What is Cindy A doing while trial watching?

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IMO, I do not feel Cindy is taking notes for a book deal. All Cindy needs is to go to the media sites while at home to take notes from the trial.

Also, I do not feel Cindy is gesturing anything at all to Casey. Cindy is so far back in the courtroom and couldn't possibly signal Casey to do anything. Casey knows how to do things all on her own. IMO.
IMO, I do not feel Cindy is taking notes for a book deal. All Cindy needs is to go to the media sites while at home to take notes from the trial.

Also, I do not feel Cindy is gesturing anything at all to Casey. Cindy is so far back in the courtroom and couldn't possibly signal Casey to do anything. Casey knows how to do things all on her own. IMO.

ITA Patty G.
I am sure we will all see a "movie of the week" based on Cindys notes before all is said and done. To date this family has been dollar motivated on all fronts.
But why would she need to take notes for a movie?
This trial is very well documented by national media. Every word is being recorded and played over and over. News stations are reporting in detail all the "goings ons".
Taking notes would be a waste of time IMO even if it were for a movie.

I really think her mind is on a millions other things right now and a movie is not one of them. Not saying a movie will never come out, but this is a very trying time for the Anthony's. I just don't see her thinking about a movie now. Their Caylee is dead and their Casey is being tried for it. Hell for them.

As far as being dollar motivated on all fronts, I disagree.
CAs motives for taking notes are all self-serving. What ever is written about this trial, whether by any media types, Ann Rule or Diane Fanning, whomever, will be a degree of separation and their personal views.

However, anything written by CA will be in the first person form, as in "directly from the horses mouth", her views and feelings. No one will pay a Diane Fanning or a Ann Rule when they can get it directly from CA. That is what a publisher/film producer will want and pay for. Ratings is what they want.:banghead:

This isn't a slam against Diane or Ann. They both are excellent writers and I have enjoyed reading their books.

CA clearly learned from her first four interviews in July 08 she is a hot commodity. CA clearly understands, her photos of Caylee can be bought and she will sell them to the highest bidder. :banghead:
Why would Cindy need to be sending messages in court?Baez has a telephone and all she would have to do is call and say tell ICA to have emotion and cry,IMO it is outrageous to say she is giving signals!Most people would not survive the hell Cindy has been through,not only going through her granddaughters horrific death by her own daughters hand then add the truly vile things complete strangers have said about her all over the internet. ICA is the one who destroyed Caylee and no one else is responsible but her.Unless you have a family member murdered you have no idea of the level of pain and grief a person goes through.What you"think"it feels like times that by a million then add in the murderer also being your own daughter IMO instead of judging her get on your knees an thank GOD you haven't walked in her shoes and Pray you never do.JMO

I don't know if she was signaling anything either BUT if I were going to do that I would not send a text. We all know that would come out eventually & the headline would be "CA sent text telling ICA it was time to cry"!
I think all cindy was doing was chewing her thumb nail, and scratching her nose and face. I saw nothing sinister about it

Me neither - what video were you folks watching? CA was scratching her face, rubbing under her eyes with the arm of her glasses, etc.

Although I started out as HIGHLY annoyed by the A's support of ICA I now feel that she pulled the wool over their eyes BIG TIME.

I now feel like the A's are just one more victim of ICA.

I will reserve judgement of how they have coped, are coping, and what they write (for money or otherwise). I have not walked a mile in their shoes and I highly dout any of the naysayers have either....
I agree that CA wouldn't need to write down testimony as it happens because the testimony is available via many sources. but it's not beyond belief that she would be writing down her thoughts/feelings/impressions as the testimony occurs (including notes as to which witness/which day/etc):

w/ all of it neatly matching up later in a book
My hope is that when books are written (regardless of who the authors are), that somehow the content serves to raise awareness and prevents the senseless murder of any other children.
I believe that she writing down all of the lies and deeds her daughter did to the family and to her friends, so that she can remind herself later on, if she starts the old habit of feeling sorry for ICA. That is a hard habit to break:

If I had been the type of mother who believed NO MATTER WHAT all the lies that were force-fed to her by a verbally abusive daughter were the truth; and then to have the very realization that that daughter could have killed her baby and was willing to destroy her parents to save her own skin, I would feel like I was in a different universe. CA is not used to thinking of her daughter in these terms. She may just be finding out what the complete extent of all the lies. Had she heard before that ICA had said that her parents were going to leave her the house? Imaging what roads CA's mind has had to travel during all of this! And is still traveling.

I know that I have had to write down various happenings and statements from one particular individual, just so that I could keep all the BS straight! And remember it! Sometimes, you can get baffled with so much BS, your mind cannot handle the information ESPECIALLY if you have been, or are, under extreme emotional distress.

MOO. I could be wrong.

you know everyone is talking about cindy like this ect ..the old cindy is back .. well i see the old same comments back .. cant we just leave them to grieve ? so what if she is writing a book .. caylee was HER granddaughter .. not ours ..we cannot even have one fraction of the love she must have for caylee..so come on..she told the truth on the stand and that is what counted .. casey will pay .. if cindy wants to make money off of a book more power to her .. its no different than other people going into the media and getting fame from loosing their children and trying to help .. but you can darn well bet they must be getting something out of it or they wouldnt be able to travel all over and stay at hotels to do the speeches and ect im sure they do .. you guys want to be appalled at her again do so.. i will not be .. her daughter did this to her granddaughter .she is writing about her life and her experiences .. i for one am interested in what shes is going to write about .. mabey it wont be full of lies like everyone thinks ..
CA could be just doodling and writing her thoughts. I hope she does write a book, I wouldn't blame her..other people have and will. I would buy it.
I'm sure she would much rather have her grandbaby than any money she will make on a book.

CA is a victim here as well. She is not a criminal. She did not kill Caylee. She lost the most precious thing in her life.

What ever she is doing during the trial, I hope it brings her some sort of peace in a horrible situation.

I don't think she is doing anything that is not appropriate. And, I do not think she is passing signals to ICA telling her when to cry.

The biggest clue regarding whether CA or ICA is truly crying is good old-fashioned SNOT. When you cry, your nose runs. I watched CA wipe her nose repeatedly and I could hear her sniff - with real congestion, not just an inhaling sound. To me, proof positive that she was crying for real. I have not seen that from ICA, though I admit I have not watched much of the trial. JMHO.

I am a mother and a grandmother and what I saw was a tired, beat-down, disenchanted woman who has lost two people who mean the world to her. My heart goes out to her, and though I've never been in her shoes (thank you, God!) I think I would believe from my heart what my child said...even if my brain was telling me not. And we all know our hearts can lead anyone to do some pretty crazy things.
Does Cindy have a book deal and writing about the trial?
I can't believe I have read as fact that Cindy is signaling without fact on here. All is assuming and no one should be saying this as fact. Does not make any sense.
Some people just read into things WAY beyond reason.
You have to edit what you read here and make sense of it yourself.
Some even seem to think - that they can see how wet her tissue should be from crying :crazy:
as if she cant use new tissues and toss the old ones. ;)

When I understood Cindy as a Mother/Grandmother from the start,
MANY wanted to take my head off.
I AM so glad that some are changing their tune. :)
Does Cindy have a book deal and writing about the trial?

I think people are just speculating that.
I don't think that's fact at this point.
IMHO CA & GA genuinely want the truth regardless of how horrible it may turn out to be. I truly think this new attorney M. Lippman has done good for them in terms of reality and guidance, I also feel Lee may have a little something to do with it as well. I do believe her note taking is for her and GA's knowledge and review. JMHO.

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