What Is the Defense Strategy?

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SleutherOnTheSide, your post up thread Andrea lives on in JB's strategy is superb - thank you so much!

I'm not quoting it because of the length, however, just did want to comment on Andrea's favorite saying "Death is Different".

Because if the Defense keeps repeating it, it is dangerous for them and extremely stupid. Death Is Different. For me, that phrase gives the SA a perfect introduction and opening to be able to say -

Ladies and Gentlemen, you see the defendant, Casey Marie Anthony seated before you this morning, and you will hear the Defense say over and over again through out this trial - Death is Different. And yes, we agree, death IS different. Ms Anthony is not charged with petty theft, she is not charged car theft, she is not charged with armed robbery and she is not charged with embezzling monies from her employer. Casey Marie Anthony is charged with murdering her infant daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, whose photo you see before you.
And yes, when we are talking about the death of this beautiful child, Caylee Marie Anthony, whose picture you see before you, we agree, Death... IS.... Different!

Take that, put it in your pipe and smoke it, Andrea. (No, I said that last bit, not Jeff Ashton..)
SleutherOnTheSide, your post up thread Andrea lives on in JB's strategy is superb - thank you so much!

I'm not quoting it because of the length, however, just did want to comment on Andrea's favorite saying "Death is Different".

Because if the Defense keeps repeating it, it is dangerous for them and extremely stupid. Death Is Different. For me, that phrase gives the SA a perfect introduction and opening to be able to say -

Ladies and Gentlemen, you see the defendant, Casey Marie Anthony seated before you this morning, and you will hear the Defense say over and over again through out this trial - Death is Different. And yes, we agree, death IS different. Ms Anthony is not charged with petty theft, she is not charged car theft, she is not charged with armed robbery and she is not charged with embezzling monies from her employer. Casey Marie Anthony is charged with murdering her infant daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, whose photo you see before you.
And yes, when we are talking about the death of this beautiful child, Caylee Marie Anthony, whose picture you see before you, we agree, Death... IS.... Different!

Take that, put it in your pipe and smoke it, Andrea. (No, I said that last bit, not Jeff Ashton..)

I agree about SOTS post. It was fabulous! I am just not able to sit through the hours it would take to hear her lectures. I could barely get through a hearing when she spoke. But it is so interesting to know all the "tricks" she uses to try to get a jury to see things her way.

LG, I was thinking something along the same lines about the "Death is different" comment the defense likes to use to their benefit. Maybe in their closing, the State should say something like, "You have heard the defense state many times that 'death is different'. Yes, death IS different. I'm sure Caylee Anthony would agree.... death is most definitely different!"
I agree about SOTS post. It was fabulous! I am just not able to sit through the hours it would take to hear her lectures. I could barely get through a hearing when she spoke. But it is so interesting to know all the "tricks" she uses to try to get a jury to see things her way.

LG, I was thinking something along the same lines about the "Death is different" comment the defense likes to use to their benefit. Maybe in their closing, the State should say something like, "You have heard the defense state many times that 'death is different'. Yes, death IS different. I'm sure Caylee Anthony would agree.... death is most definitely different!"

BBM - Yeah, I'm thinking they will most certainly be looking for a new catch phrase after reading this.

Two sides to the same coin - way to show them my friend!

~Justice For Caylee Marie~
The "music" for this trial? Astor Piazzolla's music from the suite "Punta del Este".

Lyon is so severely dishonest and disingenuous, I really don't think she should even be practicing law. Are her disgusting tactics really what people had in mind when adopting a legal system in this country? People have to speak out against this.
BBM - Yeah, I'm thinking they will most certainly be looking for a new catch phrase after reading this.

Two sides to the same coin - way to show them my friend!

~Justice For Caylee Marie~

Not ALL the defense attorneys are COMPLETE idiots. I'm pretty sure "one" of them would have figured this out on "her" own.....

And if not, oh well..... guess they'll have a new catch phrase come trial time. I doubt it will make or break the State's case.....

Jose and his defense seem to be trying very hard to prove that someone else put Caylee's body on Suburban. It clicks with me now as I write that, why the "defense is coming after George" thread keeps on popping up. It has been asked, would the defense try to say George was the one who put Caylee in the woods?

The defense has tried Ray Kronk. IIRC, and I wish to be corrected as I am fishing for the facts: the defense did not do what is necessary to be able to present Mr. Kronk as a suspect? TIA

Cindy left a message with LE stating that she felt Casey "had to have had help." And, after a sleep over visit with the Anthonys while Casey was out on bond, Annie Dowling also made a comment about Casey not being "smart enough" to have pulled this off by herself.

During a local news interview George claimed he and his family were watching the kidnappers.

After reading Today's News and following the link to the news report of how the judge did not allow Jose's fishing trip made me wonder: has Casey convinced Jose that someone else was involved? Maybe Jose believes Casey enough to go fishing? Jose has gone after each person that it seemed Casey and her family were eluding to: does he figure soon he will hit on the right one and the evidence will fall in his lap?

I watch Casey scribble in her notebook and it reminds me of her jailhouse letters where she insists that her 'boys' think she should teach them. Sometimes it looks like Jose has just been doing whatever crazy thing Casey led him to: now I want to start a thread called "what do you think Casey has told her defense team?"

What if Jose is being such a poor lawyer because he is following Casey's lead? Sorry if this has been covered, its a new thought to me. :waitasec:

Death-penalty expert Judge O.H. Eaton Jr. retires after 24 years
He became a death penalty expert.
By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel

6:26 p.m. EST, December 31, 2010
E-mail Print Share Text Size os-judge-eaton-retires-20101231
O.H. "Bill" Eaton Jr., the 18th Judicial Circuit judge who ordered a new trial for convicted murderer Joseph "Crazy Joe" Spaziano and later cleared the way for Florida's first lethal-injection execution, retired Friday after 24 years on the bench.

Eaton, 67, of Sanford, became a nationally recognized expert on the death penalty and taught other judges from across the country how to try those cases.

He also was a workhorse behind the scenes for the Florida Supreme Court and The Florida Bar, striving to make the court system better. For eight years, he led the high court's Criminal Court Steering Committee, helping rewrite sections of Florida's rules of criminal procedure.


At last hearing, His Honor made mention of this retired judge leaving the courtroom, CMason was shocked and said he wasn't supposed to leave...paraphrased...

I wonder WHY he asked this judge to listen in on his courtoom theatrics. I believe the defense team seems to feel, once again, this prisoner is overcharged with her crimes as they said with the economic charges. Could this be that Mason was wanting advice from this retired judge? Could he be trying to pull that rabbit from his magical hat??? Somethings amiss with this and I am curious as to what, why?? Any ideas? JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Jose and his defense seem to be trying very hard to prove that someone else put Caylee's body on Suburban. It clicks with me now as I write that, why the "defense is coming after George" thread keeps on popping up. It has been asked, would the defense try to say George was the one who put Caylee in the woods?

The defense has tried Ray Kronk. IIRC, and I wish to be corrected as I am fishing for the facts: the defense did not do what is necessary to be able to present Mr. Kronk as a suspect? TIA

Cindy left a message with LE stating that she felt Casey "had to have had help." And, after a sleep over visit with the Anthonys while Casey was out on bond, Annie Dowling also made a comment about Casey not being "smart enough" to have pulled this off by herself.

During a local news interview George claimed he and his family were watching the kidnappers.

After reading Today's News and following the link to the news report of how the judge did not allow Jose's fishing trip made me wonder: has Casey convinced Jose that someone else was involved? Maybe Jose believes Casey enough to go fishing? Jose has gone after each person that it seemed Casey and her family were eluding to: does he figure soon he will hit on the right one and the evidence will fall in his lap?

I watch Casey scribble in her notebook and it reminds me of her jailhouse letters where she insists that her 'boys' think she should teach them. Sometimes it looks like Jose has just been doing whatever crazy thing Casey led him to: now I want to start a thread called "what do you think Casey has told her defense team?"

What if Jose is being such a poor lawyer because he is following Casey's lead? Sorry if this has been covered, its a new thought to me. :waitasec:


Happy New Year Chiquita!

Do LE have regular psych evaluations as part of their ongoing employment? I ask because I've always found it strange a man would leave a respected LE profession on the urging of his wife to flounder in low paying jobs. He was in LE when they married right? And it was the birth of Lee that prompted CA to encourage him to morph into something else? Or was it.
If every LEO quit their job on the birth of their first child, we'd have no Yuri's or any police officer over the age of 30 on the force. What happened at GA's job to help push him out because I'm not buying the danger aspect. He could have transferred to a desk job. He has a degree apparently and back in the day, that would have been a huge bonus on the force and not the rule as it is (here) now.
I wonder if there were issues at work that combined with his wife's nattering in the background, forced his hand to quit. Some mental health issue, anger management, who knows but if the story about shoving his father through a window is true, GA has a problem. The gun he purchased and brought home to coincide with her release on bail is another example of a GA problem IMO. And is there anyone who thinks a switch off from LE to security comes with a lot less danger? I sure don't.I wonder if the mitigation expert isn't hoping to travel to collect dirt on KC but from GA's detachment in Ohio because IMO something is very wrong with that story.
In any case, GA didn't do it. An ex-LE wouldn't leave a corpse within smelling distance of his house IMO. He wouldn't have volunteered to drive the car home from the impound or questioned at the time, the horrible smell emanating from the trunk. So I have to ask, what will the defense try to blame on GA exactly?
GA is the only one in the family except the Plesea's that I have even an iota of sympathy for. He's the only one that has normal emotional reactions visible on ghis face and he's the only one IMHO that the jury will be able to relate to human to human.
I watched KC scribbling away at her notes on Jan 03 and noticed something pretty funny. Besides the fact that all three of them at the defense table looked like they were taking a grade 6 dictation test, busy scribbling away in unison, I noticed KC at other times and really tried to concentrate on the movements her pen was making. I believe the gal is making clouds around the comments she already made and doodling squiggles, rather than actually forming a thought to paper. I'm starting to think she may have been coached to pretend to write by doodling. It keeps her focus off her hair and dabbing her eyes for telltale signs of mascara and makes her look busy, intelligent even. The defense freak over the telephoto lens stems from the fact that if the camera was to catch a shot of the doodles, the pretense of bumanity in KC would be gone forever. Watch her pen movements. Writing goes from top to bottom. What KC does goes in circles, sometimes counter clockwise.
Why would KC need to take dictation during the motion when both her boys were busy doing it and they had the benefit of understanding the big words and knowing how to spell them?
I think she's calling the shots to JB but his days on the case are numbered and MC doesn't take direction from JB. Maybe he did once but never again. He may be deaf but he has a far greater legal mind in his confusion than JB will ever rise to. He's not retiring as a joke amongst his peers. I'm sure his ego will rise to the occasion of taking the reins away from the children he shares a desk with. JMO
Death-penalty expert Judge O.H. Eaton Jr. retires after 24 years
He became a death penalty expert.
By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel

6:26 p.m. EST, December 31, 2010
E-mail Print Share Text Size os-judge-eaton-retires-20101231
O.H. "Bill" Eaton Jr., the 18th Judicial Circuit judge who ordered a new trial for convicted murderer Joseph "Crazy Joe" Spaziano and later cleared the way for Florida's first lethal-injection execution, retired Friday after 24 years on the bench.

Eaton, 67, of Sanford, became a nationally recognized expert on the death penalty and taught other judges from across the country how to try those cases.

He also was a workhorse behind the scenes for the Florida Supreme Court and The Florida Bar, striving to make the court system better. For eight years, he led the high court's Criminal Court Steering Committee, helping rewrite sections of Florida's rules of criminal procedure.


At last hearing, His Honor made mention of this retired judge leaving the courtroom, CMason was shocked and said he wasn't supposed to leave...paraphrased...

I wonder WHY he asked this judge to listen in on his courtoom theatrics. I believe the defense team seems to feel, once again, this prisoner is overcharged with her crimes as they said with the economic charges. Could this be that Mason was wanting advice from this retired judge? Could he be trying to pull that rabbit from his magical hat??? Somethings amiss with this and I am curious as to what, why?? Any ideas? JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Going in a different direction here, but I couldn't help but wonder if he might have wanted the judge to sit in and hear the sanctions motion about what JB had been doing in order to get advice on possibly having JB removed. CM is, if I understand correctly, the lead attorney since he is the one that is DP qualified. If JB is making these types of mistakes, I wonder if CM can move or suggest to the court to have him removed and replaced with AF? It is just my opinion, but I feel that JB has ruined his reputation and career by the antics he has pulled with this case, and he has had numerous Bar complaints in the last 2 1/2 years since taking this case on. I know it sounds mean, but I think it would be fitting to have him jumping in front of cameras for the last couple of years thinking he was going to be the next Geraldo, only to be removed from his dream case and disciplined by the bar at the last minute, and then have to watch as someone else tried the "biggest case since OJ"! LOL! Of course, KC would be over him in the blink of an eye, and would be giggling and twizzling with her new attorney in no time. All JMO, of course! :innocent:
Going in a different direction here, but I couldn't help but wonder if he might have wanted the judge to sit in and hear the sanctions motion about what JB had been doing in order to get advice on possibly having JB removed. CM is, if I understand correctly, the lead attorney since he is the one that is DP qualified. If JB is making these types of mistakes, I wonder if CM can move or suggest to the court to have him removed and replaced with AF? It is just my opinion, but I feel that JB has ruined his reputation and career by the antics he has pulled with this case, and he has had numerous Bar complaints in the last 2 1/2 years since taking this case on. I know it sounds mean, but I think it would be fitting to have him jumping in front of cameras for the last couple of years thinking he was going to be the next Geraldo, only to be removed from his dream case and disciplined by the bar at the last minute, and then have to watch as someone else tried the "biggest case since OJ"! LOL! Of course, KC would be over him in the blink of an eye, and would be giggling and twizzling with her new attorney in no time. All JMO, of course! :innocent:

LOL, that may be what CM is up to as long as he doesn't have to do the majority of the work - don't think he has the energy level any longer.

We did hear HHJP refer to Mr. Baez as the lead attorney in one of the last two hearings however.

Oh, that wouldn't have been sarcasm would it?
Jose and his defense seem to be trying very hard to prove that someone else put Caylee's body on Suburban. It clicks with me now as I write that, why the "defense is coming after George" thread keeps on popping up. It has been asked, would the defense try to say George was the one who put Caylee in the woods?

The defense has tried Ray Kronk. IIRC, and I wish to be corrected as I am fishing for the facts: the defense did not do what is necessary to be able to present Mr. Kronk as a suspect? TIA

Cindy left a message with LE stating that she felt Casey "had to have had help." And, after a sleep over visit with the Anthonys while Casey was out on bond, Annie Dowling also made a comment about Casey not being "smart enough" to have pulled this off by herself.

During a local news interview George claimed he and his family were watching the kidnappers.

After reading Today's News and following the link to the news report of how the judge did not allow Jose's fishing trip made me wonder: has Casey convinced Jose that someone else was involved? Maybe Jose believes Casey enough to go fishing? Jose has gone after each person that it seemed Casey and her family were eluding to: does he figure soon he will hit on the right one and the evidence will fall in his lap?

I watch Casey scribble in her notebook and it reminds me of her jailhouse letters where she insists that her 'boys' think she should teach them. Sometimes it looks like Jose has just been doing whatever crazy thing Casey led him to: now I want to start a thread called "what do you think Casey has told her defense team?"

What if Jose is being such a poor lawyer because he is following Casey's lead? Sorry if this has been covered, its a new thought to me. :waitasec:


This statement makes me really laugh. But KC was smart enough to forge checks, steal money from her mother and other family members and knew exactly how much money was in gram's checking account. She stated she had a savings account with $14,000 in it and that is exactly what SP had in her checking account at the time. Yep, KC is smart enough just sloppy on the details. jmo
This statement makes me really laugh. But KC was smart enough to forge checks, steal money from her mother and other family members and knew exactly how much money was in gram's checking account. She stated she had a savings account with $14,000 in it and that is exactly what SP had in her checking account at the time. Yep, KC is smart enough just sloppy on the details. jmo

I've heard that statement before re being smart. What I want to know is what was so smart about anything in this "kidnapping". Annie does not sound that smart, but we have to remember these people are young and the statements they make about being "smart" are ludicrous. They act like it is the perfect crime. It is about as perfect as the Leopold and Loeb "perfect" crime - which was solved basically in one week and that was in 1924.

The detectives had this case down in a day.
This statement makes me really laugh. But KC was smart enough to forge checks, steal money from her mother and other family members and knew exactly how much money was in gram's checking account. She stated she had a savings account with $14,000 in it and that is exactly what SP had in her checking account at the time. Yep, KC is smart enough just sloppy on the details. jmo

How smart does one have to be with parents like George and Cindy - they accept forged deposit slips and I mean from beginning to end. Here's a deposit slip Mom, I just made it - $4,400. "Thanks KC".

And by the way, that pregnancy thing - don't worry, not pregnant, just woman's issues. I know you thought I looked 7 months pregnant and you are a registered nurse, but not to worry, I'm not. You have to have sex to have a baby, and I have not had sex.

Thanks KC.
I watch Casey scribble in her notebook and it reminds me of her jailhouse letters where she insists that her 'boys' think she should teach them. Sometimes it looks like Jose has just been doing whatever crazy thing Casey led him to: now I want to start a thread called "what do you think Casey has told her defense team?"

What if Jose is being such a poor lawyer because he is following Casey's lead? Sorry if this has been covered, its a new thought to me. :waitasec:


Respectfully snipped - good thoughts, Chiquita! If you watch the sanction hearing closely, right at the point where JA is discussing is discussing the existence of Dr. Bock's report, Casey doodles what clearly seems to be a face and a "dialog blurb" before the camera turns away from her. One can only imagine the disrespect of Mr. Ashton that was on that page!! It does seem in keeping with the maturity level that Baez is bringing to this case. Maybe a lot of it is coming from her, he has to keep her happy with his performance, after all!!
How smart does one have to be with parents like George and Cindy - they accept forged deposit slips and I mean from beginning to end. Here's a deposit slip Mom, I just made it - $4,400. "Thanks KC".

I agree with you but I think there was a constant control war going on in that household. Sometimes you have to wonder, your granddaughter is dead and you want your daughter to come home. But why, and what makes you think she would come home. Do they want KC to have another child so they can start over again? I don't get it. I would not be able to stand the sight of her in my home. jmo
I agree with you but I think there was a constant control war going on in that household. Sometimes you have to wonder, your granddaughter is dead and you want your daughter to come home. But why, and what makes you think she would come home. Do they want KC to have another child so they can start over again? I don't get it. I would not be able to stand the sight of her in my home. jmo

And I have thought of that also LC. Say she did come home because she was acquitted, it would not be long before KC would admit - in an argument - what she had done. And there would be nothing CA could do about it. IMO

She would use them financially as long as she could and the arguing would start and hell would be in session in the Anthony home.
And I have thought of that also LC. Say she did come home because she was acquitted, it would not be long before KC would admit - in an argument - what she had done. And there would be nothing CA could do about it. IMO

She would use them financially as long as she could and the arguing would start and hell would be in session in the Anthony home.

Some things will never change no matter what goes on around them. That's pretty much what brings us here today, isn't it?
Some things will never change no matter what goes on around them. That's pretty much what brings us here today, isn't it?

I was watching 48 hours last night, which was basically a repeat and not new. When it went to advertising, I could have sworn I heard - coming up and they show certain things and I thought I heard CA say "it was clear she needed help". Am I wrong?
I remember when this first started, that one of the news stations brought up the fact that Baez representing a man charged with murdering his girlfriends child. {Diaz case?}

I also remember one day Baez rushing out, saying that he was late for another case. {I'm late, I'm late, I'm late for a very important date!!}
Though, he did the time for a quick q&a session. That day he was late for the Diaz case.
We have since heard that Diaz is appealing, amoung other reasons, for inadequate council.

What we have seen of this case, and compare it to what we have since heard of the Diaz case, he seems to be following it to the letter.
Supressing evidence, placing blame on every one else, etc.

And, I also wonder if Casey hadn't seen or heard of this case in the media prior to her arrest, and, that is why she went with Baez??
I had to run an errand and there was a dead animal on the road with what must have been about 12 buzzards blocking my path. And it suddenly occurred to me. Why, oh why would JB be stating that the body (not remains but body) was placed there after KC was in jail. The first 31 days animals and buzzards would have gone undetected because no one was looking for a missing child. In 31 days there would not have been much left of the body, I would imagine.

So now defense comes along and claims the body was put there after KC went back to jail but how could that be when his witnesses are saying they saw no birds, no animals, no unusual smells. Would this not give the jury even more reason to believe that the body was placed there when she first went missing rather than later? While they have been investigating TES volunteers we now know there were a lot of people in that area making it almost impossible for anyone to have dumped a body because the birds, animals and decomp smell would have given that site away. Defense is saying there were alot of people searching in that area on their own. If that many people were searching in and around Suburban how could someone go undetected dropping a body there presuming it was still a body.

It seems more likely than not this is going to backfire big time on them. There just is no other explanation that fits with the physical evidence that we know of: the bones scattered and some with chew marks from animals, bones burned under the muck with leaves on top of them, and the black trash bag with plant life growing through it. Experts aside and even without their testimony these are powerful reasons to believe the remains have been there since June. It's just common sense.

Maybe defense should have a little sit down with their client instead of just seeing her in court for a little chit chat. A full suit of armor might help but someone needs to talk to this girl. She's toast. jmo
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