What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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At this moment. Can you all imagine what we would be saying about Terri if she did turn to the camera and say we need to find Kyron......
A week ago, she said every thing was ok iin the family, right? The parents have just recently started opening up and talking more. The first 3 weeks we barely heard anything. I think at that moment, more words should of been said.
Yet, Kaine and Desiree have done all of that... put themselves out there with their every move and every word being scrutinized, for one reason and one reason only... to bring Kyron home.

Sorry, suzet, but I think things are quite different for Kaine and Desiree and there is no way to compare. These are the biological parents. They see Terri as being responsible for what happened....whether she did something with Kyron or not. There must be someone to blame and I think she was the first one that came to mind. After all, she was the last one to see Kyron. Perhaps there was some resentment (subconsciously, even) that she was the person who took him that day...who took the time to go to his science fair and take pictures. In saying this, I am not saying Terri is innocent...but I am not certain she is guilty.

I feel that Terri is an easy person to blame. Maybe she is to blame but I can't say. Undoubtedly she had some emotional issues going on prior to any of this. Most likely she was clinically depressed and could have been having other issues as well. I think she was isolated from the others early on and knew it....this is what we see in her demeanor. Kaine and Desiree say Terri was the one who pulled away....and in the family dynamic that could be true or maybe its just their perception.

Sorry, shefner, I respectfully disagree. I have seen an insane amount of scrutiny toward Kaine and Desiree. I also think Casy A and Scott P put to rest any ideas of biological parents getting a free pass on being viewed as possible perps.

I think Kaine and Desiree showed an enormous amount of self control concerning whatever suspicions they had of Terri at the time of the first PC.

I feel through Terri's behavior since day 1, she clearly put herself on the outside.

I seriously doubt, imo, Desiree had resentment toward Terri for being the one to take Kyron to his fair, as you stated. Imo, Desiree seemed to be the type of mom that would be happy for anyone to show her son kindness. And if Terri is guilty, that would mean she took the time to go to his science fair, take pictures, and then murder Kyron. I think the suspicion of Terri making Kyron disappear after the science fair, was closer to Desiree's line of thinking, as opposed to having some sort of subconscience resentment toward Terri for being the one to take Kyron to the fair.

Just my opinion.
Because it's still "her speaking". The strategy right now is probably to distance her from the entire event as much as possible. The less the public sees TH connecting *herself* to the case in any way, the better, for them. As long as she's free, as long as there isn't enough evidence to arrest/convict, it behooves their client to keep moving her further and further from the "case". It's not at all about her innocence (or guilt), it's just legal strategy.

How can she be away from this case? She's not a neighbor. She's a soon to be former step mother.

This may be a "case", but we are talking about a child here. If it's a "case" to her, then I don't care if she did anything or not.

That is so pathetic to me. That reinforces "me me me". All about "me".
I doubt it. (Meaning, I do not believe he is second-guessing Terri's involvement in Kyron's disappearance nor her attempt to have him murdered). He is in shock; it is a very symbolic gesture to remove your wedding ring. He has probably taken it off, put it back on. For all we know it's on because he wants Terri to see that and respond to it.

HE is not the one who wanted his marriage to end, apparently; she is. Knowing what he knows it is difficult to imagine him keeping it on, but we humans are pretty complicated (if we have "normal" emotional make-ups). Though we'd think he would fling as far as he can, maybe he just hasn't been able to do that yet.

Also, it could be a different ring, though why on his ring finger? Oh well, he is not a suspect, he is just a very devastated, yet determined man.

My thoughts, and who knows?

People talk of what Terri has lost...her child, her reputation, her career, soon her home, but what about Kaine? Shortly after losing his biological first born son, he finds out that the person he was closest to in the world, the person he entrusted that child to, had tried to have him killed and, possibly, been involved in the disappearance of his son. That's a one, two, three punch where it hurts the most. I don't think he's even thinking about his ring, his clothes, what he eats, how many hours he sleeps, etc. I think he in a kind of functional shock...going through the motions and staying focused only on Kyron. When Kyron is found, whether dead or alive, I think Kaine may suffer a collapse of some kind.
At this moment. Can you all imagine what we would be saying about Terri if she did turn to the camera and say we need to find Kyron......
A week ago, she said every thing was ok iin the family, right? The parents have just recently started opening up and talking more. The first 3 weeks we barely heard anything. I think at that moment, more words should of been said.

I have to agree. I had my opinion before the video, but I was still trying to keep an open mind. If she had made some kind of sympathetic statement...nothing factual that could potentially be used against her in a court of law, rather than just in the court of public opinion....I might have questioned my instincts quite a bit. But now, I hold my original opinion even more strongly and it's going to take a lot more to get me to let go of it now (not that my opinion matters lol).

I understand her lawyer has told her not to speak. But I thought at least he might have spoken on her behalf by now since he's noted for his PR skills, or prepared something for TH or her escort to say that was sympathetic and non-controversial. Then I see the article on his website indicating that he's also known for being very low-profile when his client "won't benefit" from publicity -- which I take as a euphemism for "is guilty," as was his client in the example cited in the article.

So then I ask myself how could it "not benefit" TH to make a sympathetic statement. And again, I'm talking about in a legal sense, not in terms of what we, the public, might make of her statement. The only thing I can think of is how a sympathetic statement about missing, loving, praying for someone would look to a jury in the penalty phase of a criminal trial where the defendant has been proven guilty of committing or being complicit in the victim's disappearance or murder and would have, obviously, been well aware of their own guilt at the time the sympathetic statement was made.

Pure speculation on my part, jmoo.
I have to agree. I had my opinion before the video, but I was still trying to keep an open mind. If she had made some kind of sympathetic statement...nothing factual that could potentially be used against her in a court of law, rather than just in the court of public opinion....I might have questioned my instincts quite a bit. But now, I hold my original opinion even more strongly and it's going to take a lot more to get me to let go of it now (not that my opinion matters lol).

I understand her lawyer has told her not to speak. But I thought at least he might have spoken on her behalf by now since he's noted for his PR skills, or prepared something for TH or her escort to say that was sympathetic and non-controversial. Then I see the article on his website indicating that he's also known for being very low-profile when his client "won't benefit" from publicity -- which I take as a euphemism for "is guilty," as was his client in the example cited in the article.

So then I ask myself how could it "not benefit" TH to make a sympathetic statement. And again, I'm talking about in a legal sense, not in terms of what we, the public, might make of her statement. The only thing I can think of is how a sympathetic statement about missing, loving, praying for someone would look to a jury in the penalty phase of a criminal trial where the defendant has been proven guilty of committing or being complicit in the victim's disappearance or murder and would have, obviously, been well aware of their own guilt at the time the sympathetic statement was made.

Pure speculation on my part, jmoo.

I'm trying to figure out why saying a nice little caring statement would hurt anything.

So you feel it would matter to a jury if she did it and had said earlier that she cared?

the only reason it would matter, then, is if she is going for an insanity plea where they would have to show she has no clue of what is right or wrong in this world.

Tough to get-the insanity plea.

But she hasn't been charged yet with anything. I guess the best offense is a good defense.
She should cooperate with the Police and simply tell the truth. Something for whatever reason she is unwilling to do.

What if she has, and it's not perceived as being the whole truth?
**IF** she had nothing to do with it, and has said "I don't know" what else can she say?
No link so believe me or don't, the other day as part of something a LE officer was saying to the media, "Terri was no longer cooperating with LE" (this was right after she got the atty) and then he elaborated by stating what he meant by that was she was not calling LE with any info about Kyron. I thought- huh? They expect HER to CALL THEM and divulge anything? I realize shes lawyered up and isn't speaking a peep now but I would hope LE would require her to come to the station, with lawyer, and answer some freaking questions or something.
And, is anybody (besides that Oakes guy) even looking for Kyron, or has the LE given up on that and we are just waiting for someone to stumble upon his remains? And if "they" think there's an accomplice and Kyron might still be out there alive WHY not plead for whoever who has Kyron to drop him off at a safe place, etc? IMO thinking she has an accomplice, and Kyron is possibly still alive, is the thin thread on which Kaine and Desiree are hanging whats left of their hope and sanity. Deep in their heart they can't really believe it, or they would be pleading for that accomplice to let Kyron go. All they have really said (and not lately) was "Kyron, we are looking for you and are going to bring you home, buddy." [paraphrased]



pretty sure this was Kaine and Desiree that said this
I'm trying to figure out why saying a nice little caring statement would hurt anything.

So you feel it would matter to a jury if she did it and had said earlier that she cared?

the only reason it would matter, then, is if she is going for an insanity plea where they would have to show she has no clue of what is right or wrong in this world.

Tough to get-the insanity plea.

But she hasn't been charged yet with anything. I guess the best offense is a good defense.

I'm talking about the penalty phase. If it got that far it would mean the defendant has already been found guilty and any insanity plea rejected. I don't think a sympathetic statement could hurt her in the trial phase. I'm not a criminal defense attorney, though.

On the other hand, maybe in the penalty phase, the prosecution could try to use such a video to show deliberate deception (since we now know the person was guilty at the time) and/or lack of remorse. I don't know that for a fact. But w/o doing full blown research on the DP in Oregon, that's the best I can come up with ;)

eta: to clarify, I'm trying to figure out why a criminal defense attorney known for his PR skills might possibly be taking the "cone of [complete] silence" approach in this case wrt to TH
From the previous thread:

Scary thought: even the truth doesn't necessarily help you when you are under investigation for a crime.

Calliope posted this video some time ago:

--- snipped video link ---

On Youtube, it's called "Don't Talk to the Police" but it could equally well be titled "Don't Talk. Period."

--- snipped ---

I appreciate some of the points of this video but have to consider this...

I call 9-1-1 (recorded), is this LE? It certainly is recorded and the recordings can be used in court, right?

"Hello, my 7 year old son is missing"

9-1-1 asks me when he went missing. I say, "I can't talk until my attorney comes here...he'll be here in 5 hours. Should I call you when he gets here?"

OR...maybe I do let myself talk to 9-1-1. The police arrive. They ask me, "When did you last see your son" and "what was he wearing?" I say, "Sorry, I can't tell you until my attorney arrives. But I don't have an attorney yet -- in fact, I can't afford to hire one at $300 bucks an hour, so ... never mind officer, I've been advised to not talk to police -- not talk period. Never mind...we'll just let my missing son see if he can find his way home."

I understand that there are certain important points to that video, but if none of us should talk to police without an attorney, well then there is a BIG problem. I'm sure attorneys would like us to think that we should never talk to the police without one of them alongside us, but there is faulty reasoning here. Or have I missed something?
They would hardly ever solve any crimes if innocent people didn't talk to the police. IMO. I'm sure occasionally some people get in trouble because they tell the police too much but on the other hand the police is able to clear some other folks because they tell LE where they were and what they were doing and this is credible and able to be verified.

I'm sure that if Terri has already lied about her whereabouts it's a good idea for her to shut up now.
We all have different opinions on what we would do in this situation. It appears the majority have the same opinion. Not acting or doing or not doing things a certain way does not prove guilt or innocence, it's simply observations that we use to gather a thought process that form our opinions. If we don't like someone's opinion, reply nicely and respectfully and state your point.

At this point we have been given nothing by LE indicating TM as a suspect, we have been lead down that path and we are simply anaylzing what we see or don't see and what we information we have been given. What more can we do? This is a forum created because we care about a missing child and I see nothing wrong with looking at people and their actions, that doesn't mean guilt or innocence, it means we are all concerened about Kyron and look at all the info provided to us and we all want the same thing...BRING KYRON HOME! If my son or step child were missing, I would expect all of you fine citizens to be all up in my business, no doubt. Doesn't mean you won't find things you don't like, doesn't mean I would be guilty either, also you may find nothing and be surprised someone would be capable of such a thing.

It's nice to come to a place and gather different perspectives and I am for friendly banter when it comes to a missing person or any other important issue.

Praying little man will be found safe and soon, we all are, that is all that matters. I don't care what any of them look like right now. I'm going through a hard time in my life and I look like hell and some days I try my best to look good but the fact is my mind and body are not in a good place so that does not happen.

Going to bed and my son and I will say prayers for Kyron and his family.

Fine post and be well!~ :)
From the previous thread:

Scary thought: even the truth doesn't necessarily help you when you are under investigation for a crime.

Calliope posted this video some time ago:

--- snipped video link ---

On Youtube, it's called "Don't Talk to the Police" but it could equally well be titled "Don't Talk. Period."

--- snipped ---

I appreciate some of the points of this video but have to consider this...

I call 9-1-1 (recorded), is this LE? It certainly is recorded and the recordings can be used in court, right?

"Hello, my 7 year old son is missing"

9-1-1 asks me when he went missing. I say, "I can't talk until my attorney comes here...he'll be here in 5 hours. Should I call you when he gets here?"

OR...maybe I do let myself talk to 9-1-1. The police arrive. They ask me, "When did you last see your son" and "what was he wearing?" I say, "Sorry, I can't tell you until my attorney arrives. But I don't have an attorney yet -- in fact, I can't afford to hire one at $300 bucks an hour, so ... never mind officer, I've been advise to not talk to police -- not talk period. Never mind...we'll just let my missing son see if he can find his way home."

I understand that there are certain important points to that video, but if none of us should talk to police without an attorney, well then there is a BIG problem. I'm sure attorneys would like us to think that we should never talk to the police without one of them alongside us, but there is faulty reasoning here. Or have I missed something?

You bring up a valid point. I would talk to LE if my son went missing. I guess it would be once they asked me the same question a few times, and even try to twist what I have been saying is when you should have the lawyer present. I guess if a friend comes up murder it would make more sense to get a lawyer for the interviews with the police right off that bat. Well thats what I learn from that video.
sometimes no PR is the best PR. Every case is different. ;)

But no PR does you no good when you come off as ice cold and uncaring, and willing to hide behind lawyers rather than defend yourself. I understand her not wanting to talk. But this is the first time she's been seen since the presser she was at, and the only feeling I still get is that she's guilty and doesn't give a damn not only about Kyron, but she's not even missing her biological children. I know there's no way to know that for sure, but I'm just not seeing any care about anything but herself.

Although, I did think about it after last night, and since most things have been taken from her, her beauty might be the last thing she's clinging to, which is sad. I'm wondering if she was leaving to try and work out and get herself back into some sort of shape.

I guess I've watched too many cases featuring inhuman killers, and it would have been nice to see that she's human with human feelings and emotions. She didn't have to say anything. Some emotion, some kind of reaction or obvious feelings of remorse would have had me more on her side, and had me more willing to believe she might be innocent.

All I'm saying is, she goes to court in front of a jury that ice cold, I don't care how good of a lawyer she has, that attitude and lack of remorse would move her closer to conviction. Juries do take into account how they perceive the defendant in making their decision. I've seen many defendants wondering why they were convicted on what they considered not enough evidence. It's because of how they were sitting there in court, remorseless, cold, and arrogant.

Look at the Casey Anthony case. Her lawyers keep saying how innocent she is, but in every hearing thus far, she acts nothing but noncaring and cold about her daughter being murdered, only showing emotion when something makes her feel bad for herself only. She's a terrible defendant and her lawyers have done nothing to make her look innocent by appearance. The jury will take that into account come trial time. Ruffle shirts and nice hair aren't going to save her with that attitude of hers. TH should take note of this.

Or it could be that TH can't pull off the appropriate emotions, so it's better she keeps her mouth shut. That's rather sad too, but better she shut up than make herself look worse. Doesn't make me think she's innocent, though.
I mean physically. To me Kaine has aged 10 years from the laughing guy in all the pictures with his son. Since the news has come out about the hire a killer...he looks shell shocked to me.

Terri I thought looked 10 years younger in that clip yesterday than from in the presser where she was doing weird things. Certainly not like i would be in her circumstances with a step son missing that i was being associated with, losing my baby daughter..losing my home soon..being accused of hiring someone to kill my husband. I really doubt that i would be able to function hardly.


Agreed, KH is in a state of shock, his whole life has been torn away from him. His beloved Kyron, house and wife (yuk!) have been ripped away. How is Kaine supposed to look? Yes, he has Baby K....but how bittersweet.
But no PR does you no good when you come off as ice cold and uncaring, and willing to hide behind lawyers rather than defend yourself.

Respectfully snipped.

Aedrys this is not intended for you, but for everyone. I know most of you have no knowledge or dealings with the legal world, and, I hope your lives can remain that way, most likely they will not.

The BEST thing you can do, now in our age of litigation for a sneeze, is get a lawyer and shut up. Not a word, not even from your lawyer. All should be handled through the Court system, not media, not presenting your side of the story, nothing. Just do as the very BEST lawyer you can find says, and yep, take out a loan to pay the big bucks for that lawyer. Everything is now a law suit, criminal charge, or any other number of legal semantics you can imagine. Your best friend could take legal action because you told them the truth about themselves now days. (Not joking.) A murder case, innocence or guilt, you bet your boots you will stay quiet and have the best lawyer there. No matter what you do, say, or others say you do, did, say, said, will become fodder.

Please everyone, understand silence and a lawyer is a necessity, no matter your position, no matter the severity or simplicity of your case.

Nothing to even do with this case. Sorry it is OT.
Whether or not I was innocent, if I was in the middle of this as she is, I would obey my lawyer and keep my mouth shut. However, the astonishing part to me is that she shows no emotion whatsoever. Some people are cool under pressure, but I think it would be difficult to be that stone faced. It seems that most people would give some emotion away.

There was a snap shot taken from Amanda's bucket that showed some frustration waiting for the elevator.
There was a snap shot taken from Amanda's bucket that showed some frustration waiting for the elevator.

Your post reminded me of Dr. Fessel's post on thread #1 which is no longer available so I'm not able to bring it forward right now. But it made me just about shower my laptop with soda when I read it last evening......

He stated that it was too bad that the reporter and cameraman didn't jump into the elevator with TH and the blonde at the last minute! LOL

Now that would have been hilarious and so unbelievably uncomfortable for TH! Talk about "must see tv!"

ETA: Dr. Fessel I am quoting you from memory and I hope you do not mind. (I nominate that post as yesterday's "post of the day"!)
People talk of what Terri has lost...her child, her reputation, her career, soon her home, but what about Kaine? Shortly after losing his biological first born son, he finds out that the person he was closest to in the world, the person he entrusted that child to, had tried to have him killed and, possibly, been involved in the disappearance of his son. That's a one, two, three punch where it hurts the most. I don't think he's even thinking about his ring, his clothes, what he eats, how many hours he sleeps, etc. I think he in a kind of functional shock...going through the motions and staying focused only on Kyron. When Kyron is found, whether dead or alive, I think Kaine may suffer a collapse of some kind.



Your post is exactly what I thought when I saw this pic. If someone wanted to hit him where it hurt the most. They succeeded.
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