What is Cindy A doing while trial watching?

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THANK YOU-Your post was right on!!!!!I am speechless right now after seeing that video!!!

I, too, am SPEECHLESS after seeing that video !

I think it is okay for CA to take notes and read ... but the "signaling" towards the DT should be STRICTLY PROHIBITED !

I wish His Honor would have seen that -- it was very GENEROUS of him to allow the A's into the courtroom considering the fact that they are witnesses and very GENEROUS due to their previous past "indignant behaviors" in the Courtroom.

Judge Perry issued "strict orders" regarding "facial gestures" and "gum chewing" etc. etc. ... for his Coutroom -- and I don't blame him ! He does not want to try this case twice !

What we saw in this video clearly VIOLATES Judge Perry's Orders regarding Courtroom behavior.

:waitasec: I am wondering if the Jury saw this ?

MOO MOO and MOO ...
Good catch!!!!!!!
As I am convinced that Cindy is communicating with the Defense new attorney Lisabeth F. -- to convey messages to the Inmate -- or to the Inmate's defense team, it looks to me like Cindy is making movements to catch the attention of Lisabeth while the other attorneys are at sidebar, and Cindy seems to signal something with her left hand that looks like a gesture for the #2 or #1 -- maybe to alert Lisabeth that Cindy has sent her a text or IM on her laptop? It is definitely a deliberate hand motion of some type, which Cindy shifts her whole body over to be in eyesight of the defense table.

I do not believe that the Inmate ever makes eye contact with Cindy.
I do believe Cindy is communicating with Lisabeth F and Sims - maybe when Cindy thinks she has something important to interject about the current testimony? The previous video in this series for June 11, 2011, witness Ron Murdock is talking about the photos of the Anthony garage and sheds and KC and Caylee bedrooms .... so, I'm sure Cindy thinks she had something important to relay to the Inmate's defense team.

I noticed Casey was looking to her left a lot that day. Far more then any other day. She was not turning her head to look at the lawyer to the left of her she was just moving her eyes all the way to the left so she could have very well been looking at Cindy.

I have a feeling the camera person saw Casey looking that way then focused on Cindy.
This may explain the recent change in body language between GA and CA. Maybe she's gone back to her old ways and GA is disgusted. Sure seems he's making a point of looking somewhere else while CA leans over to get in sight of the defense table. It's like he knows what she's doing and wants no part of it.

If CA truly is emailing someone on the defense team (as speculated above), she's playing a dangerous game. The defense team will jump at the chance to use it against her. It's hard to believe anyone on the defense team would give CA the time of day, much less take advice on how ICA should act?!
I noticed Casey was looking to her left a lot that day. Far more then any other day. She was not turning her head to look at the lawyer to the left of her she was just moving her eyes all the way to the left so she could have very well been looking at Cindy.

I have a feeling the camera person saw Casey looking that way then focused on Cindy.


:rocker::rocker: Great Catch, Dr. Fessel !!! You nailed it !!!
Watch the first 30 seconds or so. Casey looking to her her left and at the 25 second mark I swear she mouths something.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeQCbVLbWgc&feature=related"]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial - Part 5 - 6/11/11‬‏[/ame]
I agree with you Chablis, would not want to be in her shoes for anything in this world. HOWEVER they brought the media carp on themselves. I know, I know, they were majorly blindsided. However, many people do lose "two" family members (although Casey is not deceased). Some lose a whole family to a car wreck, a tornado such as the one we just saw recently, death through military service... I just cannot imagine getting awarded disability with "grief" as a presumptive illness. And I cannot imagine a nurse with the good work history she had, abandoning her profession. She has the ability to support the family yet chooses freebies from TV stations and cruises, tats, gee that's not too far from what ICA did, is it? Meanwhile she scribbles furiously and I beleive its notes for her forthcoming book. While I would personally not buy it, many would. And I hope her book sales are a springboard for her to get off the disability and back into the working world, whatever she does, and back into life. That's what MOST people do. I have been a nurse for almost 25 years and have NEVER seen a greiving person or family shut down and go on disability. At least not through MY social security office. Disability isn't a free pass to being an adult and working, its supposed to be awarded to people who QUALIFY for it with a real illness or condition. All MOST people don't thank the throngs of people looking for their missing grandchild, including Tim Miller, by calling them FLABS and demanding they get out there and look. I mean, FGS, did grief cause her to say that? No kind of grief I know.
JMO. Peace.

Respectfully disagree. ICA did this. ICA brought it on them. Even if GA & CA had done everything right, the 31 days was "sensational" and this case would have been huge. They would have been dogged either way and damned if they did, damned if they didn't. I disagree with A LOT of the things they did but I doubt anything they did would have changed a darn thing when it came to the media scrutiny involved. MOO.
All that I can see in that video of Cindy is that she has had her glasses on for quite some time at this point and she takes them off to relieve the pressure. The very first thing she does is massage the bridge of her nose, then the sides. She then uses her eyeglasses to massage underneath her eyes. (If those of you who wear glasses try this out for yourself, it feels good after having your glasses on for a length of time.)

Really, this thread is starting to sound like the silly speculation and rumors that used to go on back in 2005.

There are no bombshells here. Just a few people who are bound and determined to find something...anything to start up another unfounded rumor.

The Anthony's are sitting in the farthest corner away from ICA in the courtroom. They have to look diagonally through all of the rest of the people seated in the courtroom and would only be able to actually see her if each of those people moved in unison to one side or the other. I suppose it is not impossible that it could occasionally happen but I think it is very unlikely that they would ever have a clear line of sight of her for the length of time that Cindy is rubbing her nose and face.
Most people don't have the LUXURY of sitting around for 3 years grieving, forcing themselves to believe their daughter did this, etc. Most people have to get on with life and go to work. Most people don't SELL pics of their grand daughter and ICA for money. And as for that cruise, GMAB. If they are so broke, how could they have gone? And how could they afford tats, and the cremation jewelry? Its VERY expensive.
I think they are writing a book, and that it will sell like hotcakes. I think they should get to the business of some kind of job. They are NOT what I would call disabled. And this is coming from a person who is truly physically disabled.
Losing a child or grandchild is terrible. Most people don't go on disability because they prefer to live in a dream world or nightmare world. I think the high profile nature of this case helped them get the diagnosis necessary to get disability. JMO.

Losing a child or grandchild is horrible. Thankfully, most who lose a close loved one do not have cameras in their faces and people camped out in their yard.

Most people who lose a grandchild do not have the added terror of their daughter being charged.

It is MY opinion that CA being on disability is not that shocking. She has been through hell.
Losing a child or grandchild is horrible. Thankfully, most who lose a close loved one do not have cameras in their faces and people camped out in their yard.

Most people who lose a grandchild do not have the added terror of their daughter being charged.

It is MY opinion that CA being on disability is not that shocking. She has been through hell.

Is it a fact that CA is on disability? I've heard it as rumour, but not as fact. I would be somewhat shocked, as disability (here in CA) is very difficult to get. I suffer from depression, brittle diabetes, and a right ankle that just doesn't work. I was told to bugger off.

The cameras and faces in their yard was in 2008/2009 -- it's 2011. I don't see why some sort of income can't be produced, and why (if it's a fact) they are also sucking money off the Floridians like the inmate and her "dream team". I heard that Lee testified he wasn't working either. Good Night!

It really is none of my business, just a mere curiosity.


Most people don't have the LUXURY of sitting around for 3 years grieving, forcing themselves to believe their daughter did this, etc. Most people have to get on with life and go to work. Most people don't SELL pics of their grand daughter and ICA for money. And as for that cruise, GMAB. If they are so broke, how could they have gone? And how could they afford tats, and the cremation jewelry? Its VERY expensive.
I think they are writing a book, and that it will sell like hotcakes. I think they should get to the business of some kind of job. They are NOT what I would call disabled. And this is coming from a person who is truly physically disabled.
Losing a child or grandchild is terrible. Most people don't go on disability because they prefer to live in a dream world or nightmare world. I think the high profile nature of this case helped them get the diagnosis necessary to get disability. JMO.

Disabled here too, and know SO many who can't get benefits. I'm in San Diego and see many of our homeless vets suffering - so very tragic.

I can't compare each and every disability, but George and Cindy at least have a roof over their head (and a very nice one at that) a couple of cars, and loads of personal belongings.

When my mom died I took 3 months off - I couldn't afford any more time (when I was working). I now can't work, but am unable to get disability. Go figure.


Thank you for finding this Dr. Fessel. I thought I was imagining things when I saw it during trial. Yes indeed, CA is telling KC to cry, rub her nose and eyes. I also saw at one point CA pulling her sweater up on her shoulders and around to signal KC, then she pushed her own sweater back again. Unbelievable.

WOW - you are so right! That was indeed a "you better start a crying" motion. I wonder if the jurors caught sight of that!


Is it a fact that CA is on disability? I've heard it as rumour, but not as fact. I would be somewhat shocked, as disability (here in CA) is very difficult to get. I suffer from depression, brittle diabetes, and a right ankle that just doesn't work. I was told to bugger off.

The cameras and faces in their yard was in 2008/2009 -- it's 2011. I don't see why some sort of income can't be produced, and why (if it's a fact) they are also sucking money off the Floridians like the inmate and her "dream team". I heard that Lee testified he wasn't working either. Good Night!

It really is none of my business, just a mere curiosity.



Yes, Cindy is on disability, she said so during her testimony on the stand last week. IMHO if she was able to get disability that falls on Bureau of Disability if you don't feel she deserves it. They assessed her and granted it.

I don't know what I think about the past 2 years, but I don't blame Cindy or George for not working right now, I would be at the trial every day if I was Cindy too. Can't imagine too many employers are going to give you 2 months off to sit at your daughter's murder trial.
I have read, please do not ask where, that they have a movie deal, and they both, CA and GA have book deals. Whatever she is doing to get her through this, more power to her! I think they were all taken in by Casey's lies, and in spite of DNA evidence, did not give up on Caylee being alive until they heard 6 weeks ago what the defense was going to be. Then they had to face the cold hard truth of what their daughter had done. But I agree, they do not want her to die, I don't think they want her set free either. I firmly believe they were going to be next. MOO.

There is NO WAY I would want to go through what these people have been, and are going through. Yes, they tried to blame everyone but Casey, but they believed her lies because they could not face the alternative. I am certain that Cindy wishes things were like they were 3-4 years ago, and she was working daily. MOO

I don't know how reliable this site is... it has been mentioned here several times. The writing is atrocious. But, it states:

Perhaps the two million dollar payout for the Lifetime movie also helped ease their tensions as well. At least now they won’t have financial worries.Their home will no longer be in foreclosure and t hey can even afford move away to a more luxurious place in a gated community in order to keep paparazzi at bay. In addition, there will most likely be no Casey to run up any credit card bills since the state will pay for her room, board, and clothing as well as her medical bills as she sits in prison for life or sits on death row in Lowell Penitentiary waiting for appeals and for her final day.
I believe the Anthony's have done some incredibly stupid things. Who over 15 would fall for that Nigerian email scam? Who would obstruct an investigation on a missing child?

I DO believe Cindy is texting ICA via the DT. I DO believe Cindy is sending signals to ICA.

I KNOW they loved Caylee strongly. She brought joy to their lives. I KNOW their hearts are broken and they feel a terrible sadness and unbearable pain. I know EXACTLY how they feel. I suppose it is human nature to criticize them, but I still feel sorry for them. They may never recover. Cruises, etc. are a way to TRY and deal with this. Me, I just hibernated and never left the house. We all deal with misery differently.

I understand the huge emptiness they are feeling, and I wish no one had to go through anything like this.
I thought that she was so intent on finding out exactly when all the lies started from ICA that she's taking detailed notes so that she can compare truth from lies.
Perhaps she is writing a Victim's Impact Statement or ...... Maybe her attorney advised her to use pen and paper ( similar to what the Defense team does with Casey) in order to keep her emotions from being out of control in the courtroom. Keeping her mind and hands occupied.jmo
Disabled here too, and know SO many who can't get benefits. I'm in San Diego and see many of our homeless vets suffering - so very tragic.

I can't compare each and every disability, but George and Cindy at least have a roof over their head (and a very nice one at that) a couple of cars, and loads of personal belongings.

When my mom died I took 3 months off - I couldn't afford any more time (when I was working). I now can't work, but am unable to get disability. Go figure.




I don't understand this homeles Vet condition. I know for a fact that the VA provides for them. They can live in VA housing and get medical/physical treatment. VA also provides after that and contributes a large voucher towards their rent once they move out of housing
Perhaps she is writing a Victim's Impact Statement or ...... Maybe her attorney advised her to use pen and paper ( similar to what the Defense team does with Casey) in order to keep her emotions from being out of control in the courtroom. Keeping her mind and hands occupied.jmo

I imagine cindy has a very active mind...and her toughts travel through at a high rate of speed.
Are they allowed to have phones in the courtroom? This is getting crazier and crazier. ICA appeared back to her normal look and behavior on Saturday. Conincidently, her parents returned.
I have read, please do not ask where, that they have a movie deal, and they both, CA and GA have book deals. Whatever she is doing to get her through this, more power to her! I think they were all taken in by Casey's lies, and in spite of DNA evidence, did not give up on Caylee being alive until they heard 6 weeks ago what the defense was going to be. Then they had to face the cold hard truth of what their daughter had done. But I agree, they do not want her to die, I don't think they want her set free either. I firmly believe they were going to be next. MOO.

There is NO WAY I would want to go through what these people have been, and are going through. Yes, they tried to blame everyone but Casey, but they believed her lies because they could not face the alternative. I am certain that Cindy wishes things were like they were 3-4 years ago, and she was working daily. MOO

I remember George trying out his hand at writing..."Living Under the Microscope".
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