What does Linda Arndt know?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

What secret does Linda Arndt know?

  • That PR is the killer.

    Votes: 21 9.6%
  • That JR is the killer.

    Votes: 38 17.4%
  • That both PR & JR are the killers.

    Votes: 11 5.0%
  • That BR is the killer.

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • That BR is the killer and PR & JR covered for him.

    Votes: 84 38.4%
  • That someone else is the killer.

    Votes: 10 4.6%
  • She knows nothing and is lying.

    Votes: 48 21.9%

  • Total voters
AGREED! So I asked myself, "Why did they stay together?"

Why did they stay together if BDI? This I can understand. BUT......
Why did they stay together if JDI? PR could have held that murder over JR, divorced him and received his fortune.

I still give most credence to Steve Thomas's theory, which is, basically, Patsy did it in an accidental event precipitated by loss of Patsy's self control. To me, that explains all aspects of what happened.

My second favorite theory is John Did It.

Burke is way down on my list although I admit that some unknown act between him and JonBenet could have been a precipitating factor but no nearly ten-year old could stay up all night after a long hard day and do what was done to JonBenet -- maybe an initial injury but not the staging.

The only thing I'm sure of is Patsy wrote the note.
Or maybe they stayed together because they loved each other and were the only two people in the world that could understand the pain and despair of losing a child in such a fashion.
I still give most credence to Steve Thomas's theory, which is, basically, Patsy did it in an accidental event precipitated by loss of Patsy's self control. To me, that explains all aspects of what happened.

My second favorite theory is John Did It.

Burke is way down on my list although I admit that some unknown act between him and JonBenet could have been a precipitating factor but no nearly ten-year old could stay up all night after a long hard day and do what was done to JonBenet -- maybe an initial injury but not the staging.

The only thing I'm sure of is Patsy wrote the note.

Like you, I'm sure PR wrote the note.

I am also sure RDI, not sure which one.

If BDI, he didn't stay up all night, just long enough for the molestation and head bash. He was then sent to bed and parents took over assisting JB to her death and staging.
Like you, I'm sure PR wrote the note.

I am also sure RDI, not sure which one.

If BDI, he didn't stay up all night, just long enough for the molestation and head bash. He was then sent to bed and parents took over assisting JB to her death and staging.

Like you both, I'm pretty sure it was a R...but still on the fence as to which one. Do think both staged. I think PR wrote the note too.
All my opinion.
Website http://arachnoid.com/ChildrenOfNarcissus/narcissism.html has some insights into behavior some think JR displayed.

Once they staged together, the lines were blurred of who did what in the household. The cross-fingerpointing defense would kick in if one of them turned on the other. Since none of us were on the inside of that marriage, difficult to know anything but compare how we would be. But symbiosis is a pretty good description of it. So is actor and enabler. Lastly factor in PR's major health concerns. moo.
Good point. They HAD to stay together!
So all these people are all in a conspiracy.. The medical examiner, The coroner, Linda Arndt, The DA, All of them...

When you start searching for logical explanations and following paths to the truth it seems that anyone that has something to offer in support of the Ramseys is discounted as either crooked or "in their camp". If that does not seem a little too Conspiracy theory to me, I don't know what does.

Could be there is a river named Denial running through rdi country too.

There is a river named Denial Scarlett, but it ain't runnin' through RDI country! :wink:
There is a river named Denial Scarlett, but it ain't runnin' through RDI country! :wink:

On topic:
"Refusal to believe until proof is given is a rational position;
denial of all outside of our own limited experience is absurd."
Annie Besant
AGREED! So I asked myself, "Why did they stay together?"

Why did they stay together if BDI? This I can understand. BUT......
Why did they stay together if JDI? PR could have held that murder over JR, divorced him and received his fortune.

maybe she couldn't back up her story with evidence and if she helped him in the beginning...people would have thought she's crazy?and look at the 2 families...HE was the one with money and the power...
BDI would make sense as to why they stayed together...
maybe it was just for the image...imagine the headlines if they divorced in the middle of all this...would have pointed to one of them being guilty,no?maybe this is what their lawyers advised them,to stick together no matter what (if they were both in it I agree it was the best thing to do)
My favorite interview is the one with the minister asking questions. He comments that unrepentant murderers in the church could cause problems (my paraphrasing) and Patsy immediately pipes up with, "What if were murderers? Shouldn't you be preaching to us instead of preaching to the choir?" (or words closely to that effect) Pheww, her demeanor was so haughty I wanted to smack her face through the television screen.

that interview was a creepy one for me....JR spoke like a lunatic...and re that phrase...to me it sounded something like "murderers deserve forgiveness just like the rest of you,we are all equal in the eyes of God"
My take on LA is that she appears to be fueled by personal emotions in this whole case ... the opposite of what is expected from a detective

And when did she switch sides to defend PR instead of treating her as a suspect ?

Early in the investigation she "made a note" that when PR first saw her daughter .... she covered her face with her hands and pretended to be sobbing .... meanwhile she was peeking thru her fingers and watching Arndt the whole time ... Arndt said it was phoney as heck. All show.

Anyone else remember that ?

1 Q. And what opinions are you referring to that

2 were material to the investigation?

3 A. Incest. Naming the Ramseys as suspects.

4 Q. This is incest between John Ramsey and

5 JonBenet?

6 A. Yes, to the whole incest dynamic in the

7 family.

8 Q. But involving John Ramsey and JonBenet, any

9 other members?

10 A. Well, specifically because she's the one

11 who's dead.

12 Q. But when you refer again to incest, it

13 could involve any number of family members. I'm just

14 trying to identify the family members you refer to when

15 you use that term.

16 A. Well, there's a whole dynamic, because

17 everybody's got a role in the family.

18 Q. The incest has an effect on family members,

19 does it not?

20 A. Well, in general terms that covers it when

21 you talk about an act, but I'm talking about the

22 dynamic.

23 Q. I understand about the dynamic, but I want

24 to get the predicate first. The participants in the

25 incest, when you refer to incest, you're referring to

Page 43

1 John Ramsey and JonBenet and no other family members?

2 A. I refer to every member of the family.

3 Every member has got a role.

4 Q. But in terms of an actual sexual act that's

5 implicit in the term of incest, you're referring to

6 John Ramsey and JonBenet?

7 A. Yes.

I am definitely no LA fan but she's got a point here re fam.dynamics....I was thinking of what Kolar says/thinks about BR....but maybe he's indeed a victim as well and not the perpetrator?abuse doesn't affect only the victim,she's right about everyone having a role in it...the wife,the other siblings...PR wouldn't be the first wife who protects her husband,sadly there are so many out there,the reason why they do it is not even so important....

1 Q. And what opinions are you referring to that

2 were material to the investigation?

3 A. Incest. Naming the Ramseys as suspects.

4 Q. This is incest between John Ramsey and

5 JonBenet?

6 A. Yes, to the whole incest dynamic in the

7 family.

8 Q. But involving John Ramsey and JonBenet, any

9 other members?

10 A. Well, specifically because she's the one

11 who's dead.

12 Q. But when you refer again to incest, it

13 could involve any number of family members. I'm just

14 trying to identify the family members you refer to when

15 you use that term.

16 A. Well, there's a whole dynamic, because

17 everybody's got a role in the family.

18 Q. The incest has an effect on family members,

19 does it not?

20 A. Well, in general terms that covers it when

21 you talk about an act, but I'm talking about the

22 dynamic.

23 Q. I understand about the dynamic, but I want

24 to get the predicate first. The participants in the

25 incest, when you refer to incest, you're referring to

Page 43

1 John Ramsey and JonBenet and no other family members?

2 A. I refer to every member of the family.

3 Every member has got a role.

4 Q. But in terms of an actual sexual act that's

5 implicit in the term of incest, you're referring to

6 John Ramsey and JonBenet?

7 A. Yes.

I am definitely no LA fan but she's got a point here re fam.dynamics....I was thinking of what Kolar says/thinks about BR....but maybe he's indeed a victim as well and not the perpetrator?abuse doesn't affect only the victim,she's right about everyone having a role in it...the wife,the other siblings...PR wouldn't be the first wife who protects her husband,sadly there are so many out there,the reason why they do it is not even so important....

So we have one det opinion and no proof of incest between any of the Ramseys. Just because someone says it does not make it so. It only makes it their opinion.
There is a river named Denial Scarlett, but it ain't runnin' through RDI country! :wink:

Sure it is, The Coroner states the police wanted to hold the body, And HE did not because he found it unethical. That is dismissed as "They got the body didn't they?"

But it goes to the whole culture of why the Ramsey's would not talk to the police without a lawyer's counsel or consent. They knew that the police were targeting them and it would be a stupid stupid person that went into the station with a bullseye on their back. I have seen some pretty vile interogations where the police railroaded people.

RDI is full of denial, And speculation and nothing but a differing opinion. It holds no more water than IDI because in the end there is no charges and all you have is a few books and other people's speculations that form the RDI theories.

In the end no theory is more valid than the next. It is not fact, just more opinion.
all you have is a few books

yes,written by people who had access to ALL the evidence.no way can you claim you know this case better than them...yes,they might disagree re which Ramsey did it but they all agree it was one of them...

maybe ST and LA are not the most experienced cops out there but they definitely know more about this case than you or me.but there are also people like Kane and Kolar and Greg McCrary (and the list goes onnnn)...you can't say bad things about THESE 3 can you?and they are RDI's as well and had access to stuff you never heard of
yes,written by people who had access to ALL the evidence.no way can you claim you know this case better than them...yes,they might disagree re which Ramsey did it but they all agree it was one of them...

maybe ST and LA are not the most experienced cops out there but they definitely know more about this case than you or me.but there are also people like Kane and Kolar and Greg McCrary (and the list goes onnnn)...you can't say bad things about THESE 3 can you?and they are RDI's as well and had access to stuff you never heard of

To me writing books in the subject negates your credibility with me. And again it is all left to their opinion. IT is one thing to write a book after a prosecution and put out there what made you feel the way you did and then follow a path, But to me, When some thing is unsolved and you were part of the investigation team, All this is an end run around a court room.

I see they hold weight for many here, but not for me. I want to see the reports and evidence and come to my own conclusions, I don't need to follow someone else's just because it is popular
My take on LA is that she appears to be fueled by personal emotions in this whole case ... the opposite of what is expected from a detective

And when did she switch sides to defend PR instead of treating her as a suspect ?

Early in the investigation she "made a note" that when PR first saw her daughter .... she covered her face with her hands and pretended to be sobbing .... meanwhile she was peeking thru her fingers and watching Arndt the whole time ... Arndt said it was phoney as heck. All show.

Anyone else remember that ?

I remember that well. The first hours of the investigation were the most telling.
The biggest problem with this case was AH. He was the man who made the major decisions. He decided what would be sent to the lab for testing, and which witnesses would be called to testify. How much of all the info, or articles which should have been used to build a substantial case, are sitting in some warehouse? How many people were not allowed to testify because AH refused to let them speak? AH was getting ready to retire.
He didn't want to go to trial, because of his incompetence in prior trials.
I believe that there is evidence stored that would bring a conviction. I believe that there are people who could testify as to events that happened, which would shine a new light on this case.
If the R's were poor people they would have been charged with JB's death. We all know that "money talks" and in this case it screamed out loud that rich people can buy their way out of many things, including murder.
We need the new DA, and the cold case team to man-up. It has been over 17 years now, and there has been no justice for this beautiful child.
The biggest problem with this case was AH. He was the man who made the major decisions. He decided what would be sent to the lab for testing, and which witnesses would be called to testify. How much of all the info, or articles which should have been used to build a substantial case, are sitting in some warehouse? How many people were not allowed to testify because AH refused to let them speak? AH was getting ready to retire.
He didn't want to go to trial, because of his incompetence in prior trials.
I believe that there is evidence stored that would bring a conviction. I believe that there are people who could testify as to events that happened, which would shine a new light on this case.
If the R's were poor people they would have been charged with JB's death. We all know that "money talks" and in this case it screamed out loud that rich people can buy their way out of many things, including murder.
We need the new DA, and the cold case team to man-up. It has been over 17 years now, and there has been no justice for this beautiful child.

Agree with everything you said Darlene!This is what makes it so frustrating!I feel that there is something in those files or maybe there is one person that knows something or maybe they missed to test something...that's what I've been saying not long ago...it will be hard to solve it and very hard to prosecute (past mistakes) but NOT impossible if you really WANT to.all it takes is one person (in the right position and willing).it's not like this was a perfect crime!nope.the killer did LOTS of mistakes but people in charge chose to LOOK AWAY.the evidence is still there though.
My take on LA is that she appears to be fueled by personal emotions in this whole case ... the opposite of what is expected from a detective

And when did she switch sides to defend PR instead of treating her as a suspect ?

Early in the investigation she "made a note" that when PR first saw her daughter .... she covered her face with her hands and pretended to be sobbing .... meanwhile she was peeking thru her fingers and watching Arndt the whole time ... Arndt said it was phoney as heck. All show.

Anyone else remember that ?

IF I am not mistaken,that was officer French?Anyway,doesn't matter who it was...oh I so wish we knew what the cops wrote in their reports that morning!
To me writing books in the subject negates your credibility with me. And again it is all left to their opinion. IT is one thing to write a book after a prosecution and put out there what made you feel the way you did and then follow a path, But to me, When some thing is unsolved and you were part of the investigation team, All this is an end run around a court room.

I see they hold weight for many here, but not for me. I want to see the reports and evidence and come to my own conclusions, I don't need to follow someone else's just because it is popular

So the R's didn't negate their credibility with their books?

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