What Is the Defense Strategy?

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Casey's defense is now taking aim at Lohr and other volunteers. Lawyers want to know who the other searchers were.

&#8220;If the defense was able to get a hold of those documents, they would be able to see who searched that area and they'd be able to contact those people and find out how far they went in there,&#8221; said defense attorney Richard Hornsby
If there was ever a deal, I sure hope it was for more than 10 years. Is that how little a child's life is worth?


Casey's defense is now taking aim at Lohr and other volunteers. Lawyers want to know who the other searchers were.

“If the defense was able to get a hold of those documents, they would be able to see who searched that area and they'd be able to contact those people and find out how far they went in there,” said defense attorney Richard Hornsby

The last line of this article gave me the willies: "Hornsby said Lohr's new statement rehabilitates the defense's need for the Equusearch records and increases the pressure on Perry to give the defense access to them."


Casey's defense is now taking aim at Lohr and other volunteers. Lawyers want to know who the other searchers were.

“If the defense was able to get a hold of those documents, they would be able to see who searched that area and they'd be able to contact those people and find out how far they went in there,” said defense attorney Richard Hornsby

But don't they already have those records, the records of searchers who were assigned to that area, 32 exact. Obviously, with the exception of one person who is now refusing to be deposed, these searches could not give the defense the information they need to hear. If anyone had useful information who searched Suburban Drive they would have come forward by now. Defense has backed themselves into a corner. Even if they were to call all 4,000 who would admit, over the phone, that they searched that area on their own. To ensure privacy why doesn't the state just send out a letter asking the volunteers if they, in fact, checked the site on their own time. Addresses and names would remain private/confidential and responses could go directly to MN's office.

This would answer defense's question. If defense is fishing for criminal background records they would not willing to go for this resolution. jmo
But don't they already have those records, the records of searchers who were assigned to that area, 32 exact. Obviously, with the exception of one person who is now refusing to be deposed, these searches could not give the defense the information they need to hear. If anyone had useful information who searched Suburban Drive they would have come forward by now. Defense has backed themselves into a corner. Even if they were to call all 4,000 who would admit, over the phone, that they searched that area on their own. To ensure privacy why doesn't the state just send out a letter asking the volunteers if they, in fact, checked the site on their own time. Addresses and names would remain private/confidential and responses could go directly to MN's office.

This would answer defense's question. If defense is fishing for criminal background records they would not willing to go for this resolution. jmo

I could only imagine the hey day jb and crew would have with those that submitted the forms ---- heck they already are. It would just create yet another circus of misguided infomation in the wrong hands....yet another fishing episode...
The last line of this article gave me the willies: "Hornsby said Lohr's new statement rehabilitates the defense's need for the Equusearch records and increases the pressure on Perry to give the defense access to them."

It didn't sit well with me. The way I see it is that Lohr was there as media for Investigation Discovery. Did Lohr register as a TES seracher? If not, why would TES have him listed as a searcher? How does Lohr coming forward to say what he observed affect TES. I do not see how the defense will be able to prove this. This is another last ditch desperation attempt to find a better fit for the SODDI defense, IMO.
If there was ever a deal, I sure hope it was for more than 10 years. Is that how little a child's life is worth?

There was never a plea deal offered to ICA....Jeff Ashton made that abundantly clear during one hearing in May...Just as this "phantom" nanny doesn't exist, neither did a plea deal...David Lohr needs to get his facts straight, IMO...

Casey Developments: Phantom Plea
POSTED: 4:53 pm EDT May 13, 2010

Prosecutor Jeff Ashton made a major revelation in court on Tuesday.

Casey Developments: Phantom Plea
POSTED: 4:53 pm EDT May 13, 2010
UPDATED: 8:09 am EDT May 14, 2010

Prosecutor Jeff Ashton made a major revelation in court on Tuesday.

Jeff Ashton

"We were accused of seeking the death penalty because the defendant wouldn't accept some phantom plea," Ashton said.

For the first time, with the words "phantom plea," prosecutors denied they had offered Casey Anthony a deal if she would plead guilty to the death of her daughter.
And how about the school buses that passed by the body during that timeframe, the people who walked their dogs, the joggers, the mother's who picked up their children at school for a doctor's appointment, the delivery trucks, the US Postal Service... etc., etc., etc. Why is defense not asking these people to come forward. A person searching on the other side of town has no more relevence than a person walking their dog across town. We all know from comments on this site that private citizens were also looking for her on their own. Just because people volunteered to help TES should not give the defense an option to investigate their past if they were no where near Surburban Drive. It's liken to the Spanish Inquisition. jmo


Casey's defense is now taking aim at Lohr and other volunteers. Lawyers want to know who the other searchers were.

“If the defense was able to get a hold of those documents, they would be able to see who searched that area and they'd be able to contact those people and find out how far they went in there,” said defense attorney Richard Hornsby

But Lohr wasn't a searcher or a volunteer and would not appear on TES records. he was a journalist there covering the search. And he was obviously located via means other than TES's records?
I certainly hope that if HHJP approves this that he figures out a way to pay for the atty fees that these wonderful searchers will have to pay....I'm assuming most of them aren't made of money and don't go hanging with atty that much....This is just an attorney dream come true--perhaps this is a stimulus package deal for attorneys????? They would be the only ones who would benefit from this....:banghead:
But Lohr wasn't a searcher or a volunteer and would not appear on TES records. he was a journalist there covering the search. And he was obviously located via means other than TES's records?

Exactly!!!! And what about the people who actually live in that area off Surburban. Why isn't defense looking into these people? Why, you may ask??? BECAUSE, they would ALL testify to the fact that the area where the remains were found were underwater....... These people are the experts, they live there. I would think they would be pretty reputable.....unless, of course they claim they took pictures while hanging from the trees. jmo
But Lohr wasn't a searcher or a volunteer and would not appear on TES records. he was a journalist there covering the search. And he was obviously located via means other than TES's records?

That is exactly my point a few posts up. I completely disagree with RH on this issue.

Whatever their strategy is, they sure are out of their league against these Assistant District Attorneys. In the words of Mark Nejame "I am being overly generous in my characterization".

"I do think she will plead at the last minute, a trial would be suicide and only make things worse."

- Richard Hornsby

"You can pretty well predict there's going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life," Mason said

Whatever their strategy is, they sure are out of their league against these Assistant District Attorneys. In the words of Mark Nejame "I am being overly generous in my characterization".

"I do think she will plead at the last minute, a trial would be suicide and only make things worse."

- Richard Hornsby

"You can pretty well predict there's going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life," Mason said

They must have written them. The man in the middle looks upset. jmo
I'm not sure about their whole strategy. I think they might try and say that Casey may have been aware/involved in some small/minor way. But, that someone or others were involved in little Caylee's murder. Something to that effect.
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