What do Burke's interviews tell us?

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Quick question: Burke never competed in any pageants, did he? Jw.

I know Lori...ok don't judge me for this lol...Braxton and Alaska Matthews' mom. She's been on T&T and Dr Phil...she's not at all in real life the way she appears on tv...she did T&T because Braxton and Alaska wanted to be on tv...she only did Dr Phil because it was the only way she could get grounds to remove photos of Alaska from a website...long story, which has nothing to do with JonBenet..

Anyway, my point is...In the beginning, Alaska didn't win quite as much and Braxton won everything, then after a while it seemed to switch to where Alaska was getting Grand and Mini all the time while Braxton wasn't winning as much. I am aware of the jealousy that was there in the beginning before Alaska started winning as much as her brother.

I will say that my daughter and I have fun going to pageants...but if I had two kids, we'd stop.
It's too competitive and there's too much time and energy invested which will leave the non-competing child left out.
And if both want to compete, then you have to deal with the prospect that one might win more than the other and cause hurt feelings, or even just the idea that they could be competing against each other.

I'm curious if Burke ever competed in pageants.
OR, was there any type of "guy" bonding time type of activity that John Ramsey did with Burke?

His mother had been seriously ill and he missed out on a lot of time with her for a young child who needs their mom :( and he could have even been aware that mommy might get too sick and never come home, what fear that would fill a young child with...maybe he wanted more time with her, but once she got healthy, she became busy spending a lot of time on pageant prep.

Some kids react to this by expressing a desire to get involved in the same activity ("Jonnie does pageants, mommy spends lots of time with her, so I'm going to do pageants too so mommy will spend time with me")
while other children just balk and express hostility.

Best case scenario is for the dad to take the boy out for weekends doing camping or little league championship or whatever, to make it like "hey, mom and jb are going away on the weekend to do their girl stuff, but you get to go away for the weekend too and do something special with dad (camping, fishing whatever)." You know?
Quick question: Burke never competed in any pageants, did he? Jw.

I know Lori...ok don't judge me for this lol...Braxton and Alaska Matthews' mom. She's been on T&T and Dr Phil...she's not at all in real life the way she appears on tv...she did T&T because Braxton and Alaska wanted to be on tv...she only did Dr Phil because it was the only way she could get grounds to remove photos of Alaska from a website...long story, which has nothing to do with JonBenet..

Anyway, my point is...In the beginning, Alaska didn't win quite as much and Braxton won everything, then after a while it seemed to switch to where Alaska was getting Grand and Mini all the time while Braxton wasn't winning as much. I am aware of the jealousy that was there in the beginning before Alaska started winning as much as her brother.

I will say that my daughter and I have fun going to pageants...but if I had two kids, we'd stop.
It's too competitive and there's too much time and energy invested which will leave the non-competing child left out.
And if both want to compete, then you have to deal with the prospect that one might win more than the other and cause hurt feelings, or even just the idea that they could be competing against each other.

I'm curious if Burke ever competed in pageants.
OR, was there any type of "guy" bonding time type of activity that John Ramsey did with Burke?

His mother had been seriously ill and he missed out on a lot of time with her for a young child who needs their mom :( and he could have even been aware that mommy might get too sick and never come home, what fear that would fill a young child with...maybe he wanted more time with her, but once she got healthy, she became busy spending a lot of time on pageant prep.

Some kids react to this by expressing a desire to get involved in the same activity ("Jonnie does pageants, mommy spends lots of time with her, so I'm going to do pageants too so mommy will spend time with me")
while other children just balk and express hostility.

Best case scenario is for the dad to take the boy out for weekends doing camping or little league championship or whatever, to make it like "hey, mom and jb are going away on the weekend to do their girl stuff, but you get to go away for the weekend too and do something special with dad (camping, fishing whatever)." You know?

Burke never competed in pageants. I think his bonding activity with John was planes. He mentioned it in the police interview, and I know Burke can fly a plane now, so I think he and John bonded over that. However, I would think with John's work, they weren't able to spend that much time together.
I recall reading somewhere (perhaps Kolar's book?) that someone said that Burke once asked if he was fat and wanted to know what was wrong with him that made everyone pay so much attention to JBR and not him (I'm paraphrasing). I tend to take second hand statements like this with a whopping grain of salt, but if it's accurate, it sure does speak volumes about Burke's state of mind.
I recall reading somewhere (perhaps Kolar's book?) that someone said that Burke once asked if he was fat and wanted to know what was wrong with him that made everyone pay so much attention to JBR and not him (I'm paraphrasing). I tend to take second hand statements like this with a whopping grain of salt, but if it's accurate, it sure does speak volumes about Burke's state of mind.

I don't recall anything like that in Kolar's book. It's possible he said something during an interview, but I'm skeptical b/c that sort of remark would be something he would have included in his book, IMO.
I think he was said to have made a comment at church, on Easter maybe, when everyone was saying how cute JonBenet was all dressed up. Imo, the comment seemed like he was joking, but who knows how he really felt.
I think it was one of the nannies who told about the "Am I fat?" comment by Burke on Peter Boyles' radio show back in the late '90s. I don't think Burke really thought he was fat, but it sounds like he noticed everyone paying attention to JBR, and was being sarcastic like, "Okay, what's wrong with me?"
I don't recall anything like that in Kolar's book. It's possible he said something during an interview, but I'm skeptical b/c that sort of remark would be something he would have included in his book, IMO.

I read Kolar's book and I don't remember reading that either. I do remember reading somewhere that Jb told a friend's mom that "eating McDonald's makes you fat".
Burke never competed in pageants. I think his bonding activity with John was planes. He mentioned it in the police interview, and I know Burke can fly a plane now, so I think he and John bonded over that. However, I would think with John's work, they weren't able to spend that much time together.

He was also into boats and sailing - he knew how to tie knots, as did his father. The whole family enjoyed boating.
Every time I visit this thread and scroll by that image of Burke I can't help but think, "What an odd boy-child photo that is."
I think it was one of the nannies who told about the "Am I fat?" comment by Burke on Peter Boyles' radio show back in the late '90s. I don't think Burke really thought he was fat, but it sounds like he noticed everyone paying attention to JBR, and was being sarcastic like, "Okay, what's wrong with me?"

You're exactly right, Eileen. That was where I read it. Thanks for refreshing my memory.
I recall reading somewhere (perhaps Kolar's book?) that someone said that Burke once asked if he was fat and wanted to know what was wrong with him that made everyone pay so much attention to JBR and not him (I'm paraphrasing). I tend to take second hand statements like this with a whopping grain of salt, but if it's accurate, it sure does speak volumes about Burke's state of mind.

With BR, he could have just gotten tired of trying to outdo her or trying to please the 'rents. Maybe he figured he would always come in second when he was in a "race" with JBR.... And maybe he just got tired of it...
Even the aunts were focused on JonBenet after the pageant entries began. A previous housekeeper or nanny said that JonBenet got no attention unless she was performing. If she got none, then Burke probably got zero attention from the whole bunch after life became all about pageant performing. It was shocking that with all that money Patsy got some random guy suggested by some random guy to teach Burke basketball while hanging around where JonBenet took dance. Most little boys sign up for a team and learn as they go. They don't have to be schooled or perfect first.
People speculate that Burke didn't like that JonBenet got all the attention, but Burke has been described as a quiet boy...maybe he liked that he wasn't the center of attention? He could do his own thing, without people fussing over him.
People speculate that Burke didn't like that JonBenet got all the attention, but Burke has been described as a quiet boy...maybe he liked that he wasn't the center of attention? He could do his own thing, without people fussing over him.

But you CAN dislike your sibling getting something, even if you didn't want it for yourself at all.
Case in point, my big sister was never a huggy baby/toddler/preschooler. When our mom or dad picked her up, she'd wiggle to be let go of, she was always on the move, always energetic and running around, the kind of toddler that can't be slowed down.
Then I came along. I was a huggy child and not very active, so I was perfectly happy to just sit on my mom or dad's lap and snuggle and be quiet.
When we were toddler/preschooler age, this was a problem that caused lots of sibling issues....My sister did NOT like that her parents were holding this other kid all the time...even though she had zero interest in being held herself.
My point is, Burke might HATE being the center of attention, but STILL resent his little sister for getting attention.

Btw my sis and I are close now ;) once she finally accepted that new babies cant be returned lol ;)
The only real hope at this point is that some solid piece of evidence will come to light tying John to the actual murder. There's all kinds of evidence linking him to the coverup, but nothing definative linking him to the murder itself. If anything, there is probably more evidence against Patsy than again John. HER fibers were found wrapped up in the garrot, his were found inside underwear she she almost certainly never wore while living.

Is it possible that Patsy molested JB? If John was "always working", maybe he was completely blind to what went on in his own home.
When JB was finally killed, I have to wonder if a shocked John just went along with the cover up to protect his wife. It is possible, that behind her icy and composed demeanour, Patsy was a child abuser and stark raving nuts.


Is it possible that Patsy molested JB? If John was "always working", maybe he was completely blind to what went on in his own home.
When JB was finally killed, I have to wonder if a shocked John just went along with the cover up to protect his wife. It is possible, that behind her icy and composed demeanour, Patsy was a child abuser and stark raving nuts.


I don't see why John would go along with protecting Patsy unless she also had something on him.

Is it possible that Patsy molested JB? If John was "always working", maybe he was completely blind to what went on in his own home.
When JB was finally killed, I have to wonder if a shocked John just went along with the cover up to protect his wife. It is possible, that behind her icy and composed demeanour, Patsy was a child abuser and stark raving nuts.


Red Viewfinder,

PDI with Patsy abusing JonBenet is possible, as is JDI on a similar basis, but closer analysis should reveal what was really going on, i.e. each RDI is not mutually exclusive.


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