What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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Today when I saw Mrs. IMASK fawning over ICA was thinking that she has no idea that ICA is guilty. Now that I know who she is married to, I'm thinking she may in fact know the truth and she's just the biggest co-defendant I've ever seen or thought possible.

Cindy will be angry about ICA's and Mrs. IMASK. I hope that it will be the last straw and will get her to actually tell the truth when she gets on the sand.

I'm thinking that the A's will angry with JB and blame him for any finger pointing.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Is that I Married A Serial Killer? That's her new acronym! :crazy:
I can't begin to imagine how they're reacting to the insinuations that have been let loose.

Are they outraged? Conflicted? Still supportive? Are their minds full of chaos and indecision?

Will they present a united front?

The million dollar question!

It depends on what they know.

Did any of this actually happen?

Are any of them part of this strategy?

Are all of them part of this strategy?

Is it all BS and they are being thrown under the bus,against their will?

I posted this on another thread :

"Don't worry ,I didn't tell them anything" ICA
"We forgive you for anything you've said" CA
"Is this like the last time? " Lee
I'm left to wonder what the DT strategy would be if Casey had been out on bail this entire time and had George and Cindy's input for all these months. Right now,my mapquest shows Jose Cramden comandeering that bus right through Hope Spring Drive.
George seemed quite willing to speak openly with LE in the beginning ,then did an about face.
I've always believed that CA or ICA was holding something over his head.Not sayin I think it was abuse,but something.
That scenario of blowing so much money online gambling,then telling LE it was a Nigerian scam,always struck me as hinky.

What scares me is that CA is going along with this and may be willing to throw an innocent GA under the bus. They have to get SOME cooberation because we have seen NO evidence of this.
I think they are all planning for what news outlets to talk to after it is over!

I have no idea what they are thinking. I know KC is still their daughter, they have not yet blamed her for Caylee's death, at least not publicly. If they have accepted that, and know that KC is lying and trying to throw them under the bus, and they can still stand by her, I am in awe. My family would never stand by me, even if I didn't do it.

It seems they may be thinking about the bus what with the article about what GA can do if falsely accused, but that bit of MSM may have all been baloney like much we have seen pass through before.

I cannot imagine what they are thinking, how they are handling it. I am certain CA needs to wake up and see the tire tracks on her back already and she can no longer manipulate KC in any way, but KC is sure manipulating them to the bitter end. GA knows it is wearing the tracks, don't know what LA thinks, he has been kind to keep out of the media.


I know how you feel, that's crossed my mind too.
As some one who has suffered through a horrible tragedy, you never heal. You find a medium in learning how to cope, but healing is something we strive towards, but it's always just a little beyond our grasp.

I agree,Tulessa ,and you said it beautifully.

You may eventually be able to "compartmentalize" your grief,but it never goes away.
I personally think the defense has come up with this strategy as they have nothing else to hang on to. I do not believe for a minute any of these claims. ICA is well known for her lies and inability to tell the truth. Also for stealing from multiple people. ICA does what she thinks is only good for herself and cares about no one else. I think this is disgusting that her defense team and ICA would allow something like this. ICA has already ruined her entire life so now its time to ruin a few more.

I am not a big fan of GA or CA believe me but to go this far is just unbelievable. I do think that the A's will say that her attorneys made her go this route.

Another thing. What proof do they have other than to put ICA on the stand, I don't think you can just come into a court and make these accusations without some kind of proof they actually happened. And ICA credibility was shot along time ago.

ICA will never take responsibility for what she has done or anything that has ever happened in her life. It is always someone elses fault I am again just disgusted that they would even try something like this but when you have nothing else and you know for sure she is going down I guess desperate times require desperate measures.

I am beside myself over this. I also do not for one minute believe Lee ever touched her in any inappropriate manner. Remember way back when ICA and Lee high fived each other. Remember the pics of some birthday party where she was all smiles with the family. This will go no where IMO.
-Respectfully snipped and bolded by me-

Maybe not at peace, but they will move on and heal. Slightly OT, but I have a strange feeling the A's are going to be grandparents again soon. This feeling keeps nagging at me. If it is true, the healing process will move forward that much sooner. They need some kind of solace.

Not picking on you,but feel the need to say ,this is a myth.

Even if they have 20 grandchildren,that won't won't help them HEAL from losing Caylee. It might bring them some joy,but that will be complicated because their FIRST GRANDCHILD died.
It will always be the elephant in the room. Doesn't mean they won't love their other grandchildren,but they will also always be a reminder of Caylee and how Caylee did things and what Caylee said when,etc.
I'm having a hard time explaining this . I guess I should leave at ,the loss never goes away and nothing else can really fill that place.
Not picking on you,but feel the need to say ,this is a myth.

Even if they have 20 grandchildren,that won't won't help them HEAL from losing Caylee. It might bring them some joy,but that will be complicated because their FIRST GRANDCHILD died.
It will always be the elephant in the room. Doesn't mean they won't love their other grandchildren,but they will also always be a reminder of Caylee and how Caylee did things and what Caylee said when,etc.
I'm having a hard time explaining this . I guess I should leave at ,the loss never goes away and nothing else can really fill that place.

But we totally get what she is saying. :)
they are probably thinking "oh s***!!!" i PRAY that GA and LA grow some "cahoneys" and testify against ICA< (ie, the stories are just lame attempt to save her skin/blame someone else) and really become caylees voice in this. i hope that they abandon their save ica misson...
i have NO hope for CA, gets rejected for mothers day visit and STILL puts $$$ on icas books for commisary snacks??? someone said it best, ica has "something" on ca/ga and ca is trying to appease the monster, a bribe,hush money if you will...
again just moo
I don't believe for a minute GA has ever sexually abused his daughter. IMO,this is all the DT can come up with. They have no defense. George made the statement,"he would do anything to save KC". That said, I also believe he is in on this. ~IMO~
IMO, the family has heard all of these allegations once all of depositions became public as well as Casey's letters being released to the public. This is nothing new to them at all.
What's going through CA's head? My little girl is taking on the whole Orange County government by her self! I'm so proud of her, I wish she would let me see her, but she's protecting the family like she said she would."

GA... "Boy I hope C doesn't get mad at me today. ICA still doesn't have a job! Wish I could see Caylee, but I better not say anything or C will get mad at me. I don't care what ICA says, I know I never hurt her... Boy I hope C doesn't get mad at me today..."
Wanted to say. If this is the defense, KC's parents should break off all ties before the turn into roadkill. This should show them what a monster she truly is. There is no love lost there. Don't believe she is capable of that emotion. Praying they come to their senses.
If there was one shred of truth to the idea that GA or LA abused ICA and this in anyway led to the killing of Caylee why would CA or any combination of those who aren't being accused still stand side by side with the accused?

If it is LA that is the main target of ICA why would GA and CA have anything to do with him. Or if it is GA why the hell would CA and LA even want to be in the same town with him, let alone share a home with him.

I don't think they will fall on the sword for ICA. They have to live their lives out here in the real world. At one point in the beginning for a nanno second CA was willing to have ICA arrested for just stealing the car.

I hope that these statements from their current Lawyer are an indication that they understand she is plowing them down with that big ol bus.
With the direction we now know the defense is taking, I wonder if this will end CA and GA's contributions to KC's snack fund?
My knee-jerk reaction yesterday was Cindy must be off the map angry. I think this will be a revalation of sorts to them. They are being directly impacted by her lies now. They will get to experience how her words destroy. It is different than watching her do it to others. Now she has placed them all in a position to defend themselves and we all know how that is not something Cindy especially does well. I hope Cindy's wrath turns to Casey now and she does Caylee justce. MOO
They have never made Casey take any kind of responsibility, so it would not surprise me if they are sitting around blaming JB & CM as the ones making Casey say mean things about them, because their sweet innocent Casey would never do something like that. It's always someone else... it's never Casey in their eyes.

Watch... during or after the trial, they will uphold Casey as the perfect daughter/sister that was strong armed by mean lawyers into driving the bus over them.
I found myself sitting up last night thinking about this case, the family and ICA herself. I never thought I would get so attached to a case but, I have. Personally, I feel compassion for G, CA and LA. They've been put in positions with ICA's antics they never expected to have to deal with. I do not fault them for giving her the benefit of the doubt until that was no longer possible and now they are dealing with the aftermath of her mess, once again......only this time it is the ultimate of accusations pointing at them directly as the cause for ICA's actions. IMO, the DT's latest strategy to blame the "mitigating" factors in is nothing more than an admission of guilt. IF this was their alleged "aha" moment that we would all understand why in the first 3 minutes of opening statements - then it's been an admission of guilt from the git go. I remember it was Lee that called out ICA on the jailhouse visit with trying to piece together his own investigation. I also remember that it was GA that went before the grand jury and as a father tried to do the right thing. He also was truthful with the OCSO in his interviews regarding the experience with the Pontiac. Whatever lies he may have told were pure speculation on my part as I was not there and I know from life experiences there are two sides to every story. I do not believe any abuse took place. If anything, ICA was the princess of that house and and she manipulated every situation to suit her own needs and no one else's. The family tried to accommodate as best they could until ICA went too far by stealing from a grandfather in the assisted living facility. IMO, they did the right thing by confronting her with it but, it was much too late. ICA's reaction was to become the monster they had never seen as she was going to be the one to come out on top, no matter what. I hope that the family will be able to reassemble their lives after this is over and that somehow Caylee gets the justice she so deserves. If I had to take a lesson from what I've seen from this case, it would be: Take extreme caution as to how you spoil your child. It could be deadly.
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