What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

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COMPLETELY agree. There is absolutely no way they gave full attention and reviewed the evidence in only 10.5 hours.

and it really wasnt that much time if you take into account the time they had to take to bring all of the evidence to the room to begin with. This really doesnt make any sense. She is gonna walk out on thursday this is crazy. I cant believe this still. Wow nancy grace is gonna be a hot mess tonight.
How did you come up with your decision based on 5 hours yesterday and 5 hours today. Did you understand the info presented in court i.e. the evidence?
Put the trunk carpet BACK into the sunfire, and have them drive around for 10.5 hours with the windows rolled up...
The more I think about the jury the angrier I get.

Even if they thought Caylee died in an accident, Casey is STILL guilty. She was the last person to be with Caylee + all the forensic evidence + the lying equals guilt of SOMETHING. To say that the only thing proven beyond reasonable doubt was lying???? Even if she found Caylee already dead and failed to tell anyone, then disposed of her - she is STILL GUILTY of something.
I keep thinking of the old adage: A jury is made up up 12 people too dumb to get out of jury duty. Could it really be true in this case?

Hate to say it, but I think you're right. I listened to most of the jury questioning during selection and thought they did not sound very articulate at all, with the exception of the 30-something year old father with a young child. Not sure which # he ended up being, but he was the only one who came across as having a full deck, or really understanding the depth and gravity of the situation. MOO.
I'm glad I am not you. I suspect you will look back on this moment, in your future years, and wonder in amazement and sorrow at what you did. Decide in haste - repent at leisure.

Stock up on sleep aids, I suspect you're going to need them.
I want to say, "What were you thinking?" and tell them I'm ashamed of them all.
You blew it.

And The Buccaneers suck, too.
nothing to say here really ... just that you will all likely regret your decision. IMHO
I would ask them why they came to a decision that they are now ashamed of. Are they watching what people are saying on the news or are they too cowardly to do even that? People just want to know why.
They made a terrible mistake,,,a rush to judgement and the wrong one.
How anyone can wonder after reading these posts why the jury left so quickly..... I don't agree with their decision, but I also know they did their job and their duty. The defense and prosecutors had their say in jury selection, and so many thought she would be found guilty, but she wasn't. To say anything about people who you have never met and who you have no idea what they went through is unfair. To question a decision is one thing, but to be cruel and judgmental doesn't make you better. There is a reason why people were selected and sequestered. Because our justice system isn't ran by mob rule of law. I am thankful that the names weren't released, those poor jurors would be terrorized by people. Disagree all you want, but I think they deserve peace and time with their families now to decompress. Maybe they will talk who knows, but until they do you shouldn't accuse them of anything.

I would ask the jury if anyone thought she was guilty, but had their minds changed once they were in deliberations. I would also what their opinion was on the best argument for both sides and what was the worst.
I would say they turned their back on a murdered child today.
Oh, and I would also ask them how they could run and hide and not address the media questions on their decision. Cowards ...

How are they cowards? Did you see JVM outside the restaurant where the DT was celebrating? She then showed a tape on TV that some woman got while she was at the ATM. IMO this was very close to inciting a riot.

On NG she was "angry" that they didn't want to talk to the media and proceeded to state information about some of their lives or arrests.

12 people came to a verdict and they do not have to explain their reasons to anyone. I for one applaud them. Maybe hopefully more lawyers, juries, LE will follow and we can stop trying cases in the media.

I know this post will not sit well with most of you however I really knew nothing about this case before the trial (last I read on it here was many of you hated the Anthony's and that either Lee or George was the father). I really felt that the Pro's did not prove their case and I would not have found her guilty. I have many reasons why I feel that way.

I know that many of you invested a great deal of time into this case, many hours and you know much more than I do however I could only go with what was given to me during the trial. I am so sorry that it didn't turn out the way many of you wanted it to.
All I can say is 31 days without reporting your child missing. 31 days. There didn't even need to be forensic evidence. There's your evidence right there. Enough said.
I'm glad I am not you. I suspect you will look back on this moment, in your future years, and wonder in amazement and sorrow at what you did. Decide in haste - repent at leisure.

Stock up on sleep aids, I suspect you're going to need them.

Well, why should seeking justice for an innocent little 3 year old girl interfere with someone's vacation plans? Time, tide and cruise ship wait for no man!
I'd say, thank you for your service.

And, ...

If you wish to share ... it would be great if you would. So many are very interested in learning what portions of the prosecution's evidence presented the jury found uncompelling, what portions of the defense's were compelling - and what portions of both created your reasonable doubt?

With the evidence presented, could you have convicted Casey on any other lesser charges such as aggravated child neglect - without the murder consideration?

Oh, and, again, thank you for your service! :seeya:
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