What questions are still unanswered?

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Well, OF COURSE! Silly me - I just don´t think along those lines I guess. Imaginary people..... Yep, yep. This is so scary.
To be able to find some comfort in all this I guess, I am beginning to think that Casey is in fact mentally ill - in spite of what various psychologists claim. She HERSELF wanted to be institutionalized - more than once. George and Cindy should have paid more attention to their daughter´s problems. Sheesh, they didn´t even notice she was pregnant until the seventh month - or at least pretended it WASN`T THERE.
What a weird family! :banghead::banghead::banghead:

I don't think there's any doubt that the girl is severely damaged/broken. Her ex Jesse Grund had a very insightful take on her condition.

However, she's not insane and therefore deserves no sympathy for killing her daughter!!
I wonder why George called Casey four minutes after he got to work on June 16 2008.
Well, maybe just some unimportant message, but that is not normally something I do or anyone around me. I mean, calling people right after you get to work.

I think George was very suspicious that CFCA was working at all. He'd checked up on her before, and maybe, just maybe he wanted to discuss the pilfered money CFCA took from her grandfather's account? He knew she'd already stolen thousands from her mother's account so I'm sure that the day after Father's Day this was still very much up for discussion.
I think George was very suspicious that CFCA was working at all. He'd checked up on her before, and maybe, just maybe he wanted to discuss the pilfered money CFCA took from her grandfather's account? He knew she'd already stolen thousands from her mother's account so I'm sure that the day after Father's Day this was still very much up for discussion.
Maybe GA was just returning her call ?
Well, OF COURSE! Silly me - I just don´t think along those lines I guess. Imaginary people..... Yep, yep. This is so scary.
To be able to find some comfort in all this I guess, I am beginning to think that Casey is in fact mentally ill - in spite of what various psychologists claim. She HERSELF wanted to be institutionalized - more than once. George and Cindy should have paid more attention to their daughter´s problems. Sheesh, they didn´t even notice she was pregnant until the seventh month - or at least pretended it WASN`T THERE.
What a weird family! :banghead::banghead::banghead:

I think most of the mental health professionals are being very very careful about what they say about CFCA - but what they are saying is that she does not have a mental illness that is curable or can be controlled by medication.

If she is indeed a sociopath as has been suggested by the hallmarks of her behaviour - there is no cure. And remember, any professional can be sued by JB if he gets into his mind that someone has said defamatory comments about his client.

Let's just say she isn't normal. No one who can become such a chameleon to whatever situation she is in, or who lies even when there is no need to lie, and in fact lies in "three's" and in such a self grandiose way, cannot be ever believed or trusted, And there is nothing normal or mentally healthy about that.
Maybe GA was just returning her call ?

I suggested "other" because I know we have her cell pings here and hadn't checked back to have a look at them - :innocent:

Off the top of my head I do not remember if she called him then or not.
I think most of the mental health professionals are being very very careful about what they say about CFCA - but what they are saying is that she does not have a mental illness that is curable or can be controlled by medication.

If she is indeed a sociopath as has been suggested by the hallmarks of her behaviour - there is no cure. And remember, any professional can be sued by JB if he gets into his mind that someone has said defamatory comments about his client.

Let's just say she isn't normal. No one who can become such a chameleon to whatever situation she is in, or who lies even when there is no need to lie, and in fact lies in "three's" and in such a self grandiose way, cannot be ever believed or trusted, And there is nothing normal or mentally healthy about that.

Well said...and while obviously she no longer wanted her daughter around, the act of killing her would be so traumatic that I find it highly doubtful any "normal" killer would be so unaffected as to be able to party and carry on like she did immediately after. This is one sick/evil/sociopathic individual.
This one is easy for me to suggest a plausible answer! LOL!

CA was pressing ICA for an answer, since fathers must contribute to the support of a child, whether wed or not wed.

What better ruse for ICA to look in the local rags and check out the death columns - she who could hack a bank account? Just come up with a name of a dead guy or two about the right age and timing, and there you have it.
An end to CA's incessant child support questions.

And a couple of more imaginary friends that ICA added to her list.
At the rate that girl partied, I think it could have been any number of guys or one she has no memory of.

The best answer to ICA was one that couldn't be pursued. Not ever the truth however. When did she ever admit to the truth?

Wow...I think you might be on to something. I mean..what are the odds that both died in car accidents within four days?! She looked at a couple papers in one internet session and it had the weeks' deaths! This girl gets more twisted all the time, huh?!
This is a woman who didn't bat an eye while her child's remains were being discussed at length. Who had to be reminded by her defense team to assume the "thinker pose".

She'd been coached by JB to give the "right" reaction to both George and Lee - that much was apparent. And she also knew and feared as much as ICA is capable of fearing, what Lee's reaction could have been. IMO.

But Lee didn't bite and JB never did get up the courage to address the abuse with Lee on the stand. He didn't ask him one question after all of his grandstanding in his OS. Not one.

Did you notice how when she pretended to cry she would almost always very carefully wipe the entire length of the underside of her eye, so that when there was no tears it wouldn't look obvious that she was faking??!! It was such pathetic acting I could hardly stand it.
Please remind me what did the computer forensics reveal about the laptop computer? Or were they unable to obtain anything because at one point I heard it crashed and was blue screened. Just wondering what I missed in the testimony. Thanks.
Maybe so, but let's not validate the jury's decision by saying the state screwed up. I saw the interviews with the jury foreman and Jennifer Ford, and the things that came out of those two's mouth were mind boggling in their stupidity.

I disagree, and I'm pretty shocked by your statement about the jury.
The jury had no choice. The FBI crime lab had put everything about Casey under the microscope and the evidence did not connect Casey Anthony to the crime. There were fibers, there was DNA, none of it from Casey. None of the fiber, DNA, hair, nothing at the scene was from Casey. The soil in Casey's trunk was not a match to the scene. The residues and soils on Casey's clothing and shoes were not a match to the scene.

And all the cornerstones of the state's case were refuted by testimony. The state maintained that decomposition had begun in Casey's car trunk on June 16 or thereabouts, yet all the witnesses testified that there was no smell from June 16 to June 30. There was the partial DNA on the duct tape on Caylee's skull that was from SOMEONE ELSE. (One of the lab workers and the neighbor BB were not excluded, and the jury must have wondered why the state didn't compare it to anyone else in the case. Likewise with the Q107 hair, not from Casey or Caylee, or from the crime scene investigators, and state lost interest and did not compare it to others.) The jury must have been wondering about the fibers. Obviously there wasn't any match to Casey or her car or home or the state would have mentioned it. (We knew as much from discovery.)

The state maintained the murder date must have been June 16, and no witnesses had seen Caylee after that date, yet the jury saw from testimony that Casey wasn't alone on that day....the jury had to wonder why only Casey's clothes and shoes were all sent to the FBI, why no fiber studies elsewhere etc.LOL. The state claimed right up til closing argument that only Casey had access to the items found with Caylee but that obviously was not true. (Even if the jury didn't know about the Winnie blanket being in photos at the Glenwood townhome earlier in 2008 for example, they did know from testimony that Casey wasn't the only person who had been at the A home. They may have known about the Globe photos showing the T-shirt at the townhome, I don't remember if this was spelled out for them. They did hear Cindy say she hadn't seen the shorts for months, and the Winnie blanket since May.

And, the state maintained it was human adipocere on the napkins with the pizza box in the trash, (the focus of the maggots), yet, the jury saw that the state never investigated the source of the napkins, the apartment, which didn't make much sense. Not to mention that the state didn't send the napkins to the FBI to determine if the substance was in fact adipocere. LOL.

And, the state maintained that Casey used chloroform on Caylee, yet the jury saw that it was Casey's ex-boyfriend who had a joke about chloroform on his myspace....not Casey. No evidence was presented that Casey had ever obtained or made or had chloroform, or that there was ever chloroform in the A home. And, the state showed no interest in the bottle/syringe with traces of chloroform which were found in the Disney bag 6 inches from Caylee's skull (because of the fact the bottle/syringe also had traces of testosterone? or because the Q107 hair was from someone else and might have been with these items?) The state just dropped this evidence.

The "mountain of evidence" against Casey that the state kept claiming they had just didn't exist. It wasn't there. There wasn't even any evidence of human adipocere in the car trunk from the FBI, for example. There was only the maggot evidence inside the trash bag on the napkins. But the state didn't have the contents of the maggots analyzed by the FBI.

Can you imagine how disappointed the jurors must have been, they may have thought during the state's opening argument that they would be able to convict Caylee's killer. But then the evidence simply wasn't there to indicate that Casey was the killer. There was only a mountain of suspicion due to Casey's failure to report and her strange stories, but no evidence connecting Casey to the crime (or ruling out others). Don't blame the jury! Who could pronounce a person guilty when someone else's DNA was on the duct tape on the skull and there wasn't a whit of evidence connecting the defendant to the crime? LOL Who could do that?
I disagree, and I'm pretty shocked by your statement about the jury ...

The jury had no choice. The FBI crime lab had put everything about Casey under the microscope and the evidence did not connect Casey Anthony to the crime. There were fibers, there was DNA, none of it from Casey. None of the fiber, DNA, hair, nothing at the scene was from Casey. The soil in Casey's trunk was not a match to the scene. The residues and soils on Casey's clothing and shoes were not a match to the scene ...

<SNIP> Respectfully

Can you imagine how disappointed the jurors must have been, they may have thought during the state's opening argument that they would be able to convict Caylee's killer. But then the evidence simply wasn't there to indicate that Casey was the killer. There was only a mountain of suspicion due to Casey's failure to report and her strange stories, but no evidence connecting Casey to the crime (or ruling out others). Don't blame the jury! Who could pronounce a person guilty when someone else's DNA was on the duct tape on the skull and there wasn't a whit of evidence connecting the defendant to the crime? LOL Who could do that?

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this whole post. Wonderful!!! :rocker:
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this whole post. Wonderful!!! :rocker:

I agree - wasn't it wonderful that the print left on the disintegrated duct tape that had been exposed to elements for six months was clearly identified by DNa as one of the CSI's who handled the tape in the lab? :seeya:

I was really happy also that this was identified and not left to Baez to make up false allegations about yet another SODDI killing Caylee! :great:
Did you notice how when she pretended to cry she would almost always very carefully wipe the entire length of the underside of her eye, so that when there was no tears it wouldn't look obvious that she was faking??!! It was such pathetic acting I could hardly stand it.

Yes, we saw it often in the hearings also - what we referred to as eye poking. One day during jury selection her team actually provided her with those gross brown paper towels from the rest room to wipe her eyes with. :innocent:
:twocents: I don't think Casey knows.
I don't think she knows, either. Obviously, Casey is impulsive and careless. Orlando sees lots of tourists, and a scenario where Casey hooks up with someone, didn't ask anything about them, then never sees them when it's over is pretty easy to envision.

Plus, she uses the "ignore it and it will go away" strategy with problems. So when she got pregnant, she just pretended not to notice until it was blatantly obvious. By then I'm sure there was no way of tracking him down (not that she could have anyway).

That's why she had her claws into Jesse Grund so quickly - she never thought he would have the nerve to question her (I mean, the nerve).
I don't think she knows, either. Obviously, Casey is impulsive and careless. Orlando sees lots of tourists, and a scenario where Casey hooks up with someone, didn't ask anything about them, then never sees them when it's over is pretty easy to envision.

Plus, she uses the "ignore it and it will go away" strategy with problems. So when she got pregnant, she just pretended not to notice until it was blatantly obvious. By then I'm sure there was no way of tracking him down (not that she could have anyway).

That's why she had her claws into Jesse Grund so quickly - she never thought he would have the nerve to question her (I mean, the nerve).

I think it was actually Richard, Jesse's father who started counting back and leaned on Jesse enough that he took up the suggestion to get a paternity test - especially when Caylee was apparently born a month premature at a good normal newborn weight..:innocent:

In the days leading up to Jesse's depo, during the time both Baez and CA were suggesting maybe Jesse was Zanny, and ICA was telling CA he definitely could not be trusted, Jesse spoke just a little less kindly about ICA then than he does now in his "good Christian"+ father at his side mood.
There is ICA's diary entry about being happy with the new conditions, etc, but with a questionable date. ICA claims this little essay on new found happiness was written before Caylee's death, IIRC.

This diary entry was supposed to be tested for date tampering, to see if the date was actually 2008, after Caylee's death.

Don't recall seeing a resolution to this question during the trial.

Not sure if this has been answered on this thread or not, but the diary was manufactured in 2004, so yes it was backdated to 2003.
First off I stands for inmate.

Second if you rember her saying she dropped Caylee off with Zeineida Gonzales between 9 and 1.

The two houses at the end of her street. One was owned by the last name of Gonzales and one was owned by the first name Zeieida or vise a versa.

One had the number 9 and one had the number 1.

Third if you will follow the fence between them, it ends out to where Caylee was found.

So many weird things like this is what kept me comming back to read more.
Wow! I never knew that! I thought it was odd that she would give such a broad time reference for when she dropped off her child- 4 hours, and you can't recall exactly when? Most people have set schedules for when they drop off their children at daycare, not a 4 hour window, and 4 hours to get to your job??? What kind of job has that kind of flexibility???
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