What Is the Defense Strategy?

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A light just went off in my head and I think I know what they are going to do, at least in the opening statement.

First of all,there was that poster around here a while ago who was so pro-KC. I think I quoted her in one of my recent posts, so I will go back and check.

But this person said KC partied and didn't worry about Caylee during those 31 days because she didn't know the child was missing. I think the DT is going to lead with this information and follow up by explaining the fact (word used loosely here) that KC gave her baby to someone she trusted for all of those days.

She also told her pen-pal :banghead: she had given Caylee away to zanny so KC could make plans for the great move away from C&G.

It will be someone we all know, I think. But the poor guy/gal chosen will be the one with a shaky alibi and someone she has not talked to in a long time.
Like, maybe Dante, Annie, the other girl who looks like Annie in the burrito-eating-in-a-car fiasco photos.
A light just went off in my head and I think I know what they are going to do, at least in the opening statement.

First of all,there was that poster around here a while ago who was so pro-KC. I think I quoted her in one of my recent posts, so I will go back and check.

But this person said KC partied and didn't worry about Caylee during those 31 days because she didn't know the child was missing. I think the DT is going to lead with this information and follow up by explaining the fact (word used loosely here) that KC gave her baby to someone she trusted for all of those days.

She also told her pen-pal :banghead: she had given Caylee away to zanny so KC could make plans for the great move away from C&G.

It will be someone we all know, I think. But the poor guy/gal chosen will be the one with a shaky alibi and someone she has not talked to in a long time.
Like, maybe Dante, Annie, the other girl who looks like Annie in the burrito-eating-in-a-car fiasco photos.

BBM-Reason #5,873 that there was not an accident and fear of George....she told RA that it was Zanny, while behind bars-Did she think GA was gonna get to her there?
A light just went off in my head and I think I know what they are going to do, at least in the opening statement.

First of all,there was that poster around here a while ago who was so pro-KC. I think I quoted her in one of my recent posts, so I will go back and check.

But this person said KC partied and didn't worry about Caylee during those 31 days because she didn't know the child was missing. I think the DT is going to lead with this information and follow up by explaining the fact (word used loosely here) that KC gave her baby to someone she trusted for all of those days.

She also told her pen-pal :banghead: she had given Caylee away to zanny so KC could make plans for the great move away from C&G.

It will be someone we all know, I think. But the poor guy/gal chosen will be the one with a shaky alibi and someone she has not talked to in a long time.
Like, maybe Dante, Annie, the other girl who looks like Annie in the burrito-eating-in-a-car fiasco photos.

I've always wondered about VickiA...
I don't understand how the defense will explain why there wasn't a single phone call to or from Zannie . Not a single one. Before or after Caylee disappeared . How can they even try to explain that ??
Even the day Caylee went 'missing' . No phone number that couldn't be explained ..no calls to Zannys relatives . Nothing ..how the heck are they going to even try to explain that ?
Even the day Caylee went 'missing' . No phone number that couldn't be explained ..no calls to Zannys relatives . Nothing ..how the heck are they going to even try to explain that ?


They'll send out her former counsel, LKB, to tell the public that the whole Zanny thing was a lie....or, well...they already did that last week.

They're not goin' with Zanny. Why they are countersuing Zenaida Mother-of-6 is beyond me, when LKB just made M & M's case.
ICA could not wait to make bail and go home . There are plenty of witnesses as to her apparent moods and actions when she went home ,the same home where George lived.

At that time she probably could have stayed with any number of people,but she went home.

ICA is not afraid of GA or CA. It won't be hard to prove.
In the jail visit where GA came alone, he said he should have been a better father and she says I can't say this strongly enough...you were the best father and especially the best grandfather...
I don't understand how the defense will explain why there wasn't a single phone call to or from Zannie . Not a single one. Before or after Caylee disappeared . How can they even try to explain that ??

Even the day Caylee went 'missing' . No phone number that couldn't be explained ..no calls to Zannys relatives . Nothing ..how the heck are they going to even try to explain that ?

Welcome to WS, Silkprint :seeya:

As an avid photographer there are no photos of this alleged nanny..who ICA claims to have known for 3-4 years....another untruth uncovered...ICA lived a lie to everyone including herself. She made up this elaborate lifestyle while theiving from her mother and her former best friend..as Amy said, she screwed me over...as she's screwed most over...she is a cunning, con artist who truly doesn't know or understand the meaning of friend/love...her precious child paid the ultimate price...I just want justice for this precious child who's life was taken for selfishness...ICA is THE most important person in her life...everyone else is just a tool...once she gets what she can, she's off to another...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Casey Anthony trial: Key rulings expected todayDecisions expected today on whether evidence about chloroform levels and other cutting-edge science should be used at Casey Anthony's trial.

By Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel

7:30 a.m. EDT, April 21, 2011
Key rulings are expected today on critical pieces of scientific evidence prosecutors want to use in their murder case against Casey Anthony.

Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin's decisions are anticipated to play a pivotal role in the case against the east Orange County mother accused of killing her daughter in 2008.

Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of 2-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony.

Could Family Dysfunction Explain Casey's Behavior?
Possible Defense Strategies Would Keep Casey Off Stand

updated 4/20/2011 5:47:14 PM ET 2011-04-20T21:47:14
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ORLANDO, Fla. --

The judge in the Casey Anthony case dismissed all motions Wednesday relating to two defense psychiatrists who have been dropped from the witness list.

Anthony's defense argues that what she revealed to the experts is so important that it should still be admitted as evidence.

Lawyers say the information is highly relevant and supports a defense theory that would explain why Anthony didn't report her daughter's disappearance for 31 days. Prosecutors said she lied to investigators during the initial days after Caylee was reported missing.

Didn't know where to put this...but I have been fuming since the article came out about the bathing suit...

Geesh...anybody out there ever leave a bathing suit in the car...okay...let's do an experiment...how much...oh nevermind...this isn't even worth it...

I just needed to rant at the choir!!!!
The classic defense tactic is

Admit Nothing, Deny Everything, Make counter accusations.
DT will never be able to explain why there is no contact with the Nanny . . . no pics, no calls, no #s, no txts, no nothing!

With KC going HOME to Hopespring after making bail, how can DT say she was afraid of GA? LA? CA? KC was told that she is the BOSS by GA. This is such a CIRCUS.
Obviously the Nanny story is out and the reason she used it was because she was afraid of her family, her excuse not ours. Defense can't argue the Nanny took Caylee because we all know there is no Nanny.

I think the only way the A's can really save her is to tell the truth or pretend to. That KC was been showing signs of being emotionally unstable for a long time. That they tried to correct her behavior on their own but she started to get out of control and that is why CA wanted to file for custody of Caylee. This would keep the family from going down the tubes, saving face as it were, and hopefully the jury will understand and find for lesser charges.

GA saying, "What if I did it" would not fly in the face of the jury. They would not buy it. But admitting they knew she had emotional problems that were slowly escalating out of control and that she is a very sick young lady who cannot handle responsibility. jmo

ETA: CA would also have to admit to the fight that trigger KC to fly into a rage and possibly hurt Caylee but not intentionally because that would provide a motive. Most people at some time in their lives have lost their temper and done things they regretted afterwards, not this bad, but once done you can never take it back. No one will ever buy that KC was not responsible for her child's death.
So I am standing in the long lineup at the local large supermarket checkout with my groceries waiting for my turn, scanning the mag racks to see what I can browse while I wait ( what movie star had an alien baby - :innocent:) and what do I see?

Front page of the Globe with a picture of George (wearing the purple shirt and face all scrunched up and teary) and the beautiful picture of Caylee, with the headline -" I did not kill my grand daughter!"

And so it begins....
I have to remind myself that AH probably feels an amount of completely unfounded guilt. She has to look back and say to herself "what if". If it makes her feel better to say well ICA was a good mom, then so be it. That IS the image that ICA projected to her. None of it was her fault but I would not want to be in her shoes...
Didn't know where to put this...but I have been fuming since the article came out about the bathing suit...

Geesh...anybody out there ever leave a bathing suit in the car...okay...let's do an experiment...how much...oh nevermind...this isn't even worth it...

Right there with ya (fuming)

I just needed to rant at the choir!!!!

I thought the DT didn't believe in "junk science" so why are they trying to explain it with a bathing suit ... which by the way was NEVER found in the car??

JB is grasping at straws.

Here is what I don't get: Seeing KC talk to her parents, hearing her talk to LE while trying her best to flirt (on the video tapes this is apparent), just seeing how she walks and carries herself, how creepy she acts in court - How could anyone in her former life (like Tony or Amy) think she was a good, likable person???

Even in the tapes of her playing with Caylee, you can see how phony she is. We all know people like this and anyone with half a brain can see right through her act. Like I said, you can even see her fake, unlikable behavior in those videos of her and Caylee (playing on the floor and eating cake in the kitchen). She is trying to put on a front of being a kind, sweet person in these happier days. But, it is so obviously fake.

She is the kind of person who most people just don't like, unless people are of a lower mentality and actually fall for that false front. I mean, to me, she is like a used-car salesman. Like Eddie Haskell in Leave it to Beaver. Like those ridiculous sell-themselves-during-commercials-on-TV-attorneys. Like Scott Peterson.

I am talking about who she is and how she is, even prior to this horrible thing. If I ran into KC at Target before Caylee went missing, for example, I would cringe just talking to her.

Am I the only one who sees that?? Why couldn't her friends see that? They didn't see it because they were young and easily fooled.

But, I am sure a jury will see it. There is no way you can put 12 adults in that box and not have them hate KC just by looking at her.
Here is what I don't get: Seeing KC talk to her parents, hearing her talk to LE while trying her best to flirt (on the video tapes this is apparent), just seeing how she walks and carries herself, how creepy she acts in court - How could anyone in her former life (like Tony or Amy) think she was a good, likable person???

Even in the tapes of her playing with Caylee, you can see how phony she is. We all know people like this and anyone with half a brain can see right through her act. Like I said, you can even see her fake, unlikable behavior in those videos of her and Caylee (playing on the floor and eating cake in the kitchen). She is trying to put on a front of being a kind, sweet person in these happier days. But, it is so obviously fake.

She is the kind of person who most people just don't like, unless people are of a lower mentality and actually fall for that false front. I mean, to me, she is like a used-car salesman. Like Eddie Haskell in Leave it to Beaver. Like those ridiculous sell-themselves-during-commercials-on-TV-attorneys. Like Scott Peterson.

I am talking about who she is and how she is, even prior to this horrible thing. If I ran into KC at Target before Caylee went missing, for example, I would cringe just talking to her.

Am I the only one who sees that?? Why couldn't her friends see that? They didn't see it because they were young and easily fooled.

But, I am sure a jury will see it. There is no way you can put 12 adults in that box and not have them hate KC just by looking at her.

Having fallen victim to a sociopath in my life, I can say that I did see it and chose to ignore it because I wanted this person to be my friend. There was something about her that I liked, and I thought we had so much in common. It was all a lie, and I felt like such a fool later on. They saw the real Casey, they just to chose to ignore the signs for the sake of friendship, or in her boyfriends cases, for the sake of having sex with her. They were all young and not able or not willing to see the monster in their midst. I bet they know a lot better now. I know I do.

It'll be interesting to see these same friends on the stand. Being interviewed for a deposition is not the same thing as being asked questions on the stand in front of a courtroom and knowing the trial is being televised. Also, having Casey sitting there and glaring at them no matter what they say is not going to help either. I think they may sound a bit different with the harsh glare of the trial and Casey in their eyes. The defense is sunk already, but if they are depending on these friends to support Casey's claim of abuse by her dad, it is not going to work and may backfire on them.
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