What is Cindy A doing while trial watching?

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IMO she is doing exactly what she should be doing.
Who gives a flip about a job at this point?

This woman has been through a living nightmare the past 3 years and it continues as we speak.

There are plenty of "disabled" people who are far better off than Cindy IMO.

I will not fault her for being on disability.

IMO she needs prayer and support.
God forbid any of us would ever have to go through what she has.


Most people don't have the LUXURY of sitting around for 3 years grieving, forcing themselves to believe their daughter did this, etc. Most people have to get on with life and go to work. Most people don't SELL pics of their grand daughter and ICA for money. And as for that cruise, GMAB. If they are so broke, how could they have gone? And how could they afford tats, and the cremation jewelry? Its VERY expensive.
I think they are writing a book, and that it will sell like hotcakes. I think they should get to the business of some kind of job. They are NOT what I would call disabled. And this is coming from a person who is truly physically disabled.
Losing a child or grandchild is terrible. Most people don't go on disability because they prefer to live in a dream world or nightmare world. I think the high profile nature of this case helped them get the diagnosis necessary to get disability. JMO.
I think Cindy is signaling something to Casey here starting at the 1:40 mark.

respectfully snipped:

Thank you for finding this Dr. Fessel. I thought I was imagining things when I saw it during trial. Yes indeed, CA is telling KC to cry, rub her nose and eyes. I also saw at one point CA pulling her sweater up on her shoulders and around to signal KC, then she pushed her own sweater back again. Unbelievable.

Great Catch !!!


Thanks Dr. Fessel for providing the link.


Thanks merc7 for noticing this yesterday ... I remember you said something about CA during yesterday's trial coverage in one of your posts ...

After watching the video, it is "crystal" CLEAR TO ME that CA is doing some sort of "signaling" towards the Defense Table.

MOO MOO and MOO ...
I was just wondering if during CA testimony where she was "sobbing" if her tissue ever got wet? They seem to cry and wipe and dab the same way. jmo.

Someone said the other day they watched her on the Casey Cam for nearly an hour and she used the same tissue throughout which miraculously never became soggy from all those invisi-tears she was wiping away. So I think shes faking most of it. Hope the jurors notice that too.

And thanks, Doc Fessel, for that video. Great catch!!
I think Cindy is signaling something to Casey here starting at the 1:40 mark.

YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial - Part 6 - 6/11/11‬‏

For some reason, I find this video extremely chilling. Right about 2:10, CA is definitely (and surreptitiously) pointing while looking in the apparent direction of the defense table. It absolutely looks like a "this is for you" gesture, preceded by what looks like a tear gesture, and followed by CA tracing tear tracks and wiping tears under her eyes with the earpiece of her glasses.

I hadn't been able to get the image of KC twirling around at her mother's silent pointing gesture out of my mind (when Jose made Cindy get up at look at KC and her flat belly), what a bizarre pantomime that was! I also remember George explaining in the jailhouse video that Cindy was the index finger in the Anthony family "hand" because she's always pointing. CA is still trying to direct things it seems. :eek:

Awesome find Dr. Fessel!
Most people don't have the LUXURY of sitting around for 3 years grieving, forcing themselves to believe their daughter did this, etc. Most people have to get on with life and go to work. Most people don't SELL pics of their grand daughter and ICA for money. And as for that cruise, GMAB. If they are so broke, how could they have gone? And how could they afford tats, and the cremation jewelry? Its VERY expensive.
I think they are writing a book, and that it will sell like hotcakes. I think they should get to the business of some kind of job. They are NOT what I would call disabled. And this is coming from a person who is truly physically disabled.
Losing a child or grandchild is terrible. Most people don't go on disability because they prefer to live in a dream world or nightmare world. I think the high profile nature of this case helped them get the diagnosis necessary to get disability. JMO.

Most people, dont have their child kill their grandchild and then have lynch mobs forming on their yard with people wanting to fight them. they also dont have hundreds of thousands of entries on the internet about how terrible they are and most dont have to deal with a bunch of people offering to take her husband off her hands and all sorts of twisted stuff like that. She has not only been emotionally shattered beyond belief, she has also been the target of cyber bullying and her grandchild was rotting down the road from her house. It makes me sick to watch all these people do this to Cindy, they probably really made Casey Anthony happy. This whole thing has been a circus nightmare, I cant imagine how Cindy is even still alive. Her biggest fault to most people is she cant stop loving her child, something a mother is never supposed to do. My heart goes out to her more than anyone.
I think she needs something to hold on to in this horrible ordeal. Simply to keep her sanity. I think it is a good idea that she takes notes - it will help her through this nightmare. Poor Cindy, I really feel for her.
I agree with you Chablis, would not want to be in her shoes for anything in this world. HOWEVER they brought the media carp on themselves. I know, I know, they were majorly blindsided. However, many people do lose "two" family members (although Casey is not deceased). Some lose a whole family to a car wreck, a tornado such as the one we just saw recently, death through military service... I just cannot imagine getting awarded disability with "grief" as a presumptive illness. And I cannot imagine a nurse with the good work history she had, abandoning her profession. She has the ability to support the family yet chooses freebies from TV stations and cruises, tats, gee that's not too far from what ICA did, is it? Meanwhile she scribbles furiously and I beleive its notes for her forthcoming book. While I would personally not buy it, many would. And I hope her book sales are a springboard for her to get off the disability and back into the working world, whatever she does, and back into life. That's what MOST people do. I have been a nurse for almost 25 years and have NEVER seen a greiving person or family shut down and go on disability. At least not through MY social security office. Disability isn't a free pass to being an adult and working, its supposed to be awarded to people who QUALIFY for it with a real illness or condition. All MOST people don't thank the throngs of people looking for their missing grandchild, including Tim Miller, by calling them FLABS and demanding they get out there and look. I mean, FGS, did grief cause her to say that? No kind of grief I know.
JMO. Peace.

What is Cindy doing in court ? At first, I "thought" she was just taking "notes" -- probably for her "book" ... then I thought well maybe she was reading the Bible, like George was doing at the beginning of the Trial.

BUT ... after seeing the video that was captured of Cindy in court yesterday, it is CLEAR TO ME that Cindy is definitely there for AT LEAST ONE REASON : ICA !

I know "My Opinion" is NOT going to be "popular" ... but I am going to say this as politely and as best I can:

First let me say, I do feel compassion for CA as a "GrandMother". CA adored her little Caylee. And I do feel compassion for someone who has to make such a difficult choice due to the situation she is in : do I stand on the side of Justice for Caylee ? or do I support my daughter ?

But I believe CA is "playing BOTH SIDES" ... NOW !

For 3 years, we saw a Cindy who did EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to support her daughter.
We saw a Cindy who was "beligerent" and her behavior in public, in depositions, and at the hearings was very unbecoming.

Just a few weeks ago, we saw a very "different" Cindy when she took the stand.
We finally saw the "grieving grandmother" we waited to see for 3 years !
At that time, she FINALLY stood up for Caylee !

I thought we were seeing a "new" Cindy ... I thought we would continue to the Cindy we saw on the stand a few weeks who had a complete breakdown for Caylee ...

I don't believe this anymore -- NOT after seeing that she is back to her "old self" and her "old tricks" !

Again, it is "crystal clear" to me that what Cindy did in the Courtroom yesterday was SIGNALING ! :waitasec: I wonder if she was "knows" that the cameraman picked this up ?

I believe she is in that courtroom for both: ICA ... and Caylee

I feel like other posters, that she's taking notes and plans for a book..BTW, I will buy Cindy's book.
I agree with you Chablis, would not want to be in her shoes for anything in this world. HOWEVER they brought the media carp on themselves. I know, I know, they were majorly blindsided. However, many people do lose "two" family members (although Casey is not deceased). Some lose a whole family to a car wreck, a tornado such as the one we just saw recently, death through military service... I just cannot imagine getting awarded disability with "grief" as a presumptive illness. And I cannot imagine a nurse with the good work history she had, abandoning her profession. She has the ability to support the family yet chooses freebies from TV stations and cruises, tats, gee that's not too far from what ICA did, is it? Meanwhile she scribbles furiously and I beleive its notes for her forthcoming book. While I would personally not buy it, many would. And I hope her book sales are a springboard for her to get off the disability and back into the working world, whatever she does, and back into life. That's what MOST people do. I have been a nurse for almost 25 years and have NEVER seen a greiving person or family shut down and go on disability. At least not through MY social security office. Disability isn't a free pass to being an adult and working, its supposed to be awarded to people who QUALIFY for it with a real illness or condition. All MOST people don't thank the throngs of people looking for their missing grandchild, including Tim Miller, by calling them FLABS and demanding they get out there and look. I mean, FGS, did grief cause her to say that? No kind of grief I know.
JMO. Peace.

I think you should be really lucky you don't know that kind of grief. I really cant fault her for being so emotionally messed up with everything going on that she resented the help of Tim Miller. I just recently had my cat die, and as we were leaving, the lady said to me, and do you want her ashes, and I was so taken aback to hear that, I cant even imagine how I would feel if someone was asking me where they think my beautiful grandchild rotting body may be, because that was what was going on at a time where she wanted and needed to believe her granchild was alive, so if she was mean to Tim Miller, thats too bad, he shouldnt have contributed to the bashing of this woman at her lowest point in life, so I hold him at fault as well. She is not some super human and there has never been a bigger missing child case than this, and all these people who want her daughter to also die, partake in the biggest bashing of Cindy which delights Casey. I just don't get that at all.
I think Cindy is signaling something to Casey here starting at the 1:40 mark.

YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial - Part 6 - 6/11/11‬‏

At first I thought the same, but after watching it a few times, first CA looks up at the activity at the sidebar where you can see JB waving a flat envelope around - picture size. I think when CA looks over to the DT she is asking with her movements if this sidebar is about the duct tape picture. Her movements over the nose and around the eyes makes me think of the duct-tape placement. Like she is asking "Is this sidebar about the duct-tape picture"? Her eyes look very serious & stern and so does GA.

What is Cindy doing in court ? At first, I "thought" she was just taking "notes" -- probably for her "book" ... then I thought well maybe she was reading the Bible, like George was doing at the beginning of the Trial.

BUT ... after seeing the video that was captured of Cindy in court yesterday, it is CLEAR TO ME that Cindy is definitely there for AT LEAST ONE REASON : ICA !

I know "My Opinion" is NOT going to be "popular" ... but I am going to say this as politely and as best I can:

First let me say, I do feel compassion for CA as a "GrandMother". CA adored her little Caylee. And I do feel compassion for someone who has to make such a difficult choice due to the situation she is in : do I stand on the side of Justice for Caylee ? or do I support my daughter ?

But I believe CA is "playing BOTH SIDES" ... NOW !

For 3 years, we saw a Cindy who did EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to support her daughter.
We saw a Cindy who was "beligerent" and her behavior in public, in depositions, and at the hearings was very unbecoming.

Just a few weeks ago, we saw a very "different" Cindy when she took the stand.
We finally saw the "grieving grandmother" we waited to see for 3 years !
At that time, she FINALLY stood up for Caylee !

I thought we were seeing a "new" Cindy ... I thought we would continue to the Cindy we saw on the stand a few weeks who had a complete breakdown for Caylee ...

I don't believe this anymore -- NOT after seeing that she is back to her "old self" and her "old tricks" !

Again, it is "crystal clear" to me that what Cindy did in the Courtroom yesterday was SIGNALING ! :waitasec: I wonder if she was "knows" that the cameraman picked this up ?

I believe she is in that courtroom for both: ICA ... and Caylee


THANK YOU-Your post was right on!!!!!I am speechless right now after seeing that video!!!
I want to think that she isn't but it certainly looks like she is.

I am going to watch it again but honestly there are eyes everywhere in that court room. I would never have the nerve to do such a thing.

I agree, however there is no one sitting behind George and Cindy so everyone else is facing forward. Also, at the precise moment when Cindy makes those motions in the video, you can see that HHJP and the attorneys were preoccupied with reading a document at the side bar. As many have said before me, a leopard doesn't change it's spots.
I think you should be really lucky you don't know that kind of grief. I really cant fault her for being so emotionally messed up with everything going on that she resented the help of Tim Miller. I just recently had my cat die, and as we were leaving, the lady said to me, and do you want her ashes, and I was so taken aback to hear that, I cant even imagine how I would feel if someone was asking me where they think my beautiful grandchild rotting body may be, because that was what was going on at a time where she wanted and needed to believe her granchild was alive, so if she was mean to Tim Miller, thats too bad, he shouldnt have contributed to the bashing of this woman at her lowest point in life, so I hold him at fault as well. She is not some super human and there has never been a bigger missing child case than this, and all these people who want her daughter to also die, partake in the biggest bashing of Cindy which delights Casey. I just don't get that at all.

I have known plenty of grief in my lifetime. Never lost a relative to murder or had to bury a grandchild, thank the Lord. I have personally taken two beloved dogs (at separate times) to the vets to be euthanized. Stood there with them while they died. Horrible. I have witnessed my beloved family pet back in the 90's get hit by a car right in front of me. Awfull. I have sat by countless of patients to whom I had become attached after several years of caring for them, in the hospital while they were actively dying. Terrible for my own emotional grief, on top of that had to console the family, etc.

The kind of emotionally messed up Cindy supposedly was demands a psychiatric intervention with inpatient stay. The psych folks taking care of her (if there was any) would have done this had they been more responsible. Maybe she sought no psych care, ????

There was no reason to speak badly to Tim Miller, who was there with his resources and headed up volunteers to search too. At the Anthony's invitation, and when they later said they "fired" Tim Miller because they only wanted a search that was looking for a "live" Caylee (really?? After 31+ days of being gone, where did they think she was, living in the woods? Hanging out at Blanchard Park??) Ridiculous.

They knew what Millers organization was all about- recovering dead people so their families could have some closure. They aren't combing the woods and swamps looking for an "alive" anything. They have never claimed to be an organization that is out looking for living persons.

The media saw weak people who were going in every which direction and exploited them. The Anthony's, who by now had lost their jobs and all credibility they had, decided to seek income through selling pics of Caylee to the media, paid interviews where they dined and stayed in really really nice places in NY, California, etc. Remember the crab puffs incident?

I think the Ants went whichever way the wind was blowing day-to-day.
Can't say what I would do. But I know I would NOT choose the same path they have. And now CA sits in court coaching Casey on crying and fake tears wiping. (BTW where are the glasses Ms Casey wore during her stint w/ Jose outside his office? Hummm, guess they were fake glasses only worn to make a certain "impression".) So Cindy hasn't learned one damn thing from all of this, she is still coaching Casey even with the memory of Caylee and the trial being underway, she still persists.
I choose to give Cindy the benefit of the doubt. I know she has made many, many mistakes and done many things that are very distasteful. To me, being that way out of love for her daughter is better than doing those things from a mean or malicious place. It makes her more redeemable to me.

I hope she is writing a true and honest memoir. I would buy it and read it for sure. If she's not, maybe she is writing to purge and release. I know that can be very therapeudic and I hope she finds whatever works for her to get her through it.
I think Cindy is signaling something to Casey here starting at the 1:40 mark.

YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial - Part 6 - 6/11/11‬‏

Good catch!!!!!!!
As I am convinced that Cindy is communicating with the Defense new attorney Lisabeth F. -- to convey messages to the Inmate -- or to the Inmate's defense team, it looks to me like Cindy is making movements to catch the attention of Lisabeth while the other attorneys are at sidebar, and Cindy seems to signal something with her left hand that looks like a gesture for the #2 or #1 -- maybe to alert Lisabeth that Cindy has sent her a text or IM on her laptop? It is definitely a deliberate hand motion of some type, which Cindy shifts her whole body over to be in eyesight of the defense table.

I do not believe that the Inmate ever makes eye contact with Cindy.
I do believe Cindy is communicating with Lisabeth F and Sims - maybe when Cindy thinks she has something important to interject about the current testimony? The previous video in this series for June 11, 2011, witness Ron Murdock is talking about the photos of the Anthony garage and sheds and KC and Caylee bedrooms .... so, I'm sure Cindy thinks she had something important to relay to the Inmate's defense team.
Ah, but you're talking about an Anthony!

After watching the video several times, my mind is officially boggled, yet again. CA really does seem to be coaching her daughter.

If that is true, imo, the SAO and HHBP need to be made aware of it. Maybe that's why they wanted to be in the balcony so they could be obscure?
Ah, but you're talking about an Anthony!

After watching the video several times, my mind is officially boggled, yet again. CA really does seem to be coaching her daughter.


Not directed at you specifically puzzler, just using your post as an example.
I have seen this type of sentence a million times over the past 3 yrs.
Just WHAT is an "Anthony"? IMO I think they are/were a fairly normal everyday family with their share of dysfunction, who by no choice of their own were thrown into this tragedy.
Have they done things some of us THINK we wouldn't do, sure, but do any of us REALLY know how we would act in the exact same scenario? I don't think so, we can think we know, but until there, we don't.
I just don't think they are much different then the average family.

My heart has always and will continue to break for them. I have 3 grandchildren and 2 on the way. One is the exact age as Caylee and I could NEVER imagine being in their place, EVER.


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