What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?

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How does one go about proving their lack of involvement?
Something stinks about Kaine... I've been thinking that since the first PR. He just looks painfully guilty of something.... not saying he did anything to Kyron... but I'm willing to bet he's done or knows something. I'm leaning more towards the affair rumor, but it's just that.

I also still do not suspect Terri... can't quite put my finger on why not... but I think her resistance and shadiness has something to do with the "dark secret" and not Kyron.
I hope she sues the crap out of the SO/media if this turns around and she's proven innocent. Also, I think the RO was probably taken out against her because she snapped. If I was being accused of something so horrible, I would've snapped long ago... and probably threaten to shoot the next person that points a finger... just sayin'

Maybe he just feels terribly guilty for bringing the woman into his house who has possibly killed his child. I think most people would feel painfully guilty in those circumstances.

Any chance kaine used some information from the investigation to get the RO with the full support (perhaps even suggestion) of LE and this is why it was so straightforward / fast / etc ... And sealed? Perhaps LE let the judge know something they have that points straight at TH but it's not enough to make an arrest at this stage. I can see LE and the judge seeing how crucial it is to protect baby k if they know that she has already harmed kyron. No need to bring up anything else if this is correct IMO
"What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?"

Filing for a divorce, taking the baby daughter, and getting a restraining order against his wife, TH.
I posted a similar comment on the People magazine article thread; Kaine Horman is a different man from the guy I have seen in pictures with Kyron. Kaine has an easy smile and a light in his eyes when with his son...it looks completely unforced. The Kaine Horman we are seeing now looks like his soul has been drained out of him. He looks incredibly pained and robotic. I feel AWFUL for him and the others who have been devestated by Kyron's disappearance. JMO.
"What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?"

Filing for a divorce, taking the baby daughter, and getting a restraining order against his wife, TH.

And that could be the exact reaction he was seeking.

Remember the engineer on the first Spector trial. He was also a very controlling type person.
I may be wrong about this but I can't remember Kaine ever defending his wife in regards to speculation of her possibly being the perp. This leads me to think their relationship was on the rocks before anything ever happened to Kyron. Then again, I seem to remember that he didn't seem to know anything about her facebook activities after Kyron went missing. JMO
"What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?"

For me, the fact that he left TH when he felt she wasn't cooperating with LE. And he took his baby girl to protect her.

I've been away since yesterday afternoon. Has Kaine stated that's why he left Terri?
And that could be the exact reaction he was seeking.

Remember the engineer on the first Spector trial. He was also a very controlling type person.

My husband is a engineer and is anything BUT a controlling type person.

Seriously - thats one heck of a generalisation.
"What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?"

For me, the fact that he left TH when he felt she wasn't cooperating with LE. And he took his baby girl to protect her.

Forgive me if I don't make too much sense of what I say here ... my son is very sick and my mind is completely focused on him.

That being said ... there is just something about this very thing ... the fact that Kaine left TH and took the baby too ... that makes something in my head ... think that he's trying to make her look guilty, or take the attention off himself onto her ... or something all together different, that my mind isn't zoning in on .. because of other stress from my son.

What do you all think? Does that make any sense at all? :waitasec:
Forgive me if I don't make too much sense of what I say here ... my son is very sick and my mind is completely focused on him.

That being said ... there is just something about this very thing ... the fact that Kaine left TH and took the baby too ... that makes something in my head ... think that he's trying to make her look guilty, or take the attention off himself onto her ... or something all together different, that my mind isn't zoning in on .. because of other stress from my son.

What do you all think? Does that make any sense at all? :waitasec:

Like Kaine may be trying to railroad his wife? The thought has crossed my mind as well. If he wanted to divorce Terri and she refused? He did not seem supportive of his wife at all and he must have known people were pointing the finger at her. Did he bear hug Tony at the first press release? I have to watch that again to be sure. JMO
Then there would be no need for an RO based on her suicidal thoughts, would there.

I don't think LE are qualified to make judgments about someone being suicidal or not.

I just don't buy the suicide thing at all.


LE is qualified to make that initial assessment.

A police officer has the absolute statutory authority to take into immediate custody without a court order anyone he feels is a danger to himself or others.

Once the person is in custody, then the ball starts rolling on determining if the person shall continue to be held and/or committed either voluntarily or involuntarily, outpatient or inpatient.

Not only may an officer take someone into custody based upon his own judgement and probable cause to believe the person is a danger to himself or others, but it can be done with a warrant issued by a magistrate or judge when evidence is given (through family, friends, healthcare providers, LE, or others).

But whether through a warrant or an officer's own determination of probable cause, the clock starts ticking once the person is in custody. They are taken for immediate evaluation, and if it's determined the person should be held, then there is a set time frame (48 hours here, if the law hasn't changed in the last several years) in which a hearing must be held. Depending upon the outcome, the person can be then held involuntarily or allowed to obtain voluntary treatment, either inpatient or outpatient, or of course simply released. The maximum involuntary commitment here is 180 days, btw.

Some people become control freaks to control/manage their anxiety. By trying to control others, they are fighting their own feelings of helplessness. Everyone manages anxiety differently just like everyone grieves differently.

ITA. Also by controlling others, they are trying to project an image of how they WANT to be perceived. Yes, everyone does manage anxiety and grief in ways. But I do know that in my case, it would take some fast-talking by LE to get me in front of a camera, LIVE. In the end, I would do whatever it would take to keep my child's picture in the media.

I think of Morgan Harrington's parents, in the beginning (local to me) and also Taylor Behl's mother and father. I realize they are older than Kyron, but your children are always your children. And, much more closer to home in my heart, my granddaughter (also 7 y.o.) and physically safe now.

As always, JMHO.
Like Kaine may be trying to railroad his wife? The thought has crossed my mind as well. If he wanted to divorce Terri and she refused? He did not seem supportive of his wife at all and he must have known people were pointing the finger at her. Did he bear hug Tony at the first press release? I have to watch that again to be sure. JMO

they did bear hug and I thought it was because they managed to get through reading those incredibly difficult statements.

They kept their emotions in check while reading them, and then they displayed their true emotions with each other.

LE is qualified to make that initial assessment.

A police officer has the absolute statutory authority to take into immediate custody without a court order anyone he feels is a danger to himself or others.

Once the person is in custody, then the ball starts rolling on determining if the person shall continue to be held and/or committed either voluntarily or involuntarily, outpatient or inpatient.

Not only may an officer take someone into custody based upon his own judgement and probable cause to believe the person is a danger to himself or others, but it can be done with a warrant issued by a magistrate or judge when evidence is given (through family, friends, healthcare providers, LE, or others).

But whether through a warrant or an officer's own determination of probable cause, the clock starts ticking once the person is in custody. They are taken for immediate evaluation, and if it's determined the person should be held, then there is a set time frame (48 hours here, if the law hasn't changed in the last several years) in which a hearing must be held. Depending upon the outcome, the person can be then held involuntarily or allowed to obtain voluntary treatment, either inpatient or outpatient, or of course simply released. The maximum involuntary commitment here is 180 days, btw.


Yup, they can make an assessment of the situation and act.

They , however, are not mental health professionals who can diagnose.

That is why I believe if there was a threat of suicide they would have acted.

SM would have been taken to a situation where professionals could have made a determination.

That did not happen. Hence, IMO, no suicide talk.

As Pensfan stated, no rational LE in this situation would have let suicide talk fall by the wayside.
Like Kaine may be trying to railroad his wife? The thought has crossed my mind as well. If he wanted to divorce Terri and she refused? He did not seem supportive of his wife at all and he must have known people were pointing the finger at her. Did he bear hug Tony at the first press release? I have to watch that again to be sure. JMO
Yes, he did. at least a 7 second hold...
With Terri it looked (TO ME) like he was being perfunctory. Just the standard Ill put my arm around you, not look at you, try not to notice that weird thing you're doing with your eyes, I'm just gonna look at the floor...
Sheriff says missing Oregon boy's stepmother cooperated

That assessment came yesterday and is at variance with what the biological parents of Kyron Horman said the day before when they pleaded with Terri Horman to, as they put it, "fully cooperate" with investigators.


I feel maybe they do not need to do any more family press conferences unless they are with LE.I also noticed thier press conference with the media was not on the sheriffs websites.
The indication that the judge is aware of Kyron's disappearance and the subsequent investigation is that he put the restraining order under seal, so as not to interfere with the investigation.

That makes me wonder if Kaine told the judge he fears for his daughter's safety because his son, last seen with his wife, has disappeared. Clearly, there are things we don't know that the judge knows and LE knows.
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