What is Cindy A doing while trial watching?

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Is it a fact that CA is on disability? I've heard it as rumour, but not as fact. I would be somewhat shocked, as disability (here in CA) is very difficult to get. I suffer from depression, brittle diabetes, and a right ankle that just doesn't work. I was told to bugger off.

The cameras and faces in their yard was in 2008/2009 -- it's 2011. I don't see why some sort of income can't be produced, and why (if it's a fact) they are also sucking money off the Floridians like the inmate and her "dream team". I heard that Lee testified he wasn't working either. Good Night!

It really is none of my business, just a mere curiosity.



As far as Lee goes, do we know he is unemployed by choice?
I mean, I know several people that are unemployed due to the economy.

Just because he's an Anthony, does that mean everything he does is dishonorable?

As far as I recall, he was working not long ago. Perhaps he got laid off?
All these signal conversations with the glasses reminds me of GAs depo with Morgan and his partner when GA blew a blood vessel accusing the attorney of flipping him off when he was only adjusting his glasses on his nose. ICA flipped off the cameras during one hearing. CA has gone after protesters with a hammer. GA with a hose. LA and ICA high fiving each other outside the probation office. Goodness, the list is far too long to type out, lol.

The Anthony clan use code words and gestures as part of their everyday communications. Thry are not about to stop now or tomorrow. Nothing, that any one of them does surprises me anymore. Nothing. It is who the Anthonys are.
I put this post in the sidebar thread, 6-11, but it really belongs here too.

My opinions of the Anthonys have not changed since July 16, 08. The only thing I would believe from the Anthonys at any time, is this:

CA was sitting in court gathering her thoughts and writing an apology to the State of Florida for her behavior past and present and that she IS prepared to secure gainful employment to support herself and family and to stop taking money from others. Not use Caylee as a means of securing funds in any manner. Her written apologies to Tim Miller, Amy, Jesse, Tony, and anyone else she subjected to her venom to. Her mother, her brother and any other family member to whom she insulted. The real ZFG. Mr. Morgan and his entire firm. Mark Nejames. The list goes on and on.

She doesn't need to apologize publicly, she needs to apologize those she insulted and accused. It is part of the healing process, to make amends to the people she has wronged. Accepting responsibility for her actions.

Then I will believe the Anthonys.
practically everyone on this board has done a complete 180 concerning Cindy and George. Every other comment about them was of how despicable they were for protecting Casey, lying, interfering, and PROFITING off of Caylee's death. I don't think anything has changed about them since the OS. They are the same people they were before that. They still have the same flaws that they have had the last 3 years. So if they were awful people for profitting off Caylee's demise before the OS, why is it now okay that they most likely profit after this trial in some form of books and/or movies? My own opinion of course. And also IMO they are parents that have not only lost a grandchild but also lost a daughter and no matter who or what that daughter is, it is still their daughter and natural instinct is to protect.

:clap: Bravo! This needed more than a thanks
I put this post in the sidebar thread, 6-11, but it really belongs here too.

My opinions of the Anthonys have not changed since July 16, 08. The only thing I would believe from the Anthonys at any time, is this:

CA was sitting in court gathering her thoughts and writing an apology to the State of Florida for her behavior past and present and that she IS prepared to secure gainful employment to support herself and family and to stop taking money from others. Not use Caylee as a means of securing funds in any manner. Her written apologies to Tim Miller, Amy, Jesse, Tony, and anyone else she subjected to her venom to. Her mother, her brother and any other family member to whom she insulted. The real ZFG. Mr. Morgan and his entire firm. Mark Nejames. The list goes on and on.

She doesn't need to apologize publicly, she needs to apologize those she insulted and accused. It is part of the healing process, to make amends to the people she has wronged. Accepting responsibility for her actions.

Then I will believe the Anthonys.
I know when that will happen....when Piglets fly!!!
We also have to remember how many attorney's they've went through that could not contain CA. This attorney, imo, has coached them into how they are suppose to act in order to get sympathy from not only the jurors but the ones like us who are watching! Maybe this attorney told them how to act in order to help save their daughter from the DP...they've lost a grandchild, don't kill their daughter too. Who knows? It does appear to me that she is giving signals to someone & remember, there's a co-dependency with Cindy & Casey...it's like one doesn't exist without the other.

I don't understand this homeles Vet condition. I know for a fact that the VA provides for them. They can live in VA housing and get medical/physical treatment. VA also provides after that and contributes a large voucher towards their rent once they move out of housing

There are so many homeless Vets. They have even been on Oprah. I do not understand it either, but there is obviously a Serious Problem.
I put this post in the sidebar thread, 6-11, but it really belongs here too.

My opinions of the Anthonys have not changed since July 16, 08. The only thing I would believe from the Anthonys at any time, is this:

CA was sitting in court gathering her thoughts and writing an apology to the State of Florida for her behavior past and present and that she IS prepared to secure gainful employment to support herself and family and to stop taking money from others. Not use Caylee as a means of securing funds in any manner. Her written apologies to Tim Miller, Amy, Jesse, Tony, and anyone else she subjected to her venom to. Her mother, her brother and any other family member to whom she insulted. The real ZFG. Mr. Morgan and his entire firm. Mark Nejames. The list goes on and on.

She doesn't need to apologize publicly, she needs to apologize those she insulted and accused. It is part of the healing process, to make amends to the people she has wronged. Accepting responsibility for her actions.

Then I will believe the Anthonys.

Yes, the grief-stricken granny slandered quite a few people, but we are supposed to think she is excused all that because of her loss. Listen to the message she left for TM on his machine, read her vicious comments about him, meant to do one thing,and that was humiliate him in public. Her behavior to him (and others) had nothing to do with grief. Her own daughter who is not known for telling the truth,did predict in a jail letter that CA would "milk the disability for all it's worth". She was right on that one.
There is a world full of people in agony over the loss of loved ones from reasons outside their control but they do not behave like her. She is still actively involved in ICA's defense, underhandedly of course, and only when forced to did she admit any facts- she tried her best to obstruct the investigation for 3 years. Self preservation kicked in at the thought that she might be charged.
This is my first post here and I certainly have not followed the case as closely as y'all have. So my opinion is worth exactly what you're paying for it. :)

I think CA may have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). If she's on Social Security Disability (not a private disability insurance plan), I can tell you from personal experience that they do not just hand over a check because you ask for it. If she is mentally/emotionally disabled, she is just as disabled as if she were physically disabled. PTSD could explain her extreme behavior and her inability to accept that her grandchild was dead, and that her own child was responsible.

None of us know how we would react in her shoes. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, and let God make the final judgment. Her daughter is the one on trial, not CA.

I just came across this old video that I thought was interesting.

Greta: I mean you seem like a pretty straight forward mother.

CA: Well she knows if something were to happen I would have forgiven her and I would've helped her through it. That's why the accident thing doesn't make sense to me either. If, uhm, if casey, if Caylee ever got hurt, who's the first person she would ever call would be me. You know 'Casey, Caylee's pulling on her ear- what do you think?' 'well she probably has an ear-ache. Let's take her to the doctors.'...Because you know, I'm her mum and I'm her... a nurse.

So I mean if it comes to Caylee's health or well being, I would be the first person to call. Uhm, you know.....I love Casey no matter what.
If something happens that she has a hand in it I'll be the first to say 'you need to be punished'. Okay. And that's the Gods honest truth.

Greta: Will you be able to forgive her?

CA: Uhm....I forgive everybody. I'd forgive the people today if they have Caylee and bring her back. If they bring her back unharmed, I'd forgive her...or forgive them."

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3WlZs4JicU&feature=related"]YouTube - ‪8/7/08: Cindy ' I Have Nothing To Hide'‬‏[/ame]


Given what's happened since then, and knowing that ICA has admitted she knew Caylee was dead on the 16th, while throwing her parents under the bus at the same time, I'm hoping what CA is doing is writing her victim impact statement to include the words 'she needs to be punished'.

Yes, the grief-stricken granny slandered quite a few people, but we are supposed to think she is excused all that because of her loss. Listen to the message she left for TM on his machine, read her vicious comments about him, meant to do one thing,and that was humiliate him in public. Her behavior to him (and others) had nothing to do with grief. Her own daughter who is not known for telling the truth,did predict in a jail letter that CA would "milk the disability for all it's worth". She was right on that one.
There is a world full of people in agony over the loss of loved ones from reasons outside their control but they do not behave like her. She is still actively involved in ICA's defense, underhandedly of course, and only when forced to did she admit any facts- she tried her best to obstruct the investigation for 3 years. Self preservation kicked in at the thought that she might be charged.

I have no doubts or disillusions that CA is writing an outline to sell for profit. Either in book or playwright form to proffer to the highest bidder. She knows now how much she can ask and receive. I also have no doubt she has and is currently entertaining offers. She learned a lot over three years how much Caylee is worth.

CA is the one everyone should fear. She has managed to deflect her intentions, managed to manipulate the system and manipulate public opinions of her. Now she is much more dangerous than she was before. Because ICA admitted Caylee died on June 16, 08 she will separate herself from ICA's dependency with her for she now has a new role to play .... martyr .... and regardless of our feelings, the media will court her, shower her with attention to make her feel more important than before. She has already used the legal system to copyright Caylee's name, Justice for Caylee. Not to preserve Caylee's memory but to be the only one to profit from it. She sold new photos, the ones we recently saw on HLN. It has only begun. She traded Caylee for the pleasure of the almighty dollar. Talked about screwed up priorities.

If and when CA proves me wrong, I will be the first publicly apologize to her and admit I was wrong.
I was just wondering if during CA testimony where she was "sobbing" if her tissue ever got wet? They seem to cry and wipe and dab the same way. jmo.

I haven't wanted to say anything up to now, but I tended to agree with you. Yes, Cindy and George are being more honest than not in their testimony, and I'm sure Cindy is grieving...but...When she was on the stand, I saw very few real tears, and that whole thing of leaning down and down on the witness stand sure looked to me as covering so that everyone couldn't see she wasn't really sobbing...then when Cindy was talking on the stand and had the kleenex wrapped around the one finger, if she had been doing all the sobbing that she had demonstrated, that kleenex should have been shredded by moisture.

I think CA and GA will only go as far as keeping with their depos so as to not be hit with perjury. And I do realize that they both are grieving for their grandaughter...BUT

I find it hard to forgive them for all the interviews, lying, insinuating that others did the murder, etc. I think we forget all the little things that Cindy, especially, did.

If what they testify to will help the prosecution's case, good...I really don't care about CA and GA's futures...they have both shown what they are made of.

Good catch!!!!!!!
As I am convinced that Cindy is communicating with the Defense new attorney Lisabeth F. -- to convey messages to the Inmate -- or to the Inmate's defense team, it looks to me like Cindy is making movements to catch the attention of Lisabeth while the other attorneys are at sidebar, and Cindy seems to signal something with her left hand that looks like a gesture for the #2 or #1 -- maybe to alert Lisabeth that Cindy has sent her a text or IM on her laptop? It is definitely a deliberate hand motion of some type, which Cindy shifts her whole body over to be in eyesight of the defense table.

I do not believe that the Inmate ever makes eye contact with Cindy.
I do believe Cindy is communicating with Lisabeth F and Sims - maybe when Cindy thinks she has something important to interject about the current testimony? The previous video in this series for June 11, 2011, witness Ron Murdock is talking about the photos of the Anthony garage and sheds and KC and Caylee bedrooms .... so, I'm sure Cindy thinks she had something important to relay to the Inmate's defense team.

Wow I just looked at this video several times. When CA realizes the camera is on her, her eyes get big and she immediately drops her head. She obviously felt like she had been caught. First she rubs her nose, points and then circles her eyes. I thought she was trying to say "you see" something to the DT. Dr G's assessment didn't make sense to me. Why would KC or the DT need to turn around to see CA? All they need to do is look left just as they were doing after CA's testimony when KC got upset watching CA hug GA. Also interesting to note how the interaction between CA and GA has changed from the first 2 weeks of the trial when they were close and leaning on each other. According to Magpie and other trial goers, CA is back to her old chatty self while GA stands alone and looks angry.
Maybe shes writting what she thinks what really happened in her own words.
" The other side of the story "
How something happen to her Caylee and how KC was lost and all alone. And evil person made her poor daughter say bad things, how she was the victim and the world was out to get her. How her poor daughter fell victim to a fast talking man, and how he used the missguided innocent trusting natured 22 year old girl to turn on her own family.

Bold by me -

Is this man a defense attorney practicing in the Orlando area?? :floorlaugh:
Why would Cindy need to be sending messages in court?Baez has a telephone and all she would have to do is call and say tell ICA to have emotion and cry,IMO it is outrageous to say she is giving signals!Most people would not survive the hell Cindy has been through,not only going through her granddaughters horrific death by her own daughters hand then add the truly vile things complete strangers have said about her all over the internet. ICA is the one who destroyed Caylee and no one else is responsible but her.Unless you have a family member murdered you have no idea of the level of pain and grief a person goes through.What you"think"it feels like times that by a million then add in the murderer also being your own daughter IMO instead of judging her get on your knees an thank GOD you haven't walked in her shoes and Pray you never do.JMO
I watched the video of Cindy and I don't think she is signaling anything to the defense team - she could easily text them if she wanted to. In my opinion Cindy is a self-toucher and she was merely touching her glaces to her face, probably as some sort of self comforting gesture as the trial wears on and the testimony becomes more harrowing I'm not surprised.
I can't believe I have read as fact that Cindy is signaling without fact on here. All is assuming and no one should be saying this as fact. Does not make any sense.
I don't think CA is signaling Casey at all. From what I've read, from where the Anthony's sit all the way in the back, Casey cannot even see them from the DT table. I've read the room is huge. Looks to me like CA is trying to look at what is going on at sidebar. She saw the camera on her from the beginning, she was looking up and at it. Then she looked at sidebar, removed her reading glasses and rubbed her nose where the glasses were sitting and scratched under her eyes with the glasses frame. Honestly when I wear my glasses, I do similar actions after taking them off (rubbing my nose, rubbing under my eyes). She wasn't pointing at anyone, she had her finger curled as she rubbed it down her nose. I think people are reading WAAAAY to much into those little movements. There's no way that ICA or DS was even looking anywhere in that direction. They make it a point not to look at the media section.
I also don't believe they, especially GA, are working with defense. Him and JB clearly dislike one another and when asked if he abused Casey or disposed of Caylee's body, GA said "NO". How is that 'going along with defense'?
I've had mixed feelings about the Anthonys, but ICA IS their only daughter and she is facing death, and they've already lost their only grandchild. I try to imagine, as a mother, how I would feel. I know the motherly instinct is to protect your child or want to believe your child no matter what. CA has clearly been in denial about ICA...she was still looking for Zanny the nanny up until 6 weeks ago, for crying out loud! That is true denial, IMO. Maybe believing Casey was innocent was what helped them to keep going...gave them something to look forward to "We will find Caylee's killer and bring Casey home" sort of delusional thinking. But I think they are facing the truth now, no matter how hard... just MOO
I haven't wanted to say anything up to now, but I tended to agree with you. Yes, Cindy and George are being more honest than not in their testimony, and I'm sure Cindy is grieving...but...When she was on the stand, I saw very few real tears, and that whole thing of leaning down and down on the witness stand sure looked to me as covering so that everyone couldn't see she wasn't really sobbing...then when Cindy was talking on the stand and had the kleenex wrapped around the one finger, if she had been doing all the sobbing that she had demonstrated, that kleenex should have been shredded by moisture.

I think CA and GA will only go as far as keeping with their depos so as to not be hit with perjury. And I do realize that they both are grieving for their grandaughter...BUT

I find it hard to forgive them for all the interviews, lying, insinuating that others did the murder, etc. I think we forget all the little things that Cindy, especially, did.

If what they testify to will help the prosecution's case, good...I really don't care about CA and GA's futures...they have both shown what they are made of.


I saw the tears and I was affected by the heartfelt grief as I've been in the duldrums of that kind of pain before and I recognized it. I also saw the truth coming from CA and that's good enough for me. I don't think they will ever forgive themselves for not realizing what was happening to their only grandaughter that they loved so much. Add to that, as a parent, who in this world could imagine one of your kids could cause such havoc in your lifetime? Lee didn't turn out that way. They've been facing the truth and finding out they don't even know who this person is that is supposed to be their "daughter".

I'm determined that through this whole fiasco, I refuse to end up as callous or hardened in heart toward anyone. Yes, I've been angry at certain people associated but, I have no right to act as jury and judge toward what's left of this family. It would be more just to be more mindful of children everywhere as you just don't know what they may be going through in spite of how things "look" and what kind of life they may be enduring. All I want is for justice to be served for Caylee.

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