What would Caylee want?

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I saw a picture on facebook today, where Caylee was photoshopped into the Pros table, drawing, and the message said, "I am not trash".

I am Christian, and I do believe if Caylee was too young to understand, she does now.

Does anyone remember Karla Fay Tucker? She was on death row, converted Christian, admitted her crime, showed remorse. She was also knew in her heart that although Jesus forgives her, she had to pay a price for what she did here on earth. Karla helped many people on death row, and when she died, she believed it was the price she was meant to pay.

I think if there is a heaven we know that Caylee is there. There is no hate in her heart. Jeff, Linda, George are fighting for her justice. Caylee is just watching, sending her love from up above. She no longer is "of this world", and understands more than we do.
Caylee was too young to know or understand anything about what is right and wrong and what being punished for a crime means. Little children love their parents unconditionally, no matter what they do to them.

Caylee can not seek justice for herself. We have to do that for her.

I hate to talk bible stuff because my take on it doesn't match too many other people's ideas of what the bible says and means but....

If there is a heaven or hell and if Casey gets the death penalty, she can personally apologize to Caylee and throw herself on her mercy. Unfortunately, if there is a heaven or hell and there is a God then she will still have to answer to him. He is not going to ask Caylee what she wants either.

I don't think that just because you become a christian and apologize to God for what you did wrong that he is necessarily going to let you off with a slap on the wrist either. The bible says "Thou shalt not kill". It does not say "Thou shalt not kill but if you do and you are really, really sorry about it later, you can ask for forgiveness and you will not be punished by me."

I don't think that the bible says "forgiven and forgotten" either. He might forgive you but he is not going to forget and you are going to be punished.
I think Caylee would have not wanted the person she probably trusted the most to protect her, to hurt her in any way, especially the way she most likely was, suffocated and unable to take a breath.
We all want justice for Caylee. We all say stuff like "justice is coming Caylee," but what would Caylee want her Mother's punishment to be? What about punishment for her grandma, grandpa and uncle? After all, she loved all four unconditionally.

Just wondering your what other's thoughts are...

What do you think she wants? I swear, these threads never cease to amaze me with their backhanded slaps.
Does anyone remember Karla Fay Tucker? She was on death row, converted Christian, admitted her crime, showed remorse. She was also knew in her heart that although Jesus forgives her, she had to pay a price for what she did here on earth. Karla helped many people on death row, and when she died, she believed it was the price she was meant to pay.

With respect she exhausted all of her pleas for appeal to the very end. She didn't think she should be held accountable for crimes committed under the influence.

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