What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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If the media wasn't reporting things, no matter what they are, people would move on to the next baseball game or whatever.

This keeps Kyron in the public's eye. Unfortunately, the more tantalizing, the more people are interested.

If there weren't media things going on, all these threads on Kyron would have a few hits.

If people want Kyron found, then the media plays the utmost of roles. People have very short attention spans nowadays.

We're constantly bombarded by info and have been trained, whether we realize it or not, to expect action.

This keeps the stepmom in the public's eye. Which she already is ad nauseum. I really wish there was some focus on Kyron and finding him. That's what's important. Not the tabloidesque stepmom gossip frenzy.
There is no doubt that Terri Horman has been instructed by her attorney to say absolutely nothing, especially not to the media. This is the best advice ever given to anyone who is the subject of such relentless scrutiny. If you are ever attacked or pursued by (unusual persons) , otherwise known as the media, look down and say nothing and show nothing. This is often the advice attorneys give to their clients in the courtroom as well.
If you will read back through some of the newspaper articles, you will see that Terri's father told the press that his daughter has been interviewed countless times by police. He stated that those interviews sometimes lasted up to 6 hours. This is prior to Terri having legal representation. So for 3 weeks or more, Terri was willing to talk freely and be interviewed at length. This is striking. If I was totally and 100% innocent, I wouldn't be willing to do that...much less if I was guilty. Terri's father was tearful during his brief chat with reporters.
I am not sure if Terri is guilty or innocent. I really have to go on what Law Enforcement has said so far. They have not named her as a suspect or person of interest (yes, yes, I know she probably is one...but they haven't said it). LE has said she is cooperating. They have never said anything to the contrary. LE has not made any comments supporting Kaine or Desiree and their interviews, statements, or press conferences. Matter of fact, they have issued a statement from their office saying that they will not comment about those interviews and pressers and that they have nothing to do with them.
I suppose this is one of the wildest cases I've seen....the information we have available can't be confirmed and we have the family talking quite a bit without LE being involved. I'm not sure what to make of it.
If the media wasn't reporting things, no matter what they are, people would move on to the next baseball game or whatever.

This keeps Kyron in the public's eye. Unfortunately, the more tantalizing, the more people are interested.

If there weren't media things going on, all these threads on Kyron would have a few hits.

If people want Kyron found, then the media plays the utmost of roles. People have very short attention spans nowadays.

We're constantly bombarded by info and have been trained, whether we realize it or not, to expect action.

ITA....I have been glued to this forum practically day and night. This whole thing is compelling in such a sad, sad way. We all want results - to see Kyron brought home (safely).

Everyday it's another "bombshell" and I feel like I'm continually picking my jaw up off the floor.

Part of me feels a deep sadness, not only for Kyron, but also because a little over a month ago, DY and KH had no idea that every aspect of their lives would be examined in front of the world. I could never ever surpass such scrutiny, especially while undergoing such horrendous emotional turmoil.
I understand her not doing an interview but a simple statement such as; "I pray for Kyron's safe return." would suffice and not be held against her in a court of law.
I understand her not doing an interview but a simple statement such as; "I pray for Kyron's safe return." would suffice and not be held against her in a court of law.

Go back and watch post #8 in this thread...it is extremely informative. The general rule is, "Never say ANYTHING."
This keeps the stepmom in the public's eye. Which she already is ad nauseum. I really wish there was some focus on Kyron and finding him. That's what's important. Not the tabloidesque stepmom gossip frenzy.

they are giving the public what it wants. Do you really think with a society that had a huge celebration because LeBron whatever his name is went to Miami will keep focus on a missing child?

I don't.

It keeps Kyron's name out there.

If there was a presser by LE that stated that they were going through the cell phone records, the surveillance, etc. that people would continue to be interested?

I know that on WS people were saying, "Why don't the parents give pressers?"

Now they give pressers and people don't like what the parents are saying.

They are answering questions that people are asking.

That's the way it is.
There is no doubt that Terri Horman has been instructed by her attorney to say absolutely nothing, especially not to the media. This is the best advice ever given to anyone who is the subject of such relentless scrutiny. If you are ever attacked or pursued by a (unusual persons), otherwise known as the media, look down and say nothing and show nothing. This is often the advice attorneys give to their clients in the courtroom as well.
If you will read back through some of the newspaper articles, you will see that Terri's father told the press that his daughter has been interviewed countless times by police. He stated that those interviews sometimes lasted up to 6 hours. This is prior to Terri having legal representation. So for 3 weeks or more, Terri was willing to talk freely and be interviewed at length. This is striking. If I was totally and 100% innocent, I wouldn't be willing to do that...much less if I was guilty. Terri's father was tearful during his brief chat with reporters.
I am not sure if Terri is guilty or innocent. I really have to go on what Law Enforcement has said so far. They have not named her as a suspect or person of interest (yes, yes, I know she probably is one...but they haven't said it). LE has said she is cooperating. They have never said anything to the contrary. LE has not made any comments supporting Kaine or Desiree and their interviews, statements, or press conferences. Matter of fact, they have issued a statement from their office saying that they will not comment about those interviews and pressers and that they have nothing to do with them.
I suppose this is one of the wildest cases I've seen....the information we have available can't be confirmed and we have the family talking quite a bit without LE being involved. I'm not sure what to make of it.

Bless you....so nice to see an intelligent, reasoned, logical and FACT based comment. :dance:
For as long as I can remember, when someone runs from a camera crew -- they have done something wrong. (Whether it be a corrupt local politician, etc.) I can't think of a single example of this not being the case. I don't see how just saying a quick statement such as, "I hope we find Kyron soon . . ."
would hurt her.

At least Scott Peterson was ACTING like he missed Laci. Has she even said she misses him?
From the previous thread:

Scary thought: even the truth doesn't necessarily help you when you are under investigation for a crime.

Calliope posted this video some time ago:


On Youtube, it's called "Don't Talk to the Police" but it could equally well be titled "Don't Talk. Period."

In that video, Professor James Dugan gives a hypothetical example to illustrate why talking to the police is a bad idea, even if you know you are factually innocent. The relevant bit starts at about 21:30 but the entire video is well worth a watch.

His example runs something like this: say the police are interviewing you about a hold up committed in your town. You know you didn't do it and you can prove it: you were at your mother's house which is located five hours away. You tell the police this.

Then the police find a witness who knew you from high school. This witness is telling what they believe to be the absolute truth: that they saw you two blocks from the scene of the crime only an hour before the crime was committed.

Now your credibility has been impeached. The police believe that you lied about being five hours away and who is going to believe your own mother when she says you were with her that evening? The spotlight instantly turns on you and, well, in that situation bad things can happen.

Professor Dugan says repeatedly in that video that you cannot help yourself by talking to the police, you can only harm yourself. By extrapolation, I'd say the same thing is true of giving media interviews. It's fair to assume that LE would go over anything she said in public with a fine tooth comb.

OH MY GOD. thank you for that. I long suspected it but.....I know how we all feel on the forum when someone refuses to talk to police.....we wonder why, what are they hiding....

I knew I would never in my life take a polygraph. as I am a paranoid person with a vivid imagination I have often wondered if something terrible were to happen to my family how would everyone at WS post re: me refusing a poly under any circumstance, wondering what I am hiding when the fact is any lil google search will tell you that polygraphs are NO GOOD. I say this often enough in my posts on WS and no one seems to believe it :D but people who refuse a poly, more power to them IMO

I just hope nothing awful ever happens to me cause now I know I will never speak to the cops at all either :| I am sure that looks suspicious but think of riley fox's case...

to return to topic I was rather fascinated that TH managed to not even make an expression...while I may agree with not speaking to the media I know if it was me I'd be hysterically sobbing....I dont do hidden emotion, that's not me at all and I never do understand how so many people have such a poker face...
There is no doubt that Terri Horman has been instructed by her attorney to say absolutely nothing, especially not to the media. This is the best advice ever given to anyone who is the subject of such relentless scrutiny. If you are ever attacked or pursued by (unusual persons) , otherwise known as the media, look down and say nothing and show nothing. This is often the advice attorneys give to their clients in the courtroom as well.
If you will read back through some of the newspaper articles, you will see that Terri's father told the press that his daughter has been interviewed countless times by police. He stated that those interviews sometimes lasted up to 6 hours. This is prior to Terri having legal representation. So for 3 weeks or more, Terri was willing to talk freely and be interviewed at length. This is striking. If I was totally and 100% innocent, I wouldn't be willing to do that...much less if I was guilty. Terri's father was tearful during his brief chat with reporters.
I am not sure if Terri is guilty or innocent. I really have to go on what Law Enforcement has said so far. They have not named her as a suspect or person of interest (yes, yes, I know she probably is one...but they haven't said it). LE has said she is cooperating. They have never said anything to the contrary. LE has not made any comments supporting Kaine or Desiree and their interviews, statements, or press conferences. Matter of fact, they have issued a statement from their office saying that they will not comment about those interviews and pressers and that they have nothing to do with them.
I suppose this is one of the wildest cases I've seen....the information we have available can't be confirmed and we have the family talking quite a bit without LE being involved. I'm not sure what to make of it.

They didn't say that the FBI is not involved in what is being said, however.
I agree!
Also, it's funny because the fact that people were complaining when a couple members of the press were not allowed in to question KH and DY at the one presser because it would hurt finding Kyron. Some were saying "the media can help" "first amendment" "let them report on the case", but now a reporter asked TH some questions it's a different story?
I just think it's fine he asked, and it's fine she didn't answer. I'm more interested in her demeanor throughout the little clip than whether she talked or not.

IMO, yes, it is a different story, because TH was not holding a PC. She was leaving a place of business--her attorney's office? We have no idea of what she discussed while she was inside, what her frame of mind was...
They didn't say that the FBI is not involved in what is being said, however.

The FBI does not usually comment on these things...they leave that up to local LE (as a matter of courtesy?).
All of that being said, if LE or FBI wanted them to hush up, I think they would make that known to the family and I think the family would follow those instructions. I guess thats what makes all of this puzzling. Talking is rarely good.
One nice thing comes from the family's daily news.....Kyron's story stays front and center. Come home, Kyron.....
Yep - getting hits on his station's website. He did a good job, considering it was for absolutely nothing, a completely non-interview. I'm amazed.
Morning BeanE. I have to respectfully disagree with you here. This attempt to speak with Terri is absolutely FOR something:


Maybe the reporter was doing it for personal gain, for his station, his job, but the fact is, Terri is now in the news and her demeanor can be analyzed; especially by the investigators who are trying desperately to bring justice for Kyron.

No matter how uncomfortable it makes some of us to see her surprised (some say "ambushed") by this persistent reporter and his cameraman, there are grieving parents who have shared with the world that this woman is not talking and will not help them to find their son, Terri's own step-son.

I think THEY are grateful that the public can see Terri, see her lack of affect, her complete disregard for Kyron. The fact that it WAS a non-interview is a huge piece of "evidence" in itself.

It is just about inconceivable to most of us, and seeing Terri is a chilling reminder, that there are people who live among us who lack common decency, who appear to lack the emotional make-up that would cause them to "rise to the occasion," no matter how uncomfortable it makes them. Who possibly feel no empathy for their fellow human beings, no remorse for their bad deeds; even refusing to co-operate with LE if she is innocent is a bad deed.

Were she just completely devastated and unable to function, laid out flat, so to speak, then that would be a whole other story and would be easy to understand. But, this is not the case with her. So, what IS up with Terri?

Just my thoughts and some opinions.

Morning BeanE. I have to respectfully disagree with you here. This attempt to speak with Terri is absolutely FOR something:


Maybe the reporter was doing it for personal gain, for his station, his job, but the fact is, Terri is now in the news and her demeanor can be analyzed; especially by the investigators who are trying desperately to bring justice for Kyron.

No matter how uncomfortable it makes some of us to see her surprised (some say "ambushed") by this persistent reporter and his cameraman, there are grieving parents who have shared with the world that this woman is not talking and will not help them to find their son, Terri's own step-son.

I think THEY are grateful that the public can see Terri, see her lack of affect, her complete disregard for Kyron. The fact that it WAS a non-interview is a huge piece of "evidence" in itself.

It is just about inconceivable to most of us, and seeing Terri is a chilling reminder, that there are people who live among us who lack common decency, who appear to lack the emotional make-up that would cause them to "rise to the occasion," no matter how uncomfortable it makes them. Who possibly feel no empathy for their fellow human beings, no remorse for their bad deeds; even refusing to co-operate with LE if she is innocent is a bad deed.

Were she just completely devastated and unable to function, laid out flat, so to speak, then that would be a whole other story and would be easy to understand. But, this is not the case with her. So, what IS up with Terri?

Just my thoughts and some opinions.

This is why attorneys say, "DO NOT TALK, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING, DO NOT LOOK AROUND, DO NOT SHOW ANYTHING." Because every little move will be dissected. There is nothing Terri could have done except what she did. If she had cried, she would be seen as guilty and unstable. If she had laughed, she would have been seen as callous and cruel. If she had smiled, she would have been seen as arrogant. If she had made an ugly face or gesture, she would have been seen as rude. If she had lashed out or cursed, she would have been seen as angry and violent.

Thank goodness she kept her mouth shut.
I noticed that too... I wonder if he could be second guessing things..??
I doubt it. (Meaning, I do not believe he is second-guessing Terri's involvement in Kyron's disappearance nor her attempt to have him murdered). He is in shock; it is a very symbolic gesture to remove your wedding ring. He has probably taken it off, put it back on. For all we know it's on because he wants Terri to see that and respond to it.

HE is not the one who wanted his marriage to end, apparently; she is. Knowing what he knows it is difficult to imagine him keeping it on, but we humans are pretty complicated (if we have "normal" emotional make-ups). Though we'd think he would fling as far as he can, maybe he just hasn't been able to do that yet.

Also, it could be a different ring, though why on his ring finger? Oh well, he is not a suspect, he is just a very devastated, yet determined man.

My thoughts, and who knows?

This is why attorneys say, "DO NOT TALK, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING, DO NOT LOOK AROUND, DO NOT SHOW ANYTHING." Because every little move will be dissected. There is nothing Terri could have done except what she did. If she had cried, she would be seen as guilty and unstable. If she had laughed, she would have been seen as callous and cruel. If she had smiled, she would have been seen as arrogant. If she had made an ugly face or gesture, she would have been seen as rude. If she had lashed out or cursed, she would have been seen as angry and violent.

Thank goodness she kept her mouth shut.
I'm just curious, shefner, why you are saying: "Thank goodness she kept her mouth shut."

I'm not so sure that all attorneys would advise their clients as you state above, though her attorney may have advised her to do so.

If you care to elaborate, I'd be interested.

Can someone correct me if I'm wrong...The FBI is involved. Tony said Terry is not cooperating with police.Thanks and good morning.
If she did it, she would keep quiet.

If she has no involvement, why didn't she come out at some time and tell everyone, " I know what you are saying and thinking."

"I love my step son more than anything. I am distraught. I am devastated."

"Please, everyone, keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Please memorize his face. Please, keep looking."

Would any of those statements get her the DP?

Anything to show that she cares.

Instead she lawyers up. Even a lawyer could come up with a sadness statement, I would think.
I'm just curious, shefner, why you are saying: "Thank goodness she kept her mouth shut."

I'm not so sure that all attorneys would advise their clients as you state above, though her attorney may have advised her to do so.

If you care to elaborate, I'd be interested.

I don't know of one attorney who would advise their client to speak to reporters. Not one. And many would not advise their clients to speak to LE either. And I would say its probably one of the toughest statements of advice for clients to follow. Its natural to defend ourselves...its almost automatic. If you will read newspapers from a couple weeks ago, there are some of Terri's friends who say that Terri is going to speak out. She wants to say something, they declare, she is going to share her side. But she never does. I'm certain she wanted to because that is human nature at work.

Even when you declare your innocence, it can be used against you. If you haven't done so, please go back and view post #8. What an incredibly informative video that is. The law professor speaking is a former defense attorney who basically says, "SHUT UP." I think you would like seeing it.
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