WHAT Has Been Said & By WHOM... That Baffles You? (aka Oh No They Didn't!)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Baffled by KC telling LE that she dropped off Caylee between 9 and 1. Who the HECK gives a four hour time span for something as important as dropping off their CHILD?? Even more baffled by the fact that LE didn't question her on that.
How about when Casey said, "Is all you guys care about is Caylee.":eek:
Cindy saying that she and George don't believe that Caylee is "out there in the woods", ah ~er ~ uhm ~ "out there"....
KING: Where do you think she is, George?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Oh, Caylee? She's with hopefully a loving family that's taking care of her.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
(This was right after Cindy said):,

KING: So what do you make of it?

I mean, she's your daughter. You have to have some -- why wouldn't she not -- why would she tell you -- not tell you?

CINDY ANTHONY: I think she's -- I think she was frightened. I think, from what we understand, that, you know, there's been threats to not only Caylee's well-being, but also to our family's well-being.


CINDY ANTHONY: By the people that have Caylee.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

This is from the A's appearance on Larry King, Dec.10.'08
Figure that one out!!

Horace, I have believed, up until I saw Cindy on the stand say what you quoted, that she was being deceptive on purpose. Something changed for me (hope no one slipped me Kool-Aid) but I am leaning heavily toward believing that Cindy is in a massive state of denial. I know, it sounds crazy and hard to believe, but I've never been where she is so I can't say I wouldn't be the same if I were in her shoes. I know Cindy has brought a lot of this on herself by thrusting herself in the media spotlight but I do feel for her now.

ETA: Sorry for the O/T- I do think Cindy saying "I still believe Caylee is alive" was very bizarre. Anyone rooted in reality knows that (sadly) those tiny remains were Caylee's.

I just don't think she should be able to rely on her nurse background regarding the decomp and then ignore dna evidence. Either she believes her training or she doesn't. Just my opinion. I don't see it as denial but who really knows?
Many things already mentioned here baffle me, however -

The thing that baffles me most is not one particular statement, but the fact that Cindy & George spent far too many months on the multiple media tours lying, minimizing and making excuses for ALL of Casey's actions while hurling accusations and throwing innocent people to the wolves (under the guise of creating reasonable doubt). It served no purpose except to exacerbate the public's anger. The perception of them only got worse as they continued, so I cannot for the life of me figure out why they kept it up. If they insisted on doing these interviews, they should have limited it to the role of grieving grandparents living a nightmare with their daughter on trial for the murder of their beloved granddaughter. They could have done that by simply saying they were living a nightmare, love their daughter and were praying that more evidence would be discovered that would exonerate Casey and prove the State's theory wrong. I think the public could have mustered more empathy for them if they took that position. They should have never attempted to minimize and lie about the obvious facts or make any excuses for Casey. And they should have left the job of creating reasonable doubt to her attorneys.

The old cliche, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result" - well, they took it to the extreme. And then THEY were baffled by the public's disgust with them. Cindy & George were they own worse enemies when it came to PR.
KING: Where do you think she is, George?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Oh, Caylee? She's with hopefully a loving family that's taking care of her.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
(This was right after Cindy said):,

KING: So what do you make of it?

I mean, she's your daughter. You have to have some -- why wouldn't she not -- why would she tell you -- not tell you?

CINDY ANTHONY: I think she's -- I think she was frightened. I think, from what we understand, that, you know, there's been threats to not only Caylee's well-being, but also to our family's well-being.


CINDY ANTHONY: By the people that have Caylee.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

This is from the A's appearance on Larry King, Dec.10.'08
Figure that one out!!


Carp like this really makes you wonder about those two . . . .
KING: Where do you think she is, George?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Oh, Caylee? She's with hopefully a loving family that's taking care of her.

(This was right after Cindy said):,

KING: So what do you make of it?

I mean, she's your daughter. You have to have some -- why wouldn't she not -- why would she tell you -- not tell you?

CINDY ANTHONY: I think she's -- I think she was frightened. I think, from what we understand, that, you know, there's been threats to not only Caylee's well-being, but also to our family's well-being.


CINDY ANTHONY: By the people that have Caylee.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This is from the A's appearance on Larry King, Dec.10.'08

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Figure that one out!!

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbNCHyDa83Y[/FONT]


*snipped videos*

THAT is a perfect example of the kind of craziness I was talking about in my post above!
The nominees are plentiful and bizzare.

So I will go with the latest one.

Lee Anthony telling his sister who accuses him of sexual molestation that he loves her. I really believe that mental issues are running rampant with that family.
Well this entire case has been crazy and bizarre. If Cindy is faking it, I don't believe that would affect the outcome of the trial in any way, and the truth will ultimately come out. :cow: WOw - the cow worked!
Horace, I have believed, up until I saw Cindy on the stand say what you quoted, that she was being deceptive on purpose. Something changed for me (hope no one slipped me Kool-Aid) but I am leaning heavily toward believing that Cindy is in a massive state of denial. I know, it sounds crazy and hard to believe, but I've never been where she is so I can't say I wouldn't be the same if I were in her shoes. I know Cindy has brought a lot of this on herself by thrusting herself in the media spotlight but I do feel for her now.

ETA: Sorry for the O/T- I do think Cindy saying "I still believe Caylee is alive" was very bizarre. Anyone rooted in reality knows that (sadly) those tiny remains were Caylee's.

If she sincerely believes that Caylee is alive, why does she need to tell lies for Casey? Why hide anything?
It's all an act. We have all seen the before and after photos of criminals when they are arrested, looking like ruffians and then on the day of the trial they show up in smart suits, tie, modest haircut- they have an impression to make on the Jury which does not resemble their normal personality or appearance..
It's going on all the time with Casey- if she were to wear her usual clothing it would not be modest, buttoned up to the neck blouses and slacks. WE saw what she really wears when she was out on bail...
Lee Anthony at Caylee Memorial:

(This family is united but this family is incomplete. I'm incomplete. I'm broke.---<that part didn't bother me--->)

(kisses bracelet on wrist)
Each day you continue to teach me about life
About the way it should be lived
Each day you give me the ability to be strong or to be weak
It's been so long since I've been able to see you
or to hug you
or to tell you how much you mean to me
I miss you
I love you
I'm so proud of you
I hope you're proud of me too
I need you to know that I will never forget the promise that I made to you
I will never forget

That one still just blows my ever lovin mind away. Seriously. JMHO.
If she sincerely believes that Caylee is alive, why does she need to tell lies for Casey? Why hide anything?
It's all an act. We have all seen the before and after photos of criminals when they are arrested, looking like ruffians and then on the day of the trial they show up in smart suits, tie, modest haircut- they have an impression to make on the Jury which does not resemble their normal personality or appearance..
It's going on all the time with Casey- if she were to wear her usual clothing it would not be modest, buttoned up to the neck blouses and slacks. WE saw what she really wears when she was out on bail...

Cindy surely has lied to cover for Casey. All of the Anthony's have lied - subtly and blatantly. I don't know that I have ever witnessed such a dysfunctional family. Cindy may very well have been coached on what to say for the 911 hearing, how to say it, etc. Either way, I really don't think her attempts to spread reasonable doubt, if that is what she is doing, would have any bearing at all on the outcome of the trial. It is possible and maybe likely that her deceitfulness could seriously backfire on her. Seems to me no matter what Cindy's intent is, it is apparent that she has some severe issues aside from dealing with her losses. I just hope she is getting some good professional help. All MOO.
Lee Anthony at Caylee Memorial:

(This family is united but this family is incomplete. I'm incomplete. I'm broke.---<that part didn't bother me--->)

(kisses bracelet on wrist)
Each day you continue to teach me about life
About the way it should be lived
Each day you give me the ability to be strong or to be weak
It's been so long since I've been able to see you
or to hug you
or to tell you how much you mean to me
I miss you
I love you
I'm so proud of you
I hope you're proud of me too
I need you to know that I will never forget the promise that I made to you
I will never forget

That one still just blows my ever lovin mind away. Seriously. JMHO.

Yes, seriously, this one just puts my head in the spin cycle.
That little speech, made even though there was speculation running rampant already that Lee had molested her, as told by Jesse Grund.

Then, now, after the release of the jail/friend letters, where she comes out in her own hand and accuses both brother and father.

So, he waltzes into the courtroom the other day, and before he gives his testimony, he again declares his unending love to her ~

WHAT has he done, that she has such a hold over him?

I've ALWAYS felt that Lee was more involved than we will probably ever know.
I do believe that at some point, probably during her home confinement period, she did tell Lee, or, Lee was the chosen one to carry out some kind of activity for her, since he could easier get around without being followed.
Or, that she did tell Lee where Caylee was at, and he was supposed to retrieve and move her somewhere else, and wasn't able to find her, or, get to her in time.
I don't know ~ but, Lee has always made me wonder.
His refusal for the polygrapgh, etc.

But, the above statement by him, just is the weirdest, twisted thing, IMO.
Thanks for posting that one.
I just want to say a quick thank you to Cayleefan for starting this thread. Seeing all of the idiosyncrasy and mind blowing dialogue in one spot is a real eye popper.
Cindy surely has lied to cover for Casey. All of the Anthony's have lied - subtly and blatantly. I don't know that I have ever witnessed such a dysfunctional family. Cindy may very well have been coached on what to say for the 911 hearing, how to say it, etc. Either way, I really don't think her attempts to spread reasonable doubt, if that is what she is doing, would have any bearing at all on the outcome of the trial. It is possible and maybe likely that her deceitfulness could seriously backfire on her. Seems to me no matter what Cindy's intent is, it is apparent that she has some severe issues aside from dealing with her losses. I just hope she is getting some good professional help. All MOO.

Casey, in one of her letters from jail, said Cindy was 'milking her disability' for all it's worth- so she has to be seeing someone, MD, Psych or otherwise, someone has to keep signing her disability papers... keeping those payments coming are likely part of the reason she is now so 'stressed and forgetful'...
One media interview on video with George, where he talks about how "they" were watching the people who had Caylee.

They're all a bunch of fruitcakes...between their lies, inuendos, and just plain word salad...YIKES!
CA: when this is all over KC will be Mother of the year. I have always wondered why CA said this knowing all the time how bad a Mother KC really was.
I am still curious about the pics that GA saw in the trunk....

What else really got me was how much she wanted TonE phone number during that initial phone call....Her daughter is "missing" and all she thinks about is talking with boyfriend who just found out about Caylee? PLEASE!!!

I agree with some of the posters---there are just to many bizzare things that have gone on in this family....I will always be curious to the silence of ICA about the search for her "missing" (translate: Murdered) daughter--that to me really set up huge red flags....No one in that family has ever really looked for this nanny....


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