What Punishment Should a Pedophile Receive for Sexually Abusing a Child?

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What Punishment Should a Pedophile Receive for Sexually Abusing a Child

  • Lethal injection

    Votes: 80 6.8%
  • Medical castration and life without parole

    Votes: 186 15.7%
  • Medical castration with intense therapy and a light prison term

    Votes: 25 2.1%
  • Life in prison without parole

    Votes: 194 16.4%
  • Life in prison with a chance of parole but only with medical castration

    Votes: 95 8.0%
  • Life in prison with a chance of parole.

    Votes: 10 0.8%
  • Long prison term with intense counseling then review for possible parole

    Votes: 68 5.8%
  • Electric chair death

    Votes: 17 1.4%
  • Death, any method that works.

    Votes: 172 14.6%
  • Death - unless falsely accused

    Votes: 31 2.6%
  • Blind them so they can never see a child again

    Votes: 8 0.7%
  • The same punishment as the child did, then death

    Votes: 41 3.5%
  • Torture....LOTS of brutal torture....then death.

    Votes: 40 3.4%
  • all of the above

    Votes: 47 4.0%
  • LWOP in general population

    Votes: 60 5.1%
  • SURGICAL castration and LWOP!

    Votes: 59 5.0%
  • Permanent psych ward stay

    Votes: 13 1.1%
  • Verbatim Quote from BH 'Take him to a cabin in the woods, nail his balls to the floor and set the ca

    Votes: 12 1.0%
  • Surgical castration, light prison sentence with psychotherapy

    Votes: 15 1.3%
  • Surgical castration and a frontal lobotomy followed by LWOP

    Votes: 9 0.8%

  • Total voters
Death, and I'm not for the death penalty, but there are those times where that is the only logical choice....pedophiles are those times....

I do like Trishy's idea though at the Ped farm in nowheresville with like Peds....

Gitmo or the Standish prison that is closing and looking forward to the possibility of getting these prisoners.
I voted for medical castration and LWOP.

I'm trying to be a better person, and I know that the death penalty is probably something I should morally oppose. Logically and all that. Maybe voting that way and saying it enough times will make me really think it's true.

I do think it's interesting that, regardless of one's opinion on the DP, less than 10% of the votes so far think there should be even the slightest glimmer of possibility for any parole. Why is it so hard for judges, juries, legislators, and the general population to figure this out?
as sexual predators frequently are driven to commit their crimes by a need for power and control.

IMHO chemical castration will not stop sex offenders.


Death, by any means - Unless we can just shoot them to the moon...Nah, too expensive, a bullet or rope is cheaper...
Mandatory death. I voted death by any means as long as it works. Treat them like the rabid dog that they are.
Death, by any means - Unless we can just shoot them to the moon...Nah, too expensive, a bullet or rope is cheaper...

Not the moon, please. I love looking at the moon on a beautiful night. Couldn't stand to have to think about that kind of trash on such a beautiful sight.:razz:
Okay LT - I love looking at the moon too...How about Mars? We could even have the rover be the patrol officer...:crazy: And they could be placed in the "red" spot.
I chose 'Lethal Injection' - no more messing around, this has got to stop.
I can't vote without more specifics.

What if an18 year old inappropriately touches the breast of a 14 year old. WOuldn't that be considered sexual abuse? Would you want death for that?

If you are talking about true full sexual abuse by say and older man of a young girl then death would be too good. I would vote for forcing the rapist to work and earn a certain amount of money to support the victim for the rest of her life. Only if the rapist earns that money can he gain the opportunity to purchase food and clothing and rights to a bed at night. He would need to earn by some trade or something and if he couldn't earn enough without working 16 hours a day, so be it.
or instead of repeatedly wasting taxpayer $$$ to imprison or castrate or kill them, send 'em all to that prison that was on an island (what was it called?) -install some modern security remedies so that they can't get off the island

let 'em sort each other out - they'll be killing each other for food & with whatever weapons they could make

we don't have to pay for their food, shelter, medication, guards etc. :woohoo:
Death, whatever method works....possibly with castration while they're waiting.
I said Death unless falsely accused.
I knew someone years ago - he was a great guy.
Unfortunately he was in a park bathroom shortly before something bad had happened.
He was identified as a man seen leaving the John.
Later on when the bad guy was found and a DNA test was done.
the guy I know was safe from any changes.
But it was very scary for a time, and we knew he was a very good man.
THANK YOU GOD :blowkiss:
I said life with out the chance of parole...but not in a private cell away from the other prisoners. let them mingle. then the other prisoners will take care of them, and it won't be on the state's budget at all. from what i've heard, child molesters/murderers are not exactly the lions of the prison food chain...
I assume you mean convicted...

And nobody should receive ANY punishment wrongly, of course.
The Man I know was never charged but he was of interest. Yes I do mean Convicted.
Your read minds well....:)
Emotionally, I agree about killing those worthless pieces of trash. But since the death penalty is used as a deterrent, what would stop the pedophile from killing his victim to insure they wouldn't tell? That would be my only fear in asking for the death of the predator.
In fact, I believe that pedophiles are so screwed up in the head that eliminating penalties for it altogether would have very little effect on the rate of occurrence. Normal people don't look at children as objects of sexual desires, anyone who does is so messed up to begin with I don't see how any potential future punishment would have any effect on today's behavior.

Okay, you’ve convinced me. I tried to change my vote, but I don’t think I was logged in when I voted. So I’ll just state for the record that I’ll pick “death, any method works”. For the sake of discussion, I'm guessing you are also advocating the death penalty for all the teachers/coaches/priests/ministers/scout leaders, etc. who molest and rape children, as well as parents/relatives who commit incest? (I read on ncvc.org that some estimates show 20 million Americans have been victimized by parent incest as children) Or do you believe they are in a different category and should be spared?
(Personally, I think they are also worthy of execution just because they are in a position of trust, but somehow I don’t think our law makers will ever agree) I’m thinking killing them would solve the unemployment crisis though.
I can't vote without more specifics.

What if an18 year old inappropriately touches the breast of a 14 year old. WOuldn't that be considered sexual abuse? Would you want death for that?

If you are talking about true full sexual abuse by say and older man of a young girl then death would be too good.
Yes, it is still true full sexual abuse- it's molestation, just not quite as severe as penetration, but still unwanted sexual advances that can screw with a female's psyche and done to degrade her. Maybe it doesn't warrant death, but don't invalidate it!:furious:

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