What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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I'm starting to think she's never going to confess, and LE knows it and that's why they really need to nail her. We need Kyron. He knows the secret.

What IF - she didn't have anything to do with it, yet there are all these crazy things that certainly are eye catching - but the police aren't looking at anyone else? what exactly should she confess to **IF** she didn't do anything?
Not that I like the lady, but she no reason to talk to this reporter. What if she had said something? Chances are the media would clip it, spin it, and put it on the 10:00 news. She did the right thing.

Let LE do their job to bring Kryon home and the media should stay out of it!!


My thoughts about Terri, has never changed since day one. She is responsible for Kyron's disappearance...it has always been obvious. I just want her to know that she can try and hide behind her attorney and his assistants, but Kyron's parents will never give up, LE will never give up, and the public here in Portland will never give up the fight to find him. I am glad this reporter confronted her, she needs to know that she is not going to get away with this. She knows where Kyron is, there is NO doubt in my mind about that. I hope she gets hounded by reporters till the end of time if that is what it takes to end the nightmare for Kaine and Desiree. So she doesn't like the idea of that reporter asking her questions......Well she brought it on herself......She needs to tell LE where Kyron is. Then she can have her "Right" to be tried by a jury of her peers...
I haven't read the other thread yet. I watched the videoclip several times and my impression of the ambush interview by the reporter in the underground parking garage is that Terri is not going to speak, period. She didn't seem terribly flustered and she let the other lady with the blonde hair run iinterference for her. I noticed that she had a fairly stuffed backpack with her with two water bottles. If the underground parking garage was at the office building of her criminal defense attorney, then I wonder if she was going to be there all day or at least a long time?

Comparing Terri's physique in the short sleeved pink top which was tight fitting unlike the big oversized find Kyron white T shirt from the early pressers, Terri looks like she is quite a bit heavier than photos of her with her daughter when she was a young infant (like that seen in People magazine or her fb page).

I would guess that her body fat composition is a whole lot different from when she was in the body building contest 2005 -- whether the change is due to not taking steroids (assuming that she took steroids in order to be in a body building competition), anti depressant meds or any other meds to treat PPD if she had/has it, drinking alcohol (assuming she has a drinking problem due to the 2005 DUI), I don't know -- but the difference really is startling when looking at her 2005 photos and current photos in the news.
The video on the KATU website wouldn't load for me. Is it worth me trying to watch, or is it just Terri saying "I'm not answering anything" and walking away?
The video on the KATU website wouldn't load for me. Is it worth me trying to watch, or is it just Terri saying "I'm not answering anything" and walking away?

She is avoiding the camera and the camera man, I think her lack of expression is what is most intriguing.
What IF - she didn't have anything to do with it, yet there are all these crazy things that certainly are eye catching - but the police aren't looking at anyone else? what exactly should she confess to **IF** she didn't do anything?

She should cooperate with the Police and simply tell the truth. Something for whatever reason she is unwilling to do.
The video on the KATU website wouldn't load for me. Is it worth me trying to watch, or is it just Terri saying "I'm not answering anything" and walking away?

Try going to the KATU article:


and then click on the video tab.

If the video won't load, try using a different browser to see if that will work.

Yes, you should watch the video to see Terri's body language. She doesn't speak in the interview, it's all the reporter and the other lady with the blonde hair that's with Terri that are doing the talking.

It's clear that this was an ambush interview with the reporter and a separate camera person.

I also found that I could download the videoclip from KATU by using Real Player (some media sites disable the download function due to copyright.)

You can also watch the videoclip on the KOMO tv website:
(KOMO is the Seattle sister station of KATU, both tv stations are owned by the same company.)


http://www.komonews.com/news/local/98166879.html? and then click the video tab.
The video on the KATU website wouldn't load for me. Is it worth me trying to watch, or is it just Terri saying "I'm not answering anything" and walking away?

IMHO..It is definitely worth watching but Terri didn't open her mouth, she did however try to take cover behind the woman that was with her..Personally I viewed that action on her part as being cowardly.JMO
I have no problem with TH not talking to the reporter. No doubt she isn't talking on instruction from her attorney. I wouldn't talk to him either.

My opinion only
I have no problem with TH not talking to the reporter. No doubt she isn't talking on instruction from her attorney. I wouldn't talk to him either.

My opinion only

Yeah, I don't blame her, either. I wish she would have lost it and was kind of surprised she didn't. He was really hounding her. I was thinking maybe if her lawyers rep wasn't there she might have. Nothing better then a perp that won't shut up.
From the previous thread:

Scary thought: even the truth doesn't necessarily help you when you are under investigation for a crime.

Calliope posted this video some time ago:


On Youtube, it's called "Don't Talk to the Police" but it could equally well be titled "Don't Talk. Period."

In that video, Professor James Dugan gives a hypothetical example to illustrate why talking to the police is a bad idea, even if you know you are factually innocent. The relevant bit starts at about 21:30 but the entire video is well worth a watch.

His example runs something like this: say the police are interviewing you about a hold up committed in your town. You know you didn't do it and you can prove it: you were at your mother's house which is located five hours away. You tell the police this.

Then the police find a witness who knew you from high school. This witness is telling what they believe to be the absolute truth: that they saw you two blocks from the scene of the crime only an hour before the crime was committed.

Now your credibility has been impeached. The police believe that you lied about being five hours away and who is going to believe your own mother when she says you were with her that evening? The spotlight instantly turns on you and, well, in that situation bad things can happen.

Professor Dugan says repeatedly in that video that you cannot help yourself by talking to the police, you can only harm yourself. By extrapolation, I'd say the same thing is true of giving media interviews. It's fair to assume that LE would go over anything she said in public with a fine tooth comb.

He certainly presents a compelling case not to talk to the police, innocent or ilty.

I would have liked to seen the other side of it. The police officer present was given the floor to present the opposing side, but the recording was cut off at that point, so I didn't get to compare both options. I only got half the argument, so I am unable to fully evaluate if it's better or not to talk to the police, especially if I am innocent.

He gave two cases in which one man was mentally handicapped and admitted to a crime and another in which a man was insane and was convicted of a crime he didn't do, but in all the other cases I remember him presenting, the people were guilty.

KH and DY have talked to both the police and the press, as has TH. TH is the one who has appeared to lie. To me, the cell pings are the most glaring of the discrepancies in her story and do not bode well for her imo, especially since she continues to deny that she was on Sauvie that day.

So, someone stole her cell phone for a couple of hours or so and drove it around on Sauvie to frame her? Where did the pings have her located at 8:20 am? How 'bout 2 pm when she was back home? Her defense cannot say, "technology was correct when it showed her at the school and at home, but it was wrong when it shows she was on Sauvie." I don't know of the other phone ping locations at 8:20 and 2 pm, but I'm guessing LE knows.

Is she innocent or guilty? She knows. Should she have talked to the police or the press? She can't unring the bell. Just because a criminal defense attorney might have told her "under no circumstances, guilty or innocent, talk to the police" doesn't make her innocent. OTOH, doesn't make her guilty either, but she sure is looking guilty to me.

If KH and DY hadn't come forward to speak to the press and the police, I would have thought that they were all in it together somehow. It would look to me like they had something to hide imo.

So, KH and DY talked even more than KH did, so why does KH look so guilty but the other two do not?

I'm going to try a second thread.

Do not tell other posters how they should think.
Debate the post not the poster.
No more name calling.

Let's tone down the posts and try this again.

I have watched this video a few times, with the sound both on and off. I turn off the sound when I want to focus on the body language.

Two things really irritated me about KH's actions. I was disgusted that she actually tried to hide behind the other woman and, just before she entered the elevator to get away, she gave this involuntary (imo) sniff of her nose, which to me was like a "so what, you ain't got nothin' on me."

The other woman may have been amused by the situation, but she was just doing her job IAW direction from the lawyer, I suppose.
For me it's not about "blaming" TH for not talking to the reporter. She didn't have to tell him anything that she hasn't told LE. BUT she could have expressed to the public her sincere, heartfelt desire to see Kyron home and safe. No way there would have been harm in that unless she does not have that sincere, heartfelt desire. This is why her attorney has advised her to say nothing. He knows any kind of outreach of that nature would be perceived as what it is: an act!
I'm starting to think she's never going to confess, and LE knows it and that's why they really need to nail her. We need Kyron. He knows the secret.

I agree. I get a cold, hard feeling from her and think that she thinks of herself as the victim instead of Kyron. I don't think she will confess either because she has already justified whatever she has done in her own mind.
The video on the KATU website wouldn't load for me. Is it worth me trying to watch, or is it just Terri saying "I'm not answering anything" and walking away?

If you're into body language, it might be worth seeing it.
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