What Is the Defense Strategy?

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I believe the "defense" will change with every new opportunity as it has so far. The Zanny lie was all they had, then it's not Zanny, but Zanny and her sister and the silver ford focus,then they drop that to investigate the Grunds (ritual human sacrifices and all), then look out - here comes Roy Kronk, who is even better to focus on - so forget the Grunds, Kronk is the killer. Then Kronk has an alibi, etc. I know everyone already knows this...

And it's true that their defense seems to be attacking what the state will use. The defense has put up no alibi, no actual defense...
The defense is so busy defending the fact that they have no defense, they have ended up with No Defense.
ETA: moo
IMO, Defense wants the State present its case, and then react, if at all possible, to the facts /evidence that speaks itself.

I can’t see any benefit for Casey/the defense to change her plea before the trial and the states case is presented before the jury – perhaps clinging to the hope that a major part of the case or witness somehow blows up in the defense's favor.

Personally, I think the State case will go very swiftly. The defense will then know to fold, and accept that the jury's justice for Caylee will be severe.

I think then, finally, the game over, your guilty bell will ring for ICA. Guessing that when ICA allocutes her crime, she’ll use that opportunity to try to take a few people down with her.
I've read everyone's posts and thought about them, and one thing I see on all the threads and in my own head LOL, is we all get stuck and outraged on the details.

We've got nine months to go. In that period of time, I think the defense will flail around just like they've been doing for the last two years, grasping at invisible straws. There is no SODDI, and in the next nine months, that bus -we've been listening to the engine revving, will have torn George, Cindy to shreds, and even Lee if he dares pop his head up.

This really isn't a difficult case when we compare it to the Scott Peterson's of the world. What if we reversed our thinking? Could we prove ICA is not guilty. Okay - quit laughing - I'm going to take that vote as a NO!

All they will have is a handful of experts to argue the forensics. And some half baked theories for the mitigation phase. Game over - it'll be LWOP or the death penalty.

My own opinion is I want her to get LWOP, only because I don't want to read about her every couple of years with yet another appeal for years on end. I want her done and dusted. Close the door, throw away the key, and let's all move on. Justice for Caylee
I've read everyone's posts and thought about them, and one thing I see on all the threads and in my own head LOL, is we all get stuck and outraged on the details.

We've got nine months to go. In that period of time, I think the defense will flail around just like they've been doing for the last two years, grasping at invisible straws. There is no SODDI, and in the next nine months, that bus -we've been listening to the engine revving, will have torn George, Cindy to shreds, and even Lee if he dares pop his head up.

This really isn't a difficult case when we compare it to the Scott Peterson's of the world. What if we reversed our thinking? Could we prove ICA is not guilty. Okay - quit laughing - I'm going to take that vote as a NO!

All they will have is a handful of experts to argue the forensics. And some half baked theories for the mitigation phase. Game over - it'll be LWOP or the death penalty.

My own opinion is I want her to get LWOP, only because I don't want to read about her every couple of years with yet another appeal for years on end. I want her done and dusted. Close the door, throw away the key, and let's all move on. Justice for Caylee

The only problem with LWOP is that humans adjust and I can see her adjusting with her computer just as Susan Smith does. Far too liberal.
Love it! Now could you find a picture of a bunch of hands grasping at a bunch of straws??

Well, I'll be danged. Look at what comes up on page 3 when you do a Google Image search for "grasping at straws":


  • grasping at straws.jpg
    grasping at straws.jpg
    20.4 KB · Views: 17
The only problem with LWOP is that humans adjust and I can see her adjusting with her computer just as Susan Smith does. Far too liberal.

You are right of course although it's still a pretty yukky existence. I guess I didn't want to risk some liberal hairball judge ever letting her out on an appeal some years down the road, after "they" think we have forgotten the outrage of this crime.
I am not sure I have seen any semblance of a strategy that will make me come anywhere near uttering the words...
"Now I understand...that explains it"
You are right of course although it's still a pretty yukky existence. I guess I didn't want to risk some liberal hairball judge ever letting her out on an appeal some years down the road, after "they" think we have forgotten the outrage of this crime.

I agree and Maya the other inmate who gave an interview said prison is a lot worse than where KC is now and that she would give up her visitation privileges with her family to be where KC is - so it has to be awful.

And contrary to what Dr. Lillian Glass said (when analyzing the reaction of Cheney to the 911 tapes being played at the last hearing - WHICH WERE NEVER PLAYED IN THE COURTROOM - SO I HAVE YET TO GET AN ANSWER FROM LILLIAN ON WHAT SHE WAS ANALYZING (She forfeited the right to call herself Dr. imo after that farce); anyway contrary to what she said, when KC cried in reacting to her brother, I think the reaction was quite real. Because she is a sociopath and does not have a problem killing her child, does not mean that she cannot feel loss when she sees her brother after two years who lovingly tells her I love you despite your saying I molested you.

According to Lillian sociopaths have no feelings at all and this is true to a certain extent but when it comes to themselves they have a lot of feelings and her brother directed his message right to her and she took it to heart. This is not to say she would not kill again if the situation warranted it (in her mind). I think she is very capable of killing again and a danger - in fact, I believe the probability is high that she would kill again. All of this is my opinion - keeping within the law here.

But I also think that KC is capable of crying, albeit RARELY, and it will concern her feellings as it did when she reacted to her brothers message.

But I digress..
Oh I agree with the statements about ICA being able to express feelings about herself. We saw that in the anger she expressed at her parents at the jail visitation, when they wouldn't "listen" to her, and we heard her say she was alone in there with no one to comfort her.

I think Lee was one of ICA admirers and supporters, and somewhat her confidante when dealing with their folks as they were growing up. She seemed to really expect Lee to be on her "team" during this time, and he's been missing in action for almost two years. Unlike George and Cindy, he doesn't appear to be writing or keeping in touch with her in any way.

Her tears seemed genuine to me that day in court when Lee mouthed "I love you". I think ICA feels very sorry for herself being locked up with no one to "comfort" her. Constant admiration and stroking from people in her surroundings seems to me to be a real necessity to ICA, and I don't suppose she's getting any of it locked away in solitary for 23 hours a day.
I agree and Maya the other inmate who gave an interview said prison is a lot worse than where KC is now and that she would give up her visitation privileges with her family to be where KC is - so it has to be awful.

And contrary to what Dr. Lillian Glass said (when analyzing the reaction of Cheney to the 911 tapes being played at the last hearing - WHICH WERE NEVER PLAYED IN THE COURTROOM - SO I HAVE YET TO GET AN ANSWER FROM LILLIAN ON WHAT SHE WAS ANALYZING (She forfeited the right to call herself Dr. imo after that farce); anyway contrary to what she said, when KC cried in reacting to her brother, I think the reaction was quite real. Because she is a sociopath and does not have a problem killing her child, does not mean that she cannot feel loss when she sees her brother after two years who lovingly tells her I love you despite your saying I molested you.

According to Lillian sociopaths have no feelings at all and this is true to a certain extent but when it comes to themselves they have a lot of feelings and her brother directed his message right to her and she took it to heart. This is not to say she would not kill again if the situation warranted it (in her mind). I think she is very capable of killing again and a danger - in fact, I believe the probability is high that she would kill again. All of this is my opinion - keeping within the law here.

But I also think that KC is capable of crying, albeit RARELY, and it will concern her feellings as it did when she reacted to her brothers message.

But I digress..

I emailed Dr Glass on the day she wrote the blog about the playing of the 911 calls, and she wrote back the next day thanking me for noticing her error and said it would be corrected immediately. Last time I checked it still had not been changed....
I emailed Dr Glass on the day she wrote the blog about the playing of the 911 calls, and she wrote back the next day thanking me for noticing her error and said it would be corrected immediately. Last time I checked it still had not been changed....

She changed some of it - not the content, just the reference to the 911 tape and changed it to "evidence". But the point is that she said she analyzed Cheney who was listening to the 911 tape being played and she lied. So her credibility is nill from my standpoint. She was analyzing Cheney in the courtroom; for all we know he could have been listening to Baez question Cindy.

Another thing about her is that when she is analyzing the Anthonys she gets downright vulgar commenting on the fact that Cindy's bra does not fit well, and her weight gain and she is just nasty. From the looks of Lillian, she could stand to lose a few herself and the relevancy of her weight is what? Nothing.

As you can see, I am not impressed by her rather depressed since she had the audacity to say she was analyzing Cheney's reaction to the 911 call when in fact IT NEVER HAPPENED.
The defense is so busy defending the fact that they have no defense, they have ended up with No Defense.
ETA: moo

Thereby proving they can't defend the indefensible.:woohoo:Bye bye ICA
I emailed Dr Glass on the day she wrote the blog about the playing of the 911 calls, and she wrote back the next day thanking me for noticing her error and said it would be corrected immediately. Last time I checked it still had not been changed....

I did too....no reply tho. I hope she was swamped, and agree, her credibility is shot.
I am not sure I have seen any semblance of a strategy that will make me come anywhere near uttering the words...
"Now I understand...that explains it"

The only one that I can honestly see goes something like this.

The defense strategy is to keep the case stirring around and in the public eye for the next 8 months. They will stir up things with an assortment of press conferences, insane motions and even more insane players. At the 8 month mark they will finally have a sit down come to jesus conversation with KC, cop a plea for 25 to life, and then all become millionaires off the book and media deals.
The only one that I can honestly see goes something like this.

The defense strategy is to keep the case stirring around and in the public eye for the next 8 months. They will stir up things with an assortment of press conferences, insane motions and even more insane players. At the 8 month mark they will finally have a sit down come to jesus conversation with KC, cop a plea for 25 to life, and then all become millionaires off the book and media deals.

Ahhhh and in the land of Disney...another happy ending. ;)
And isn't there something wrong with DL's statement claiming MN said that KC was offered a plea deal when we all know that is not true. JB asked, and SA was willing to extend "limited immunity" to KC if she revealed the whereabouts of her daughter. I would think MN knows the difference...... jmo
What is the defense stratagy?

To keep getting on the bus with the Anthony's, repeatedly running over the memory of the beautiful little girl who was Caylee. That is just my opinion. If Caylee had been older, I think they would have figured out a way to blame her as in my opinion they will slither to the lowest and beyond.

No matter what the defense does, they cannot change the truth. When/if we ever get to hear the State put their case on we will see just how horrible and diabolical all of the smearing has been. ICA will have to sit there and listen to all of it and that does my heart good.

I am ashamed for anyone who has forgetten about little Caylee in all of this.
What is the defense stratagy?

To keep getting on the bus with the Anthony's, repeatedly running over the memory of the beautiful little girl who was Caylee. That is just my opinion. If Caylee had been older, I think they would have figured out a way to blame her as in my opinion they will slither to the lowest and beyond.

No matter what the defense does, they cannot change the truth. When/if we ever get to hear the State put their case on we will see just how horrible and diabolical all of the smearing has been. ICA will have to sit there and listen to all of it and that does my heart good.

I am ashamed for anyone who has forgetten about little Caylee in all of this.

You know, Wonders, way back in my brain I keep hearing this little voice saying if CA gets her wish and KC goes free CA will be talking KC into getting pregnant again. We all know KC is up for it by her letters. THAT SCARES THE HECK OUT OF ME..... What could be worst than CA having to say....."What, not again?"
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