What Is The Key Date to Solving This Crime?

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I believe Caylee was deceased before that first "flurry" of phone calls on June 16th. I think that after George left for work, Casey brought Caylee back to the house and then whatever horrible thing took place. I believe this because the first few phone calls in that "flurry" were to anywhere BUT the Anthony's residence. That tells me that Casey was at the house. Otherwise, why would she try both cell numbers and work numbers over and over again for her parents, and not call the house?

I agree on the time as well. My current theory is that Casey planned to stage a drowning, the chloroform was to make it easy on Casey, and possibly Caylee, in that Caylee would be able to fight her. I think Caylee drowning was a huge concern/fear of Cindy's and something she harped on Casey about frequently.

The chloroforming didn't go the way Casey's movie and internet research led her to believe and Caylee died before she could stage the drowning. Now she has a dead child, she knows the drowning set up is not going to fly, she can't call the police. This would put Caylee's body in the yard for the cadaver dog hits, explain the ladder being on the pool and the gate being open, etc.....
I believe it was 12:50 when GA claims to have seen Casey and Caylee walk out with their backpacks. IIRC he remembers the specific time because he happened to be watching his favorite TV show at the time.

His favorite show, he claims, was on the Food Network. I can't be bothered to look up what is on at that time but I bet it's must see television.

I don't believe anything he says and think he helped Casey get rid of the body, especially with all the talk of those gas cans and the trunk and whatnot. Who has gas cans around the house? That back yard was so full of crap there's hardly a stitch of lawn to mow...

I agree on GA helping her, not only because of all the lies and failure to take a lie detector test,but because of the "flurry" of calls.. There was a call to GA and about an hour gap IIRC. are we sure none of the calls were answered?
I have long discounted the statements made by George and Cindy Anthony. I think their statements are a direct attempt to cover up and obscure what really happened.

This takes us to the last known time and place where Caylee was seen outside the immediate family, June 15th - Father's Day. We have video of Caylee reading at the assisted living facility where Cindy's father lives. Cindy and Caylee visited her father on the 15th and then had dinner with Cindy's mother who lives near the facility.

I think the key date - timeframe is the 24 hours between the evening of June 15th and the evening of June 16th.

We know that there was some sort of argument in the Anthony home on June 15th. A neighbor heard yelling and foul language.

We have conflicting statements. Cindy states that she tucked Casey and Caylee into bed that night and heard them in the bedroom the next morning, and George says that Casey and Caylee left the next day (June 16) at about 12:50pm. Yet, TL's roommate, Clint, is pretty sure Casey spent the night at TL's apartment the night of the 15th, but Caylee did not. Caylee never spent the night at TL's according to Clint.

We don't know with any certainty where Casey and Caylee were the night of June 15th. Nor do we know the reason behind the flurry of phone calls on June 16th.
I believe it was 12:50 when GA claims to have seen Casey and Caylee walk out with their backpacks. IIRC he remembers the specific time because he happened to be watching his favorite TV show at the time.

His favorite show, he claims, was on the Food Network. I can't be bothered to look up what is on at that time but I bet it's must see television.

I don't believe anything he says and think he helped Casey get rid of the body, especially with all the talk of those gas cans and the trunk and whatnot. Who has gas cans around the house? That back yard was so full of crap there's hardly a stitch of lawn to mow...

George's story of the events of June 16th have all the earmarks of a fabricated story. I think he concocted his story after consulting a tv schedule and based his description of what Casey and Caylee were wearing on what items of clothing he and Cindy found in the car after bringing it home from the impound yard.
I think the 23rd is KEY to it all. Here is why. OBVIOUSLY there are some very disturbing inconsistencies in the testimony of her dad concerning the 24th and concerning the gas can theft. He claims that the last time he would have been in the building is the 22nd-Sunday. I am GUESSING that Cindy worked on the 23rd, a Monday, and so I am thinking that Casey ACTUALLY showed up at the house on that day and told her dad her "version" of what had happened to Caylee, and told him she had freaked out and had buried Caylee in the back yard and he assists her THAT very day or night in moving Caylee's body. He KNOWS that they(or he) cannot stop anywhere for gas, and so takes the gas cans from the building and then perhaps even LEAVES Casey at the house and digs Caylee up out of the yard and takes little Caylee away HIMSELF and buries her SOMEWHERE ELSE. He maybe even instructs her to make phone calls or get online, or something of that nature, so it appears as if she is at the house? or not... anyhow, when he returns, he does not tell Casey where he has put Caylee, so she can say in all honesty that she ABSOLUTELY does not know where her daughter is...

At this point, he has gotten all the details from Casey (at least her version MINUS the chloroform that she perhaps does NOT tell him about, but she may have) and she has told him that she came back on the 16th when they were gone and something happened to Caylee-she drowned, or fell or whatever, and she did not know what to do so she put her in the trunk of her car. She came back the next day or the next-seems to be a little question if it was the 17th or the 18th when the shovel was borrowed? and borrowed a shovel from the neighbor because the building was locked, on the guise of digging bamboo and buried Caylee in the yard. She knew she would eventually be discovered there because she could only dig a shallow grave, perhaps UNDER the playhouse or the sandbox where the digging would not have been noticed, and so she needed his help to put her someplace SAFE.

He comes up with a plan, part of THAT is to report the gas cans stolen and the shed "broken into"-in case any of the neighbors saw her there or anything was said he would have a REASON for her to have been there-stealing gas. Of course, he wipes ALL the prints off the shed lock so there will be no way to know WHO was in the building. He waits until the 24th and files the report with LE about the "break in"...

SOMETHING happened, something CHANGED about the way Cindy Anthony was ACTING from the time of the 911 calls-when George was NOT there, to the very next statement she made after he WAS there...and I think that something is that he had no choice but to tell her the truth and here we are today-with lie after lie after lie and circles and squares and every manner of shape that a lie is able to form...

Just a theory and if I am wrong, then I will apologize to George a thousand times for having thought it...
I would like to go back and stand next to GA 6/24 when he opened the trunk of Casey's car. I think he was really looking for gas cans, and saw something else. Caylee's things? did the trunk already smell? Something disturbing enough, that when they brought the car home from the tow yard, reeking and with Caylee's doll in seat, they looked around their own back yard and called the police.

Forgive if off-topic, but I can't fathom George seeing his grandaughter, dead, and thinking about any plan. I do think he could've seen something that disturbed him.
I believe little Caylee met her fate the night of the 15th. Casey had that huge fight with her parents, and left. When emotions run high, especially in an unstable person like Casey, any crazy thing will seem logical. i believe she wanted to "move on" without a kid. We all know the parents have many dates wrong to coincide with Casey's story, so i believe George never saw them on the 16th.

Do we know of any places she may have gone the night of the 15th??
I think the key date - timeframe is the 24 hours between the evening of June 15th and the evening of June 16th.

We know that there was some sort of argument in the Anthony home on June 15th. A neighbor heard yelling and foul language.

We have conflicting statements. Cindy states that she tucked Casey and Caylee into bed that night and heard them in the bedroom the next morning, and George says that Casey and Caylee left the next day (June 16) at about 12:50pm. Yet, TL's roommate, Clint, is pretty sure Casey spent the night at TL's apartment the night of the 15th, but Caylee did not. Caylee never spent the night at TL's according to Clint.

We don't know with any certainty where Casey and Caylee were the night of June 15th. Nor do we know the reason behind the flurry of phone calls on June 16th.


ITA.......the 15th into the 16th are key dates in this mess.

RE: conflicting statements....Cindy would have you believe that a 22 yr. old & a 2 yr. old both go to bed AT THE SAME TIME.......then George has them sleeping until about NOON the next day (since he only talks of them leaving @ 12:50PM).

RE: alll these young single guys that seem to remember specific dates so well,
Most of the guys I've known in this age group, barely know what month it is, never mind what happened six weeks ago.......
I also believe that the 24 hours between the 15th and the 16th are the most critical.

I suspect that the first fight actually happened on the 9th of June and that that is why Casey and Caylee spent the night at RM and AH's that night. KC was angry and left her parents' place with her daughter. Its not clear but I don't believe that Caylee ever slept at the GPs throughout the week of June 9th - 15th.

While Casey may have been drugging Caylee at night on other occasions, it seems likely that she resorted to something of this sort for this entire week.

It would be interesting to find out what Casey did on the day of the 15th. Its likely that she had something "important" to do that day and so she used CA and dropped Caylee off with her during the day.

Its possible that the arguement on the night of 15th included discussion about several issues - KC's stealing money from her Grandmother as well as Caylee perhaps having mentioned something about the previous weeks' events to CA. By all accounts Caylee was able to communicate and it would be surprising if she didn't mention something throughout the day - even if inadvertently.

The realization that she could no longer hide her "means" of caring for Caylee may well have triggered KC to carry out what happened next...

ITA.......the 15th into the 16th are key dates in this mess.

RE: conflicting statements....Cindy would have you believe that a 22 yr. old & a 2 yr. old both go to bed AT THE SAME TIME.......then George has them sleeping until about NOON the next day (since he only talks of them leaving @ 12:50PM).

RE: alll these young single guys that seem to remember specific dates so well,
Most of the guys I've known in this age group, barely know what month it is, never mind what happened six weeks ago.......

Well, when you have all these party dates to go by.........Im just saying:crazy:
This is my feeling too TraceyLeigh...

it also fits the "31 days" Casey mentioned to the 911 operator...

I am not so sure I believe George..what time did he say he last seen them on the 16th? IIRC it was after 1:30...If he is telling the truth it actually works against Casey no?
Didn't she say she dropped Caylee off at the nannys between 9-1pm...I know she first said the 9th but its been made out to be that it was a mistake and a week off..She does say a "Monday"
the 16th was a Monday..If shes changing the date to the 16th between 9-1pm that conflicts with her own fathers statement..

Every time I see or hear 31 days, I find that so strange. Was she counting off the days? Why didn't she use the words: a month or 4 weeks?
For some reason I don't understand, Casey wanted Caylee 'kidnapped' on the 9th. That was the date she swore up and down she 'lost' Caylee. That's apparently not accurate since ithere is a tape at the nursing home with Caylee and Greatgrandpa on father's day. If that film is correct, I think whatever happened was on the 16th or 17th after a big fight, but what advantage does a disappearance on the 9th get KC? Why wouldn't she at least pick a day to 'lose' Caylee that was closer to actual event? Someone on WS earlier mentioned there was a disappearance or murder in Blanchard Park on the 9th so maybe Casey was trying to tie Caylee's missing into that. Wouldn't make any sense to me given the story she came up with when she was exposed but I still wonder about the significance to KC of the 9th. Why not the 16th-ish? Did she just pick a date when she was corned and stick to it or is there a clue in here somewhere?
I think evening of June 16 and morning hours of June 17 are crucial regarding what happened to Caylee.

I'd love to know more about what Casey was doing after the "flurry" of phone calls on the 16th. Who did she talk to, who did she hook up with and what are the time frames? Where did she sleep that night? If she stayed at Tony's, what time did she arrive there and what happened the next morning? Did Casey sleep in? Did she leave early?

So many unknowns about that crucial period of time...
I believe Caylee was deceased before that first "flurry" of phone calls on June 16th. I think that after George left for work, Casey brought Caylee back to the house and then whatever horrible thing took place. I believe this because the first few phone calls in that "flurry" were to anywhere BUT the Anthony's residence. That tells me that Casey was at the house. Otherwise, why would she try both cell numbers and work numbers over and over again for her parents, and not call the house?

I agree that this is likely. Of course some people don't use a landline these days so it may be that she knew that the cell was really the way to reach her parents.

Remind me - which day did she borrow the shovel?
I'll pay a little extra, if you'll humor me, and pick 24hrs. vs. one date

6:32PM 6/15 - 6:32PM 6/16
Every time I see or hear 31 days, I find that so strange. Was she counting off the days? Why didn't she use the words: a month or 4 weeks?

Diamond Girl,

What you said is something I've always wondered about also.
Casey was soooo specific, repeating '31 days', almost like a chant.
If the 9th was the original date that Caylee was left with nanny, and Casey was counting off those days instead of like you said ' a month, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, then how do those 31 days jive with the whole story line? Makes my cynical meter hit tilt.

Oh, and Welcome to WS, Diamond Girl! :)

As far a a Key Date.... I wouldn't know the exact date but I'd want to go as far back as when Cindy found out about the money taken from her parents' checking account and the account specifically for the elderly grandpa's needs.
It all started snowballing from there, the first really verbally violent argument, and I'd want to know for sure what was said, what threats were made and by whom ie; Cindy threatening to take custody of Caylee, Casey threatening to leave and never let Cindy see Caylee again, That to me would be a key date as in what started this terrible snowball effect and precious Caylee 'missing'.
The night of June 15th I believe Casey retreated to the bedroom after the great argument and shut the door. Cindy later brings in Caylee ready for bed. Casey gives Caylee something to keep her asleep through the night and into the next morning. Casey locks the bedroom door. After her parents are asleep, under the cover of darkness, Casey goes out the window and over to Tony's. She returns before Cindy leaves for work. Casey assumes Caylee is still asleep and takes a little nap herself, awakening as George is leaving for work. At that point she discovers that Caylee is not breathing and is in fact dead.

I don't believe George saw them leave the morning of the 16th. I believe after she realized Caylee was dead, she left her in the backyard and left a note to her parents that she and Caylee were going off on a little adventure trip.
I would just like to know why they all said June 9th was the last time they saw Caylee, and then later it was proved that Caylee was with Cindy on the 15th at the nursing facility. Casey told LE that June 9th was the last time she saw her. But she told Lee on July 16th that she had not seen her dtr in 31 days. That was the day Cindy called 911. Thirty-one days from July 16th would take it back to June 15th, if she is counting off days. Or June 16th if she is not good at math. Whatever happened to Caylee would have happened in that 24-hr time frame.

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