What Is the Defense Strategy?

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What is the defense stratagy?

To keep getting on the bus with the Anthony's, repeatedly running over the memory of the beautiful little girl who was Caylee. That is just my opinion. If Caylee had been older, I think they would have figured out a way to blame her as in my opinion they will slither to the lowest and beyond.

No matter what the defense does, they cannot change the truth. When/if we ever get to hear the State put their case on we will see just how horrible and diabolical all of the smearing has been. ICA will have to sit there and listen to all of it and that does my heart good.

I am ashamed for anyone who has forgetten about little Caylee in all of this.

This comment is definitely OT, but I'm with you on this one. I'm looking forward to the trial, and hope Faefrost's come to jesus plea deal doesn't happen. I do get bored with our constant discussions about what Cindy has done, and understand because she's done plenty. Part of my "getting past it" is I am waiting for the days in court when she will be forced to listen to just what ICA, her daughter, has done to her precious grand daughter. And she realizes just how she contributed to the coverup of ICA's terrible crime.

There is far more evidence in this case than in say - the Scott Peterson case, where Scott's parents could avoid the truth. I don't think ICA's parents are going to be able to do that - Nejames tried to tell them in the very beginning, Tim tried, the detectives who worked this case tried to tell them, and the SA, who will finish that job completely.:croc:

I'm waiting for that day.
You know, Wonders, way back in my brain I keep hearing this little voice saying if CA gets her wish and KC goes free CA will be talking KC into getting pregnant again. We all know KC is up for it by her letters. THAT SCARES THE HECK OUT OF ME..... What could be worst than CA having to say....."What, not again?"

Please God - this is LG calling.......please please give ICA LWOP!
And isn't there something wrong with DL's statement claiming MN said that KC was offered a plea deal when we all know that is not true. JB asked, and SA was willing to extend "limited immunity" to KC if she revealed the whereabouts of her daughter. I would think MN knows the difference...... jmo

While there was never an official "plea offer" on the table, I think we are all fairly sure that back before Caylee's remains were discovered the state was sending feelers to the defense that they would be willing to entertain a plea to an accidental death, and offer some sentencing recommendations in return for KC telling them what really happened and leading them to the body. I think alot of this was in response to the filings and reports of the original DP attorney. Obviously the defense did not go for it. KC could not take these offers as the actual condition of the body would invalidate any story she cooked up. Once the body was found all of these backroom discussions would have disappeared and been disavowed.
I have this little compartment way in the back of my brain and I thought I remembered Ms. Drake stating in court that no "plea deal" was ever offered to KC only limited immunity. I could be wrong, does anyone else remember. It's a very small compartment. jmo
You know, Wonders, way back in my brain I keep hearing this little voice saying if CA gets her wish and KC goes free CA will be talking KC into getting pregnant again. We all know KC is up for it by her letters. THAT SCARES THE HECK OUT OF ME..... What could be worst than CA having to say....."What, not again?"

Oh gosh LambChop. That just must not happen again. I hope at the very least that ICA spends the rest of her miserable life in prison.
Lambchop, It was Jeff Ashton who made reference in open court to some "phantom plea deal"...meaning they've never offered her anything, except that limited immunity deal in the very beginning. It was something to the effect of...anything the SA gleaned from what KC may have told them could be used against her. I don't think they will ever offer her a plea. This case is a slam dunk IMO.

Anywho, Defense strategy......I don't think they have one yet. They are just watching, waiting, and hoping something eventually comes a long that they can use. I wouldn't be surprised if they develop their strategy during the trial.

P.S, I have always said from the beginning, let the State kill KC. My belief was reinforced when the jail house letters came out and KC said something to the effect of..."For the first time in my life I feel independent". She will adjust as others have said, but Caylee will always be ashes in gaudy jewelry. KC deserves to die. It will be more humane than what she did to Caylee.
Lambchop, It was Jeff Ashton who made reference in open court to some "phantom plea deal"...meaning they've never offered her anything, except that limited immunity deal in the very beginning. It was something to the effect of...anything the SA gleaned from what KC may have told them could be used against her. I don't think they will ever offer her a plea. This case is a slam dunk IMO.

Anywho, Defense strategy......I don't think they have one yet. They are just watching, waiting, and hoping something eventually comes a long that they can use. I wouldn't be surprised if they develop their strategy during the trial.

P.S, I have always said from the beginning, let the State kill KC. My belief was reinforced when the jail house letters came out and KC said something to the effect of..."For the first time in my life I feel independent". She will adjust as others have said, but Caylee will always be ashes in gaudy jewelry. KC deserves to die. It will be more humane than what she did to Caylee.

Well, I knew someone said it in court and they were quite indignant about it too. Of course now we know the duct tape would have been "all bets off" so there was no way KC was going to tell them anything. She was smart enough to realize that. Have to wonder if she told JB at that time the reason she could not tell the state where Caylee was, was because of the duct tape. I understood that JB was the one who initially requested a plea deal???? Or has my brain failed me again......jmo
Defense strategy... IMO, Make as much money as they can until a plea deal shows up, and look for the next "big deal."
I think the defense strategy is to throw stuff at the wall and see what distracts the most.
Lambchop, It was Jeff Ashton who made reference in open court to some "phantom plea deal"...meaning they've never offered her anything, except that limited immunity deal in the very beginning. It was something to the effect of...anything the SA gleaned from what KC may have told them could be used against her. I don't think they will ever offer her a plea. This case is a slam dunk IMO.

Anywho, Defense strategy......I don't think they have one yet. They are just watching, waiting, and hoping something eventually comes a long that they can use. I wouldn't be surprised if they develop their strategy during the trial.

P.S, I have always said from the beginning, let the State kill KC. My belief was reinforced when the jail house letters came out and KC said something to the effect of..."For the first time in my life I feel independent". She will adjust as others have said, but Caylee will always be ashes in gaudy jewelry. KC deserves to die. It will be more humane than what she did to Caylee.

ITA and here's the link I found for that (bolded by me): http://www.docstoc.com/docs/1082457/Casey-Anthony-immunity-email
I think DC's emails have blown any theories they may have had to he!! and back. If anyone would have access to information on a possible suspect it would be the PI. The emails prove they have nothing. All they have is a mother who refuses to tell anyone what happened with her daughter. Will be interesting to see where they will go next. Nine months is not a lot of time to cook up another whopper. jmo

Lamb Chop consider yourself hugged! I like how you think. It took her 31 days to come up with Zany did it - that is going to be one heck of a whopper to get past! Not that it was believable - A 5 yr old could have made up a better lie. But they can't take it back!

When I read about KC witnessing a drug deal I giggled - heck serious drug lords would have dumped KC in the forest not a 2 year old! They have no need of witnesses or babies to care for - if this is the best JB could do, KC is a sinking ship being bailed out with a leaky bucket.

I have a thought of what may have worked way back when - All KC had to do was say she arranged an adoption through a private attorney - not a darn thing CA or GA could have done. Of course there was that "troublesome odor in the car!! Oops too bad...

They'll have to say Casey knew something had happened to Caylee to explain the 'ugly coping' 'disassociation' , otherwise none of it works. I think there are a couple of options.....they go back to 'zanny', and say that zanny was the palatable story Casey told herself to pretend to herself that 'Caylee is fine, she's with the nanny' etc...and say either George did it and Casey knew, or SODDI (Jessie Grund, Fusian druglord, anyone with a pulse) and Casey witnessed it, or divert into the 'accident in the pool story'.

Caylee dies not by the hand of Casey, Casey loses her mind, sooths herself with the Zanny story, drives around with the body in the trunk in a crazed state and dumps it in that state, then drifts off into a haze of partying and disassociation, LE catch up with her....she tells them the story she's been telling herself and they stick her with Murder 1 without looking further and miss the true story because they took her madness for lies. Now everyone can't back down because there's too much at stake politically.

TOO BAD THERE ARE all those smiley face pictures of her dancing and having a joyful time to give away any thoughts of her coping with anything except her own bad behavior!

But you have written well thought out answers!
I think Baez and Co. would even blame Fido the Dog and Toodles the Cat if they though that would get Casey off the hook.

They will blame anything and everybody.
I think Baez and Co. would even blame Fido the Dog and Toodles the Cat if they though that would get Casey off the hook.

They will blame anything and everybody.

So do you think Lee's turtle has an alibi? I know turtles have a reputation for being slow movers but he did have 31 days......:crazy:
Defense strategy? A mix of desperation, distraction and, confusion? Confusion Hill? Shell game? Find Caylee?

This is actually a simple and straightforward case with a lot of noise. The Defense are trying to add an overwhelming amount of additional complexity and confusion into that mix, as if there isn't enough noise already!!

It is all a distraction .... it does not escape from the simple facts that ICA basically killed Caylee and did not report her missing EVER, etc.

However, the more complexity and confusion that the Defense can create then a good deal of it will also make it into trial. If they can confuse one or more Jurors and through that create a sense of reasonable doubt within their minds ...... voila!

Sure, the Defense will attack the forensics and the experts and go through the motions of chipping away at the mountain of circumstantial evidence while creating a perception that they have THE story that will enable everything to be explained and make sense.

They will just seek to confuse and obfuscate clouding the cold hard facts with lots of conspiracy, distractions, errors and ...... more junk science.
The only one that I can honestly see goes something like this.

The defense strategy is to keep the case stirring around and in the public eye for the next 8 months. They will stir up things with an assortment of press conferences, insane motions and even more insane players. At the 8 month mark they will finally have a sit down come to Jesus conversation with KC, cop a plea for 25 to life, and then all become millionaires off the book and media deals.

What does Baez have to offer the state to make this deal - didn't the state offer one before Caylee was found that we know around that time the PI's were cooking up a Caylee is being jetted around S.A. after KC witness drug lords in action - :)loser: :loser: :loser:) which also goes to prove they knew Caylee wasn't coming home.

I get the feeling from the DA - that they are going to use everything they have and when they are done Jose won't be able to get a job sweeping the court house steps. There have been too many mistakes, if not outright lies that can be traced right back to the horses mouth.

Maybe if ICA is lucky she will end up with LWOP - just to save the state the cost of a trial and appeal. I can't see the state making a better offer - unless somehow the whole truth, nothing but the truth comes out, And it matches the evidence.

We know wherever ICA ends up she will adjust - not too many folks could stand 2 years of solitary confinement - and it sounds like she has managed pretty well so far. Jose and Jose are no longer spending half the night holding her hand, like the first 6 months.
I think the defense will just claim that something happened to Caylee, but Casey has so many and such complex mental problems that she can't remember what happened. They'll say it could have been an accident or that someone else did it and Casey went nuts or nuttier. They'll also say that there's no specific proof that Casey killed Caylee or that it was premeditated. Cindy will take the blame for computer searches.
ExpectingUnicorns, thanks for bringing up that link!

Btw, my earlier post was meant to say anything KC would have told them would NOT be used against her... but it wont let me edit it.

Lambchop, I literally lol'ed at your turtle post. Poor Zam.... I'm surprised the bus hasn't hit him yet. I'm surprised Tinker and Tilly haven't been investigated by the defense...(or have they?!)
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