What evidence does the prosecution have?

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I personally can not think of one thing that changed from the SPD investigation to the SA investigation, other then a misinformed public that was led to believe this to be a hate crime and not self defense. jmo
Victim status is relative to shifting circumstances. sometimes arresting the "original" victim is the right thing to do.
Going OT but it slightly relevant-your post reminds me of the Ersland case, the pharmcist in OK that was convicted of murdering the dude that tried to rob his pharmacy. IMO, that was a good conviction-but many do not see it that way.
Ersland was the original victim being robbed and his reaction was to shoot one of the robbers dead and chase the other one. The dead burglar then became the victim and Ersland the perp.

The Ersland case reminds me of this case in some ways except in that case there was a videotape and so we knew exactly what went down. but still and all, much like this case, there remains a great divide among the public as to whether Ersland was a hero or a murderer.

That's one of the cases that came to mind. I didn't follow it closely enough to comment responsibly about whether I think it was the correct result under the law. But my sense is that it probably was.

At a righteous indignation level, though, I have to admit that it really, really bugs me that we (the law abiders) can be subject to that kind of crime and have to rely on a very long string of what-ifs for justice to be served. That the police will arrive in time; that they will be able to apprehend the suspects; that there will be enough evidence to prosecute and convict; that the case won't be reversed on appea after years and yearsl; that they won't get a slap on the wrist; and that after they do minimal time they won't be right back at it again. And I'm talking about where there is a very clear case where, as there iirc, the criminals were on videotape committing the crime.

Actually, my feelings about that case are very similar to my feelings about this case. At a "that's not right" level I can see the other side very clearly. At a guilty under the law level, I think there's a good chance that George is not and that Ersland probably was.

However, I also think that this case is anomolous, as are most of the other SYG that make the headlines. jmo.
It should be noted that The Daily Mail does not often do its own original reporting. It simply takes stuff from here, there, and everywhere, so just because The Daily Mail 'prints' it, does not make it true nor does it legitimize it nor does it qualify as an MSM says.

Regarding the Trayvon / bus driver story, what the Daily Mail said in part was:

"The conservative news site the Daily Caller and the blog the Wagist claim they have unearthed a Twitter account, which has since been taken down, that belonged to the teen.

Among many Tweets, the Wagist claims, is a message from his cousin implying that Trayvon attacked a bus driver.

'Yu ain't tell me yu swung on a bus driver,' a user Tweeted to Travyon's alleged account five days before he was killed."

From: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-He-suspended-times-caught-burglary-tool.html
So let's go back to the initial thread question... what evidence does the prosecution have?
Most of us here, know more about the case than Dershowitz. I tend to not believe attorneys all the time, especially the paid, talking head ones. :floorlaugh:

I doubt, the prosecution is looking at him for advice. :what:

I believe Alan Dershowitz was one of Jeffery Macdonald's.
I find it very interesting that GZ's excited utterance after shooting TM was I just shot someone and not I had to shoot someone. He tried to grab my gun. That is what you would expect someone to say after a life and death struggle over a gun where you thought you were going to die. Not just "I shot someone." Stuggling for the gun seems like it belongs with he came from my left and jumped me from behind while I was going to the car, or I was reaching for my phone and TM punched me in the nose. I don't think there was much talking going on once that phone went dead because I think TM took off running which would explain where TM's body was found. Plus LE told Mr. Martin that TM was lying face down away facing away from the sidewalk. Only his feet were barely touching the sidewalk. How did the body end up in that position if GZ claims TM was slamming his head onto the cement sidewalk???? Was LE lying to Mr. Martin? Or was it GZ who lied on his statement? jmo
This is the grading policy for both in school ("indoor") and out of school ("outdoor") suspensions at Michael S. Krop High School. Files/Attendance-Tardy-Policies.pdf

B. Suspensions.
Under no circumstances are teachers required to make special provisions
to comply with this procedure. The responsibility for securing written assignments missed
during the suspension period will be the responsibility of the student.

1. Outdoor Suspension
a. The class absences accrued by a student who is placed on outdoor
suspension are to be recorded by the teacher using the appropriate code
in the grade book.
b. A student who is placed on an outdoor suspension is expected to
makeup all written assignments missed during the suspension period.
c. Failure to makeup assignments will result in the student being given an
academic grade of F for those assignments.
d. It is the student's responsibility to request makeup assignments and
complete all work no later than two weeks following the outdoor

e. Additionally, the student will not be subject to the withholding of passing
grades unless he or she has, in addition to the suspension, attained five
or more unexcused class absences in a designated semester course or
ten or more unexcused absences in an annual course.

2. Indoor Suspension
a. The class absences accrued by a student who is placed on indoor
suspension are to be recorded by the teacher using the appropriate code
in the grade book.
b. A student who is placed on indoor suspension is expected to makeup all
written assignments missed during the suspension period.
c. Failure to makeup assignments will result in the student being given an
academic grade of F for those assignments.
d. It is the student's responsibility to request makeup assignments and
complete all work as negotiated with the teacher.
e. All absences associated with indoor suspensions are recorded as
excused absences in your grade book.

Regarding participation in sports and extracurricular activities and suspensions:
(Same link as above)

E. A student who is serving an Outdoor Suspension cannot practice or participate in
interscholastic sports, competitions, or performances and may be subject to further
sanctions or penalties.
F. A student who has a total of eleven (11) cumulative days of suspension (indoor and
outdoor) will not be allowed to participate in interscholastic competitions or performances
for the remainder of the school year.

We have alternative schools for students that are on suspension to attend. The student's have a strict dress code and have to wear white shirts, khaki pants and black shoes.
They are to do their school work and keep up. They can not speak to other students during the day.
Most want to get back to their regular school as soon as possible.
We have alternative schools for students that are on suspension to attend. The student's have a strict dress code and have to wear white shirts, khaki pants and black shoes.
They are to do their school work and keep up. They can not speak to other students during the day.
Most want to get back to their regular school as soon as possible.

And clothes. lol Sounds like a great idea to me. More schools should do the same. jmo
I think SPD did not have the ME's report. Gilbreath said they have it. So SA does have evidence SPD didn't. Considering SPD was willing to let GZ go, I'd say SA has a lot more evidence. jmo
I think SPD did not have the ME's report. Gilbreath said they have it. So SA does have evidence SPD didn't. Considering SPD was willing to let GZ go, I'd say SA has a lot more evidence. jmo

Why would the ME withhold their report from SPD?

Trayvon's body
Bullet casings
GZ's statements

Did I get that right? What did I win? :doh:

It seems they have quite a lot of evidence which is listed but not detailed which supports their narrative of the crime. Copies may have been provided to the judge.

In addition to the above the affidavit of probable cause states the 2 listed investigators along with other LE officials have taken:

1/sworn statements from witnesses
2/LE officers sworn statements in reports
3/reviewed other reports
4/recorded statements
5/phone records
6/recorded calls to police
9/and other documents


OT: Is anybody else missing the thanks button and the list of thanks at the bottom of the posts? Any idea how I can get that back? TIA

Nevermind on the OT...the minute I typed that, they came back! lol
It seems they have quite a lot of evidence which is listed but not detailed which supports their narrative of the crime. Copies may have been provided to the judge.

In addition to the above the affidavit of probable cause states the 2 listed investigators along with other LE officials have taken:

1/sworn statements from witnesses
2/LE officers sworn statements in reports
3/reviewed other reports
4/recorded statements
5/phone records
6/recorded calls to police
9/and other documents


OT: Is anybody else missing the thanks button and the list of thanks at the bottom of the posts? Any idea how I can get that back? TIA

Nevermind on the OT...the minute I typed that, they came back! lol

Hey, I got thrown off earlier be glad you only lost your thanks button. Yep. Just toss out like yesterday's trash. lol
It should be noted that The Daily Mail does not often do its own original reporting. It simply takes stuff from here, there, and everywhere, so just because The Daily Mail 'prints' it, does not make it true nor does it legitimize it nor does it qualify as an MSM says.

Regarding the Trayvon / bus driver story, what the Daily Mail said in part was:

"The conservative news site the Daily Caller and the blog the Wagist claim they have unearthed a Twitter account, which has since been taken down, that belonged to the teen.

Among many Tweets, the Wagist claims, is a message from his cousin implying that Trayvon attacked a bus driver.

'Yu ain't tell me yu swung on a bus driver,' a user Tweeted to Travyon's alleged account five days before he was killed."

From: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-He-suspended-times-caught-burglary-tool.html

The parents finally admitted this was his account. It was talked about here at length.
The parents finally admitted this was his account. It was talked about here at length.

But it's not evidence of any wrong doing or otherwise. Just a comment that was never answered. No report ever filed. Could have been a question and didn't require an answer because it was not true. Kids joke around and unless it can be verified it's just a comment with no merit. It certainly would not be used by the prosecution. jmo
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