What evidence does the prosecution have?

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Yes, lots of people are, however, typically, it is not the ones that have the prescription, who have an actual chemical imbalance, it is the folks that purchase the pills from those that have a legitimate diagnosis, or that have somehow come by the medication (stolen, purchased from someone else, etc). People with abnormally low dopamine levels (ADHD) are affected differently by the medication than those who do not. Thus, if it was prescribed, I think we can likely assume, GZ had a legitimate condition.

And yes, ADHD and Narcolepsy are the 2 conditions for which it is approved.

There are doctors out there that will prescribe it solely for weight loss, something we have seen in GZ's pictures, past-present. Then the Restoril (Tamazepam) for bringing you down from the speed effect so you can sleep. Nobody knows why GZ was taking these 2 drugs.
I thought I would opine here, as someone who is both prescribed Adderall as well is rather well versed in close quarters combat and defensive pistol craft.

So, starting with Adderall. It is mixed amphetamine Salts, so yes, it is essentially speed. ADHD is an actual chemical imbalance in the brain. Typically evidenced by abnormally low dopamine levels in the synapses. If a person without abnormally low levels were to take Adderall, it would act as any stimulant does and the person would "speed" due to the excessive presence of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, for those like myself, it merely causes what is supposed to be there, to actually be there. I feel normal. In fact, I feel greatly less agitated and much more calm when I am on my medication. If fact, truth be told, our long distance Aviator's take the stimulant on mission, such as those B2 Pilots and others flying long distance missions. It heightens awareness and prevents drowsiness. 2 things you do not want when you are flying a half billion dollar aerial bombing platform. Adderall did not make GZ psychotic, a danger, or incapable of proper decision making assuming the medication was being taken at therapeutic levels. In fact, decision making capability is increased in ADHD patients.

As for the firearm and defensive pistol craft. I carry a firearm every day. Some things that are missed or ignored is that most who carry a firearm know the 20 foot rule. Meaning that anytime someone is within 20 feet, that they can cover the distance and attack you before you are able to draw and fire. So, as a result you do everything you can to prevent that from occurring. If GZ's intent was to draw down on TM and detain him, he would have done so with his weapon drawn. Meaning that GZ likely would not have let TM get close enough to swing. That and most folks, when faced with a firearm, will freeze.

I think it is clear by the evidence that there was stippling, per Investigator Gilbraith at the Bond Hearing. This is indicative of a very close range discharge. Much closer than anyone would reasonably be if they had a hand gun drawn and had a choice. I think this is clearly indicative that the engagement was not on GZ's terms. As for drawing the firearm, the Keltec is a very thin firearm.I do not know where George carried it (other than the reports that it was in his waistband). Most in-waistband carry is typically at the 5'oclock position, which is where I typically carry. If I was on my back, having my head beat as GZ alleges, I could very easily and quickly slightly shift my weight weakside, draw from concealment, and fire.

It was a good catch from another poster about the action not cycling and chambering a round. This could be a failure to cycle due to mechanical malfunction, however, the case was ejected, so likely not mechanical, as the rearward force will be unstoppable which is what pulls the case the ejector, but if there was a hand on the slide, this would possibly *advertiser censored* the cycling of the action and chambering of the next round.

Last point, while Zimmerman was involved in neighborhood watch, he was not patrolling at the time, he was going to the store. A gated community is private property, and as a property owner, GZ had every legal right to question Trayvon's presence on the private property.

Good information, but- The fact remains that every medicine has different effects on different people. Some are extremely sensitive to certain meds and may become overstimulated to Adderall just as some people may not feel any effects at all.
There are doctors out there that will prescribe it solely for weight loss, something we have seen in GZ's pictures, past-present. Then the Restoril (Tamazepam) for bringing you down from the speed effect so you can sleep. Nobody knows why GZ was taking these 2 drugs.

--in the video here, ABC reporter matt gutman says that george was prescribed Adderall for ADHD.


ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting
A couple of things from this article indicate that GZ's wife was more involved the night of the shooting than has been indicated before, and a couple of things I have not seen confirmed before:


He was handcuffed and taken into “investigative detention” at Sanford police headquarters, where he was read his Miranda rights and answered questions without a lawyer present. Investigators described him as unhesitatingly cooperative. At some point, Mr. Zimmerman provided the police with a permit allowing him to carry a concealed weapon. His clothes were taken into evidence after his wife came to the station with a new set.

A law enforcement official said officers did not seize Mr. Zimmerman’s vehicle because they thought that he had been on foot. They did not realize that he had been driving until after his wife had moved the vehicle, the official said.

Maybe would have been a good idea to check with their own dispatcher....

From reading this it appears the police have no idea where Zimmerman's truck was parked and they are just going by what he said.

¶ The vehicle that Mr. Zimmerman was driving when he first spotted Mr. Martin was mistakenly not secured by officers as part of the crime scene. The vehicle was an important link in the fatal encounter because it was where Mr. Zimmerman called the police to report a suspicious teenager in a hooded sweatshirt roaming through the Retreat. Mr. Zimmerman also said he was walking back to the vehicle when he was confronted by Mr. Martin, who was unarmed, before shooting him.


A law enforcement official said officers did not seize Mr. Zimmerman’s vehicle because they thought that he had been on foot. They did not realize that he had been driving until after his wife had moved the vehicle, the official said.

From the same article: This shows the SPD had some of the same doubts as expressed here about GZ's story of what happened and the language he used:

Some Sanford officers were skeptical from the beginning about certain details of Mr. Zimmerman’s account. For instance, he told the police that Mr. Martin had punched him over and over again, but they questioned whether his injuries were consistent with the number of blows he claimed he received. They also suspected that some of the threatening and dramatic language that Mr. Zimmerman said Mr. Martin uttered during the struggle — like “You are going to die tonight” — sounded contrived.

I'm beginning to wonder what movies GZ had been watching in the days/weeks before he had this fatal encounter....IMO
From reading this it appears the police have no idea where Zimmerman's truck was parked and they are just going by what he said.

¶ The vehicle that Mr. Zimmerman was driving when he first spotted Mr. Martin was mistakenly not secured by officers as part of the crime scene. The vehicle was an important link in the fatal encounter because it was where Mr. Zimmerman called the police to report a suspicious teenager in a hooded sweatshirt roaming through the Retreat. Mr. Zimmerman also said he was walking back to the vehicle when he was confronted by Mr. Martin, who was unarmed, before shooting him.


A law enforcement official said officers did not seize Mr. Zimmerman’s vehicle because they thought that he had been on foot. They did not realize that he had been driving until after his wife had moved the vehicle, the official said.



It has always bothered me that Zimmerman says he was running and headed towards the back gate, why not just drive down to where that sidewalk comes out to wait for him?
From the CBS article and who's video:


Zimmerman told police he fired the shot at point blank range while on his back, as the 17-year-old straddled him. He also told investigators Martin did not die immediately but mumbled either "it's over" or "you got me."

State crime analysis of Martin's clothes includes gun powder residue which could indicate the distance between the men.

Details from Trayvon Martin's autopsy show the bullet entered the left side of his chest and shattered the ventricle, one of his heart's two large chambers, but the round did not leave his body.

IANADoctor.....but it's very hard to believe that after such a devastating wound to his heart that Trayvon would have been able to utter anything.
More contrived language from GZ.....what did he think he was doing, making a movie? IMO
"It's over" or "you got me".......it just does not evennnnnnnn seem believeable. Not in the least.....imo.
I have a feeling we are going to find out just how bad he felt for Mr. Martin.:maddening:

Yep, will tell a lot about what his attitude was afterwards....wonder if he could not resist bragging about getting 'one of those ********?
Have the documents been released yet? Or Just more being leaked or selectively shared with various media? Whats up???? :waitasec:
A couple of things from this article indicate that GZ's wife was more involved the night of the shooting than has been indicated before, and a couple of things I have not seen confirmed before:



Maybe would have been a good idea to check with their own dispatcher....


I'm gobsmacked the cops didn't even ask the question about how GZ got there. And not surprised that GZ didn't volunteer the info about his truck.
That should be very interesting. That and the Club house video.

Yes, I'm very interested to see exactly what each of them were doing as Trayvon entered the area...I bet there is not a thing 'suspicious' about him except in George's mind....IMO
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