What is your #1 top indicator that Terri IS responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

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What's your #1 top indicator that Terri's responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

  • last known person to see Kyron before disappearance

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • the polygraphs

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • how she looked during during pressers

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • hitting the gym posted on FB

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I felt she was guilty from the beginning

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not fighting for custody/visitation

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not proclaiming her innocence

    Votes: 12 3.9%
  • LE seems to think it's her

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • the Grand Jury

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • LE no comment statement when asked if TH was seen leaving the school with Kyron

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • No current info convinces me she's involved

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • liklihood that one innocent person is associated with MFH AND dissapearance slim to none

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • LE finding MurderForHire credible enough to tell Kaine

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • Kaine and Desiree's statments that Terri is involved.

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Having 90 min unaccounted for

    Votes: 14 4.6%
  • Combination of things!

    Votes: 104 34.2%
  • TH's June 5 email about a MMC

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Her timeline disagrees with her cell phone pings

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • She still has not been cleared by LE

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Kaine (allegedly) making her teenage son move out.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Allegedly creating confusion about the Dr's Appt. Speaks to Premeditation

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Not cooperating when 7yo she raised missing 2+mo.

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • I'm not convinced she is guilty

    Votes: 13 4.3%
  • combination of things

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • Statistically, children are most often harmed by people known to them. Everyone else has an alibi.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • seeming lack of concern for Kyron since his disapearance

    Votes: 2 0.7%

  • Total voters
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Does it look guilty that his father didn't attend, since he was able to leave work early and be home by 2? After all, wasn't that talent show supposed to happen around then?

He says he didn't know about it. I believe it.
I hadn't heard that. I wonder why kyron didn't mention it to him.

Probably because he was grounded to his bedroom every night for not having a perfect day at school. Hard to have one-on-one with your dad through the door.
Her own email from June 5.

I am now off the fence, this statement:

I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man ‘chaperone’ and 2 girls after I left. There were no men on the chaperone list.

IMO this is a totally made up statement. TH says "after she left", so she's implying someone told her this. If someone else had seen Kyron with an unidentified male (I don't care if it was a 7 year old who saw it or anyone else) IMO LE and the media would have been all over it. They also would not be saying TH was the last person to see Kyron. Her statement makes no sense at all, and I believe it may just be what came back to bite her in the butt. I now think she is definitely involved in Kyron's disapperance.

that statement from TH's email sends up a huge flaming red flag imho ... it just seems like she is lying ... why is this only mentioned in the one email and it seems that the "male chaperon" is never heard from again? LE is not taking it seriously and it seems that if it were my child that were missing me and my dh would be at the press saying "I last saw him in the company of a male chaperon" and not "I saw him walking off to class" It sounds very much like something made up to shift blame from her to someone else, like the confusion the teacher has over the doctor's appointment.

yes it is speculation but there are just too many little bits of coincidence ...

and the fact that both TH and DDS cannot explain their whereabouts for the same time ... why did she not take the project home? ... why did she run all over the place dragging "sick baby" with her -> school for at least 1/2 hour, Starbucks, two different Fred Meyers, a 90 minute drive, and then the gym where baby was put in daycare THEN back home (8? am to 1:20 pm?) ... why does it seem to me like she was alibi seeking, especially when she talked to the woman at Fred Meyer? ... why did she park in the back of the parking lots? ... MFH : if she is capable of attempting to hire someone to murder her dh then she could disappear his son? I think it is a possibility.

Although these are just speculation, I'm not saying I know she did it for sure, but it just all seems odd to me and it is enough to have me constantly saying "This is just TOO ODD to be all coincidence..".
mmmagique, do you know if there is a link for this info? I hadn't heard it before. tia.

It was in a sit down interview with Kaine and Desiree iirc. Give me a few (days! *lol*) and I'll try to find it.
Ok, I didn't find the link to the actual presser, but I did find what The Oregonian reported them as saying. (June 25.)

"Kyron's parents addressed accounts that he was scheduled to perform in a talent show the day he disappeared, saying they didn't know it beforehand."


IIRC, the question was addressed to Kaine, who answered that he (or they?...not sure) didn't know about it, and DY agreed.
I believe Kaine and Desiree said they did not know.
With Terri being at the school so much I assume she'd know, but that's just speculation on my part.
I hadn't heard that. I wonder why kyron didn't mention it to him.

Could be he didn't want to be in it, so didn't want anyone to know.

It could be someone told him to wait, and he could "surprise" daddy with it.

mooooooo only mooooooo!!
Ok, I didn't find the link to the actual presser, but I did find what The Oregonian reported them as saying. (June 25.)

"Kyron's parents addressed accounts that he was scheduled to perform in a talent show the day he disappeared, saying they didn't know it beforehand."


IIRC, the question was addressed to Kaine, who answered that he (or they?...not sure) didn't know about it, and DY agreed.

thanks.mmmagique. you are a peach.
I know that many people feel it's a combination of things, but the intent of this poll is to try to pin down the #1 thing people see as indicating Terri was involved. So if people can possibly narrow down to one, even if it's not 100% for you, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks! :)

oops.... I put "combo". I see that you want "one" most compelling reason why she would be guilty in our opinion... so, I went back and changed it to not fighting for Baby K... To not fight for your child, is very damning... She is hiding much more than an affair for her cell pings being off.. and she must be guilty of something bad enough that she knows she will lose... I would think..:waitasec:
Is there anything stating that the talent show was open to parents or if was a student only event?
I had no idea that Kyron was *grounded to his bedroom every night for not having a perfect day at school*. I don't believe that's an accurate description of what the article stated.

And even if that was true (which I seriously doubt) where was KH during all this? Passively cowering in the corner while this punishment was meted out? As Kyron's father, he could have spoken up & intervened & suggested alternatives (which I'm sure occurred, as in any *blended family* situation when disciplinary discussions come up).

But, as I said, I seriously doubt that Kyron was punished as harshly as it's being made to seem (while KH tearfully & helplessly talked to his son through the bedroom door as his tyrant wife cracked the whip in the hallway).

Is this really the image the public has of KH - passive, submissive yes-man?
I know that many people feel it's a combination of things, but the intent of this poll is to try to pin down the #1 thing people see as indicating Terri was involved. So if people can possibly narrow down to one, even if it's not 100% for you, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks! :)

Ok, I just changed my vote from "a combo of things" to "the likelihood of an innocent person being associated with both MFH and his disappearance is slim to none". There are just too many unexplained coincidences here, and they just keep coming. A fiction writer wouldn't get a book published with all of these twists and turns. Too convoluted and unbelievable. But specifically, the revelation about the MFH plot did it for me. If she's capable of that, she's more than capable of planning an easier murder. I didn't choose the one right below it, that LE took MFH seriously enough to tell Kaine, because I'm not sure about how that conversation went. There could have been myriad levels of interpretation between LE and Kaine, and I guess I'd leave his opinions and statements out of my decision-making as best I can. After all, he is a victim and didn't see any of it coming, so naturally he's not going to be very objective. Does that make any sense?
I was on the fence about Terri until I read the first article about the murder for hire plot against Kaine. I knew it right then: If Terri wanted Kaine dead (or hurt in any way for that matter), then she is VERY capable of hurting the people he loved or anyone in the household.

This is my #1 indicator.
I was on the fence about Terri until I read the first article about the murder for hire plot against Kaine. I knew it right then: If Terri wanted Kaine dead (or hurt in any way for that matter), then she is VERY capable of hurting the people he loved or anyone in the household.

This is my #1 indicator.

Terri seems quite capable of handling her dissension in marriage by filing for divorce. I can't quite figure out why she would need to bother with this sort of thing. She was not only successful the other two times, but to hear some people describe it, it was quite lucrative for her to divorce the other two men.
Terri seems quite capable of handling her dissension in marriage by filing for divorce. I can't quite figure out why she would need to bother with this sort of thing. She was not only successful the other two times, but to hear some people describe it, it was quite lucrative for her to divorce the other two men.

Which leads me to the conclusion that she has become increasingly erratic and unstable.
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