What Is the Defense Strategy?

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BBM - But would anyone even believe him if he did come to a point where he has to tell the truth to protect himself? Same for Cindy? They have destroyed their credibility to the point where no one is going to believe anything that comes out of their mouth and I think the defense is going to use this to their advantage.

I've watched Cindy for the last two years. I've also watched KC.

There is no doubt in my mind which one of them is in pain. The difference between Cindy in her most desperate 911 call and KC in that same call is dramatic and telling.

George would have buried Caylee. He wouldn't have left her remains out for varmits to eat. He wouldn't have killed Caylee with duct tape and then left the tape on his gas cans. He is a detail oriented neat freak. No remains would have been left in that car to fester if George had done the disposing.

KC left her mark on her every part of Caylee's murder.

I don't see any juror buying that - the DT can innuendo to their heart's content but they are not stupid. Surely they would question why the SA had not gone after George if there was even a slight possibility instead of ICA.

I'm not buying this scenario at all!

Lots of people do not like or trust LE to get the right perp rather than the easist perp to close the case.
Sure they can. But it just adds to the credibility of the defense team if they even have to go there. It adds weight to their deflection, and makes it seem like a possibility.

And what can George do other than say NO WAY and get all angry. That won't necessarily convince EVERY SINGLE juror.

It will just add to

Oh I think George can say a whole lot besides NO WAY. If the SA even suspects the DT is heading in this direction I think they will do another depo with him and specifically ask him these questions and explain the reason why they are asking those questions beforehand.

I have to give this some more thought, but if I imagine LDB taking baby steps with George the way she does with other witnesses - there is no way the SA will walk in to this one unsuspecting. They have proven themselves to be far too clever and thorough in their arguments.
Just remember, the key word here is 'DOUBT'. The DT does not have to PROVE that SODDI, GA did it, KC has PSTD, KC was abused or how Caylee died. They just have to create, in the minds of the jurors, the doubt that KC KILLED Caylee and that ONLY KC COULD have killed Caylee.

So are we saying the SA isn't going to bring out their own experts to rebut the defense experts at PTSD? Cause I don't see them sitting on their hands at that one either.
Just remember, the key word here is 'DOUBT'. The DT does not have to PROVE that SODDI, GA did it, KC has PSTD, KC was abused or how Caylee died. They just have to create, in the minds of the jurors, the doubt that KC KILLED Caylee and that ONLY KC COULD have killed Caylee.

Yes, but REASONABLE Doubt though.....I don't think they can suggest ICA was abused and in fear of her parents, or even infer it without the SA coming back on them.

This is not going to be a "no questions, your honor" picture show!
Just remember, the key word here is 'DOUBT'. The DT does not have to PROVE that SODDI, GA did it, KC has PSTD, KC was abused or how Caylee died. They just have to create, in the minds of the jurors, the doubt that KC KILLED Caylee and that ONLY KC COULD have killed Caylee.

Or it could backfire because only the coldest-hearted could throw her own father under a bus to save her own obviously guilty skin.

I didn't think it could be possible for me to think less of KC and her lawyers than I already do. But, THAT approach would do it.
Sure they can. But it just adds to the credibility of the defense team if they even have to go there. It adds weight to their deflection, and makes it seem like a possibility.

And what can George do other than say NO WAY and get all angry. That won't necessarily convince EVERY SINGLE juror.

It will just add to the possibility that there is another potential scenario and suspect.

Would a person with PTSD sit quietly in jail for 2.5 years I wonder?
I've watched Cindy for the last two years. I've also watched KC.

There is no doubt in my mind which one of them is in pain. The difference between Cindy in her most desperate 911 call and KC in that same call is dramatic and telling.

George would have buried Caylee. He wouldn't have left her remains out for varmits to eat. He wouldn't have killed Caylee with duct tape and then left the tape on his gas cans. He is a detail oriented neat freak. No remains would have been left in that car to fester if George had done the disposing.

KC left her mark on her every part of Caylee's murder.


Oh, I agree 100%.

I was just saying... if George all the sudden wanted to tell the whole truth about everything... I think that it may just be too late. The same goes for Cindy.

They have lied about so much that I don't know if a jury would believe them even if they did tell the truth. For example, if Cindy and George feel that they are being thrown under the bus on that stand and they get so fed up that they say "Forget Casey" and go into self-protect mode and decide to tell the whole truth... I don't know how far they will get?

I believe that Jose set Cindy and George up a long time ago. He kept Casey away from her family... we have Cindy and George telling everyone and their mother that they have had no contact with Casey since October 2008. Cindy and George are the ones who have thrown out all these wild theories about what happened... they have lied so many times in the media... changed their stories so many times in the media. Then we have DC going out into those woods and Cindy admitting to Detective, Melich or Allen, that she sent someone out into those woods and there was nothing there... well... if Cindy has had not contact with Casey since October 2008... how did Cindy know where Caylee's remains would be? Casey surely didn't tell them, right? They haven't talked to her. I know George has denied exchanging letters with Casey... and I forget if Cindy denied this too (we have them admitting to it in their jail letters though).

I knew this trial was going to get ugly... I just don't think I anticipated it getting this ugly.
So are we saying the SA isn't going to bring out their own experts to rebut the defense experts at PTSD? Cause I don't see them sitting on their hands at that one either.

"JP-The only question I have since I don’t know what they will testify to, is it going to necessitate an examination by the State of Florida?

AF-I don’t think so.

JA-I can’t imagine----unless it doesn’t involve an interview with the Defendant, but if it does, then the State of Florida is going to want an expert to examine her.

AF-I don’t know of any vehicle that I’m aware of that would authorize the State of Florida to examine under these circumstances, but this obviously , this may invoke some kind of litigation. Like I say, it’s not a Mental health defense.
So it doesn’t trigger any of the requirements under 3.316.

JP-The only thing I find that’s curious and I guess we’ll find out when we talk about it. When you talk about someone’s State of Mind, the 1st thought goes to some type of diminished capacity, and we don’t recognize diminished capacity.

AF-It’s clearly not diminished capacity your Honour, and obviously we perhaps need to provide the Court and the State with some case law."

Thanks to lauriej at this post: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6255194&postcount=914"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Legal Questions for Our VERIFIED Lawyers #2[/ame]
Or it could backfire because only the coldest-hearted could throw her own father under a bus to save her own obviously guilty skin.

I didn't think it could be possible for me to think less of KC and her lawyers than I already do. But, THAT approach would do it.

That is why I think it may backfire if they do go after George or Cindy... I don't know if a jury would look at Casey as a victim at all... they may just think she is this horrible, disgusting monster who is hell bent on destroying her entire family.
However, she doesn't seem to have any problems showing anger or umm pleasure (as seen in various pictures).

Right, but PTSD victims may show emotional reactions, but they are often innapropriate ones. So a mother who loses a child does not grieve, instead she goes out drinking and dancing. And also they say that childhood victims of sexual abuse may act out sexually and also become addicted to alcohol and to promiscuity. That describes our little 'victim' to a T.

And the anger is often misdirected, thus she becomes angry with LE when they try to help her find Caylee.
Would a person with PTSD sit quietly in jail for 2.5 years I wonder?

Don't forget ICA let Cindy insinuate that Casey was trying to protect everyone by lying. Casey herself never said this but she did let CA run with it. Lee said the reason they believe Caylee is alive is because she still hasn't told what really happened and is protecting Caylee. Not those exact words but close.
So are we saying the SA isn't going to bring out their own experts to rebut the defense experts at PTSD? Cause I don't see them sitting on their hands at that one either.

Sure they will. BUT and it is a big but, a lot of people just won't be able to wrap their head around a sweet, pretty, young mother cold bloodedly killing her beautiful child. They don't want to believe. The jury will be looking for an out...a reason... an explanation. How many times have you heard people say 'She must be crazy' while referring to KC?

By the time the DT is done the SA, LE, her parents wil all be painted as monsters and KC will have respectable doctors saying that she is a pitiful victim.

Some jurors will be able to wrap their minds around a traumatized young mother. Noone expects evil to look like KC or for genuine evil to be 'one of us, living next door.' Killers should look like the crazed sickos that they are.
Don't forget ICA let Cindy insinuate that Casey was trying to protect everyone by lying. Casey herself never said this but she did let CA run with it. Lee said the reason they believe Caylee is alive is because she still hasn't told what really happened and is protecting Caylee. Not those exact words but close.

I believe ICA did suggest that in the jail videos did she not?
Would a person with PTSD sit quietly in jail for 2.5 years I wonder?

It is hard to say. But I can see how the DT will spin it. They may say it is the only place she feels safe for now. And since she cannot trust her parents she has chosen 'protective custody. ' LOL
Sure they will. BUT and it is a big but, a lot of people just won't be able to wrap their head around a sweet, pretty, young mother cold bloodedly killing her beautiful child. They don't want to believe. The jury will be looking for an out...a reason... an explanation. How many times have you heard people say 'She must be crazy' while referring to KC?

By the time the DT is done the SA, LE, her parents wil all be painted as monsters and KC will have respectable doctors saying that she is a pitiful victim.

Some jurors will be able to wrap their minds around a traumatized young mother. Noone expects evil to look like KC or for genuine evil to be 'one of us, living next door.' Killers should look like the crazed sickos that they are.

LOL - we are talking about ICA here! The same mother who took her child into the same bed to sleep as her sex partners. The same mother who had to be called home to care for her child at 3am by the child's grandmother. The same ICA who sits in the courtroom with those cold dead fish eyes.

Who are you going to believe? JB or your own eyes? :floorlaugh:
Don't forget ICA let Cindy insinuate that Casey was trying to protect everyone by lying. Casey herself never said this but she did let CA run with it. Lee said the reason they believe Caylee is alive is because she still hasn't told what really happened and is protecting Caylee. Not those exact words but close.

I think that stuff can be explained away as early days before Caylee's remains were found....The family really wanted to believe her - nothing unusual about that - they were hoping Caylee was still alive.
Sure they will. BUT and it is a big but, a lot of people just won't be able to wrap their head around a sweet, pretty, young mother cold bloodedly killing her beautiful child. They don't want to believe. The jury will be looking for an out...a reason... an explanation. How many times have you heard people say 'She must be crazy' while referring to KC?

By the time the DT is done the SA, LE, her parents wil all be painted as monsters and KC will have respectable doctors saying that she is a pitiful victim.

Some jurors will be able to wrap their minds around a traumatized young mother. Noone expects evil to look like KC or for genuine evil to be 'one of us, living next door.' Killers should look like the crazed sickos that they are.

Maybe the State needs to remind the jury the statistics of mothers who have murdered their children... It's not uncommon. Sure, most people can not fully understand what drives a person to murder their own children, but it's real and it happens more than I would like to admit.

I wish I could remember some names off the top of my head, but I have seen shows on some STUNNING women who are cold blooded murders... and yes, some have murdered their own children.

I think when people look at women who murder, they usually look for the seductive femme fatale type of women... or the women who do look monsterous.

I think Casey does have an advantage in this department because, imo, she is average looking. She looks like a lot someone who would be your babysitter... but one look in her eyes... she has the eyes of a serial killer... which I believe she was on her way to being.
Sure they will. BUT and it is a big but, a lot of people just won't be able to wrap their head around a sweet, pretty, young mother cold bloodedly killing her beautiful child. They don't want to believe. The jury will be looking for an out...a reason... an explanation. How many times have you heard people say 'She must be crazy' while referring to KC?

By the time the DT is done the SA, LE, her parents wil all be painted as monsters and KC will have respectable doctors saying that she is a pitiful victim.

Some jurors will be able to wrap their minds around a traumatized young mother. Noone expects evil to look like KC or for genuine evil to be 'one of us, living next door.' Killers should look like the crazed sickos that they are.

Exactly. George can be made to look evil easier than Casey can if they spin this just right.
The SPIN= George abused her sexually her whole life. She was a fragile victim, who could not make it in the real world, which is why she lied about everything and had no job.
Then when her evil parents threatened to take her baby away she snapped and ---killed her? Accidentally killed her? Watched her Dad kill her? OR Watched her Dad take her away.
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