What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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Or maybe some people really need to have the Wicked Old Stepmother be the guilty party. That way it takes away the fear that a non related person picked a child in a public school and took the child away from one of the places children should be safe. (They should be safe everywhere, but...) Having it be a non random event makes life easier for others.


That was a stronger argument before the Hitman story came out.

Did you read the news today that Terri couldn't tell investigators where she was on the day Kyron went missing (this was about a 6 or 7 hour time period of her life) asked of her probably the same day. Did you read that she walked out in the middle of the first lie detector test, then she didn't take the second that was offered to her for a whole week and when she did she failed it just like she failed the first one? Did you see her FB page before it was closed and see the little happy faces she was posting next to her messages within the first 24 hours of having her beautiful little 7 year old step son's being missing? Did you notice that she could think about "poking" on FB and how she could think about "clean sheets" from a friend? Did you know that she spoke many things that just didn't add up to a flock of people?

Does this phase you at all?

We have no proof of anything mentioned in this post. Just rumors and comments from all kinds of sources that are so confused that they change by the minute.
All of this being said, I'm fearful our thread is headed for a shutdown.
Right, you can't just get passed that. But does LE have evidence to support this, and why doesn't Kaine press charges?

Did you read the news today that Terri couldn't tell investigators where she was on the day Kyron went missing (this was about a 6 or 7 hour time period of her life) asked of her probably the same day.

If she can't tell them where she was, then how do they have contradictory evidence against her, as per the LE leaks to the media?

Did you read that she walked out in the middle of the first lie detector test, then she didn't take the second that was offered to her for a whole week and when she did she failed it just like she failed the first one?

Yes, but I've also read she failed "a key question," which is strange to me. I've also been told by every cop I've ever known to not take a polygraph especially if I'm innocent, and a very good lawyer friend told me to never, ever talk to police if I'm accused of something. Anything you say can be used against you and all that.

Did you see her FB page before it was closed and see the little happy faces she was posting next to her messages within the first 24 hours of having her beautiful little 7 year old step son's being missing?

I honestly do not remember the smilies, but what does that mean? If she's thanking someone for helping pass out flyers or bring the family food or wishing words of encouragement and she replies with "thanks" and a smilie, what does that mean?

Did you notice that she could think about "poking" on FB

I got nothing here. It's odd. I'm not defending every action. I can't explain every action. But I don't think weird, odd, inexplicable actions make her guilty, either.

and how she could think about "clean sheets" from a friend?

If I recall correctly, she said something along the lines of being thankful for clean sheets. If someone came to her house in midst of this mess, even the first day, and washed her sheets and made her bed, I don't find her saying she was thankful for clean sheets all that odd. I don't know if I'd be online posting on Facebook if my kid was missing. I don't know what I'd be doing. That's the point for me. I don't know what I'd be doing so it's impossible for me to say what someone else should or should not be doing. It's impossible for me to say what someone else's grief should look like.

Did you know that she spoke many things that just didn't add up to a flock of people?

Does this phase you at all?

It phases me, but it doesn't prove to me that she's guilty of anything. I'm not opposed to her being guilty. I don't know her, her family, Kyron, the lawyers, the judges, the cops -- I don't know anyone involved in this case. I live on the east coast, and I've never been to Oregon. I don't even know anyone who lives there. What I know is that I believe there should be proof before someone is convicted of a crime, even in my mind. It's what I'd want others to do for me.
Thanks. That was big news too. Wonder why she went back for more?
She must have thought she could master it with practice or something.

Specifically I'm interested in the source for her not remembering where she was on June 4, day of Kyron's disappearance.

the most direct msm source I'm aware of for that would be DY's statement that she can remember what she ate that day, but TH can't remember where she was. DY was specifically referencing TH's lack of cooperation and, imo, the polys, in that statement. It was in one of the interviews yesterday -- I think with the Oregonian and/or WW. Not the main one from Medford.
Thanks. That was big news too. Wonder why she went back for more?
She must have thought she could master it with practice or something.

Specifically I'm interested in the source for her not remembering where she was on June 4, day of Kyron's disappearance.

Kaine and Desiree are the source of these allegations against Terri.
Most parents try to bond with their children or do so naturally. When I see TH, I think she in no way bonded with her stepson Kyron. That's what I see.

I suspect that too.
Attack the posts not the posters peeps. This post falls at random.

If you think you've got a snarky post, I suggest you edit it. It's awful late to be getting alerts and I've had a long day.
I don't necessarily find it odd that Terri was on FB after Kyron went missing. Facebook is a wonderful tool to send and receive information. I have close to 400 friends there...and when I post something important, I get a flood of responses. Its a quick way to get word out about any kind of crisis. Imagine 400 people receiving word of a child's disappearance...and those friends reposting to all of their friends, etc. You could easily reach several thousand people within an hour.
This is exactly it. Honestly, I was hoping she would show some emotion, some indication that she is really innocent and I've been wrong all along. I expected that in the video because before I watched it, I was still waffling a bit. After seeing that stone cold expression, that lack of caring for any of the kids in her life much less Kyron, it only confirmed for me what I had been feeling all along. She did have something to do with Kyron's disappearance. You're right. Something, anything to show that she gave a damn about someone other than herself would have been a huge relief to me.

Thank you for writing this. I love the way you can write your thoughts so eloquently and really get to the heart of the issue.

I usually flib and fumble my way through trying to write out a coherent thought about this case and many others because I they tend to make my mind fizzle. My own perspective of what I would do, or how I would feel is all I can go on. Maybe my emotional foundation is just made up of sand, but I can't for the life of me understand how this woman isn't screaming from the rooftops, pleading for Kyron's return. No one would be able to shut me up. I would probably even forcefully enter every residence, shelter, hut, storage facility, warehouse, office building, tent, or cave in the entire country at gun point if I had to, to search for a child I had raised.

I would NOT be able to remain silent, avoid eye contact, hide, ignore, or get annoyed at a reporter asking me if I where my beloved missing child was... and thats assuming I didn't immediately drop dead at hearing the news initially.

Am I completely off my rocker for watching this woman's behavior and being angry? Its an honest question. Someone please explain this to me.
If she can't tell them where she was, then how do they have contradictory evidence against her, as per the LE leaks to the media?

Yes, but I've also read she failed "a key question," which is strange to me. I've also been told by every cop I've ever known to not take a polygraph especially if I'm innocent, and a very good lawyer friend told me to never, ever talk to police if I'm accused of something. Anything you say can be used against you and all that.

I honestly do not remember the smilies, but what does that mean? If she's thanking someone for helping pass out flyers or bring the family food or wishing words of encouragement and she replies with "thanks" and a smilie, what does that mean?

I got nothing here. It's odd. I'm not defending every action. I can't explain every action. But I don't think weird, odd, inexplicable actions make her guilty, either.

If I recall correctly, she said something along the lines of being thankful for clean sheets. If someone came to her house in midst of this mess, even the first day, and washed her sheets and made her bed, I don't find her saying she was thankful for clean sheets all that odd. I don't know if I'd be online posting on Facebook if my kid was missing. I don't know what I'd be doing. That's the point for me. I don't know what I'd be doing so it's impossible for me to say what someone else should or should not be doing. It's impossible for me to say what someone else's grief should look like.

It phases me, but it doesn't prove to me that she's guilty of anything. I'm not opposed to her being guilty. I don't know her, her family, Kyron, the lawyers, the judges, the cops -- I don't know anyone involved in this case. I live on the east coast, and I've never been to Oregon. I don't even know anyone who lives there. What I know is that I believe there should be proof before someone is convicted of a crime, even in my mind. It's what I'd want others to do for me.

I wonder if people in times of great tragedy/upheaval don't turn to the familiar. I don't know if I would be online, but, I might. I might post something here about my crisis. I might.

Cypress, I think you made some really good points here. Thanks.
Yes I agree. Makes me think of a few other women too. No remorse. Downs, Anthony, Croslin....just the tip of my tongue, and only the tip of the iceberg.


I don't think you can really compare her to how Casey acted...Remember those big celebrity type glasses and her high-fives when she got pass the press. Now that was sickening! :sick:
Or maybe some people really need to have the Wicked Old Stepmother be the guilty party. That way it takes away the fear that a non related person picked a child in a public school and took the child away from one of the places children should be safe. (They should be safe everywhere, but...) Having it be a non random event makes life easier for others.



good points
I think it would have been nice to see TH stick up for herself and say - "Gosh, I really miss my kids!~"
I think it would have been nice to see TH stick up for herself and say - "Gosh, I really miss my kids!~"

I'm starting to think she's never going to confess, and LE knows it and that's why they really need to nail her. We need Kyron. He knows the secret.
We all have different opinions on what we would do in this situation. It appears the majority have the same opinion. Not acting or doing or not doing things a certain way does not prove guilt or innocence, it's simply observations that we use to gather a thought process that form our opinions. If we don't like someone's opinion, reply nicely and respectfully and state your point.

At this point we have been given nothing by LE indicating TM as a suspect, we have been lead down that path and we are simply anaylzing what we see or don't see and what we information we have been given. What more can we do? This is a forum created because we care about a missing child and I see nothing wrong with looking at people and their actions, that doesn't mean guilt or innocence, it means we are all concerened about Kyron and look at all the info provided to us and we all want the same thing...BRING KYRON HOME! If my son or step child were missing, I would expect all of you fine citizens to be all up in my business, no doubt. Doesn't mean you won't find things you don't like, doesn't mean I would be guilty either, also you may find nothing and be surprised someone would be capable of such a thing.

It's nice to come to a place and gather different perspectives and I am for friendly banter when it comes to a missing person or any other important issue.

Praying little man will be found safe and soon, we all are, that is all that matters. I don't care what any of them look like right now. I'm going through a hard time in my life and I look like hell and some days I try my best to look good but the fact is my mind and body are not in a good place so that does not happen.

Going to bed and my son and I will say prayers for Kyron and his family.
Terri is probably astonished that LE hasn't found Kyron's body yet; and she knows they don't have enough evidence to arrest her yet or she wouldn't be traipsing around town with her backpack slung over her shoulder.

She is free to do whatever she wants - including hiding behind a laughing woman in a parking garage with her hair all up in a pony tail.

Honestly, she looked ridiculous.

Terri Horman is feeling luckier by the day. She has, after all, been incredibly fortunate up to this point. No arrest on the murder for hire plot, no one has come forward to say they saw her with Kyron off school grounds after the Science Fair morning, and no body has been found.

Terri will get stronger by the minute as she moves into the 'you ain't got nothin' on me' phase. The worry is fading by the second. She's got a criminal defense attorney, a locked gate, at least one friend who still comes over, a no trespassing sign, and lovingly naive parents by her side.

She may not have baby K (or a house in the woods much longer) but she still has her freedom. And that my friends, is very, very lucky for Terri.

Kyron on the other hand, not so much.

I applaud the reporter for tracking Terri down on her outing today and asking her a few questions. I wished one of them had been: are you planning to head over to the vigil after you have a chatsy with your lawyer this evening? Oh wait, I forgot - you can't go 'cause you have a restraining order preventing you from being on the grounds of your step-son's school!!

We all have different opinions on what we would do in this situation. It appears the majority have the same opinion. Not acting or doing or not doing things a certain way does not prove guilt or innocence, it's simply observations that we use to gather a thought process that form our opinions. If we don't like someone's opinion, reply nicely and respectfully and state your point.

At this point we have been given nothing by LE indicating TM as a suspect, we have been lead down that path and we are simply anaylzing what we see or don't see and what we information we have been given. What more can we do? This is a forum created because we care about a missing child and I see nothing wrong with looking at people and their actions, that doesn't mean guilt or innocence, it means we are all concerened about Kyron and look at all the info provided to us and we all want the same thing...BRING KYRON HOME! If my son or step child were missing, I would expect all of you fine citizens to be all up in my business, no doubt. Doesn't mean you won't find things you don't like, doesn't mean I would be guilty either, also you may find nothing and be surprised someone would be capable of such a thing.

It's nice to come to a place and gather different perspectives and I am for friendly banter when it comes to a missing person or any other important issue.

Praying little man will be found safe and soon, we all are, that is all that matters. I don't care what any of them look like right now. I'm going through a hard time in my life and I look like hell and some days I try my best to look good but the fact is my mind and body are not in a good place so that does not happen.

Going to bed and my son and I will say prayers for Kyron and his family.

It's good to have you here Sleuthy sleutherson, I like your calling him a little man - I've too thought of him as a manchild as he is such a curious and serious person, tho only 7 yrs old. lol

I'm sorry to hear you are going thru bad times and hope it turns around for you real soon. I know, I had a back operation in May and still haven't popped back to where I feel good. Time heals everything. xox
Whoa, I hadn't seen that clip but HATS OFF to the investigative reporter. YaYa.

I think it's going to take a lot to break her resolve. She hasn't hit bottom yet IMO. Looks like she's lost some weight and all coiffed up for bear. I just wonder what she thinks about at any given minute.

Great post Caring Citizen. It's too flippin' hot in Portland to even sit at the 'puter, but glad I watched the video.
From the previous thread:

BUT, if you are innocent - the truth doesn't change. And see, that's the crux of this whole dilemma. Terri isn't telling the truth. She can't prove where she'd been, what she did, who she saw, etc. etc. because....................well, again, the truth doesn't change and obviously, the truth will implicate Terri Horman and she can't have that.


Scary thought: even the truth doesn't necessarily help you when you are under investigation for a crime.

Calliope posted this video some time ago:


On Youtube, it's called "Don't Talk to the Police" but it could equally well be titled "Don't Talk. Period."

In that video, Professor James Dugan gives a hypothetical example to illustrate why talking to the police is a bad idea, even if you know you are factually innocent. The relevant bit starts at about 21:30 but the entire video is well worth a watch.

His example runs something like this: say the police are interviewing you about a hold up committed in your town. You know you didn't do it and you can prove it: you were at your mother's house which is located five hours away. You tell the police this.

Then the police find a witness who knew you from high school. This witness is telling what they believe to be the absolute truth: that they saw you two blocks from the scene of the crime only an hour before the crime was committed.

Now your credibility has been impeached. The police believe that you lied about being five hours away and who is going to believe your own mother when she says you were with her that evening? The spotlight instantly turns on you and, well, in that situation bad things can happen.

Professor Dugan says repeatedly in that video that you cannot help yourself by talking to the police, you can only harm yourself. By extrapolation, I'd say the same thing is true of giving media interviews. It's fair to assume that LE would go over anything she said in public with a fine tooth comb.
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