What does the jury think happened today?

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What does the jury think happened?

  • ICA plans to plead

    Votes: 21 10.6%
  • ICA (or someone) is sick

    Votes: 117 58.8%
  • Judge or Lawyer had a personal emergency

    Votes: 24 12.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 37 18.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't know if the DT even had anything to do with ica's sickness.:waitasec:

I just hope that the jurors and the judge won't buy into her grade school antics.

I'm going to hope that the juror's are as insightful as the websleuthers!!! We have seen that she hasn't cried for Caylee at all and any other parent whose child has died, would be inconsolable at all times. She has known all of this for the past three years, but suddenly the day photos of Caylee are being shown to the jury, is the only day she sheds tears - BOMBSHELL Casey no one is buying it.
From what I read in someones post. ICA stood up as the jury was to leave and sat back down looking ill. If the jury saw that then they know that something was up with ICA. It was said many of the jurors were not paying attention to her. This was her way of gaining their attention.

Didn't she have to leave the courtroom one day, early in the trial or jury selection because her hands went numb or something? (Or am I a stark-raving madwoman and thinking about someone else?)
Thanks for your responses. If ICA was still in court when they were dismissed, since I didn't see it, I wasn't assuming they saw her sick. It sounds to me like they just saw her normal behavior or didn't notice her at all. I was just looking at this from the prespective of a juror sitting on their bed tonight wondering what happened.
The looks and actions of her attorney's this afternoon told me not that they were sympathetic of her but for the first time, I think they realized collectively how scary this chick is and they don't have any control over her.

"They just want Caylee back, that's all they're worried about right now, is getting Caylee back..."

And who was everyone making a big fuss about at the end of the day?

So to answer the question, yes. I think she was in panic mode especially listening to the photo evidence, but panicking for a different reason you or I would. Getting her way calmed her right down.
I snipped a bunch -- I agreed with all of it, too. This was an excellent post! But I saw something different from her attorneys. That woman who has seemed so sympathetic before started with her arm around Casey but drew away from her as the pictures of the scene went on. By the time the court recessed for break (or lunch?) when Casey acted kind of woozy, that woman barely gave her a look.
I believe she faked it and was role playing, with help from the DT. At one point JB even scooted the back of the computer screen that was blocking her fake tears from the jury. She was struggling to cry imo, and did a little better when DS would place her arm around her shoulder. strategy....

I think if her sniveling was actual sobbing, she would have more than dabbed her eyes....and unless that tissue was a shamwow, she would have needed more than one for the length of detail and time of those photos.

I also think if all six tears were really there, they were due to today focusing on Caylee and the attention was taken from casey.

The application of this duct tape (right around the head three times) is vile and cruel and vindictive. I don't believe for a second that someone (anyone) trying to "cover up" an accident would ever have the intestinal fortitude to do such a thing to anyone who innocently drowned. The DA is over the top unbelievable to suggest such a thing and anyone with an a bit of common sense will see through it.

Also - I've commented on this before but will do so again and again...How does wrapping duct tape across an infant's face to block all manner of respiration bring one to a conclusion of "kidnapping". All it does for me is lead to "MURDER".

Just watch Dr. Drew Show. He had a guest who was in court room Dr. Drew shows footage of gallery people looking up at photos on monitor in courtroom and you can see this female guest seems to be focusing on someone or something.

Her take: Casey was faking. Coached by her Defense. Kept her head down most of the time the photos of crime scene & medical examiner's photos were being shown.

My take= terrible actress. She squeezed and wiped her nose more then anything this morning. Held head down all day. May have had an anxiety attack-she knows she's looking mighty nasty to the jury. This morning, she held the same rectangular shaped piece of kleenex. Kept refolding it, wiping under eyes, squeeze nose, refolded. IF there were real tears and fluid coming from her nose, the kleenex would have crumbled. For all the wiping she did, a table of used kleenex should have been observed. I saw total 2 kleenex discarded on table earlier in the afternoon.

Body language: she repeatedly wrapped herself up in that duster type top she wore over shirt, pulled the sleeve fabric over her one hand that she rested her head on some of the time that I had to look twice.Made it look like she had a glove on her hand. These actions have nothing to do with grief or suffering, more like 'protecting one's self-hiding, trying to remove herself from the scene.'

Would also like to note Kathi B remarked during one of the side bars, she had noticed the defense moved KC's laptop early this morning from in front of her so the jury could get a better view of her responses while crime scene persons were being questioned. (laptop has been in front of her most all of the trial and today, it's moved away -exposing her 'innocent' self)

ILLNESS PLANNED, if anything, angry she is not believable. Upset the photos demonstrate no regard for the body, tossed like trash indeed.

*OT:*and to the credit of Dr. Drew, in response to Linda KBaden saying 'this is about a girl who is up against the death penalty', Dr. Drew said," NO, this is about a little girl whose life was shortened." ( not verbatim, but close enough)
The brains of human beings contain mirror neurons. These mirror neurons are the physical structures of empathy. From a purely physiological perspective, that's why we feel sadness & cry when when are in the presence of someone who is sad, or happy when we interact with someone who is laughing.

When I watched KC's *emotional display* earlier today, I felt not one iota of sadness with her or for her. If anything, I felt annoyed, and as the display continued, I began to feel angry.

Then came the brief camera shot during recess that captured a hostile expression on KC's face. Bingo!

I contrast today's experience with CA's reaction on the witness stand during the playing of the July 15th 911 tape. My whole body ached as I watched CA break down. I felt her pain both physically and emotionally.

I say this as someone who has not followed this case until the trial began. Prior to the trial, I knew very little about the details of the case. As the witnesses testify and the evidence is presented, I'm hearing/seeing almost all of it for the first time. Before May 24, 2011, I had no particular opinion regarding Casey Anthony.

IMO, KC is a master manipulator with many years of practice. But I think she's as transparent as glass. She doesn't fool me for a nano-second.

I think her feigned display of anxiety and grief were a deliberate ploy on her part in an attempt to sway the jury because she knows the evidence against her is insurmountable.

BBM and Ty for your post. I agree with you. I DID NOT for one second like CA before i saw her testimony during the trial. I watched her on that stand, watched her listening to her self on those 911 tapes. And I saw deep and utter loss and pain. I CRIED watching her. I CRIED for her and saw the deep deep grief. CA was a complete and utter mess.

There was absolutely NONE of that in ICA. She was not SOBBING uncontrollably. She was not shaking and holding her composure with ever ounce of strength she could muster. It took EVERYTHING in Cindy's power to keep from unravelling. And to me, it took everything in ICA's power to keep from screaming "Make it Stop!" She wasn't even LOOKING at the photos! She wasnt SEEING any of it. She was merely listening.

Her behavior today was that of a spoiled brat who finally realizes they are busted. Having a hissy fit. And It wouldnt surprise me ONE iota if she completely flipped out behind the scenes and wouldnt calm down so the DT said ok we need to call this off for the day or she is gonna lose her shizz and burn this building to the ground. I compare her to Reagan. I think they would terrified of what she was going to do if they didnt get her out of there.

and on a side note.. I was fighting with my bf of 4 years over BBM today and was SOBBING uncontrollably on the bus today. I was covered in snot, shaking, crying and doing everything i could to not make a scene. We have 3 kids together and things are possibly ending.. I was more distraught over our BLACKBERRY Messenger convo that ICA at that moment in court. She wasn't Nauseous.. She was PO'ed and Mad that she was being forced to listen to that CARP. Enough of this.. she figured.. I WILL NOT sit here and listen to any more of this SHIZZ.. just WATCH me... this is my sideshow!
I was wondering about that, too. They can't have it both ways.
They've been doing just that throughout the trial so far. They are trying to cover for all possible bases. Fortunately, the result will be that they won't score on any base at all. They would like to have their cake and eat it too but sadly, there's only so many times one can cry wolf.


When she began "listing" at the defense table I knew immediately that she was pulling a carbon copy of Cindy's breakdown on the witness stand. KC was beginning to assume the same posture (slumping over) and I wondered if she would actually duplicate the posture where the head was nearly on the table. She almost did. KC is a mimic and we're all onto her. The reason that it was so draining on her to have to keep up the act was no one at the defense table consoled her. At one point I saw her "peek" out from her straightjacket-y pose to check to see if Mason was looking at her! (He wasn't!) When Jose is "nice to her" she's compliant. When Jose and/or the others are distant she feels she needs to go for the histrionics. She worked herself up into a state probably saying things to herself like "why isn't Jose fighting harder for me!"

ITA!! As I watched the videos from today and she started acting like she might be sick, the moment her head started to fall to the table, I knew she was faking. She mimiced Cindy's grief. Look at the sympathy and love everyone showered CA with during and after her testimony. KC saw that. And she "tried to be Cindy" to get the attention that she was NOT getting.

Also, I have had panic attacks and suffer from anxiety. It doesn't matter how many attacks you have, every time you have a new one, you experience fear. Your heart is racing (you think you are having a heart attack), you can feel the blood pumping through your head, you're nauseous, your knees buckle, you shake and you have a look of fear on your face. Everyone around you, regardless of whether they have experienced an attack with you before, are frightened. She did not have an ounce of fear on her face. This was an act to get sympathy.

Another thing I noticed....KC did not look at the photos. She did not "see" what others saw. She saw their reaction, hence, the breakdown. If she was paying attention to what was being said, yes that could be heartbreaking for a normal mother, but one, she hasn't really listened to the proceedings (she zones out) except when her mom was on the stand. KC saw the reaction the photos had on others and she felt she needed to act. Did JB know this...I think he has encouraged this behavior all along. So, today was the day she was going to imitate her mother because she felt like, hey, it worked for my mom, now I need to act this out to pull the jury back into my world as the victim.

I could have sworn that after lunch, at one point, I saw her begin to yawn and she put her hand (with a tissue) over her mouth to hide it. I rewound the video and played it again, twice, and yep, it looked like the beginning of a yawn.

Another observation...why is it that when all this was going on today, the MSM that was not in the courtroom, but in studios around the country, all went on about how KC was ill? That the photos got to her, blah, blah, blah...playing right into the drama Especially that Summer girl, out of NYC, actually believing this act. The MSM that was actually in the courtroom that tweeted in real time said they thought it was an act...then when the reporters get out of the courtroom, all the talking heads in the studios change their minds and decide that KC is faking it. It is so frustrating....

Just my thoughts. Thanks for letting me vent!

she just needs one more day...

I believe she faked it and was role playing, with help from the DT. At one point JB even scooted the back of the computer screen that was blocking her fake tears from the jury. She was struggling to cry imo, and did a little better when DS would place her arm around her shoulder. strategy....

I think if her sniveling was actual sobbing, she would have more than dabbed her eyes....and unless that tissue was a shamwow, she would have needed more than one for the length of detail and time of those photos.

I also think if all six tears were really there, they were due to today focusing on Caylee and the attention was taken from casey.


I don't know what the jury believes, but I can say that for me, as a person who has been hanging on to the notion that maybe this whole thing really WAS an accident/pool drowning -- today's "performance" did NOTHING to advance the possibility that she is an innocent, grieving mother. Today's antics made her look guilty, guilty, guilty, IMO. And, I'm back to thinking that she murdered her daughter in cold blood.
Sweating, palour and increased heart rate normally occur for vomiting or dry heaving. She wasn't sweating at all. No palor to be seen. No movement around her shoulders or chest. FLAT EFFECT. If anything, she was faking hyperventillation. She did it quite badly imol.

I snipped a bunch -- I agreed with all of it, too. This was an excellent post! But I saw something different from her attorneys. That woman who has seemed so sympathetic before started with her arm around Casey but drew away from her as the pictures of the scene went on. By the time the court recessed for break (or lunch?) when Casey acted kind of woozy, that woman barely gave her a look.

I'm not sure about Baez because he believes himself to be Casey's "knight in shining armor", but I believe that other members of the defense team have accepted that Casey is a pathological liar who killed her child. They have done their best to placate the defendant while upholding professional demeanors in the courtroom, but there comes a time when even the strongest human beings can no longer condone the actions of a mother who murdered her own child. jmo
I'm just dying to know that they KNOW she did it.. Baez, the others on her team. I know I know she gets a defense, its a simple chess game, they go in with a plan.

I guess I just prefer one tells the truth, JUST TELL THEM WHAT YOU DID. why all the games, why the lies. Cleanse yourself and tell the truth, have a come to jesus moment for god's sake........
If I was her lawyer, I'd be mortified that this occurred. It really looked so staged...

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