WHAT Has Been Said & By WHOM... That Baffles You? (aka Oh No They Didn't!)

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gahhhhhhhh-that was uncomfortable.

okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay (every other word) okay.

Cindy comes out holding his hand, then puts her arms around his waist and leans her head on his shoulder.

I couldn't watch the whole thing because I felt my breakie coming up.


HAHA!! and at 7:31 a reporter asks why Casey is not talking. JB makes an unbelievable gaffe here, trying to show that the reporter's facts are WRONG. "You are assuming that she is not talking. And you are also assuming she doesn't know where her daughter is."

You really can't make this stuff up!
This video of JB and CA when KC was arrested in August of 2008... Well, the whole 8 minutes is chock full of "oh no he didn't" goodness.

Also noted that just after the 7 minute mark, CA puts her hand up to her ear and she is not wearing her wedding ring. FWIW.


OMG I have never seen THAT temper tantrum! Somebody call the WAAAHHHHMBULANCE!
I am still curious about the pics that GA saw in the trunk....

What else really got me was how much she wanted TonE phone number during that initial phone call....Her daughter is "missing" and all she thinks about is talking with boyfriend who just found out about Caylee? PLEASE!!!

I agree with some of the posters---there are just to many bizzare things that have gone on in this family....I will always be curious to the silence of ICA about the search for her "missing" (translate: Murdered) daughter--that to me really set up huge red flags....No one in that family has ever really looked for this nanny....

I've always thought that she wanted to talk to him so bad because she was going to have him get rid of something that was at his apartment. Maybe something she had with her possessions, or hidden in a closet, or maybe on her computer. Not that I am sayIng TonE would have done this knowingly, mind you. I don't think that at all. But, ICA was such an accomplished liar and manipulator who apparently had no shame in asking for or taking whatever she wanted that I can definately see her convincing him to do something saying it was for a good reason when actually it was just to cover her hind end. Jmo.
Geraldo Rivera Attacks Casey Anthony Bloggers

Now this is rich! Someone send GR an email and tell him there is such a thing as free speech in this country. To my knowledge no one has stormed the jailhouse yet. Some bloggers are a little crude but I tend to stay away from those sites so let's be realistic here. If there were a shred, shred, tiny little piece of evidence that pointed to KC's innocence you would see a lot of people speaking up for her and demanding LE look into evidence pointing to someone else. But there has been nothing, other than defense pointing fingers at innocent people. So where is Mr. Rivera's outrage at this injustice that has been done to AH, ZFG, RK, JG, RG, etc. Not counting all the other people who have had to hire an attorney because of KC's lies. Where does Mr. Rivera stand on that little bit of defense "tom foolery"?

The reason there is soooooooooo much to talk about Mr. Rivera is because of the defense and the reason this thread is 34 pages long. If KC is guilty as it appears from everything we see in discovery she will get a fair trial just as any other person who has committed this type of crime. A fair trial does not mean "you are free to go." jmo
I just checked GR's Twitter and now he's saying he's sure Casey is responsible for her death but it shouldn't be the DP because mothers kill their kids all the time. "waitasec: And he listed Susan Smith and Andrea Yates as examples. Well, they did seek the DP for both of them I think but Susan Smith's got mitigated due to abuse and AY due to obvious mental illness. He has no idea what he's talking about. I would love to sneak up on him while he's asleep and cut off one side of that handlebar mustache. Drives me nuts.
Geraldo Rivera Attacks Casey Anthony Bloggers

Now this is rich! Someone send GR an email and tell him there is such a thing as free speech in this country. To my knowledge no one has stormed the jailhouse yet. Some bloggers are a little crude but I tend to stay away from those sites so let's be realistic here. If there were a shred, shred, tiny little piece of evidence that pointed to KC's innocence you would see a lot of people speaking up for her and demanding LE look into evidence pointing to someone else. But there has been nothing, other than defense pointing fingers at innocent people. So where is Mr. Rivera's outrage at this injustice that has been done to AH, ZFG, RK, JG, RG, etc. Not counting all the other people who have had to hire an attorney because of KC's lies. Where does Mr. Rivera stand on that little bit of defense "tom foolery"?

The reason there is soooooooooo much to talk about Mr. Rivera is because of the defense and the reason this thread is 34 pages long. If KC is guilty as it appears from everything we see in discovery she will get a fair trial just as any other person who has committed this type of crime. A fair trial does not mean "you are free to go." jmo
Wow! This coming from a man who'd sell his soul to get a story.
That is really disturbing. The parents knew she was not right in the head :banghead:, had issues. They should of gotten her help. Maybe help couldn't be forced on her or they could not get her to stay put long enough to get her help. What a shame.

The could have had Casey Baker Act'ed! It would have at least forced her to be evaluated and it would have given Cindy and George something to take legal actions in getting at least temporary custody of Caylee.

I just checked GR's Twitter and now he's saying he's sure Casey is responsible for her death but it shouldn't be the DP because mothers kill their kids all the time. "waitasec: And he listed Susan Smith and Andrea Yates as examples. Well, they did seek the DP for both of them I think but Susan Smith's got mitigated due to abuse and AY due to obvious mental illness. He has no idea what he's talking about. I would love to sneak up on him while he's asleep and cut off one side of that handlebar mustache. Drives me nuts.

How can he compare her to Andrea Yates? That woman was truly nuts. She had fullblown mental illness and she should have received help, been hospitalized, and not been alone with those precious children. But I have sympathy for her because she was downright psychotic, not just evil like Casey And Susan Smith.
How can he compare her to Andrea Yates? That woman was truly nuts. She had fullblown mental illness and she should have received help, been hospitalized, and not been alone with those precious children. But I have sympathy for her because she was downright psychotic, not just evil like Casey And Susan Smith.

I have sympathy for her too. She was definately psychotic. I had a relative who had a psychotic break and went from being a rational person to thinking we were spying on them and poisoning them.

I caught some of his show last night. In the past he had blasted ICA. He said something crazy like if we gave the DP to every mom who killed their kid....look at Andrea Yates and Susan Smith. Well what was his point? That it's OK to kill your kid? His twitter said the same thing and linked to his FB where he said that again but then today he kind of backtracked. I was going to comment but I would have to "Like" his page which I refused to do. I did reply to his twitter though.:banghead:
I've always thought that she wanted to talk to him so bad because she was going to have him get rid of something that was at his apartment. Maybe something she had with her possessions, or hidden in a closet, or maybe on her computer. Not that I am sayIng TonE would have done this knowingly, mind you. I don't think that at all. But, ICA was such an accomplished liar and manipulator who apparently had no shame in asking for or taking whatever she wanted that I can definately see her convincing him to do something saying it was for a good reason when actually it was just to cover her hind end. Jmo.

I think it simply demonstrates where her priorities lay. She wanted this guy to stick around. She was imo deeply infatuated with him and I cant help wonder if she didn't have a hot date June 16th if Caylee might still be alive.

I don't think she woke up on June 16th and said today's the day, I'm going to kill my daughter. Something triggered an act of sheer rage and aggression and at the back of my mind there is the thought that ICA was not going to let her little snothead keep her from this date. Doesn't sound rational I know, but who could ever describe this girl as rational. Did Caylee die on a effing whim.
I think it simply demonstrates where her priorities lay. She wanted this guy to stick around. She was imo deeply infatuated with him and I cant help wonder if she didn't have a hot date June 16th if Caylee might still be alive.

I don't think she woke up on June 16th and said today's the day, I'm going to kill my daughter. Something triggered an act of sheer rage and aggression and at the back of my mind there is the thought that ICA was not going to let her little snothead keep her from this date. Doesn't sound rational I know, but who could ever describe this girl as rational. Did Caylee die on a effing whim.

Nicely put considering you are describing Casey. Yes, I see that mindset and temper with her too.
Casey wanted to be w/tony, plain and simple. She had spent at least two weeks straight w/him and she was p.o'd she had to come home on father's day. She was on the phone for, what, ten hours at least chatting w/Tony. I think she took Caylee to the car and went out there to talk on the phone w/tony...probably in the garage or driveway. When Caylee made some noise she went to the shelf, while talking to Tony, she grabbed the duct tape on the shelf. She then went inot the kitchen, grabbed a steak knife to cut the tape and put the tape on her.

What really bothers me is her callousness; however, was there a reason she killed Caylee on Father's day? I wonder if this also wasn't another reason she did it besides being furious at her mother. I don't think she gave a dime about her father. It is curious to me that this entire family is not interested in Caylee's bio-dad. Lee claimed to know who he is but said he would never tell. Cindy, of course, follows ICA's lead and tells the press he is dead..phooey on that! He's alive, and in my mind, this is the elephant in the room.
Casey wanted to be w/tony, plain and simple. She had spent at least two weeks straight w/him and she was p.o'd she had to come home on father's day. She was on the phone for, what, ten hours at least chatting w/Tony. I think she took Caylee to the car and went out there to talk on the phone w/tony...probably in the garage or driveway. When Caylee made some noise she went to the shelf, while talking to Tony, she grabbed the duct tape on the shelf. She then went inot the kitchen, grabbed a steak knife to cut the tape and put the tape on her.

What really bothers me is her callousness; however, was there a reason she killed Caylee on Father's day? I wonder if this also wasn't another reason she did it besides being furious at her mother. I don't think she gave a dime about her father. It is curious to me that this entire family is not interested in Caylee's bio-dad. Lee claimed to know who he is but said he would never tell. Cindy, of course, follows ICA's lead and tells the press he is dead..phooey on that! He's alive, and in my mind, this is the elephant in the room.

I agree with your scenario of how that duct tape got on Caylee. Completely. To shut her up. Frustration.

This is by far one of the most curious parts of this case. The bio-dad. She even mentions in the Universal interview that she knows the parents but hadn't talked to them since they were young. So what- Give the police or family the name. They had a right to know the child was their sons, and that that child is gone. Unreal................It seems that no one ever held this girl to task. She said it so it must all be true sort of thing.
CA is by far, either the most gullible mother alive or she just didn't care deep enough to get the details. It's one or the other.

BIO DAD???????????? So far we have a one night stand with some random guy, or a child hood friend from school. What nonsense. ICA has no idea WHO that father is. No idea. That's why she made up Jessie.
I think it simply demonstrates where her priorities lay. She wanted this guy to stick around. She was imo deeply infatuated with him and I cant help wonder if she didn't have a hot date June 16th if Caylee might still be alive.

I don't think she woke up on June 16th and said today's the day, I'm going to kill my daughter. Something triggered an act of sheer rage and aggression and at the back of my mind there is the thought that ICA was not going to let her little snothead keep her from this date. Doesn't sound rational I know, but who could ever describe this girl as rational. Did Caylee die on a effing whim.

The picture on your post. Where was this taken and is she losing her sandal? She looks like she's running from the press.....she's such a :loser:
Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that the 16th was the day that she and TonyL had the following conversation on the computer:

Casey: Should I come with Snotnose or without?


IT MAY HAVE COME DOWN TO THAT. Because of the fight with Cindy, just the night before, she could not ask them to babysit. And Tony, who was her newest paramour, wanted her to come over without her kid. What's a girl to do?
..she called caylee the little "snothead" when texting with the (X B/F---- fired cop) "other tony".

may 6/2008
texts to anthony rusciano:

2:08 p.m.
casey o marie: I have a headache
casey o marie: What the hell should I eat?
nyitaliano3: come over i'll cook
casey o marie: ha, want me to bring the little snot head?
casey o marie: didn't think so.
nyitaliano3: I mean when she is occupied by another adult
The picture on your post. Where was this taken and is she losing her sandal? She looks like she's running from the press.....she's such a :loser:

I think she was running into Baez' office where the press were pretty much camped out at, during her almost 50 days of freedom back in 2008.

Wasn't she looking for clues on the internet ? :floorlaugh:

And yeh............. she's always losing things. :mad:
I think george lied about seeing Caylee on Monday. I believe Caylee died on Father's Day. The family doesn' t want a connection made and they came up with the story of the next day...mo. Cindy described the clothes in the car to George to explain what ICA was wearing that day. Sure would like to know what was on those pants and shirt that cindy just couldn't resist washing. Most people would have thrown them out but not CA. She wanted them clean when presented to LE. She wasn't taking any chances that LE would recover the clothes she disposed.

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