What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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WHY would we compare Desiree to Terri?

Desiree is not an un-named person of interest in the disappearance of a child and a woman who has attempted to have her husband murdered. Desiree is up front, real, INNOCENT. She is a mother pleading with the woman who disappeared her child and the woman is not responding.

Tit for tat is childish. There is nothing to compare with these two women.

My opinion.

I am not comparing one to the other nor the positions they are in. I am just trying to point out that people are focusing on things where Terri is concerned that do not point to her guilt. I am convinced that she is in some way involved in Kyron's disappearance. If not directly she defintely knows a lot more information than she is giving.

The fact that she is looking better, younger etc does not in my opinion point to her guilt at all. I used DY as an example to show that appearance is obviously not an indication of guilt.
Most parents try to bond with their children or do so naturally. When I see TH, I think she in no way bonded with her stepson Kyron. That's what I see.

After watching this video, I'm wondering if she is any way bonded with Baby K or J for that matter. She doesn't seem to be missing even her natural children. That just disturbs me to no end.

Something about the other woman's posture and voice said paralegal or lawyer to me. I suspect that TMH's lawyer is providing her with an escort to help protect her.

Could be an bodyguard but I think she would have been more assertive or more directive if that were the case.

This woman carried herself like someone who is used to having some status, professional status. She was assertive but in a fairly understated manner. She clearly wasn't surprised by the situation and she clearly had a plan in mind for what to do if accosted that way.

Maybe someone who hasn't made partner yet?

The reporter speculated that she may work for the defense attn.
My opinion is that the only reason she did not have custody (maybe not full but at least a lot more than she had) is because she did not want it. Either that or there is more to her story that we do not know.

Looking put together is not going to help her get her child back. If anything it may make TH hate her even more (assuming TH is in fact involved).

I'm sure there's more to the story that of which we are not entitled to! And should not criticize her for.
I can say, with no equivocation whatsoever, that I would "martyr" myself for my child. I would do whatever was necessary and spend the rest of my life in prison if that's what saved my baby, or even got to the bottom of what happened to my baby. Absolutely, no question.

If Terri is innocent, what can she do, though? Innocent or guilty, for Terri, the focus is no longer on Kyron, it's on her. Her reactions are going to "look different" than the reactions of the others because for them, the focus is still on Kyron, not on them. If she is innocent, LE, DY, TY, and KH have made it about Terri for Terri.

What I meant by the quoted statement is basically that I think it's easy for people to say that she should have this or that reaction, and it should look like this and not like that, and it shouldn't matter if she's lost everything she cares about and everyone she loves and thought loved her, she should just keep the focus on Kyron. IMHO, that's unrealistic. If she's innocent, she can't do anything to bring Kyron home. Nothing. If she's innocent, all she can focus on is herself and the absolute mess she is in. At this point, it's all she has left.

I will probably stop there. I'm not interested in defending Terri, but I'm uncomfortable with public opinion convicting her on the basis of her body language, rumors, contradictory LE leaks and contradictory press reports.

I want Kyron to be found unharmed as much as the person who believes in their heart Terri is guilty as sin. Because this is not my child, I am able to be more emotionally objective and look at several aspects of the case. When I look at Terri, I don't really think about guilt or innocence, I think about myself and the mothers I know, all of us imperfect, and if we stood accused of something like this. It's my sincere hope that people would judge me and any of the mothers I know on evidence and not the rapidity at which we blinked, whether or not we were wearing too much make-up or not enough, if our hair was too neat or too messy, if they thought my hobbies were dumb or narcissistic, if they thought I was fat and ugly in comparison to the other women in the tragedy, and on and on.

I think I need a break from this case. Whatever the resolution, I pray there is one and soon.
I loathe these kind of attempts by the press to interview people...and I say this as someone who works in a media/communications related field.

That said, the reporter is not restricting TH from "freely moving about", he merely followed her and asked her a question.

Also the right of innocence until guilt is proven is a right inferred in court cases, it is NOT something that binds citizens OR the press from questioning/reporting on/having opinions about an ongoing criminal investigation and the people involved with it. OF course she has the same rights as everyone else, but I didn't see the reporter violating any rights. The press have their own constitutional amendment, and they have a right to report on news...including reporting on ongoing criminal investigations. Were they not to at least attempt to get an interview/feedback from someone who is, by all accounts, a subject of a criminal investigation, they wouldn't be doing their job, IMO. TH has a right not to speak to them, but the press has a right to report on the story...and asking her questions isn't preventing her from her 'freedom', IMO.

Lastly, the building may be private property, but it looked to me to be a standard office building, one that her lawyer probably rents in (not owns). I've worked in a ton of such buildings, and none were marked as private property...i.e., they didn't have 'no trespassing' signs, etc. They were open to the public because the tenants inside very often were open to the public. The landlord could try to press trespassing charges, but they'd have a hard time if 1) there weren't any 'no trespassing' signs, and 2) the person who told him to leave the property weren't owner or manager of said property. I say this as someone who worked in a downtown office building owned by a notorious businessman/trial lawyer who currently owns a major league sports team...the lobby and plaza outside of our building was occasionally filled with camera crews who weren't always, um...kind in their reporting. From what I was told, it wasn't worth the owner's time to pursue them for trespassing...because our lobby was 'open' because of multiple other 'public' tenants (including state gov't offices) and because it would be hard in those circumstances to pursue the press. Edited to add: our security guards usually asked the reporters to leave the lobby, and they usually complied. But sometimes they timed their entry just right so that Mr. ajdalfja;lk was leaving and they could similarly pursue him with questions.

The reporter was a jerk, IMO. But he was well within his rights. That's one thing about our country, people have the right to act like assholes some of the time.

:clap::clap::clap: Thank you is not enough. People should realize everyone has rights including the press. It's the first amendment for a reason.
Agree..she does seem too emotionless for someone who is going through what she is but in my opinion so do DY and KH. They all look pretty calm and emotionless to me. I know you never know how you would react in a given situation but I'm pretty sure I would be freaking out of my mind.

None of them look like a wreck to me. I would be a total useless wreck.

When DY said in the presser that they are past the sad and crying stage and are at the angry stage I said WHAT???????????????? How can you be past the sad and crying stage? I know people who are in the sad, crying stage for longer than that when their dog dies.

Either I am too emotional or people react in strange ways.

I think they've understandably stumbled on their words many times but it's obvious from even the video where she says that that they're not 'past' the sad & crying stage
If Terri is innocent, what can she do, though? Innocent or guilty, for Terri, the focus is no longer on Kyron, it's on her. Her reactions are going to "look different" than the reactions of the others because for them, the focus is still on Kyron, not on them. If she is innocent, LE, DY, TY, and KH have made it about Terri for Terri.

What I meant by the quoted statement is basically that I think it's easy for people to say that she should have this or that reaction, and it should look like this and not like that, and it shouldn't matter if she's lost everything she cares about and everyone she loves and thought loved her, she should just keep the focus on Kyron. IMHO, that's unrealistic. If she's innocent, she can't do anything to bring Kyron home. Nothing. If she's innocent, all she can focus on is herself and the absolute mess she is in. At this point, it's all she has left.

I will probably stop there. I'm not interested in defending Terri, but I'm uncomfortable with public opinion convicting her on the basis of her body language, rumors, contradictory LE leaks and contradictory press reports.

I want Kyron to be found unharmed as much as the person who believes in their heart Terri is guilty as sin. Because this is not my child, I am able to be more emotionally objective and look at several aspects of the case. When I look at Terri, I don't really think about guilt or innocence, I think about myself and the mothers I know, all of us imperfect, and if we stood accused of something like this. It's my sincere hope that people would judge me and any of the mothers I know on evidence and not the rapidity at which we blinked, whether or not we were wearing too much make-up or not enough, if our hair was too neat or too messy, if they thought my hobbies were dumb or narcissistic, if they thought I was fat and ugly in comparison to the other women in the tragedy, and on and on.

I think I need a break from this case. Whatever the resolution, I pray there is one and soon.

Cypress, it's difficult to express myself on the internet without the luxury of face to face communication. Sometimes I sound sassy.

I just wanted to say that before my next statement because I don't mean it sassy at all, in no way--I really mean that.

What can she do?

She doesn't have to speak to media. She doesn't have to communicate with DY...JMHO.


1. She can start by working with the LE in this case. She can take her defense attn if needed but she needs to clear her name. That should be her first priority in the case of Kyron--clear her name.

I don't believe that she wouldn't be given the opportunity to clear her name by LE. They aren't going to railroad her if she didn't do this...JMHO.

Yes, that has happened in some cases but I sincerely believe that this LE wants to bring Kyron home. That's their focus, not hanging Terri out to dry if she's innocent.

I'm not pro-Terri, I'm pro- innocent until proven guilty.

Respectfully, I don't think anyone is trying to push her into a judicial penalty phase prior to trial (or even arrest.)

But the court of public opinion/speculation/disgust/sympathy is a free for all, thankfully.
If Terri is innocent, what can she do, though? Innocent or guilty, for Terri, the focus is no longer on Kyron, it's on her. Her reactions are going to "look different" than the reactions of the others because for them, the focus is still on Kyron, not on them. If she is innocent, LE, DY, TY, and KH have made it about Terri for Terri.

What I meant by the quoted statement is basically that I think it's easy for people to say that she should have this or that reaction, and it should look like this and not like that, and it shouldn't matter if she's lost everything she cares about and everyone she loves and thought loved her, she should just keep the focus on Kyron. IMHO, that's unrealistic. If she's innocent, she can't do anything to bring Kyron home. Nothing. If she's innocent, all she can focus on is herself and the absolute mess she is in. At this point, it's all she has left.

I will probably stop there. I'm not interested in defending Terri, but I'm uncomfortable with public opinion convicting her on the basis of her body language, rumors, contradictory LE leaks and contradictory press reports.

I want Kyron to be found unharmed as much as the person who believes in their heart Terri is guilty as sin. Because this is not my child, I am able to be more emotionally objective and look at several aspects of the case. When I look at Terri, I don't really think about guilt or innocence, I think about myself and the mothers I know, all of us imperfect, and if we stood accused of something like this. It's my sincere hope that people would judge me and any of the mothers I know on evidence and not the rapidity at which we blinked, whether or not we were wearing too much make-up or not enough, if our hair was too neat or too messy, if they thought my hobbies were dumb or narcissistic, if they thought I was fat and ugly in comparison to the other women in the tragedy, and on and on.

I think I need a break from this case. Whatever the resolution, I pray there is one and soon.

Great post! However we have heard from the parents she didn't pass the polys, her whereabouts that morning do not match up and is it is reported she is not co-operating, she was allegedly trying to have someone kill her husband. That is a BIG problem; if you are innocent.
that's it in a nutshell isn't it
perfectly said

and brings a bit of clarification to why many people are looking for some kind of reaction

maybe we want to know that this parent could not be capable of hurting a child
maybe we want that comfort b/c it makes us feel safer

are we trying to make sense out of the nonsensical though?
are we looking for something that doesn't exist? (a soul/a conscience)

kinda rhetorical questions & too philosophical for this thread I guess ... just trying to reconcile it in my own mind

Or maybe some people really need to have the Wicked Old Stepmother be the guilty party. That way it takes away the fear that a non related person picked a child in a public school and took the child away from one of the places children should be safe. (They should be safe everywhere, but...) Having it be a non random event makes life easier for others.

I think it's easy for any of us to sit in our comfortable homes, typing on our computers, saying what we'd do if we were Terri and we were innocent. If we were innocent, we would martyr ourselves for the sake of this child.

I pray I never have to be in a situation like the one facing these people. DY and KH have said repeatedly the focus needs to be on Kyron, and then have, at length, put the focus on Terri.

If Terri's guilty, I'm sure she's thinking about Kyron, what she did to him, where he is, and how she's going to get out of this, if she can. What does that look like? Is that a sneer? Is that a look of concentration? Is that four blinks, then two, then nine? Is that tears? Is that a t-shirt versus a ruffled shirt?

If Terri's innocent, her entire life is destroyed. She will never be the person she was before June 4. Her husband has left her and has taken her child, the stepson she raised is missing, and her name and reputation are destroyed. What does that look like? Is that resigned? Is that sobbing? Is that hair braided? Is that no mascara?


Did you read the news today that Terri couldn't tell investigators where she was on the day Kyron went missing (this was about a 6 or 7 hour time period of her life) asked of her probably the same day. Did you read that she walked out in the middle of the first lie detector test, then she didn't take the second that was offered to her for a whole week and when she did she failed it just like she failed the first one? Did you see her FB page before it was closed and see the little happy faces she was posting next to her messages within the first 24 hours of having her beautiful little 7 year old step son's being missing? Did you notice that she could think about "poking" on FB and how she could think about "clean sheets" from a friend? Did you know that she spoke many things that just didn't add up to a flock of people?
that's it in a nutshell isn't it
perfectly said

and brings a bit of clarification to why many people are looking for some kind of reaction

maybe we want to know that this parent could not be capable of hurting a child
maybe we want that comfort b/c it makes us feel safer

are we trying to make sense out of the nonsensical though?
are we looking for something that doesn't exist? (a soul/a conscience)

kinda rhetorical questions & too philosophical for this thread I guess ... just trying to reconcile it in my own mind

This is exactly it. Honestly, I was hoping she would show some emotion, some indication that she is really innocent and I've been wrong all along. I expected that in the video because before I watched it, I was still waffling a bit. After seeing that stone cold expression, that lack of caring for any of the kids in her life much less Kyron, it only confirmed for me what I had been feeling all along. She did have something to do with Kyron's disappearance. You're right. Something, anything to show that she gave a damn about someone other than herself would have been a huge relief to me.

Did you read the news today that Terri couldn't tell investigators where she was on the day Kyron went missing (this was about a 6 or 7 hour time period of her life) asked of her probably the same day. Did you read that she walked out in the middle of the first lie detector test, then she didn't take the second that was offered to her for a whole week and when she did she failed it just like she failed the first one? Did you see her FB page before it was closed and see the little happy faces she was posting next to her messages within the first 24 hours of having her beautiful little 7 year old step son's being missing? Did you notice that she could think about "poking" on FB and how she could think about "clean sheets" from a friend? Did you know that she spoke many things that just didn't add up to a flock of people?

Does this phase you at all?

Do you happen to recall where you read it, offhand? Meanwhile, I'll look around. Haven't heard about this one. Thanks.
Or maybe some people really need to have the Wicked Old Stepmother be the guilty party. That way it takes away the fear that a non related person picked a child in a public school and took the child away from one of the places children should be safe. (They should be safe everywhere, but...) Having it be a non random event makes life easier for others.


nah, not for me at least. I'm not afraid of the randoms. They are few and far between. In fact, it would make it harder for most, I would think, if it were a random. Cause that could happen to anyone. But, the statistics don't support it.
Do you happen to recall where you read it, offhand? Meanwhile, I'll look around. Haven't heard about this one. Thanks.

the poly info, at least, was on WW today. News was now there have been three attempts, two FAILS and one refusal.
the poly info, at least, was on WW today. News was now there have been three attempts, two FAILS and one refusal.

Thanks. That was big news too. Wonder why she went back for more?
She must have thought she could master it with practice or something.

Specifically I'm interested in the source for her not remembering where she was on June 4, day of Kyron's disappearance.
I wonder what LE is waiting for, though? I can only fathom the survelliance photos. I hope this weekend we'll get more.
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