What case really burns your butt?

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My apologies if this has been covered already, I am a newbie. I don't know, man, with so much basically murder *advertiser censored* on our screens from HBO to Discovery, some really excellent Ytube vloggers, and beyond, covering every murdering WTF dirtbag old and new often repeated in other guises from program to program, Fear Thy Neighbor, American Monster, Dateline, and keep going times one hundred, it's hard to keep up with as the Jewish faith so eloquently phrase one of extremely poor character such as these murderers: A " NEBBISH." Perfect, aint it? But every once in a while a case hoofs up that really gets under the skin that u can't get out of your head, for why, I don't know. I should, I am a former psychologist and I have covered that with colleagues in the past, to no avail, from newbie qualified to old dog, none of us had an answer, why? For me it was the two <modsnip> who killed Cassie Jo Stoddart - that haunts me and I don't know why? Casey Marie Anthony burns my wife's *advertiser censored*, mention that name and she freaks out - she'd scratch her eyes out given half a chance. So, the crux of the matter: we watch literally hundreds of murder documentaries (murder *advertiser censored*) and we are meh to 99.9% of them - just the right amount of self righteous indignation to make ourselves feel good, to justify our voyeurism into the real life macabre. So why does everybody have a special pet murder case that can't be shaken. Y'all know what I'm talking about - that one case that rankles and itches.
The fact that Karla Homolka got off Scott free with her sweetheart deal which should have been nullified,and Voided once the tapes were found proving she's a lying MANipulator, and just as involved and guilty as Paul Bernardo. It's a slap in the face to the victims, and their families. MOO
My apologies if this has been covered already, I am a newbie. I don't know, man, with so much basically murder *advertiser censored* on our screens from HBO to Discovery, some really excellent Ytube vloggers, and beyond, covering every murdering WTF dirtbag old and new often repeated in other guises from program to program, Fear Thy Neighbor, American Monster, Dateline, and keep going times one hundred, it's hard to keep up with as the Jewish faith so eloquently phrase one of extremely poor character such as these murderers: A " NEBBISH." Perfect, aint it? But every once in a while a case hoofs up that really gets under the skin that u can't get out of your head, for why, I don't know. I should, I am a former psychologist and I have covered that with colleagues in the past, to no avail, from newbie qualified to old dog, none of us had an answer, why? For me it was the two <modsnip> who killed Cassie Jo Stoddart - that haunts me and I don't know why? Casey Marie Anthony burns my wife's *advertiser censored*, mention that name and she freaks out - she'd scratch her eyes out given half a chance. So, the crux of the matter: we watch literally hundreds of murder documentaries (murder *advertiser censored*) and we are meh to 99.9% of them - just the right amount of self righteous indignation to make ourselves feel good, to justify our voyeurism into the real life macabre. So why does everybody have a special pet murder case that can't be shaken. Y'all know what I'm talking about - that one case that rankles and itches.
The fact that Karla Homolka got off Scott free with her sweetheart deal which should have been nullified,and Voided once the tapes were found proving she's a lying MANipulator, and just as involved and guilty as Paul Bernardo. It's a slap in the face to the victims, and their families. MOO
a more recent case - Tyler Davis. that one really bothers me. There's obviously a lot of pieces missing, because what little has been made public of that night makes absolutely zero sense.
Rilya Wilson.

I have to comment on your nick-Barbaro---
Being a horse racing fan, and a person who loves
the dearly departed Barbaro--I presume your
nick is a tribute to this lovely wonderful horse.
I have to comment on your nick-Barbaro---
Being a horse racing fan, and a person who loves
the dearly departed Barbaro--I presume your
nick is a tribute to this lovely wonderful horse.

It is indeed. He became so much more than a horse. Roy and Gretchen Jackson said they got letters from orphan children in Africa who'd lost parents in the AIDS epidemic asking how he was doing. People who were afflicted with debilitating illnesses such as MS would come by and ask just to see him. Iraq war vets, amputees would ask just to see him, maybe thinking if he can overcome, so can I. A Special Force group sent him a US flag that had flown over one of their bases, the owner of the horse who beat him sent a carafe of water from the Euphrates river, the Quran says it has healing powers. While we know he eventually lost his fight, it doesn't mean the fight wasn't worth fighting. He never gave up.
It is indeed. He became so much more than a horse. Roy and Gretchen Jackson said they got letters from orphan children in Africa who'd lost parents in the AIDS epidemic asking how he was doing. People who were afflicted with debilitating illnesses such as MS would come by and ask just to see him. Iraq war vets, amputees would ask just to see him, maybe thinking if he can overcome, so can I. A Special Force group sent him a US flag that had flown over one of their bases, the owner of the horse who beat him sent a carafe of water from the Euphrates river, the Quran says it has healing powers. While we know he eventually lost his fight, it doesn't mean the fight wasn't worth fighting. He never gave up.

I have a collage with Barbaro on my computer screen so that I see him every single day! I mourn his loss to this day--- I believe he had a really great chance to win the triple crown that year- He was magnificent: The Jacksons are wonderful people---He surely was inspirational. There is a web site that was developed when he was injured that goes on to this day- initially it was set up for fans to have a place to go to talk to each other as Barbaro fought for his life every day until he could fight no more. After his death the site became a place for people to get involved in donating to horse rescue and dog rescue as well. The site now is less populated but some of us are still there and donate to dog and horse rescues in his honor. And yes, the fight was worth fighting.
Have I mentioned Don Lewis? How on earth is this case still unsolved? I really think prosecutors could get a conviction with no body & overwhelming circumstantial evidence on this one. Jmo...
There are so many, unfortunately, but one that really still bothers me is Gabriel Fernandez. I can’t seem to get it out of my mind. I’m just glad the women who birthed him and her boyfriend are never to be free again. What Gabriel went through in his short life where he was so starved for love just broke my heart.
JonBenet Ramsey, Delphi, Alissa Turney, Missy Bevers, Black Dahlia
And I wish Chris Watts, Scott Peterson LVD and CD and LS (the latter if found guilty) are thrown in the recycle bin and deleted forever, I don't want to see their faces ever again after the trials

I think there is a pattern here, children and missing persons. My two buttons in true crime
The ones that go cold and are never solved!!!!!
That's technically not true, loads of cold cases have been solved just this year and it's only March. Sometimes it just takes advances in investigating techniques and enhancements in technology before they can be solved.
There are a few cases that bother me. Cynthia Anderson (missing almost 40yrs ago Tol, OH), the Jon Benet(?) case, and the Dan Cooper case. I feel so close to Cynthia because she's from my city, the other two just bother me because they're *weird*.

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