What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight370?

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What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight 370?

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My current theory:

Pilot enters flight plan for Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in the FMC and the plane takes off following that flight plan. The pilot also enters a second "backup" fight plan into the FMC that would take them to a closer airport for emergency landing if necessary. The second plan was entered sometime before ACARS transmitted at 1:07am, explaining why the u-turn was programmed prior to "All right, good night". Shortly after last voice contact with the cockpit, SHTF and pilots switch to the emergency landing flight plan. Perhaps a fire broke out, disabling the transponder, ACARS, and maybe even other systems. Pilots become incapacitated. The plane reaches the last programmed waypoint and, without pilots to initiate landing, the plane continues on it's current heading until running out of fuel and crashing.
I voted pilot suicide, but still thinking about why the flight diversion. Perhaps he couldn't bring himself to just nose dive it, and he headed out so far into the sea, that even if he changed his mind, he would never make it back.
At this point my best guess would be electrical fire or hypoxia (I would think they would have radio'd in the fire, but I don't think it's impossible they didn't if they were focused on fighting it and it got out of control quickly). Somewhat confused as to how the plane would fly that long with a fire, unless it was extinguished but after it was too late. But obviously can't know much until they confirm that these are even debris.
You are all blowing my mind with your theories! Great job!

I, myself, have none, at this time. I only hope, against hope, that everyone could be found safe, and returned those who love them.
Landed safely on land to hijacked destination for later use as a bomb. Hostages either still alive and in pretty bad shape by now, or assassinated. Well planned hijacking,
If I had been the mastermind, I'd have opened the door and walked the passengers out of it over deep water from enough elevation to ensure they would not survive impact, then toss the "flotation devices" (seat cushions) and some additional debris that might also float out as well to create a "debris field" and potential for recovery of bodies before landing the jet secretly and safely for later terror-related use (or to be dismantled for parts or sold on the black market). Then you don't have to deal with hundreds of crying, screaming, begging, hungry, thirsty hostages who "have to pee".

however I would like the Australia woman's husband looked into deeply because he left her his wedding ring and I think his wallet "in case anything were to happen". I suspect him, and would like to know if he has a pilots license or any previous job as a pilot. TV I tv wife several times and I found her statements to b of grt concern.

There may be something to this...
Maybe they killed everyone on board by depressurization but the job of removing all of those dead bodies from the plane would be pretty messy. Maybe there is a way to replace the oxygen canisters with knockout gas? Knock them out, collect all of the phones, computers and tablets and by the time they wake up they are cuffed to the seats?

If it is true that the plane suddenly climbed to 45,000 feet, this could have resulted in the passengers being rendered unconscious, while the people orchestrating the hijacking could have taken precautions to ensure sufficient oxygen for themselves.
I am reposting this here because another poster asked for it:

My theory: The Pilot is known to be a strong political supporter of an opposition politician - Ibraham, whose "guilty to charges of sodomy" conviction was reinstated earlier on the same day as this flight. Meaning he can not participate in an upcoming election which some sources report he was bound to win.

The Pilot has seen bribes and corruption within his country. Earlier this very day he saw how corrupted the judicial branch is. He has long observed various corruptions and bribes within the airline industry, including cargo not being examined, passports being stolen and sold.

The Pilot had a friend - another pilot - over to play on the flight simulator a few months prior. That friend made an offhand, sarcastic remark, "Hey, things are so corrupt, even the military is compromised. I'd bet an unknown plane could cross our country and the military would never even know it!"

This thought sticks in the Pilot's head. He begins to wonder if this could really happen. He starts to play on the flight simulator, working out a plan as to how something like this could possibly happen. It is an intellectual challenge for him to "play this game". He eventually figures out a potential flight plan for something like this to happen. This is all just a "game" to the Pilot. But it is a fun game for him to play. He plays it over and over again.

The afternoon of the event, he becomes very upset when he learns that his chosen political candidate is going to be put back into jail. All hope is lost for changes to take place in his beloved country, to end the corruption.

He reports at the airport for duty that evening. He learns his co-pilot is to be the guy who was recently reprimanded by the airline for breaching cockpit safety by having females in the cockpit during a flight. This does not particularly please him. He is not in a good mood anyway. He and his wife had an argument before he left home earlier that evening. She accused him of spending too many hours in front of his flight simulator.

The flight takes off. The co-pilot is young and wants to engage in idle chatter. The Pilot is not in the mood for this. The co-pilot persists. The Pilot is rude to him, telling him to be quiet. At that point, just to see if anyone notices, the Pilot turns off the transponder. No one notices anything - not even the co-pilot. The pilot makes the last contact with ATC, saying "Alright, good night" instead of using the normal wording for sign-off. Once again, no one notices or acknowledges this was a deviation from protocol. The Pilot thinks to himself, "It really is as bad as I feared".

Next, the co-pilot says he must leave the cockpit to visit the toilet. By protocol, he is not supposed to leave the cockpit at this time. Anger floods the Pilot, as he realizes how lax both performance and discipline actually are within the Malaysian airline industry. He gives a curt nod, "Yes" to the co-pilot.

This is when the pilot turns off the second communication system. In his anger and frustration, somehow "the game" begins. The Pilot enters the well rehearsed coordinates of "the game" into the autopilot.

The co-pilot returns to the cockpit. The Pilot tells him he has just received directions to divert the flight due to ground problems. He tells the co-pilot that he has already programmed the needed changes into the autopilot. That they may need to return to the original airport. The co-pilot does not question this. The Pilot instructs the co-pilot to make a calm announcement to the passengers about the diversion. "Assure them there is nothing wrong with the plane" he says, "just say there is some ground problem." The co-pilot follows instructions and makes the announcement. This pacifies the passengers and the flight attendants.

The plane then turns and passes back over Malaysia. The Pilot wonders if he will be picked up on radar, if fighter jets will suddenly appear outside the cockpit window. None appear. Now the plane has begun a series of preprogrammed turns.

After some time, the co-pilot finally wonders why they have not received any further instructions from ATC. Because they are now far off course. He suggests the Pilot call in to ATC for updated instructions. The Pilot says no, he does not want to do that, they are fine, they will just wait to hear from ATC.

At some point the co-pilot FINALLY realizes something is very, very wrong. He attempts to call ATC but gets no response. Nothing! He turns to the Pilot and asks "What is going on? What have you done?"

The two men begin to struggle. The co-pilot attempts to manually take control of the plane. The plane ascends steeply, then descends sharply. Finally it regains altitude and levels. The Pilot sat passively in his seat as the co-pilot struggled to control the plane.

The Pilot realizes what he has done. He has played the ultimate game. As the co-pilot busies himself reprogramming the autopilot in order to get them back home safely, the Pilot calmly reaches out and shuts off the oxygen supply to both the cockpit and the cabin......


I am probably going to change some things. And I invite anyone else who wants to add or subtract to feel free to do so.

I am going to try to simplify this a tad... at night, you can't see, when flying over water, where you are. A passenger is unlikely to notice a deviation. Furthermore, on a "red-eye" flight, the captain generally turns off the cabin lights to allow passengers to sleep. An hour into the flight, most had probably nodded off. There might not even have been any need for an announcement to calm the passengers.
I'm just wondering ... how common is it for pilot to have his own flight simulator in his home? I would think they would do their training at an airline facility instead, but I really have no idea. And a flight simulator can't be cheap, either...? Which then makes me wonder, did he buy it or was it given to him by "whomever" to train at home so no other pilots would know what he was doing?

Think Software. Microsoft makes a $30 flight simulator and if you add a flight yoke-style joystick, it's not half bad.


RealFlight Basic Flight Simulator is closer to $100

I think the plane is hidden and is being ready with explosives or a dirty bomb and they'll try to fly under the radar and hit the White House.

The people aboard wasn't what they wanted. They wanted that plane.

With 9/11, the hijackers had to use the planes "as-is" with only the weapons they were able to carry aboard. If this plane was diverted, the comm systems reprogrammed or removed, repainted to resemble a plane from a different airline, and loaded with something like anthrax... literally PACKED with it, and then an attempt was made to fly it into the US "in disguise" they might get a ways before they were stopped. Certainly over North America. If the plane was shot down at that time, over land, what would happen to the contents? Would they be dispersed over a large area? Would they become so dilute as not to pose a health risk by the time they settled in a populated area?
I'm just wondering ... how common is it for pilot to have his own flight simulator in his home? I would think they would do their training at an airline facility instead, but I really have no idea. And a flight simulator can't be cheap, either...? Which then makes me wonder, did he buy it or was it given to him by "whomever" to train at home so no other pilots would know what he was doing?

Think Software. Microsoft makes a $30 flight simulator and if you add a flight yoke-style joystick, it's not half bad.


RealFlight Basic Flight Simulator is closer to $100


He had 2 Microsoft games; one has a newer add on pack for the 777. I've been scanning 2 topics at the flight sim forum; The deleted files may be nothing; not only that; depending on how he plays the game; there may not be a traceable flight plan as it throws bits of files in various meaningless places
Would be nice to know if there were other flights they could have done that with.

On his Tumblr, self-identified hobby pilot and aviation enthusiast Keith Ledgerwood put forward the most elaborate and interesting suggestion we've heard yet.

He argues the 777 could have flown over India and Pakistan, avoiding military radar detection by turning off its communications systems and following a Singapore Airlines 777 so closely the two aircraft "would have shown up as one single blip on the radar." In his blog, Ledgerwood established that the Singapore Airlines flight was in the area.

A columnist that is not an approved source did a "facial analysis" of the pilot and copilot, finding the copilot to be less likely than the pilot to have been the "mastermind" if there was, in fact, a "plot". But the line that jumped out at me, which I have not seen mentioned elsewhere is this:

"I read that the captain’s wife and children left him the day before the flight."

If true, could that, in combination with the disappointment about the politician he supported being jailed have caused him to become despondent?

Blog below explains why it wouldn't work. I was also reading the game sim forum; people there said there is no way there was enough fuel.

Ask the pilot - Theories and topics discussed in these updates include: transponders, cell phones, the Singapore Airlines radar theory, onboard fire or fumes theory, hijacking and plane-as-a-weapon theories, and more… 3/18/14
THEORY OF THE DAY: The radar ruse. I’m talking about this post, by an aviation enthusiast named Keith Ledgerwood. His hypothesis is that the missing Malaysia Airlines jet had tucked up underneath a Singapore Airlines 777, causing the two planes’ radar signatures to appear as one. Thus disguised, the Malaysia jet flew on, undetected for hours before eventually breaking off and landing at an airfield in…? It fails to offer any explanation as to how, once separating from the Singapore flight, the Malaysia jet could have completed its secret diversion without being seen
I think the plane is hidden and is being ready with explosives or a dirty bomb and they'll try to fly under the radar and hit the White House.

The people aboard wasn't what they wanted. They wanted that plane.

What would happen to the people they would starve or die of dehydration? If you hijack that many people you have the change of escape or someone sneaking a cell phone and getting a call out. What was the motive? Even if they wanted just the plane, how far do you think they would get before someone noticed this airliner with no real identification, they would have to eventually refuel.
I'm just wondering ... how common is it for pilot to have his own flight simulator in his home? I would think they would do their training at an airline facility instead, but I really have no idea. And a flight simulator can't be cheap, either...? Which then makes me wonder, did he buy it or was it given to him by "whomever" to train at home so no other pilots would know what he was doing?

A real flight simulator would cost around 1.5 million, so if money was his motive don't you think he would been demanding money by now? What he had at his home was a few computers. I think he liked flying and probably use to practice on his home computers, where he could practice at his own pace. I would think that the simulators at work would not have easy access and therefore he bought what he could afford.
I was thinking of choosing one of the "modsnip"ped choices for the fun of it, but since I have no idea what was snipped I changed my mind. :wink:

1) Maybe the airplane went into a different dimension.

2) Maybe the pilot and/or co-pilot had other plans for the plane and landed, only to have it be brought back into service for nefarious deeds. In this case, I would suspect they rendered the passengers obsolete when they accelerated suddenly to a higher elevation, cockpit crew having the appropriate protective devices in use.

3) They could have innocently crashed into the ocean.

I tend to think #s 2 or 3 are more likely, but # 1 would certainly be more interesting and less tragic.

I just feel so bad for the passengers and especially their families left to deal with the unknown horror of this whole thing. :please:

I heard they called off the search in the southern Indian Ocean until tomorrow (Friday) because of bad weather. According to this article (with satellite pic of debris), the search has resumed (Friday morning, Australia):

I didn't mention above that I'm favoring my option # 2. It was "hijacked" by someone in the cockpit and is hidden somewhere. Lots of planning, imo.

About the debris seen by satellite and currently being searched for, could it be debris from the tsunamis that have taken place in that area of the world or other junk from shipwrecks, other plane crashes, etc.?


If I had been the mastermind, I'd have opened the door and walked the passengers out of it over deep water from enough elevation to ensure they would not survive impact, then toss the "flotation devices" (seat cushions) and some additional debris that might also float out as well to create a "debris field" and potential for recovery of bodies before landing the jet secretly and safely for later terror-related use (or to be dismantled for parts or sold on the black market). Then you don't have to deal with hundreds of crying, screaming, begging, hungry, thirsty hostages who "have to pee".

There may be something to this...

He left the wedding ring with his wife due to a bad car accident they had been in at xmas time and they has spoken of what would happen in the event of death. His wedding ring was to be passed on to his oldest son. He is an innocent victim.
Can we add another option to the poll??

X: The aircraft suffered a catastrophic event which resulted in crew incapacity either over time or rapidly. Attempted a diversion to alternate and succumbed (for reasons yet unknown and hard to explain) before a safe recovery of the aircraft was completed - Malaysia was aware of the emergency event on board and sent up a fast jet escort to make a visual assessment of the aircraft and attempt to communicate with passengers or crew. This was *before* the aircraft made a change of course on a heading that tracked toward an approach that was familiar to the pilot in command (which he may have trained on his home simulator for just such emergency's) and the intercept heading for the fast jet was quickly changed - the pilot throwing the Su-30 into full military power with augment as he turned the jet around (which was what the NZ oil rig worker may have seen... possibly)... upon form up with the Malaysian Airlines 777, the lack of radio communication and a distinct lack of life via either visual signal or otherwise indicated to the SU-30 crew that there was no conscious or able person on board the stricken jet who would likely recover (maybe they knew a little of what had happened and realized it was a rapid and major loss of life event on board) - so they were instructed to maintain escort with the plane until it flew over the Malaysian Peninsula and out to sea, where it would no longer pose a threat to any lives on the ground.

Instructions would have been to shoot the 777 down should it change course without communication toward a populated area or should it begin to descend out of control toward populated space.

The jet flew past the alternate airport and its required entry's to a successful approach - and continued out to sea (as was seen by Malaysian Lilitary radar who were already well aware of the ghost planes tragic story) - where the chaos and disbelief of what had occurred quickly resulted in a total $shitstorm of incompetence and disorganisation by a shambles government that was simply not capable of dealing with the complex and high profile event, which might have been a real 1 in a million that no one could ever have otherwise forseen as realistically occuring.

They then proceeded to bury their heads in the sand and hope it all went away.

The End.

No fact or inside info in this - just me typing up an enthusiastic return to the forums after sitting in the bad corner for 24hs ;)

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