. As if ICA had nothing to do with it. Don't they realize how stupid they all sound? If it was an accident why did they let her sit in prison so long? jmo
I am really sick and tired of a certain defense attorney telling all of the US citizens that we don't have the right to question our legal system or express our right to free speech and maybe we should move to Iran...
I heard her interview yesterday and I couldn't believe what she was saying. She said that after Caylee drowned Casey didn't know what happened. As if ICA had nothing to do with it. Don't they realize how stupid they all sound? If it was an accident why did they let her sit in prison so long? jmo

And Mason apparently described Casey as bright and tough as they get. Yet Casey thought- well, I`m scared of my mommy so I`ll just agree to cover up this accident and claim the nanny took her.

When will this make sense?
I'm sick of hearing there wasn't any evidence of a crime, when clearly there was. I'm sick of the defense team and jurors doubting there was a dead body in the trunk of the car, when clearly, there was. I'm sick of people saying the chloroform levels in the car either weren't high or were from common cleaning products.

I understand that murder 1 premeditated might have been a big stretch to make, but even if one thinks it was an "accident" and FCA knocked Caylee out so she could go party for awhile and Caylee died as a result, that is still a crime (and still felony murder if you want to get technical about it).

There is NO evidence of a drowning so to say it happened or could have happened is a much further stretch to make based on zero evidence. There is NO innocent explanation for high levels of chloroform and a dead body in the trunk of the car. It does not jive with "pool accident." The inmate herself said there was no accidental drowning...for nearly 3 years! Until trial when the defense decided to go that route. That to me is an UNreasonable inference.

There was plenty of evidence. There were probably reasons that we may never understand why the juror's chose not to see it. It was mainly due to the fact that the jury foreman probably convinced them that he had already made up his mind and they just followed suit. They knew it wasn't a 'popular' decision because they packed up and left without looking back. They really should have paid attention to that 'sick feeling' in the pit of their stomachs, if they had taken the time to look at the evidence and go back over testimony, something that they saw would have made that feeling go away.

IMO, Jeff A said it best "Nobody makes an accident look like a murder".
The only other scenario I can come up with for the duct tape is that after "accidentally" giving Caylee too much chloroform and having her "accidentally" die as a result, CFCA used duct tape to try and make it look like a kidnapping--like someone else bound Caylee's face, some kind of staging. Therefore it would be an "accidental" (negligent) homicide being made to look like a murder...

Otherwise? I can find no reason for 3 pieces of duct tape on Caylee's face.
I think what Mason describes as "tough" is the characteristic fearlessness of sociopaths. JMO. Watching the DT fawn over this creature makes me almost literally sick.
I think if I see one more shot of her on the day of her sentence where she winks and smiles at someone I am gonna go thru the TV and scratch her eyeballs out. Who is she winking/smiling at? Now my local website TBO has something about how JB is now famous! Sick Sick Sick to death of it all. (well except for what I read on WS of course)
Too bad the jurors didn't get to see her snarling, baring teeth face- the real Casey!!!
I am really sick and tired of a certain defense attorney telling all of the US citizens that we don't have the right to question our legal system or express our right to free speech and maybe we should move to Iran...
Why doesn't he take Casey there- she can wear a burqa???
What's interesting is that as soon as the OJ murder case was over his lawyers (aside from F. Lee Bailey) couldn't distance themselves fast enough! He was on his own as far as they were concerned. Oh sure there were the books and interviews but they certainly didn't spend time supporting the killer.

Contrast that with Casey Anthony. It's clear there's money to be made and interviews to be had and they are in it for their 15 or 30 min. They will eventually part ways, but it may take a year or so.
I am sick of people saying that ICA (at least for another day!) was a "good mom" just because they didn't see her be a "bad parent -bad meaning abusive" The opposite of a bad parent is NOT a good/great parent it is a parent.

Fine, ICA wasn't a bad parent-publicly. But she definitely wasn't a good parent.

I think that ICA did the bare minumum (and did that only when someone else wouldn't)...this makes her at the most a parent.

Why doesn't he take Casey there- she can wear a burqa???

They don't where burqas in Iran.

Did CM actually suggest moving to Iran if you have a problem with his pro-constitution lecture? I recall he mentioned an Iranian journal article to an expert witnesses and bizarrely asked them if they had gone to Iran to read it. Wait, was that Jose? One of them, anyway.

Did I miss other mideast references?
They don't where burqas in Iran.

Did CM actually suggest moving to Iran if you have a problem with his pro-constitution lecture? I recall he mentioned an Iranian journal article to an expert witnesses and bizarrely asked them if they had gone to Iran to read it. Wait, was that Jose? One of them, anyway.

Did I miss other mideast references?

He makes his living manipulating the very system he's protecting? ha ha ha. How dare we question a system he has learn to work to his advantage?
They don't where burqas in Iran.

Did CM actually suggest moving to Iran if you have a problem with his pro-constitution lecture? I recall he mentioned an Iranian journal article to an expert witnesses and bizarrely asked them if they had gone to Iran to read it. Wait, was that Jose? One of them, anyway.

Did I miss other mideast references?

Cheney Mason to GVS:

And I'm devastated by people who have attacked the jurors. Shame on them. Perhaps there's a place in Iran for them to enjoy their favors.


And I agree while we can vocal about our outrage and mad at jurors who do talk they should never be physically threatened. I'm not down with that. I'm also not down with being told to head off to Iran if I disagree with a verdict.

Unless he meant the jurors should go to Iran? Ah, Cheney. Never boring, I'll give him that.
Im sick of hearing people trash the jury. It is what it is, they didnt see enough evidence to convict her, it doesnt mean they are stupid or lazy.

I'm one of those people. I believe the jury members failed in their duty, whether by ignorance, indifference, or greed. I will always believe that. There was more than enough evidence to convict. I believe they weren't smart enough to understand the evidence. I believe their actions call into light the fact that our jury system needs to be overhauled to prevent run-away juries from ignoring evidence. I will always believe these things and if I were to ever come face to face with any of them I would tell them so myself.
I am sick of HLN showing KC's first court appearance post verdict. The part where KC has her hand on her chin and gestures to JB with her finger. They have showed that part over and over today. I finally had to switch the channel. She is always making some kind of weird movement with her hands. Can't stand it !!

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