What do Burke's interviews tell us?

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Hi - what was Burke's response to improper touching.

He curled up into a foetal position and began making noises if I remember rightly.

The chapters that focus most closely on Burke are entitled Enigma and SBP and Beyond. In Enigma, Burke is reported by psychologist Susanne Bernhard to have exhibited signs of anxiety when asked unspecified "key questions" about sexual contact: "he picked up a board game [they] were playing and was rubbing it on his head...the display of this body language contrasted to the behavior exhibited as a baseline throughout other parts of the interview" (page 349, Kolar). This behavior was repeated following a question about JR's claim to have discovered JBR's body in the basement.

When questioned by an investigator about specific details of JBR's disappearance, Burke "retreated into his chair in a fetal-like position, and he seemed agitated and nervous" (page 358, Kolar).

There could be other citations - Kolar's book needs an index. It is packed with detailed information that is very hard to locate after the fact.
The chapters that focus most closely on Burke are entitled Enigma and SBP and Beyond. In Enigma, Burke is reported by psychologist Susanne Bernhard to have exhibited signs of anxiety when asked unspecified "key questions" about sexual contact: "he picked up a board game [they] were playing and was rubbing it on his head...the display of this body language contrasted to the behavior exhibited as a baseline throughout other parts of the interview" (page 349, Kolar). This behavior was repeated following a question about JR's claim to have discovered JBR's body in the basement.

When questioned by an investigator about specific details of JBR's disappearance, Burke "retreated into his chair in a fetal-like position, and he seemed agitated and nervous" (page 358, Kolar).

There could be other citations - Kolar's book needs an index. It is packed with detailed information that is very hard to locate after the fact.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Good advice for those who have yet to read it, I would keep a notepad and pen handy to make note of important info and what page it is on.
The chapters that focus most closely on Burke are entitled Enigma and SBP and Beyond. In Enigma, Burke is reported by psychologist Susanne Bernhard to have exhibited signs of anxiety when asked unspecified "key questions" about sexual contact: "he picked up a board game [they] were playing and was rubbing it on his head...the display of this body language contrasted to the behavior exhibited as a baseline throughout other parts of the interview" (page 349, Kolar). This behavior was repeated following a question about JR's claim to have discovered JBR's body in the basement.

When questioned by an investigator about specific details of JBR's disappearance, Burke "retreated into his chair in a fetal-like position, and he seemed agitated and nervous" (page 358, Kolar).

There could be other citations - Kolar's book needs an index. It is packed with detailed information that is very hard to locate after the fact.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Good advice for those who have yet to read it, I would keep a notepad and pen handy to make note of important info and what page it is on.

Would this also be available and seen on Candy Rose's site? (I think that's her name)
Would this also be available and seen on Candy Rose's site? (I think that's her name)
That site has a wealth of info and links, but Kolar presents new (to us) material and a different slant on some of the widely accepted evidence. I would say acandyrose and Kolar complement one another.
That site has a wealth of info and links, but Kolar presents new (to us) material and a different slant on some of the widely accepted evidence. I would say acandyrose and Kolar complement one another.

Thank you, ........is there a Link to read it in context?
Yep, JonBenet was born a brunette. In a September 1995 photoshoot, she had brown hair, but in a late 1995 pageant, she was a blonde.

September 1995 photoshoot:


September 1996:


Source: http://candycane121.webs.com/

There's a big difference between those two pictures. I'm not just talking about JonBenet's physical appearance, but the way she is responding to the camera has also changed drastically. The expression on her face in the 1996 picture is not appropriate at all for a 6-year-old.

Linda said that JonBenet had become Patsy's obsession in September 1995. I can't imagine what it was like during December 1996.

That second photo actually gives me cold chills. I mean, that seductive pose, and how shallow can a mother be to bleach their little girl's hair blonde ... looking at these photos gives me the impression that she had more in mind than just training her daughter to be a beauty queen, more like sexualizing her to be some kind of *advertiser censored* star :( .

I also wonder if Patsy was molested as a child.
The chapters that focus most closely on Burke are entitled Enigma and SBP and Beyond. In Enigma, Burke is reported by psychologist Susanne Bernhard to have exhibited signs of anxiety when asked unspecified "key questions" about sexual contact: "he picked up a board game [they] were playing and was rubbing it on his head...the display of this body language contrasted to the behavior exhibited as a baseline throughout other parts of the interview" (page 349, Kolar). This behavior was repeated following a question about JR's claim to have discovered JBR's body in the basement.

When questioned by an investigator about specific details of JBR's disappearance, Burke "retreated into his chair in a fetal-like position, and he seemed agitated and nervous" (page 358, Kolar).

There could be other citations - Kolar's book needs an index. It is packed with detailed information that is very hard to locate after the fact.

How signficant is Burke's behaviour? I do not think I can go from his response to those questions to assuming BDI is valid, although Burke is either mostly invisible in this case because he is totally innocent or he has been deliberately written out of it?

How signficant is Burke's behaviour? I do not think I can go from his response to those questions to assuming BDI is valid, although Burke is either mostly invisible in this case because he is totally innocent or he has been deliberately written out of it?
If only we could be sure, UKGuy! I believe that Burke has been deliberately written out of the picture, but the only purpose beliefs serve in this case is to fill the enormous gaps between facts. :(
That second photo actually gives me cold chills. I mean, that seductive pose, and how shallow can a mother be to bleach their little girl's hair blonde ... looking at these photos gives me the impression that she had more in mind than just training her daughter to be a beauty queen, more like sexualizing her to be some kind of *advertiser censored* star :( .

I also wonder if Patsy was molested as a child.

I don't think *advertiser censored* queen was what she had in mind, but she definitely felt JB had a better shot at Miss America's crown as a blonde, even a bleached one. She had her hair highlighted, and as JB's natural color seems to be a light brown, she had probably been blonder asa baby, and hair like that lightens up to light blonde very quickly when highlighted.
The hair dying was one of the things Patsy's friends were allegedly going to confront Patsy about- they were going to have an "intervention" about the "Mega-JonBenet" thing that Patsy seemed to be increasingly consumed by.
There has been talk here over the years about Patsy (and possibly her sisters) having been molested as a child. Patsy was asked this very thing by LE and her demeanor became very small, quiet, childlike and detached. A soft "No" was all she said. Just that one word. No other denial or forceful comments as you'd expect if it was untrue.
I don't think *advertiser censored* queen was what she had in mind, but she definitely felt JB had a better shot at Miss America's crown as a blonde, even a bleached one. She had her hair highlighted, and as JB's natural color seems to be a light brown, she had probably been blonder asa baby, and hair like that lightens up to light blonde very quickly when highlighted.
The hair dying was one of the things Patsy's friends were allegedly going to confront Patsy about- they were going to have an "intervention" about the "Mega-JonBenet" thing that Patsy seemed to be increasingly consumed by.
There has been talk here over the years about Patsy (and possibly her sisters) having been molested as a child. Patsy was asked this very thing by LE and her demeanor became very small, quiet, childlike and detached. A soft "No" was all she said. Just that one word. No other denial or forceful comments as you'd expect if it was untrue.

Sure, no Don't go their pal retorts!

Sure, no Don't go their pal retorts!


Right. She became immediately defensive when LE questioned BR's possible involvement, yet strangely submissive when asked about her own possible abuse as a child. Nedra's odd comment about JB being "only a little bit molested", whether she actually said it that way or not, as well as the inexplicable silence of BOTH grandparents (as well as Patsy's other sister) raise a red flag to me. Does "only a little bit molested" mean it was no big deal? It seems to suggest a more casual attitude about sexual activity in the family. How about "only a little bit strangled, only a little bit bashed, only a little bit DEAD"?
When questioned by an investigator about specific details of JBR's disappearance, Burke "retreated into his chair in a fetal-like position, and he seemed agitated and nervous" (page 358, Kolar).
Also, I found the observation immediately following the above quote very interesting:

"Again, I thought that this body language seemed to suggest anxiety and distress. I had initially thought that he might have been withdrawing unconsciously into a position of fetal protection, but later observed that he was calling out that the hour of the interview was nearing an end." p. 359

This was not when he was being asked about sexual contact by the child psychologist. Rather, as Bonnette says, these were questions by investigators that "center[ed] around the details of his sister's disappearance" (p. 358).

Seems to me his evasiveness was about a lot more than being anxious about the topic of sexual abuse.
Maybe patsy had never been sexually assaulted but had been abused during childhood and toilet training.
Right. She became immediately defensive when LE questioned BR's possible involvement, yet strangely submissive when asked about her own possible abuse as a child. Nedra's odd comment about JB being "only a little bit molested", whether she actually said it that way or not, as well as the inexplicable silence of BOTH grandparents (as well as Patsy's other sister) raise a red flag to me. Does "only a little bit molested" mean it was no big deal? It seems to suggest a more casual attitude about sexual activity in the family. How about "only a little bit strangled, only a little bit bashed, only a little bit DEAD"?

ITA. Nedra's comments are a little over interpreted. Patsy knew where the questioning was going, so likely attempted to calm the situation with the soft voice.

Notice her sister has never faced any inquiry regarding her house raid and removal of potential evidence.

I reckon the R's had some dirt on someone otherwise they would have faced a standard investigation. Also note even the FBI stood down, despite a kidnapping being involved, never mind a foreign faction with extra-territorial implications, and mandated requirements for both FBI and CIA involvement.

Maybe patsy had never been sexually assaulted but had been abused during childhood and toilet training.

If Steve Thomas was a board member that would be a Q for him.

Burke's interview was extremely illuminating. He became agitated when inappropriate touching was mentioned..because that was what HE had been doing with his sister. The complicating factor to the entire accident that set off this bizarre sequence of events.

His mother is depicted as a small figure because a young boy, to cope with the appalling reality that his mother was going to soon die from cancer, had to distance himself mentally from her before her inevitable and imminent death. (Quite how her miraculous 'resurrection' would affect a young mind is open to question - sexual irregularities with another female family member? A need for closeness? Who knows).

The father is distant because, yep, he was distant - a constantly working CEO of a large corporation. Those private planes don't come cheap and family time is usually the first sacrifice.

JonBenet is not in the picture at all. There must be a page missing from the psych's analysis of this. It seems so apparent. 'Did you take that cookie?' 'What cookie?' It never existed therefore a crime, however accidental, could not have occurred. Wouldn't this be the most pertinent subconscious interpretation if it was, indeed, that young child who had in reality made that figure disappear?

Burke’s other answers during this session, the ones that weren't accompanied by further probing, reek of a lawyer’s instruction rather than a parental dictum. ‘I was in my room the whole time and didn’t hear any noise.’

Keep it simple, no details and watertight. A stonewall that cannot be penetrated. No wiggle room for a probing interrogator. No more, no less. Ironically, Burke’s subsequent elaboration might betray a truth: “I would even hear the refrigerator if it opened.” Why the fridge of all things? It was he who opened it to clandestinely fetch the pineapple to placate JB in the kitchen. Extraneous yet highly specific detail. Projection?
DeeDee, you mentioned that Patsy 'became immediately defensive when LE questioned BR's possible involvement, yet strangely submissive when asked about her own possible abuse as a child.'

Defensive about Burke's involvement - yep because he was involved and she is trying to protect him. 'Submissive' about her own abuse? Not submissive, just willing to discuss it. To her it is irrelevant to the truth of the situation and can almost be dismissively described because it is extraneous to the heart of the matter.
Burke's interview alone should have caused the authorities to become aggressive in going after the Ramseys. His responses indicate serious psychological problems and there are obvious indications he was concealing something. What kind of District Attorney is satisfied with this?

John Ramsey's disappearance to "get the mail," his incomprehensible determination to fly out of town only hours after discovering the body of his child, Patsy wearing the same clothes, peek-a-booing at Arndt and her other theatrical behavior would have guaranteed an immediate arrest, if they'd been poor or middle-class parents. Instead, the D.A.'s office cooperated with them, permitted their legal team to bully them and the mainstream media handled them with kid gloves.

I think that Burke being quickly whisked away, and the fact the Ramseys lied about him being asleep when his voice can be heard on the 911 call proves that he was involved in some way. Otherwise, why bother to lie? Along with the fact we now know he'd had prior contact with Social Services, and had injured his sister at least once before, push me further and further into the BDI corner.

In a recent thread at FFJ, there was a picture of JBR on Christmas morning, standing before the tree, that I'd never seen before. It was taken from another self-published book I am unfamiliar with. I had only seen the two other photos from that day- does anyone know the story behind this picture, which indicates there was in fact at least three photos taken by the family that Christmas?
DeeDee, you mentioned that Patsy 'became immediately defensive when LE questioned BR's possible involvement, yet strangely submissive when asked about her own possible abuse as a child.'

Defensive about Burke's involvement - yep because he was involved and she is trying to protect him. 'Submissive' about her own abuse? Not submissive, just willing to discuss it. To her it is irrelevant to the truth of the situation and can almost be dismissively described because it is extraneous to the heart of the matter.

Re: Patsy's submissive and childlike response to any possible abuse concerning herself, I somehow interpreted this as her emotional /psychological regression ...i.e., when she is taken back "there" via thought, memory, or suggestion, inside herself, she becomes and experiences being little girl Patsy again, the same age as when the abuse occurred most likely. Of course I may be reading too much into it, ijmo.

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