What does Linda Arndt know?

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What secret does Linda Arndt know?

  • That PR is the killer.

    Votes: 21 9.6%
  • That JR is the killer.

    Votes: 38 17.4%
  • That both PR & JR are the killers.

    Votes: 11 5.0%
  • That BR is the killer.

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • That BR is the killer and PR & JR covered for him.

    Votes: 84 38.4%
  • That someone else is the killer.

    Votes: 10 4.6%
  • She knows nothing and is lying.

    Votes: 48 21.9%

  • Total voters
Chelly, I totally agree with what you said but, iirc, Ms. Arndt visited Patsy long after Arndt left the police force. It was near the time Patsy learned she didn't have long to live.

Arndt said that she received information from Patsy that if it was given to the right person it might be the missing piece that showed who the killer was (my paraphrasing) but that she (Arndt) did not know who the killer was. Arndt said Patsy was "imprisoned by secrets."

In the interview link it is plain to see that Arndt thought John did it.

Do you have the book handy? It is "JonBenet: Inside the Ramsey Murder Invetigation" written by Det. Steve Thomas. Thomas writes that this "visit" took place during the murder investigation in March following JB's death. Patsy was at Stine's house. PR's atty was present and checked Arndt for a wire. I am indeed aware that LA also visited PR "on her death bed" Different visit. Steve Thomas is directly quoted from his book in my earlier post.
Do you have the book handy? It is "JonBenet: Inside the Ramsey Murder Invetigation" written by Det. Steve Thomas. Thomas writes that this "visit" took place during the murder investigation in March following JB's death. Patsy was at Stine's house. PR's atty was present and checked Arndt for a wire. I am indeed aware that LA also visited PR "on her death bed" Different visit. Steve Thomas is directly quoted from his book in my earlier post.

I wish I still had my book but I don't. Okay, I see what you are saying. You meant the first visit at the Stine's. I thought you meant the visit made when Patsy was "on her death bed." Thanks for setting me straight.

I wish Arndt would write a book. :seeya:
Actually, there was a 1st tete-a-tete between LA and PR. From the Rocky Mountain News: “The day was Jan. 8, 1997. Arndt was at the Child Advocacy Center in Niwot where JonBenet's older brother Burke - now 19 - was being interviewed by a child psychologist. ‘Patsy and I were alone for over an hour, and she shared a lot of things in that conversation. She did, and I did,’ Arndt recalled. ‘And one of the things she demanded of me, she looked me in the eye and grabbed my hand and said, 'Promise me, promise me you will stay on this case and you will find out who did this to JonBenet.'”

This story about LA is actually a little sad in that LA was way out of her league and had suffered major career embarrassment over the R case. I’d venture to guess that PR felt superior to LA on most all levels: beauty, intelligence, marrying into money. It’s also useful to remember 2 things: How much PR lied and how much the crime was staged, whether the staging was to rescue PRs family or herself, we will likely never know.

Later, LA was so eager to redeem herself, perhaps flattered by PR’s “trust,” that she most likely had lost her objectivity – just like ML, the recent DA who exonerated. In her dying days, PR was probably also happy to have someone (formerly from LE) to, ahem, co-op , moo. Here’s LA’s statement from LA’s interview: “There's no way to undo the wrong that was done (to the Ramsey family.)” LA got to claim information that no one else had. PR got to get the message out again, that the R family was “done wrong”. I’m not buyin’ it. Moo.
Or if it was at all staged and if so if it was by them or someone else who wanted them to look guilty.

All possibilities because we are just theorizing.

I believe the most likely scenario is that it is something that she believes will help the ramseys and not hurt them. She surely knows more than others at this point about what PR and her talked about. I believe she will reveal it one day.
her last meeting with PR wasn't the first one of this type it seems...it was an issue from the beginning....

5 Q. So are you denying that you were ever

6 encouraged to establish a rapport with Patsy Ramsey?

7 A. I don't remember being encouraged.

8 Q. The next sentence of that same bullet: The

9 bond that was created evolved into a situation where

10 Linda was not advising the case supervisor or others

11 there were meetings with Mrs. Ramsey. Is that true?

12 A. No.

13 Q. Then continuing that same sentence: And when

14 confronted on the inappropriateness of such meetings,

15 declined to provide the content of discussions with the

16 suspect because she had promised the suspect that she

17 wouldn't divulge the conversations to other

18 investigators
. Is that true?

19 A. It's a multiple statement, but no, it's -

20 the statement is not true.

21 Q. None of it is true?

22 A. Correct.

23 Q. So you're saying that you did provide the

24 contents of your discussions with Patsy Ramsey at all

25 times?

Page 205

1 A. Yes.

2 Q. Did you ever indicate to anybody that you had

3 promised Patsy Ramsey that you wouldn't divulge the

4 conversations to other investigators?

5 A. No.

6 Q. Do you agree with the conclusion that your

7 behavior caused considerable distrust and consternation

8 within the investigative team?

9 MR. JONES: Object to the form, misstates

10 what the letter says.

11 A. What behavior?

12 Q. (BY MR. HALABY) Read the last sentence of

13 that same bullet, where it says: That behavior,

14 coupled with some other behavior, caused considerable

15 distrust and consternation within the investigative

16 team. Do you believe that to be a true statement?

17 A. Not from what the team told me.
2 Q. How did that meeting come about?

3 A. I was concerned about Patsy's well-being. So

4 I called her attorney, Patrick Burke, and asked if I

5 could meet with her face-to-face.

6 Q. What did he tell you?

7 MR. JONES: Want something to drink?

8 THE DEPONENT: Water is fine.

9 A. I don't remember a specific conversation. I

10 remember getting a phone call from Patsy, and that I

11 tape-recorded it, and it was put into evidence. She

12 was agreeable to the meeting.

13 Q. (BY MR. HALABY) Where did the meeting take

14 place?

15 A. I said at the Fernies'.

16 Q. Who else was present?

17 A. Barb Fernie; Nedra Paugh, P-A-U-G-H, Patsy's

18 mother; and Patsy's attorney, Patrick Burke.

19 Q. Did Patrick Burke ever indicate to you why he

20 was allowing you, as a detective of the Boulder Police

21 Department, to meet with his client?

22 A. Before the meeting started, he said something

23 to the effect that, as an attorney, he should - he

24 might be considered crazy for allowing it, but he

25 trusted me.

Page 211

1 Q. Your conversation with Patsy at this time was

2 in the presence of others?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. All the people you just mentioned, or just

5 some of those people?

6 A. Patrick Burke left shortly after I arrived

7 and after he laid out, again, the length of the

8 meeting.

9 Q. What did he lay out in that regard?

10 A. The meeting would last one hour. There would

11 be no conversation at all about the investigation.

12 Q. Did you follow those ground rules?

13 A. I did.

14 Q. The other individuals you named were present

15 during this conversation with Patsy?

16 A. Barb Fernie and Nedra Paugh, yes.

17 Q. What did you discuss with her during the one

18 hour? First of all, did you take an hour with her?

19 A. I believe from the time I arrived to the time

20 I left was about one hour. It wasn't any more. The

21 conversation was how her - how her mental health was

22 and how her physical health was. And the only other

23 thing I remember her talking about is her going to see

24 a performance in Denver of Patsy Kline or Patsy D.

25 Kline or whatever was playing at the 14th and Curtis

Page 212

1 Performing Arts Complex.

2 Q. Did you give a written report on that?

3 A. No.

4 Q. - meeting with Patsy Ramsey?

5 A. No.

6 Q. Why was that?

7 A. I gave a verbal report.

8 Q. You didn't think it was important to give a

9 written report concerning one of the prime suspects in

10 this murder?

And? She visited Patsy.. She told them what she said..

Maybe ST is not telling the truth. Maybe he wants so badly to hang the R's that he was baggering her to tell her something he could used and when she stated just what she did in the deposition, He just started accusing her of holding back and AGAIN made nothing but a rumor a fact that people hold onto?

Just a thought..

12 A. It was based on behaviors and fact.

13 Q. What facts?

14 A. Well, after the FBI showed up at the house,

15 then I was told that there was the practiced note on

16 the note pad that John Ramsey had given earlier that

17 day and that the parents were involved. Yeah, I

18 already knew that. And then the behaviors I witnessed

19 throughout the day.

20 Q. What specifically about John Ramsey's

21 behavior led you to this conclusion?

22 A. Well, based on my training and experience,

23 it's not one thing. It's a culmination of all the

24 behaviors that day, his background that I was able to

25 glean, and his behavior and his comments after he

Page 27

1 brought JonBenet up in particular.

2 Q. Are those contained in the report you

3 authored concerning those events?

4 A. Is what contained? My observations

5 are contained.

6 Q. The comments you were relying on to form

7 your conclusion of his involvement, are those contained

8 in your report?

9 A. My observations are contained in the

10 report, so it's a fairly objective report, as

11 remember it.

12 Q. But that wasn't my question. You referred

13 specifically to comments he made that were part of your

14 forming this conclusion as to his involvement. And my

15 question was are those comments you were referring to

16 in this context contained in your report?

17 A. I believe they are.

18 Q. And at the same time had you excluded his

19 wife as a participant in this crime?

20 A. I hadn't excluded Patsy for her

21 involvement.

22 Q. Did you at some time arrive at that

23 conclusion?

24 A. Never.

25 Q. So to this day, have you formed an opinion

Page 28

1 as to whether Patsy was involved in the murder of her

2 daughter?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. And what's that conclusion?

5 A. That John actually killed his daughter, but

6 Patsy was involved in presenting the murder as

7 something other than a murder.

8 Q. The post murder coverup, to generalize?

9 A. Well, I don't like that phrasing, but that

10 is generally how some people refer to it, yes.

11 Q. Did you also make this known to those that

12 were part of the investigative team?

13 A. What, Patsy's involvement?

14 Q. Yes.

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. Now, was this based on fact or impression?

17 A. And those are my two options?

18 Q. No. You're not restricted to those two.

19 You just give me what it is, what the facts are as far

20 as you understand them.

21 A. Based on my training and experience as a

22 sex assault investigator and as a cop and all the

23 experience and training in all investigations.

24 Q. Okay. So if I understand your answer, it's

25 because of your background and experience that you took

Page 29

1 the totality of the circumstances, as you perceived

2 them to be on that day, and formed these conclusions?

3 A. It is using my background and experience.

4 And your phrasing of totality of circumstances, it's -

5 what happened on December 26th or what I observed on

6 December 26th, it's using what happened that day with

7 the information about behaviors and facts before

8 December 26th
what behaviors and facts PRIOR to dec 26 is she referring to??
why would you wanna be friends with someone who thinks your beloved innocent hubby killed your child?doesn't make sense...if JDI maybe PR was desperate to tell someone but didn't have the courage nor the evidence?maybe she told Arndt the truth before dying but it can't be backed up ?all this is very weird....
How I would have loved to see Arndt on the witness stand. Same for the pediatrician and coroner. But then- that is exactly why there was no trial, right? Too risky for the DA to have witnesses that could be asked the wrong questions. And then the DA might not have had his nice retirement package that he was so close to getting. Can't anger the "friends in high places".
why would you wanna be friends with someone who thinks your beloved innocent hubby killed your child?doesn't make sense...if JDI maybe PR was desperate to tell someone but didn't have the courage nor the evidence?maybe she told Arndt the truth before dying but it can't be backed up ?all this is very weird....

After studying several of the videos where both John and Patsy participated, in my opinion, they were not a happily married couple. I didn't see anything that told me John Ramsey was a beloved or innocent husband.

They came across as two people in a symbiotic relationship but nothing suggested great love between a man and his wife.
After studying several of the videos where both John and Patsy participated, in my opinion, they were not a happily married couple. I didn't see anything that told me John Ramsey was a beloved or innocent husband.

They came across as two people in a symbiotic relationship but nothing suggested great love between a man and his wife.

I agree,a pretty cold relationship...there was this interview with them and at the end she starts crying (better said she tries to...) and he "comforts" her... God did that look FAKE...it's obvious he wasn't used to that kind of warm gestures...
I agree,a pretty cold relationship...there was this interview with them and at the end she starts crying (better said she tries to...) and he "comforts" her... God did that look FAKE...it's obvious he wasn't used to that kind of warm gestures...

My favorite interview is the one with the minister asking questions. He comments that unrepentant murderers in the church could cause problems (my paraphrasing) and Patsy immediately pipes up with, "What if were murderers? Shouldn't you be preaching to us instead of preaching to the choir?" (or words closely to that effect) Pheww, her demeanor was so haughty I wanted to smack her face through the television screen.
After studying several of the videos where both John and Patsy participated, in my opinion, they were not a happily married couple. I didn't see anything that told me John Ramsey was a beloved or innocent husband.

They came across as two people in a symbiotic relationship but nothing suggested great love between a man and his wife.

AGREED! So I asked myself, "Why did they stay together?"

Why did they stay together if BDI? This I can understand. BUT......
Why did they stay together if JDI? PR could have held that murder over JR, divorced him and received his fortune.
AGREED! So I asked myself, "Why did they stay together?"

Why did they stay together if BDI? This I can understand. BUT......
Why did they stay together if JDI? PR could have held that murder over JR, divorced him and received his fortune.

Website http://arachnoid.com/ChildrenOfNarcissus/narcissism.html has some insights into behavior some think JR displayed.

Once they staged together, the lines were blurred of who did what in the household. The cross-fingerpointing defense would kick in if one of them turned on the other. Since none of us were on the inside of that marriage, difficult to know anything but compare how we would be. But symbiosis is a pretty good description of it. So is actor and enabler. Lastly factor in PR's major health concerns. moo.
Or if it was at all staged and if so if it was by them or someone else who wanted them to look guilty.

All possibilities because we are just theorizing.

I believe the most likely scenario is that it is something that she believes will help the ramseys and not hurt them. She surely knows more than others at this point about what PR and her talked about. I believe she will reveal it one day.

Sure hope you're right on LA revealing what she knows one day, if she knows anything other that what the public has already been able to gleen from reports and books.

No matter who killed JB, this is a tragic case of unresolved justice for that beautiful child.
I wish I still had my book but I don't. Okay, I see what you are saying. You meant the first visit at the Stine's. I thought you meant the visit made when Patsy was "on her death bed." Thanks for setting me straight.

I wish Arndt would write a book. :seeya:

Oh, I was thinking, too, that Arndt was keeping secrets related to their last visit. A book sure would be good!
how i would have loved to see arndt on the witness stand. Same for the pediatrician and coroner. But then- that is exactly why there was no trial, right? Too risky for the da to have witnesses that could be asked the wrong questions. And then the da might not have had his nice retirement package that he was so close to getting. Can't anger the "friends in high places".

So all these people are all in a conspiracy.. The medical examiner, The coroner, Linda Arndt, The DA, All of them...

When you start searching for logical explanations and following paths to the truth it seems that anyone that has something to offer in support of the Ramseys is discounted as either crooked or "in their camp". If that does not seem a little too Conspiracy theory to me, I don't know what does.

Could be there is a river named Denial running through rdi country too.

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