What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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I agree. I get a cold, hard feeling from her and think that she thinks of herself as the victim instead of Kyron. I don't think she will confess either because she has already justified whatever she has done in her own mind.

I agree and this reminds me of Scott Peterson and how to this day he won't acknowledge his part in Lacy and Connor's death or show any kind of remorse. If something had happened to Kyron by accident and his stepmother is guilty of only hiding it, I believe she would show some kind of emotion. If she has normal (please don't flame, only trying to understand) feelings and emotions there would be no way to escape a breakdown at some point. I'm hoping it's coming and that we just can't see it right now but all I see is that Scott Peterson look of stone cold determination to save her own a$$!
I have no problem with TH not talking to the reporter. No doubt she isn't talking on instruction from her attorney. I wouldn't talk to him either.

My opinion only

The problem is shes not talking to the Police either.

That video of Terri actually scares me. I truly dont think Terri gives a fig about Kyron and right now I dont think she ever did :(

He certainly presents a compelling case not to talk to the police, innocent or ilty.

I would have liked to seen the other side of it. The police officer present was given the floor to present the opposing side, but the recording was cut off at that point, so I didn't get to compare both options. I only got half the argument, so I am unable to fully evaluate if it's better or not to talk to the police, especially if I am innocent.

He gave two cases in which one man was mentally handicapped and admitted to a crime and another in which a man was insane and was convicted of a crime he didn't do, but in all the other cases I remember him presenting, the people were guilty.

KH and DY have talked to both the police and the press, as has TH. TH is the one who has appeared to lie. To me, the cell pings are the most glaring of the discrepancies in her story and do not bode well for her imo, especially since she continues to deny that she was on Sauvie that day.

So, someone stole her cell phone for a couple of hours or so and drove it around on Sauvie to frame her? Where did the pings have her located at 8:20 am? How 'bout 2 pm when she was back home? Her defense cannot say, "technology was correct when it showed her at the school and at home, but it was wrong when it shows she was on Sauvie." I don't know of the other phone ping locations at 8:20 and 2 pm, but I'm guessing LE knows.

Is she innocent or guilty? She knows. Should she have talked to the police or the press? She can't unring the bell. Just because a criminal defense attorney might have told her "under no circumstances, guilty or innocent, talk to the police" doesn't make her innocent. OTOH, doesn't make her guilty either, but she sure is looking guilty to me.

If KH and DY hadn't come forward to speak to the press and the police, I would have thought that they were all in it together somehow. It would look to me like they had something to hide imo.

So, KH and DY talked even more than KH did, so why does KH look so guilty but the other two do not?

I dont think KH looks even remotely guilty. What he does look is someone whose had part of him ripped out...he looks totally destroyed.

If thats what Terri wanted..she succeeded:furious:
She has no reason to talk to reporters. I would react the same way, guilty or innocent. True, it makes her look more guilty, but that was probably the intent of the reporter in the first place. Surely he didn't think she would 'fess up to him, did he? He wanted a record of her refusing to talk for the shock value. It's news, and news is what they do.
What possible good would it have done to make a tearful plea about Kyron at this point?
NONE... it would have just set the public comments to flying that she was faking it. I am sure her lawyer has told her not to speak to reporters and she is wise to follow his advice.
I will make this post then pack the laptop up, my daughter might be getting her liver transplant finally and I am headed for a long stay at the hospital with her. Please pray for her.
I know a couple of people who are very narcissistic and vain. I mean, very. Is it possible that everything in Terris world was fine, she was still a consummate liar but all, but was mentally "well", when she was body building size and was looking wonderful. Then she gets pregnant and her body changed, drastic change from how she "was" Maybe what we are dealing with is not PPD, but after the birth of her baby, after about 6 mos and shes still not back to her pre-baby size, is feeling dumpy perhaps, is stuck inside with a baby and a 5 (or so) year old kid plus her own who was around 14, and maybe no way or no time to get to the gym, she becomes depressed over her body image and might even have suspected Kaine of having an affair out of insecurity about her own appearance. She looks worlds away from how she looked back when she was in that contest. Maybe AD put on the weight she was trying so desperately to lose. Perhaps even without custody of Kyron, Desiree was a far superior mother than Terri was, and that ate at her also. Shes doing all the "work", but Kyron is older now and increasingly loves his biological Mom, and seems like Desiree gets "all the glory".
Suspecting, real or imagined, that Kaine was interested in someone else, knowing if they split she would be left high and dry with no prospects at a real FT teaching job (the economy plus her child endangerment business) she went off the deep end and tried to hire landscaper to kill Kaine. Both for insurance money and for paybacks for the real or imagined affair. When that plan backfired, she was already way deep into irrational thinking...then her own teenage son is sent to live with grandparents, for whatever reason, perhaps the first and only time she had been separated from her firstborn child. Now shes stuck at home with a toddler and a child that isn't hers, even though she has raised him since he was practically the age baby K is now. She has a working husband who possibly spends less and less attention on her, and what time he is home is spent with the children, and you would expect he would give a lot of love and attention to his own biological child, Kyron. Maybe Terri blames Kaine for her teenage son being sent away. "You have no love lost for MY child, I have no love lost for YOURS". And she begins to think of her problems (still haven't figured out why)and that maybe getting rid of Kyron is the answer to whatever her major malfunction is. Maybe to be one less kid in the house or maybe to "get back" at Kaine. She wants to compete in the July bodybuilding contest (a lofty goal, IMO). Maybe things are not so frequent in the intimacy department with Kaine anymore. She continues to suspect infidelity, and thinks if she could only get her perfect body back, her life would return to normal again. Shes no longer turning heads like she did when she was think and bodybuilding, now shes just another "plain old mother" blending into the crowds. Shes used to being in the spotlight, being stared at, and she wants that again. At any cost.
How she makes the leap to doing away with Kyron as being the answer to *any* of this I have not figured out. Maybe her mind snapped at some point.
Maybe she was taking medications for something and it affected her rational thinking. Maybe some kind of speed (maybe an amphetamine Rx, even) to help her lose the weight and also get through day after day of the same old, same old. Not acceptable for a narcissist, it isn't about "her her her" any longer. Of course she will not harm her own precious child. The most logical person to go is Kyron, she can't kill Kaine w/out help, but Kyrons a much easier target.
I still don;t discount the theory that she was posioning Kaine, as another poster suggested a few days ago,and maybe Kyron got the wrong plate that morning, and by the time the science fair was almost over, Kyron was not feeling well and she realized she had accidently poisioned him, not Kaine. She rushes Kyron out of the school and sometime after getting him into the truck, he has a seizure and dies from the poison. (I have a hard time imagining her doing actually physical violence to Kyron, I really do) So she disposes of his body in a place familiar to her that shes reasonably sure he won't be found in. Drives to Sauvie w/ cell phone knowing darn well the pings will place her there and not where she has actually put Kyron. If she was smart enough to go to Sauvie to throw off where she actually put Kyron then I don't know why she wasn't smart enough to make a purchase from a fruit stand or store on the island, as a pretense for LE later as to why she went there.
How she kept a straight face and did her academy award winning performance at the bus stop that day with Kaine is beyond my wildest imagination. Knowing damn well he was not on the bus...poor Kaines panic and she stands there through it all acting the concerned "mother".
-Why, tho? Kyron was getting ready to leave THAT DAY for extended time away with his own natural mother & step father, why did she have to do away with him when he was going to be gone anyway? She would have had her own perfect little nuclear family to herself, for awhile anyway. I don;t understand that part.
When Kaine and DY appear to be a cohesive unit against her early on, when her own husband has suspicions about her even before he knows of the murder for hire business, and she feels like the real "third wheel" all of a sudden, with Kaine and Desiree uniting in grief over the loss of their child, she feels even more alone, abandoned, and certainly not attractive next to the (IMO) stunning Desiree. Now she has to play-act 24/7 as the grieving step-mom, but how? She takes her cues from crying Desire, we all saw that at the presser. Maybe she feels like Desirees husband, being LE himself, is a threat to her "safety" after what she has done. He will figure her out, she fears. She looked insecure, out of place, and unsure how she was supposed to be reacting to it all around the time of the first presser.. Kaine is distant from her as Desiree has already infomed him that she has no doubt Terri is involved in Kyrons disappearance. Kaine is putting 2+2 together in his mind, hence his behavior at presser, comforting Terri but only perfunctory on his part, he is actually almost repelled by her next to him. God only knows what heated conversations occured over the days after wards in that house. Kaine is now sure she is involved, gets news from LE about the lawn man hit scheme, and that's the final straw. He takes the baby and leaves her alone in the house with only her parents. Her teenage son is even spirited away from all the madness after just one day home for a visit. Divorce and RO filed. Pressers with Desiree and himself, or with DY, Tony and himself releasing statements. Terri left out of it all and loking guilty to the entire nation and community.
Shes standing out like a sore thumb as she knows it. She decides best course of action is to say nothing, go nowhere, maybe it will all blow over (she is no longer capable of rational thought).
Shes forced to get an atty., something she had out off thinking that by not getting one she would look innocent. After all innocent people wouldn't need a lawyer, right? Even alone at home with her own parents, her father suspects her and says as much the few times he has talked to the public, a 50/50 chance she will be arrested.
Now her world is crashing down around her, definately not part of whatever plan she may have had. Kaine is making moves to have her removed form her home. Her precious baby is gone from her and she realizes she is in such deep chit she will probably never get custody of her own daughter. Every way she turns she is the villan. Maybe she reads the stuff written about her online which further fuels her paranoia. Maybe her parents are pressuring her dailyto tell the truth. Nobody is on her side anymore. She knows even her atty doesn't really believe shes not involved, she has NO ONE.
She feels by clamming up she can forestall the inevitable. Having not been arrested yet, and Kyron still not found, she has a glimmer of hope she might get away with this, although not as she had planned as she has lost her husband, her daughter, the respect of her teenage son, and now shes losing her house. Everything is out of her control now. She knows she should come clean but to do so will guarantee she is taken away and locked up, the loss of the one thing she has left, her freedom.

Just my newest working theory. What do you think?

I'm headed down the road but will be checking in from time to time as the hospital has wifi, and I will be doing alot of sitting and waiting with my daughter. Thank God for the boards right now, a good distraction from whats hopefully coming for my daughter in the days ahead.

Please come home Kyron, we all care about you and want you home and safe so bad.
Please come clean and be a human being and tell where this little boy is Terri, and let her family get on with the grieving process.

She is already the suspect in the media. Anything she would say would just dig her in a deeper hole. I watched the video, and I really didn't take the reporter for being mean, I thought he had a nice tone to his voice. I am sure he wasn't expecting a response, but just wanted to see her actions...
I will make this post then pack the laptop up, my daughter might be getting her liver transplant finally and I am headed for a long stay at the hospital with her. Please pray for her.


Good luck and I hope it all goes well for your daughter :)
Her stopping to GLARE (shoots daggers) at the reporter..... Ooooo
Her stopping to GLARE (shoots daggers) at the reporter..... Ooooo

There is something about her demeanor and facial expression. As if she's mad and a little cocky/self assured. I will say for all the made up stuff about KH being a domineering control freak who caused this tragedy, I would bet it's really you-know-who that ran the show in the relationship/marriage.
She looks like she wouldn't take anyone's crap, and she is all about herself.
I don't see a victim or helpless distraught woman at all, and inside do you think she is sort of liking the attention even though it's bad attention?
Again, something about her demeanor and expression.

I have a totally different take on this photo. But if I say what I'm thinking, the ensuing violence against me would be unbearable....so I'll keep my thoughts to myself.
I do have compassion for this family....I want Kyron to come home.

I cant help thinking...as time goes by Kaine looks worse and worse...whereas Terri seems to look better.

Its like..out of sight out of mind.

Poor Kyron :(
I cant help thinking...as time goes by Kaine looks worse and worse...whereas Terri seems to look better.

Its like..out of sight out of mind.

Poor Kyron :(

Do you mean physically worse? I think Kaine looks exactly as he did in the beginning. The person who has changed the most physically, to me, is DY. Of course, appearance in and of itself doesn't necessarily mean anything...
I cant help thinking...as time goes by Kaine looks worse and worse...whereas Terri seems to look better.

Its like..out of sight out of mind.

Poor Kyron :(

He looks like his world has been turned upside down, and it has.

TH looks as if she doesn't really give a damn. At least that's my perception from watching the video with the reporter in the parking garage.
Do you mean physically worse? I think Kaine looks exactly as he did in the beginning. The person who has changed the most physically, to me, is DY. Of course, appearance in and of itself doesn't necessarily mean anything...

I mean physically. To me Kaine has aged 10 years from the laughing guy in all the pictures with his son. Since the news has come out about the hire a killer...he looks shell shocked to me.

Terri I thought looked 10 years younger in that clip yesterday than from in the presser where she was doing weird things. Certainly not like i would be in her circumstances with a step son missing that i was being associated with, losing my baby daughter..losing my home soon..being accused of hiring someone to kill my husband. I really doubt that i would be able to function hardly.

From the previous thread:

Scary thought: even the truth doesn't necessarily help you when you are under investigation for a crime.

Calliope posted this video some time ago:

On Youtube, it's called "Don't Talk to the Police" but it could equally well be titled "Don't Talk. Period."

In that video, Professor James Dugan gives a hypothetical example to illustrate why talking to the police is a bad idea, even if you know you are factually innocent. The relevant bit starts at about 21:30 but the entire video is well worth a watch.

His example runs something like this: say the police are interviewing you about a hold up committed in your town. You know you didn't do it and you can prove it: you were at your mother's house which is located five hours away. You tell the police this.

Then the police find a witness who knew you from high school. This witness is telling what they believe to be the absolute truth: that they saw you two blocks from the scene of the crime only an hour before the crime was committed.

Now your credibility has been impeached. The police believe that you lied about being five hours away and who is going to believe your own mother when she says you were with her that evening? The spotlight instantly turns on you and, well, in that situation bad things can happen.

Professor Dugan says repeatedly in that video that you cannot help yourself by talking to the police, you can only harm yourself. By extrapolation, I'd say the same thing is true of giving media interviews. It's fair to assume that LE would go over anything she said in public with a fine tooth comb.

That's actually a set of six videos, and they all take some time to watch, but they are well worth watching - again and again. They are chock full of info that is very helpful to sleuthers. I highly recommend them.
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