What is your #1 top indicator that Terri IS responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

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What's your #1 top indicator that Terri's responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

  • last known person to see Kyron before disappearance

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • the polygraphs

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • how she looked during during pressers

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • hitting the gym posted on FB

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I felt she was guilty from the beginning

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not fighting for custody/visitation

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not proclaiming her innocence

    Votes: 12 3.9%
  • LE seems to think it's her

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • the Grand Jury

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • LE no comment statement when asked if TH was seen leaving the school with Kyron

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • No current info convinces me she's involved

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • liklihood that one innocent person is associated with MFH AND dissapearance slim to none

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • LE finding MurderForHire credible enough to tell Kaine

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • Kaine and Desiree's statments that Terri is involved.

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Having 90 min unaccounted for

    Votes: 14 4.6%
  • Combination of things!

    Votes: 104 34.2%
  • TH's June 5 email about a MMC

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Her timeline disagrees with her cell phone pings

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • She still has not been cleared by LE

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Kaine (allegedly) making her teenage son move out.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Allegedly creating confusion about the Dr's Appt. Speaks to Premeditation

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Not cooperating when 7yo she raised missing 2+mo.

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • I'm not convinced she is guilty

    Votes: 13 4.3%
  • combination of things

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • Statistically, children are most often harmed by people known to them. Everyone else has an alibi.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • seeming lack of concern for Kyron since his disapearance

    Votes: 2 0.7%

  • Total voters
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Which leads me to the conclusion that she has become increasingly erratic and unstable.

Huh. I guess without proof she actually solicited this LS guy ....... I couldn't make that call.
Huh. I guess without proof she actually solicited this LS guy ....... I couldn't make that call.

What man would be eager to believe that his wife had wanted him killed and had even solicited someone to do it? Especially, a man who was already coping with the sudden loss of his child?

I have to believe that the evidence shown Kaine by LE had to be substantial. No, we don't have proof, but surely there had to be a lot more than just that this landscaper guy came along and made this accusation.

How much evidence would you need to believe such a thing?

I would need a lot, a whole lot. And I'm saying this even though my husband went through a major, full-blown mid-life crisis that has left us separated for the past 2 years (although we seem to headed toward a reconciliation at this point.)
What man would be eager to believe that his wife had wanted him killed and had even solicited someone to do it? Especially, a man who was already coping with the sudden loss of his child?

I have to believe that the evidence shown Kaine by LE had to be substantial. No, we don't have proof, but surely there had to be a lot more than just that this landscaper guy came along and made this accusation.

How much evidence would you need to believe such a thing?

I would need a lot, a whole lot. And I'm saying this even though my husband went through a major, full-blown mid-life crisis that has left us separated for the past 2 years (although we seem to headed toward a reconciliation at this point.)

I agree...great post.

Likewise, if I am Terry and INNOCENT...and someone tells this outrageous lie about me...I KNOW he has nothing.

I know it.

I also know there is nothing that can tie me to the disappearance of Kyron.

So, why would I ever fear fighting for my Baby Daughter?

This is such a crucial time in a Baby's life...months are like years. If there is NO evidence in either situation, there is nothing to fear.

In fact, I get a chance to completely discredit this Landscaper and make Kaine look like a fool.

Therefore, why is she NOT doing this? What does her lawyer fear for her? Or she for herself?

Nothing can come of nothing, right?
But to use her divorce proceedings to somehow implicate her in a criminal case is what Kaine Horman was attempting to do. To force someone to answer questions regarding an unrelated criminal matter that she has not been charged with, would be foolish for any attorney to allow.

How does anyone know that right at this moment, Terri's attorneys haven't hired a PI who has gone deep into not only this LS BS, but also Kaine's life and his indiscretions, if there are any. Getting to the heart of the matter, it seems like there might at that point be private, sealed, resolution to the custody matter.
I changed my combo vote to "Not cooperating..." but mostly I feel it's her because she doesn't do anything the way *I* would if I were in her shoes.

If LE suspected me I would be cooperating non-stop. Ask me anything you want, whenever you want, let's sit down all day every day for weeks until I answer every single question you need me to answer. I'd make it my new 9-5 job to be at their beck & call so that they can eliminate me, find Kyron and get the person that really did this. And yes, it would be embarassing to open your life up to LE and tell them things like, oh how a while back you tried to have your hubby killed, but whatever, you did it and you should step up and face the consequences, because you're a grown woman and this little boy has only had 7 precious years of life. Put the kid before yourself, 'fess up so LE can move on and find Kyron!

She halfway attempted to cooperate and then ran away. Didn't fight for her daughter, just lawyered up and hid. There are fliers circulating w/ your picture on it, if you didn't do it, you sure as heck better talk to the cops, because they're focusing on the wrong person, and then what will become of Kyron? Unless of course she already knows what's to become of Kyron, and then, well, why would she bother? She's more worried about incriminating herself than she is about finding Kyron.
But to use her divorce proceedings to somehow implicate her in a criminal case is what Kaine Horman was attempting to do. To force someone to answer questions regarding an unrelated criminal matter that she has not been charged with, would be foolish for any attorney to allow.

How does anyone know that right at this moment, Terri's attorneys haven't hired a PI who has gone deep into not only this LS BS, but also Kaine's life and his indiscretions, if there are any. Getting to the heart of the matter, it seems like there might at that point be private, sealed, resolution to the custody matter.

I can only say again that you can't be implicated, damaged or hurt by exposing a FRAUD....if there truly is NOTHING. You cannot be in legal jeopardy if there is no evidence but a random guy's word. You also cannot reveal or hurt yourself if there is no link to Kyron's disappearance and nothing out there to find.

Nothing can come of nothing.

And think how Terri could sway public opinion in her favor by confronting this! I cannot believe she is too shy to go public...she wore bikinis in body-building contests. She likes to send sexually explicit texts. She has proven she does not shy from attention.

If she has nothing to hide...she has everything to gain!

This Landscaper would then be just a he said/she said. In fact, IMO, the act of standing up to him publicly, knowing they had nothing more than his word vs, my word...would be a brilliant PR strategy. Think how LE's "focus" on Terri would be discredited...think how disloyal Kaine would look to the general public..IF...IF she is innocent and there is nothing else!

Even I would be shaking my head saying" How pitiful...that was all they had!"

But most importantly, I really believe we all bring a part of ourselves to these discussion boards. Unless I was gripped by the knowledge that I was guilty...there is nothing I would fear more than separation from my Baby. I would be tortured at the thought of her crying for me...needing me!

If I had nothing to hide and was not thinking of my own welfare...I would be consumed thinking of my Baby's welfare! That child has no idea where her Mommy went! this would tear me apart! Especially, if I know ABSOLUTELY, there is nothing out there.

If I knew there was nothing for anyone to find...NO self-interested fear, no high-priced lawyer...NOBODY could keep me from fighting for my child...and my reputation.
I can only say again that you can't be implicated, damaged or hurt by exposing a FRAUD....if there truly is NOTHING. You cannot be in legal jeopardy if there is no evidence but a random guy's word. You also cannot reveal or hurt yourself if there is no link to Kyron's disappearance and nothing out there to find.

Nothing can come of nothing.

And think how Terri could sway public opinion in her favor by confronting this! I cannot believe she is too shy to go public...she wore bikinis in body-building contests. She likes to send sexually explicit texts. She has proven she does not shy from attention.

If she has nothing to hide...she has everything to gain!

This Landscaper would then be just a he said/she said. In fact, IMO, the act of standing up to him publicly, knowing they had nothing more than his word vs, my word...would be a brilliant PR strategy. Think how LE's "focus" on Terri would be discredited...think how disloyal Kaine would look to the general public..IF...IF she is innocent and there is nothing else!

Even I would be shaking my head saying" How pitiful...that was all they had!"

But most importantly, I really believe we all bring a part of ourselves to these discussion boards. Unless I was gripped by the knowledge that I was guilty...there is nothing I would fear more than separation from my Baby. I would be tortured at the thought of her crying for me...needing me!

If I had nothing to hide and was not thinking of my own welfare...I would be consumed thinking of my Baby's welfare! That child has no idea where her Mommy went! this would tear me apart! Especially, if I know ABSOLUTELY, there is nothing out there.

If I knew there was nothing for anyone to find...NO self-interested fear, no high-priced lawyer...NOBODY could keep me from fighting for my child...and my reputation.

We don't know that TH i s not fighting for her child. According to the newest article about her, " She's rarely been seen in public under orders from defense attorney Stephen Houze."

I'm sure that he's ordered her to "shut up" also. She can probably say nothing in public that will help her get her daughter back, especially if she's innocent. It will be resolved in court, I believe the date is sometime in September.

As far as her listening to her attorney goes, I think she's being extremely smart, however much it may hurt her to remain silent. If she is falsely imprisoned ( or even justly imprisoned) how much of a mommy can she be to baby K or J if she's in jail. Her attorney is her only hope at this point. JMO
Why is there nothing she can say in public, "especially if she's innocent?"

Guilty, maybe...but why ..."especially if innocent." Doesn't "innocent" mean there is nothing out there to find?

Will someone explain that?

Can you give me examples of how confronting a lie (if it is one) would hurt her?

What could be used against her...if there is nothing there?

What is the lawyer protecting her from, if there is nothing there?

Remember my assumption here is innocence on both charges ( MFH and Kyron)

Does anyone have examples of how she could be hurt by fighting for Baby K and/or speaking publicly...if there is NOTHING out there, no evidence against her at all?

I'd like to understand.
Why is there nothing she can say in public, "especially if she's innocent?"

Guilty, maybe...but why ..."especially if innocent." Doesn't "innocent" mean there is nothing out there to find?

Will someone explain that?

Can you give me examples of how confronting a lie (if it is one) would hurt her?

What could be used against her...if there is nothing there?

What is the lawyer protecting her from, if there is nothing there?

Remember my assumption here is innocence on both charges ( MFH and Kyron)

Does anyone have examples of how she could be hurt by fighting for Baby K and/or speaking publicly...if there is NOTHING out there, no evidence against her at all?

I'd like to understand.

Google "don't talk to the police"
Hey, those are very good questions. I've always thought she initially hired the attorney because of the MFHP, but that's just my opinion. I think these questions should be brought up to the attorney thread. It would be interesting to see the answer if why if she's innocent an attorney might tell her to shut up.
So the theory is don't cooperate with the police even if you know there is nothing to find, nothing that can hurt YOU...even if your Baby may be traumatized by your absence, even if your little step-son is missing and endangered?

I can somewhat understand that if guilty and trying to save your own skin, that even children you love would come second to you.

But, if innocent TOO?

Don't cooperate under any circumstances?

I'm glad Mark Klaas didn't look at LE and his tragedy that way.
And I'd like to add here on this thread...that after the Murder-For-hire story was out there...after Terri knew she was under intense scrutiny, she "risked" sending texts of a sexual nature to new friend....but she won't "risk" fighting for her Baby?

Certain risks must carry more importance with Terri than others. That is, if she has nothing to hide. Otherwise,if not innocent...THEN her silence makes sense.
Why is there nothing she can say in public, "especially if she's innocent?"

Guilty, maybe...but why ..."especially if innocent." Doesn't "innocent" mean there is nothing out there to find?

Will someone explain that?

Can you give me examples of how confronting a lie (if it is one) would hurt her?

What could be used against her...if there is nothing there?

What is the lawyer protecting her from, if there is nothing there?

Remember my assumption here is innocence on both charges ( MFH and Kyron)

Does anyone have examples of how she could be hurt by fighting for Baby K and/or speaking publicly...if there is NOTHING out there, no evidence against her at all?

I'd like to understand.[/QUOTE

You might ask that question of Mr Fox from Lake County IL who has recently been released from jail after DNA proved he didn't kill his daughter. Also another Father in IL that spent a few years in jail for the murder of his daughter and her friend. LE put together cases from whole cloth. Just rumors and no other suspects maybe they should have listened to their attorney instead of crying I didn't do it?
We don't know that TH i s not fighting for her child. According to the newest article about her, " She's rarely been seen in public under orders from defense attorney Stephen Houze."

I'm sure that he's ordered her to "shut up" also. She can probably say nothing in public that will help her get her daughter back, especially if she's innocent. It will be resolved in court, I believe the date is sometime in September.

As far as her listening to her attorney goes, I think she's being extremely smart, however much it may hurt her to remain silent. If she is falsely imprisoned ( or even justly imprisoned) how much of a mommy can she be to baby K or J if she's in jail. Her attorney is her only hope at this point. JMO

From what I have read, there are no future dates regarding custody of baby K at all. The September date is about contempt and custody cannot be modified via that hearing. Further, TH is seeking to abate the entire dissolution proceeding (except status), which means she wants no orders issued in the case at all, including custody. Custody and visitation was set in connection with the RO. TH not only has made not one move to modify those orders, she actually took steps( abatement) to make sure those orders would not be changed any time in the foreseeable future.
But you are completely right. She is being smart in her tactics because talking or addressing the allegations can only lead to jail time, IMO. (Of course that's because I think she is guilty of something).
Why is there nothing she can say in public, "especially if she's innocent?"

Guilty, maybe...but why ..."especially if innocent." Doesn't "innocent" mean there is nothing out there to find?

Will someone explain that?

Can you give me examples of how confronting a lie (if it is one) would hurt her?

What could be used against her...if there is nothing there?

What is the lawyer protecting her from, if there is nothing there?

Remember my assumption here is innocence on both charges ( MFH and Kyron)

Does anyone have examples of how she could be hurt by fighting for Baby K and/or speaking publicly...if there is NOTHING out there, no evidence against her at all?

I'd like to understand.[/QUOTE

You might ask that question of Mr Fox from Lake County IL who has recently been released from jail after DNA proved he didn't kill his daughter. Also another Father in IL that spent a few years in jail for the murder of his daughter and her friend. LE put together cases from whole cloth. Just rumors and no other suspects maybe they should have listened to their attorney instead of crying I didn't do it?

That likely would have happened to Mr. Fox even if he refused to talk.

ETA: Sorry, I kind of changed my mind on what I just wrote because I remembered that Mr. Fox confessed! So I guess talking really did hurt him in that case!
And I'd like to add here on this thread...that after the Murder-For-hire story was out there...after Terri knew she was under intense scrutiny, she "risked" sending texts of a sexual nature to new friend....but she won't "risk" fighting for her Baby?

Certain risks must carry more importance with Terri than others. That is, if she has nothing to hide. Otherwise,if not innocent...THEN her silence makes sense.

The only thing that makes sense to me is the MFH plot must be true. There isn't any lawyer or LE official who could keep me from seeking (at the very least) visitation with my child (toddler or otherwise) if I wasn't guilty of the allegations that my husband used to file a restraining order against me.

For 18 years, my ex filed all kinds of ridiculous motions alleging all sorts lies about my character and actions in order to keep my 2 children away from me. I fought each and every one of them proving them false. My kids are now in their mid twenties and speak to me on almost a daily basis.

It takes more than allegations to keep a child away from their father or mother.
Why is there nothing she can say in public, "especially if she's innocent?"

Guilty, maybe...but why ..."especially if innocent." Doesn't "innocent" mean there is nothing out there to find?

Will someone explain that?

Can you give me examples of how confronting a lie (if it is one) would hurt her?

What could be used against her...if there is nothing there?

What is the lawyer protecting her from, if there is nothing there?

Remember my assumption here is innocence on both charges ( MFH and Kyron)

Does anyone have examples of how she could be hurt by fighting for Baby K and/or speaking publicly...if there is NOTHING out there, no evidence against her at all?

I'd like to understand.[/QUOTE

You might ask that question of Mr Fox from Lake County IL who has recently been released from jail after DNA proved he didn't kill his daughter. Also another Father in IL that spent a few years in jail for the murder of his daughter and her friend. LE put together cases from whole cloth. Just rumors and no other suspects maybe they should have listened to their attorney instead of crying I didn't do it?

Terrible cases. I am not unfamiliar with both prosecutorial and LE corruption having been very close (and still am) to the Duke Lacrosse Frame. You may recall that Mike Nifong was disbarred, lost his job, and spent day in jail for his conduct (as the AG of N.C. called him) as a "rogue prosecutor."

So please do not think me unsympathetic or naive.

But I will remind you that Dave Evans, 20 years old, stood in front of the microphone, surrounded by his teammmates...a kid who had never been in public body-building contests...and said "I am innocent. You have been told some fantastic lies."

Reade Seligmann 's attorney put his entire alibi out there. Colin Finnerty and his family gave numerous interviews.

They all appeared on "60 minutes"

These kids were receiving death threats. One mother recounted to me AFTER VINDICATION...how her son slept in a car...when armed vigilantes.... supposedly seeking "to interview Lacrosse players"....came to Duke and the local media printed a Wanted Poster with every team members photo and name.

They faced 30-40 years in jail.

They were terrified as were their families.

Still they put everything they could out there.

You know why...behind their terror they knew they were INNOCENT. There was no DNA, not even contact DNA. And they were just young men...barely out of their teens.

Terri is an adult. With two children to think of.

If she can face down this landscaper to regain her Baby, if there really is nothing incriminating and just a rogue LE focus on her...if there is just an allegation and no evidence...I don't think fear answers the question.

And as far as the sexting to her new friend...that is as reckless as if the Lacrosse team had thrown another stripper party. If Terri can risk THAT, she can't risk fighting for her Baby?
None of this is happening in a vacuum.

Sometimes, when people are under intense stress, they self-destruct or do things they wouldn't normally do. Some people use booze, drugs, food, their credit cards, and some people use sex. IMHO, that's what makes the analysis of Terri's behavior so difficult -- is her sexting Michael Cook reflective of her true personality and does that have any real bearing on Kyron's disappearance, or is it reflective of an extremely bad choice when dealing with unusual and extraordinary stress?

She could've been sexting because she's glad Kyron's gone. She murdered him, and she's moving on.

She could've been sexting because she's glad Kyron's gone, but she didn't murder him.

She could've been sexting because she has unhealthy views about sex.

She could've been sexting because she enjoys male attention.

She could've been sexting because she has unhealthy views about sex, her husband left her, took the baby, filed for divorce and a restraining order, and Michael Cook preyed on an emotionally vulnerable woman.

She could've been sexting because Kyron was missing and sex is what she uses to distract herself from things she doesn't want to think about.

It could be all, some, a combination of, or none of these things. To apply a simplistic answer to a complex situation is a mistake, IMHO.
Ok. Well, I hope no one gets accused of several major crimes and then get served with divorce papers and have your baby snatched away from you and wonder which way you're supposed to jump to resolve it all. The only think Terri can do right now is follow her attorney's advice. How baby K is being raised right now concerns me.....you know, with a man who loathes her mother.
Ok. Well, I hope no one gets accused of several major crimes and then get served with divorce papers and have your baby snatched away from you and wonder which way you're supposed to jump to resolve it all. The only think Terri can do right now is follow her attorney's advice. How baby K is being raised right now concerns me.....you know, with a man who loathes her mother.

Well, you think someone tried to kill you and at the least, is now refusing to help find your little boy, I think you are entitled to some loathing.

My point was Terri, if innocent, could discredit that Landscaper AND LE...because they couldn't possibly have anything on her.

Then, she could be back in her Baby's life. And neither she, nor any of us...would have to be concerned about how her baby was being raised.
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