What is Cindy A doing while trial watching?

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I think she is writing a book. IMO. Or atleast writing notes down on the process, whats she is going thru, how she is feeling during the death penalty case against her daughter.
I have read, please do not ask where, that they have a movie deal, and they both, CA and GA have book deals. Whatever she is doing to get her through this, more power to her! I think they were all taken in by Casey's lies, and in spite of DNA evidence, did not give up on Caylee being alive until they heard 6 weeks ago what the defense was going to be. Then they had to face the cold hard truth of what their daughter had done. But I agree, they do not want her to die, I don't think they want her set free either. I firmly believe they were going to be next. MOO.

There is NO WAY I would want to go through what these people have been, and are going through. Yes, they tried to blame everyone but Casey, but they believed her lies because they could not face the alternative. I am certain that Cindy wishes things were like they were 3-4 years ago, and she was working daily. MOO

I so agree with you. They both made me sick all three years until recently. I don't know what changed things for them, but like you, I have a feeling that it stemmed from that 6 weeks ago statement. I was flabbergasted thinking that they would go to those lengths to support her. And finally, they didn't. I think for the first time, Cindy's breakdown on the stand was real and not planned. She truly had a knife in her heart while she finally accepted the truth and I could feel her pain.

I got the same feeling through George. He was less overtly emotional, but it was there just the same. He was not going to accept Casey's lies about him and for the first time he and Cindy were on the same page. She wasn't telling him what to do, he wasn't following blindly behind her. They were in sync with the truth. And when Casey saw he wouldn't accept the role of abuser, and he and Cindy embraced after Cindy's testimony, she lost it. There went all her plans to get rid of George and have her mother at her side, the one who would lie for her and give her anything she wanted.
What is Cindy doing while watching the trial? First, when her head is down, she's not watching, though she may be listening. Likely, she is journaling, for purposes that only she really knows. I doubt very much that Cindy is doing anything different than what Cindy normally does. I do think that she realizes that Casey takes comfort by her presense in the courtroom. Here is an excerpt from one of Casey's letters to inmate RA.

"I've always had a potty mouth, and the closer I get to the "real world" and society, the more it starts to show it's ugly head. Self-expression in the worst. My mom would agree. I bet she's going to be excited to see me today. :) Some comforting thoughts there, to say the least. "
As happy as I am that Cindy and George have seemingly accepted what has happened to Caylee, I will never buy anything written by them about this case. I won't buy books or even watch a movie based on a book written by them.

One of the things I have always hoped for was that Cindy and George would (in private) ask (beg) for forgiveness. From their God and from Caylee. I still pray for them and hope they continue on the path to truth.

This is not over for them. They have a lot of things to do in order to make things right in their lives. They owe me nothing at all. Their actions these past three years never personally effected me, but they effected a lot of innocent people. They have a lot of apologies to make... they can not simply ignore all the wrong they have done. In order to move on in a positive way, they need to right all of their wrongs. Lord knows there are many. They've made the first step in making things right for Caylee and I can only hope they continue on this path.

I am scared to believe in them so much because I believe there is still a high chance that they will blame Jose (the entire defense) for these accusations. I don't know if they hold Casey accountable for any of this? If they even put any blame on her at all? I can only pray that they have seen the light and are not playing all of us as fools? I guess we will see when they hold their first "exclusive" after this trial is over and Casey is convicted?

As sorry as I feel for all of them... I just can not support them financially. I can not. Will not. I made that promise to myself a long time ago and I am standing by that.

I refuse to feel bad for any bad feelings I have had towards them these past few years. I believe that my feelings towards them were 100% warranted. I was not wrong to feel that way and I still have my reservations with both of them. But again, I will continue to pray for them.

Justice for Caylee!!
I have no idea what she is doing but I am not ready to change my opinion so quickly. I want to make sure she changed. That brief time on the stand pales in comparison to three years of tryanny.
practically everyone on this board has done a complete 180 concerning Cindy and George. Every other comment about them was of how despicable they were for protecting Casey, lying, interfering, and PROFITING off of Caylee's death. I don't think anything has changed about them since the OS. They are the same people they were before that. They still have the same flaws that they have had the last 3 years. So if they were awful people for profitting off Caylee's demise before the OS, why is it now okay that they most likely profit after this trial in some form of books and/or movies? My own opinion of course. And also IMO they are parents that have not only lost a grandchild but also lost a daughter and no matter who or what that daughter is, it is still their daughter and natural instinct is to protect.
Thanks Doc.........can't say I'm a bit surprised by CA sending signals. I have not believed for a second anything has changed with her and GA.
I personally think Cindy is taking very detailed notes of the ridiculous antics and lousy lawyering of Baez to assist KC's eventual court appointed appeals attorney in their claim of INEFFECTIVE COUNSEL...

Cindy may no longer be convinced of KC's innocence, but I suspect she is no different than a lot of us who believe Baez has been ineffective in his "lawyering skills"...
Before CA got on the stand, I thought she was editing that Bible they were carrying to court and putting ICA in the role of Jesus. Now, that she's taken the stand I think she is journaling for appeal purposes, in case ICA gets the DP, or keeping notes for a book and/or movie deal.
I have read, please do not ask where, that they have a movie deal, and they both, CA and GA have book deals. Whatever she is doing to get her through this, more power to her! I think they were all taken in by Casey's lies, and in spite of DNA evidence, did not give up on Caylee being alive until they heard 6 weeks ago what the defense was going to be. Then they had to face the cold hard truth of what their daughter had done. But I agree, they do not want her to die, I don't think they want her set free either. I firmly believe they were going to be next. MOO.

There is NO WAY I would want to go through what these people have been, and are going through. Yes, they tried to blame everyone but Casey, but they believed her lies because they could not face the alternative. I am certain that Cindy wishes things were like they were 3-4 years ago, and she was working daily. MOO
I do agree about CA - I think she wanted to believe she will see Caylee again.
I do not think GA was taken in by KC lies, I think as an ex LE he knew exactly what he was doing. IMHO he did a mastery clean up.
OMG that is it for forgiving them...this made me ILL!!!!

When you watch it through another minute or so, it starts with CA taking off her glasses. She makes at least three separate movements of where to place her tissue, then she uses the arm or her glasses and runs it first under one eye then the other. It appears she is coaching ICA of how to appear to be crying. It would be interesting to see if ICA followed CA's instruction. It does appears that she is looking in ICA's direction. ICA could be looking at her parents when she is looking in the SA's direction. If it shows on tape that CA was not looking in her direction, it would be interesting to see who on the DT table was and how this was relaid to ICA and how soon after ICA mirrored CA's movements.

I love to people watch. It's been a hobby all of my life.
About every time the camera focuses on Cindy, she is looking down and has a pencil in her right hand. Anyone know what she's doing? I guess she could be taking explicit notes.... or working a crossword puzzle. I just know that I feel very sorry for Cindy, George and Lee and that is a 180 degree turn from my previous opinion.

Haven't read all the way through this thread but it's been said, CA is reading a bible and taking notes...if she's taking notes, I wonder why this is allowed, especially if the State is not finished with her as a witness...could she be getting a victim impact statement ready if there is a guilty verdict? JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I think Cindy is taking notes, but not sure what they are for. I think that is just the way Cindy is and I think it helps keep her busy. I also think she likes that it hides her face so people aren't all speculating on her expressions.

I don't think she is signaling Casey in the video, I watched it several times and I do that with my glasses sometimes. I also doubt Casey needs or wants any coaching from Cindy or that the DT would pass her signals along to ICA.
I think Cindy is taking notes, but not sure what they are for. I think that is just the way Cindy is and I think it helps keep her busy. I also think she likes that it hides her face so people aren't all speculating on her expressions.

I don't think she is signaling Casey in the video, I watched it several times and I do that with my glasses sometimes. I also doubt Casey needs or wants any coaching from Cindy or that the DT would pass her signals along to ICA.

I want to think that she isn't but it certainly looks like she is.

I am going to watch it again but honestly there are eyes everywhere in that court room. I would never have the nerve to do such a thing.
I have read, please do not ask where, that they have a movie deal, and they both, CA and GA have book deals. Whatever she is doing to get her through this, more power to her! I think they were all taken in by Casey's lies, and in spite of DNA evidence, did not give up on Caylee being alive until they heard 6 weeks ago what the defense was going to be. Then they had to face the cold hard truth of what their daughter had done. But I agree, they do not want her to die, I don't think they want her set free either. I firmly believe they were going to be next. MOO.

There is NO WAY I would want to go through what these people have been, and are going through. Yes, they tried to blame everyone but Casey, but they believed her lies because they could not face the alternative. I am certain that Cindy wishes things were like they were 3-4 years ago, and she was working daily. MOO
your post got me to thinking .. what if all of those searches werent to murder caylee at first .. what if they were to murder her parents .. after all she did tell amy they were going to get the house .. so then those plans fell through and my theory is she murdered caylee so she could live with tony or be free to live wherever as long as it wasnt with her parents i swear i read somewhere that one of her friends mentioned they told her caylee shouldnt be at the parties all the time ect.. i think it was that clint that mentioned that .but i dont remember where i read it ..but that couldve been her motive .. mabey its possible ica thought cindy was keeping control over her through caylee ? .. i wish she would just tell them what her motive was for killing her daughter
IMO it is only giving ice what she wants by having all of us scrutinizing GA and CA's every move. They're not on trial, afterall. If it's not obstructing justice I really don't care. I don't see CA as the brightest bulb on the tree, she thought nanny was real but now somehow worked up an elaborate plethora of hand signals? Just not buying it. Moo
I want to think that she isn't but it certainly looks like she is.

I am going to watch it again but honestly there are eyes everywhere in that court room. I would never have the nerve to do such a thing.

Ah, but you're talking about an Anthony!

After watching the video several times, my mind is officially boggled, yet again. CA really does seem to be coaching her daughter.
I still have a problem with CA. I can understand parents having a hard time accepting their child is a cold blooded killer, one who killed their own child. That's a lot to take in. What I cannot understand is their interference with the investigation. I will never understand it.

I can see a book in their future as they are broke from what I understand and mostly likely not employable. They need the money.


I think they are not employable in the professions they had prior to this, but neither of them are stupid and both are physically able to find new professions and work at them for income. JMO.
I was just wondering if during CA testimony where she was "sobbing" if her tissue ever got wet? They seem to cry and wipe and dab the same way. jmo.

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