What Is the Defense Strategy?

DNA Solves
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Eleanor Odom, the Attorney that is frequently on Nancy Grace's panel, said she would display two large photos during the trial, so that the Jury could always see them - one would be of Caylee as she was, her little cute self, and the other would be a pile of remains and mud.
I hope that it's possible for the SA to do that, as a daily reminder that they're not just dealing with a bunch of test results.
Eleanor Odom, the Attorney that is frequently on Nancy Grace's panel, said she would display two large photos during the trial, so that the Jury could always see them - one would be of Caylee as she was, her little cute self, and the other would be a pile of remains and mud.
I hope that it's possible for the SA to do that, as a daily reminder that they're not just dealing with a bunch of test results.

I would like to see this, with the poster size photos facing ICA and the jury able to watch her indifference to having the pictures in her face - maybe the recording of Caylee singing to Great GPa playing softly in the background during breaks.

This is not about JB, CM, AL, CA or ICA - I wish they all would remember this, while pulling their shenanigans.

It's about justice, it's about a 2 year old baby who didn't have a third Birthday, didn't start Kindergarten, will never ride a bike, go to prom or have a life of her own.

It's about Caylee Marie.
JB must stay up late at night trying to omit words and compose sentences that twist the meanings of statements...
ON page 3 - regarding how Dr Huntington would agree with Dr Haskill that Caylee's body decomposed at another location, and not the recovery site.
Sounds ominous until you stop to think that's correct, she did decompose somewhere else, and it was in her mother's trunk.

This defense take semantics and imo sacrasm to a whole new level. When I first read Baez supposed summary of what Dr H might testify to, I took from it that Huntington may argue that the evidence shows the maggots and flies were found in the trash bag and not in the trunk. MOO. Haskill's report claims maggots and adult coffin/scuttle flies were found in both the trunk and the trashbag but further on in his report, this does become a little ambiguous when Haskill talks about CSI Vincent finding and sending more specimens from the trash bag. As I read that Baez statement, he was suggesting that Huntington agreed that the insects recovered were indeed coffin/scuttle flies and that Caylee was already in a stage of decomposition when she was dumped. "other location" is very open to interpretation. :waitasec:

Best wait to see Huntington's finished report which is apparently coming soon.

Interesting that he trained under Dr Haskill.
Eleanor Odom, the Attorney that is frequently on Nancy Grace's panel, said she would display two large photos during the trial, so that the Jury could always see them - one would be of Caylee as she was, her little cute self, and the other would be a pile of remains and mud.
I hope that it's possible for the SA to do that, as a daily reminder that they're not just dealing with a bunch of test results.
That can be done and was done in Scott Peterson, I believe during closing by the prosecution. It's very effective.
Eleanor Odom, the Attorney that is frequently on Nancy Grace's panel, said she would display two large photos during the trial, so that the Jury could always see them - one would be of Caylee as she was, her little cute self, and the other would be a pile of remains and mud.
I hope that it's possible for the SA to do that, as a daily reminder that they're not just dealing with a bunch of test results.

Yes!! and since kc will be at the side,place them on the wall behind her.
Everytime she stands she can look at them!
This defense take semantics and imo sacrasm to a whole new level. When I first read Baez supposed summary of what Dr H might testify to, I took from it that Huntington may argue that the evidence shows the maggots and flies were found in the trash bag and not in the trunk. MOO. Haskill's report claims maggots and adult coffin/scuttle flies were found in both the trunk and the trashbag but further on in his report, this does become a little ambiguous when Haskill talks about CSI Vincent finding and sending more specimens from the trash bag. As I read that Baez statement, he was suggesting that Huntington agreed that the insects recovered were indeed coffin/scuttle flies and that Caylee was already in a stage of decomposition when she was dumped. "other location" is very open to interpretation. :waitasec:

Best wait to see Huntington's finished report which is apparently coming soon.

Interesting that he trained under Dr Haskill.

But did we see an actual report from Huntington? If not, how are we to know whether this is just more spin on the defense's part?
I thought that's what I said LambChop :whiteflag:

LOL, I just wanted to know if anyone saw a report. And, you did say that. I think I was seconding the motion. Or maybe it was "brain freeze". I'm sick of winter.
Recent musings on this topic:

Doctor Spitz has got the yips
And Laura's gone to h*ll.
The party pics
Make most folks sick,
And the Henkel tape sticks
In the craws of those in the know.

Conway said no way
Miller's a pillar
Hizzoner don't rule like they hoped.
With bombshells a-droppin
And the clock ticky tocking,
Just what's a defense team to do?
Oh what's a defense team to do?
Recent musings on this topic:

Doctor Spitz has got the yips
And Laura's gone to h*ll.
The party pics
Make most folks sick,
And the Henkel tape sticks
In the craws of those in the know.

Conway said no way
Miller's a pillar
Hizzoner don't rule like they hoped.
With bombshells a-droppin
And the clock ticky tocking,
Just what's a defense team to do?
Oh what's a defense team to do

Delay, delay, deny, deny....this defense team appears to be falling apart at the seams. As Baez has done in the past, he attaches pages of blogs to his motions so JA returned the same (yesterdays status hearing) and attached Dr. Reichs twitter pages....and what does Baez do? He throws the papers back at JA, here keep this, I don't need it...how does it feel Baez, appears it is you who is that pot that calls the kettle black. What a childish, immature attitude....arrogant is how he comes off...

I also noticed CA, getting angrier and angrier with JA, her face shows the true tale. Her anger is so misdirected, he's doing his job for Caylee Marie, remember her, CA? It's your own child who is accused of this dastardly deed...

I truly believe Baez is delaying due to none of the experts being on board with his theory. I believe they have shown this lead attorney, listen, nothing proves it wasn't your client, or so I hope..

He's running out of days, it's about 92 days before this trial comes and he still is playing games. I also wonder what the defense and this judge talking about in his chambers and I wonder if the prosecution were in on it...I wonder if there are deal negotiations going on behind the scenes? JMHO

Justice for Caylee

ETA...I forgot to mention Baez telling this judge about JAC and their "slave" wages and how he will take money out of his own pocket to get things done...well, you did get that $90,000 so put it to good use, will ya'! How arrogant and insenstive to state about the JAC wages...as ususal the good Judge smacked it right back to him..Way to go, Your Honor...:clap:
Didn't JB say these experts were in it "for the cause"? Good luck trying to come back and say they ALL decided they won't work for JAC rates.
This defense take semantics and imo sacrasm to a whole new level. When I first read Baez supposed summary of what Dr H might testify to, I took from it that Huntington may argue that the evidence shows the maggots and flies were found in the trash bag and not in the trunk. MOO. Haskill's report claims maggots and adult coffin/scuttle flies were found in both the trunk and the trashbag but further on in his report, this does become a little ambiguous when Haskill talks about CSI Vincent finding and sending more specimens from the trash bag. As I read that Baez statement, he was suggesting that Huntington agreed that the insects recovered were indeed coffin/scuttle flies and that Caylee was already in a stage of decomposition when she was dumped. "other location" is very open to interpretation. :waitasec:

Best wait to see Huntington's finished report which is apparently coming soon.

Interesting that he trained under Dr Haskill.

And Dr. Rodriguez trained at UT under Dr. Bass, as did Dr. Vass.
The only "report" I've seen was from Bock. I posted on another thread about the extension where JB states he has turned over reports from Bock, Furton Eikenbloom and Fairgrieve.
However, all I see are extensive vitas.
My guess is he will ask for a clarification on the clarification of the clarification.
This is interesting. Here is the webpage for NMS.
I keep looking, but see nothing listed about this case.
I see other cases listed...

When the DNA status was discussed at the hearing yesterday and MM left the courtroom, I heard a high pitched noise and thought perhaps someone pulled the fire alarm. LOL
JB's clarification on the reports and depositions, he asked if the state decided not to ask the experts anything about their opinions, would that mean his experts would not be allowed to testify to their opinion.
So, he does not hand over any reports and now finds himself havig to ask the state to do his job for him?
Is the defense not going to depose their experts, assuming they have any...or is he somehow trying to find another out?
Why am I trying to make sense out of anything he says??
JB's clarification on the reports and depositions, he asked if the state decided not to ask the experts anything about their opinions, would that mean his experts would not be allowed to testify to their opinion.
So, he does not hand over any reports and now finds himself havig to ask the state to do his job for him?
Is the defense not going to depose their experts, assuming they have any...or is he somehow trying to find another out?
Why am I trying to make sense out of anything he says??

Basically the order blocks anything that was not revealed or discussed before hand. So anything that JB wants the witness to say on the stand, well they have to have presented either in a report, or as a second option, they have to have been asked at deposition. But essentially the reports and documentation is supposed to be the overview of what his expert witnesses will be testifying for his side. Just as all of the reports and findings are what the prosecutions witnesses will be saying.

But now because of his ongoing refusal to actually put forth what his experts will be saying, he finds himself in the unenviable position where if the state opts not to do a deposition (because they have not gotten the required discovery) then the only thing his witnesses can talk about is their resume's and CV. So he tried to make it seem like this was a dirty pool strategy on the SA's part, when it is wholly his own attempt at strategy backfiring.

I'm not sure, can the defense opt to depose their own witnesses under oath and submit a transcript of such?
Good morning :wave:

One thing I noticed in yesterday's status hearing is that Baez is trying to turn the tables on State. Is that hearing is a preview of what's to come in the trial itself?

Note the reversals and mirroring:

1. Baez has missed deadline after deadline, but insists it is due to thwartment. Oh, that will only go so far. How sad. What to do? "Hey everyone, look! State is deliberately causing delays and impeding this case." :rolleyes:

2. Baez does not seem to have mastered the case or read much of the discovery. But that's not his fault! State has released thousands upon thousands of doc pages and even now continues to surprise Defense with new tests and experts. "OMG! What's a defense attorney to do! Make them stop!" ;)

3. Baez can't seem to get in contact with old or new expert wits to obtain reports or depos. OK, the no-phones-in-Tahiti gambit didn't fly and the he-won't-return-my-calls didn't work out too well. Hmm, what to do? How about accuse State of not being diligent since they have not filed some responses to Defense's motions? "They won't answer meeee so it's no wonder I don't know what the heck this is all about!" ;)

4. Defense's mantras have been: death is different, this case is unique, this is a unique situation. Maybe because it is so uniquely different they have trouble finding case law or statutes to support their position and claims? It can't be because Defense is incompetent. Dang, that is thwarting. How about accusing Florida of being fundamentally unconstitutional? "Yes, that'll work! Yay, us!" :crazy:

In effect, Baez is trying to make it seem as if it is State who is attempting a trial by ambush, replete with surprises and gotcha moments. Judge P doesn't agree? How about hinting that judges can be removed from a trial or that each and every ruling will be reversed on appeal, just because Defense says so? "Mwah-ha-ha, take that you guys!" :lol:

Perhaps we will see much more of these two maneuvers during the trial?

Defense doesn't seem to have much to present from what I've seen. I'm beginning to suspect that State and everybody else thinks KC is on trial, but Defense is going after The System, aka The Forces Out To Get KC.

After all, what is left for Defense? The SODDI-strategy crashed and burned, and one can only spin forensics results so much...
The Pros are going to hit SEVERAL grand slams right out of the park. Wait and See.

The defense might as well say "You've sunk my battleship".
Basically the order blocks anything that was not revealed or discussed before hand. So anything that JB wants the witness to say on the stand, well they have to have presented either in a report, or as a second option, they have to have been asked at deposition. But essentially the reports and documentation is supposed to be the overview of what his expert witnesses will be testifying for his side. Just as all of the reports and findings are what the prosecutions witnesses will be saying.

But now because of his ongoing refusal to actually put forth what his experts will be saying, he finds himself in the unenviable position where if the state opts not to do a deposition (because they have not gotten the required discovery) then the only thing his witnesses can talk about is their resume's and CV. So he tried to make it seem like this was a dirty pool strategy on the SA's part, when it is wholly his own attempt at strategy backfiring.

I'm not sure, can the defense opt to depose their own witnesses under oath and submit a transcript of such?

That is so true! I also noticed, fwiw, that among the few times CM came out of his reveries (or pretending he wasn't in the courtroom) was when Baez started to claim that State was setting up a trial by ambush, thus indicating State wasn't acting ethically. CM really seemed to dig this idea--perhaps it is his own creation?

I'm not sure what you mean by Defense deposing their wits under oath and submitting a transcript...
PSmith - as Judge Perry said in the hearing yesterday - it's the law, you may not like it, but it's the law - paraphrased. JB is going after the law now, but this tactic won't hold up in court. The court upholds the law, not whining about unfairness.
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