What info did Lee A take to the defense team?

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In this video from 12:21 to the end..very, very strange interaction between DT & LA...even stranger interaction or should I say, lack thereof between LA, CA, & GA. http://www.wftv.com/video/28347904/index.html

He just came off the stand where he was very emotional and his mother doesn't even wrap her arms around him...neither does his father even give him a pat of encouragement on the back or shoulder. Just strange to me.

I noticed during his emotional testimony that GA had a very calm even nonchalant look on his face & CA did too altho I saw her wipe her nose with a tissue..That was very strange to me!

Maybe Lee does have REAL issues with his parents..Maybe they've been so consumed with ICA & her BS! they never had time for him..This has been known to happen quite often in families with a 'bad seed'..They're the ones that end up with all the attention..I can almost see why it ends up this way & it makes me feel kinda bad for Lee.
Do you mean KC? Or do you mean he was entertaining other ladies at home with Caylee and KC there? I am confused.
If this was a sad tragic accident, why was she dumped in the woods?
Why are we all here then?

GA and CA were having marital issues at that time... was it another affair? Was there abuse? Who knows with them? If GA had something he desperately wanted to keep hidden, his Grand-Daughter drowning and the circumstances surrounding the event might have drawn far too much attention, and the chance that the whole balloon could burst open and all of the secrets would fall out.

If GA allowed anyone to called 911 and Caylee died, as most drownings do, and he would know that, one of the first things the State and LE would want to find out is, who is the father. So that they are sure everyone necessary is notified. If GA suspected it could be him, and they would find out, that would bring down his entire house of cards, and force him to create a cover-up to save himself. Remember, dna doesn't lie about parentage.

Here's a question that's been eating away at me that made form my opinion of GA. Why wouldn't GA insist on knowing who the father was the day Caylee was born so they would be getting child support and insurance? Or was Caylee's biological father's money and responsibility not an issue that concerned them?? Do you think they ever even looked at finding out? No... that's what LA was eluding to on the stand today when he said CA told him "just to leave it alone". Rather than know, they wanted to spend all their money to raise Caylee?? No Way!!! JMOO

I can totally see this being true. They come off to me like the type of parents, well, especially Cindy, that would be like, "Oh stop your complaining. Suck it up. Stop whining about Casey being our favorite." Rather than actually listening to what he had to say and how he felt. JMO

I noticed during his emotional testimony that GA had a very calm even nonchalant look on his face & CA did too altho I did see her wipe her nose with a tissue..That was very strange to me!

Maybe Lee does have REAL issues with his parents..Maybe they've been so consumed with ICA & her BS! they never had time for him..This has been known to happen quite often in families with a 'bad seed'.
The Anthony's lawyer has stated that they do not and will not support any sexual abuse theory or any cover-up theory (correct me if I'm wrong), but they don't support her getting the death penalty either. So, that in mind, I think Cindy and George talked Lee in to meeting with the defense so they could talk about what he could do or say that could help with the premeditated aspect of the charges.

Lee stated on the stand that he didn't want his sister to be there, it's quite obvious to me what they're all attempting when you consider how helpful the A's were to the State when they put on their case. Suddenly two weeks later it looks like they've flipped sides, I think it's because they could see that the State has a strong case and really began to worry that Casey could be sentence to death.

I don't think Lee overheard anything at all, but that he had to make up some reason for going to the defense without it looking like they were all conspiring with the defense.

Oh, and the photos of Caylee and Cindy getting in to the pool tell me that they were diligent when it came to water safety with Caylee (ie: life jacket, Cindy helping her up the ladder, Cindy never letting go of her hand etc.). They would have been more powerful to me if they were pics of Caylee in the pool by herself.

The one thing Baez can count on is the ability of some of the public to accept his outrageous tales and innuendos. IMHO these are the same people who read and believe absolutely everything in the tabloids, are more concerned about the life of a celeb than their own life, and literally suck the opinions of others into their brains, relinquishing their own common sense.


What set of circumstances speak more to the truth that a murder has been committed: duct tape, chloroform, 31 days, fake job, fake babysitter, baby thrown out like trash, baby left to rot, and all the recordings and affidavits of that baby's mother telling lie after lie after lie - or the coulda, shoulda, woulda of an attorney who has no facts of his own and creates his own tabloid defense that he hopes just one person will buy.

Just one.

I beg people - don't be the one and don't encourage the one. Think rationally. Think justice for a little girl who didn't yet know how to read her picture books, let alone the tabloids.
Brilliant post!

I strongly believe in the keep it simple principle.
LA demanded his parents refuse a lie detector test in the early days. He advertised for a FREE personal secretary 24/7. His fiancé is on the board of directors of the donation foundation. He is every bit an Anthony- don't forget it.
LA served something up to JB that would allow JB to get CA and GA back on board else ... some leverage that spun CA completely around to testify as she did this week.
If you watch it again and see....

Lee's reactions
JB's leading questions
JA's objections
Casey's behavior

It's all pretty obvious he was SUPPOSED to say something else in that moment and backed away.


I watched especially the end of that video. Casey had the lower jaw jut like she was personally upset about... maybe Her brother didn't say something that was supposed to help her out more. Wonder what it might be. JB was pushing too much for an answer that he had already asked and seemed to want a different answer. Maybe LA couldn't bring himself to lie and it upset him because he really got even more upset when JB asked again after the sidebar.
He couldn't even say a word until the judge asked him. Then it was just a NO answer.
Dumping poor Caylee's body fifteen houses down/less than two minutes away from the Anthony home screams Casey. It screams of someone who was much too busy doing important things, like renting movies arm-n-arm with said boyfriend, spending the entire day in bed with said boyfriend, managing shot-girls, entering hot body contests, and getting tatts. Someone who was familiar with LE/Investigative procedures would have put Caylee's remains much further away from the home than this and had that been the case, it's very likely that Caylee's remains would have never been found. As far as what info LA took to the defense, probably a counter-offer. Back off the sexual abuse allegations and we'll (CA, GA, and LA) help strengthen the "pool accident" theory and help alleviate the state's charges of premeditation. i.e., CA will say she did the computer searches, left the pool ladder up, etc, etc, etc. JMO ~

Admittedly I haven't seen any of the coverage from today (working full time and owning a small business on the side is really cutting into my trial viewing time) but I have kept up to date with all of the websites, and from what I gather, it would seem that this is the most likely scenario. GA and CA have been in court nearly everyday. THEY KNOW that things are not going well for the defense, and they have seen the juror's reactions to the testimony first hand.

Maybe the statement made by ML about them not believing in ICA's innocence is true, and they know that her goose is cooked and the only thing that they can do now, short of a mistrial, is to try to muddy the waters with the accidental drowning story, so that she won't get the DP. But doing this, IMO, they are really nailing her coffin shut. They jury is not stupid. And I expect the PT to really, REALLY take the gloves off during their rebuttal and closing. :twocents:
I get the feeling that what makes Lee and Casey so close is the way they view their parents....i.e. mom is so crazy...and controlling and on and on. Dad's a loser can't keep a job, gambling, lying etc. We are so much more evolved than our parents....etc etc.
I say this b/c I get the distinct impression that LA is actually fed up with CA. As I child, I thought my dad was aweful. worthless...not b/c he was but for the lone reason that's what mom always said. As an adult my dad and I built a relationship(my p's are still married fyi) that for many reason was never developed early on. I used to worship my mom and thought my dad was clueless and no fun. Oh how wrong I was, I had to grow up to see that my dad is the normal, sane on. Mom's the one with issues...who'da thunk it? certainly not me asm a child, she molded me to adore her and shun my dad. My point is this: PERCEPTION IS EVERYTHING especially to a growing child(LA) I think something dramatically changed his perception of Mom and Dad in a big way and perhaps LA is done with his MOTHER'S bs, recognizes how controlling CA is and how much she contributed to their dysfunction. He and ICA may feel guilty for not giving dad a break all those years(I know I did), this may be the first time LA is able to look at his dad as a person rather than the incompitant, PIA that mom has been discribing him as. Perhaps he sees the effect CA has had on not only himself and his sister but his father too, maybe he blames his mother for scewing them all up, maybe he's so fed up with CA, after all a life has been lost and it doesn't look like LA holds ICA responsible. Maybe LA decided a while back that he would NOT be part of or allow his beloved mommy to belittle and destroy GA anymore. thoughts?
BTW: I derived this theory from a few simple words...."I was told to let it go, so that's what I did" I felt sarcasim in his answer. as in, mom told me to let it go so like a good little boy(and like so many times in the past) I did what I was told. IMO LA is not gonna be that obidient child any longer. let's hope
LA served something up to JB that would allow JB to get CA and GA back on board else ... some leverage that spun CA completely around to testify as she did this week.

I might have considered that if it wasn't for the animosity, snarkiness and the fact Cindy met with JB outside the courtroom and they were laughing together. I think we were had and this was always the plan.
I agree, the photos only prove that Caylee walked up the ladder with her grandmother behind her. It doesn't prove she would or did ever do it alone. I don't understand how those photos hold any burden of proof.

The only thing these photos prove was that CA was not lying on the stand when she said that was the way CA and Caylee got into the pool together. IE that she did take great care to avoid any 'accidents'.
Longtimemedic, the DT took on the role of "having to prove" when JB came up with that crazy, elaborate OS! If he'd just said, accidental drowning, she got scared, etc., they'd been fine but he had to add the molestation by GA & LA & then to say that RK took Caylee's body, hid it for months then took it back & called the police...give me a break!


This whole UGLY story had to come from ICA not Baez..At least that's what the legal THs say..IOW! A defense atty can't just make up a STORY not told to him by his client..As much as I hate Baez this can't be pinned entirely on him unless he's totally unscrupulous & wants to lose his licence.
I'm guessing it was HUGE. After thinking about it, LA goes to the defense, what, like last week? and now this week CA and LA are in lock step. If I were to speculate, I say it has something to do with GA and now ICA, CA and LA are all about to toss him smooth under the bus! JMOO :panic:

what I am thinking. These last few days of trial are going to be explosive, IMO.
In this video from 12:21 to the end..very, very strange interaction between DT & LA...even stranger interaction or should I say, lack thereof between LA, CA, & GA. http://www.wftv.com/video/28347904/index.html

He just came off the stand where he was very emotional and his mother doesn't even wrap her arms around him...neither does his father even give him a pat of encouragement on the back or shoulder. Just strange to me.

Yeah the body lang. between the family there at the end was really odd
Perhaps the reason Lee was so upset was because he was supposed to throw Dad under the bus today and couldn't bring himself to do it.

Remember when JB asked him if there was "any other reason he was angry" and wouldn't visit the hospital after Caylee was born? Long, long pause. Lots of tears.

I think it might have been set-up that he would say something about GA here and he couldn't bring himself to do it.


" I will try to throw myself under the bus enough to create reasonable doubt"

so I went on a tangent and neglected to state my point. Here it is......what if GA is so broken he is on board, even driving, the bus headed straight for him. They all are/were, they are united, remember? Today perhaps, LA was supposed to say something to implicate GA and save ICA. but he just couldn't bring himself to do it b/c his reality(LA's) is that CA is more to blame for their current situation than GA could ever be. I think he has definately grown over the past 3 yrs, and is able to finally see very clearly that mom and lil 'sis are not who he thought they were. Dad is the one for LA to feel sorry for, he was never built up to be something he's not and in fact may be the most 'real' and consistant thing in the fam.
That is so true, Casey at 22 knew better. She is no victim. Lots of people go thru bad things in their family and they dont end up like her.
So CA was bossy. Lots of Mothers are bossy and over bearing. I thought it was normal when I was growing up. Some had nice ones but mine,though tiny, we were AFRAID of her.
If anything, I see ICA as spoiled. So her Mother wasnt thrilled she was knocked up, lots of others would feel same way. For a single Mother, she had it made, no rent to pay and it doesnt even seem like she was expected to pay groceries. huh?
but, Caylee IS the victim here. I hope the jurors keep it in mind when theysentence her.

BBM. Same here; I was terrified of my mother. She was MUCH worse than Cindy. I have some mental health issues, but I've never killed anyone, or robbed my family and friends blind. That said, I don't think any two situations are the same. Every family and the dynamics thereof are unique, IMO.

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