What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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Public record. When special people like the Anthony can step ahead due to their sense of entitlement and pass ahead of people truly in need, it should be made public. To close one's eyes to their antics and continue riding the grieving train with this bunch is considered by me to be ignorant of the facts or sanctimonious bs.

Not sure I understand.
Who is closing their eyes, ignorant and sanctimonious?
People who believe they should have some sort of privacy?
They did not murder Caylee.
They are family members.

Their personal financial info should be just that... Personal.

How much their mortgage was or is has nothing at all to do with this case.

I consider it very personal that they can take people's money on the fact that they are grieving grandparents. They also opened a foundation based on the fact they were finding missing children. Caylee was not missing but dead and they knew that when they took people's money. They bought a boat to look for children, using the funds. The only time it was used to my kge was for a fishing adventure.

How much money was used to help others? I say $0. They are very good at helping themselves.
Public record. When special people like the Anthony can step ahead due to their sense of entitlement and pass ahead of people truly in need, it should be made public. To close one's eyes to their antics and continue riding the grieving train with this bunch is considered by me to be ignorant of the facts or sanctimonious bs.

Post of the day...........

Not sure I understand.
Who is closing their eyes, ignorant and sanctimonious?
People who believe they should have some sort of privacy?

It is my opinion and I bet thousands of others that the Anthonys do not want privacy. Have you noticed the attorneys they have had? ABC paid them a lot of money. They also put them up at the Ritz while LE was digging Caylee out of the ground, they were feasting on crab puffs with Baez and a bunch of other hanger-ons.

It is money they want..and if they have to sell their souls to get it, they are not beyond that.
Re: Casey's supposed breakdown. Michelle Murphy stated in her interview, "Part of me thought that it was just a ploy to get sympathy b/c when I called her the next day she said,'oh no, I'm good' and she just kind of blew me off". So if people that KC is 'confiding' in think that she was just using it for sympathy or b.s.ing, why would anyone believe that CA knew that her daughter was having a breakdown?

minute 2:30

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMPsr3ynQoo&feature=related"]‪p3/4 - Michelle Murphy Police Interview - Casey / Caylee Marie Anthony Homicide Case‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

The Anthony's were in a tough spot in that there daughter had not done something against the child that would bring Child Services running to the home. The could have had her arrested for the stealing. Being a theif doesn't make one an unfit mother. They could have had her arrested and hope that KC serve time but even then they'd lose custody and possibly a chance to see their grandkid when their theif of a daughter was released from jail. Between a rock and hard place on that one. Hindsight serves no purpose in these situations except guilt and only one person should feel guilt, the murderer.
It is my opinion and I bet thousands of others that the Anthonys do not want privacy. Have you noticed the attorneys they have had? ABC paid them a lot of money. They also put them up at the Ritz while LE was digging Caylee out of the ground, they were feasting on crab puffs with Baez and a bunch of other hanger-ons.

It is money they want..and if they have to sell their souls to get it, they are not beyond that.

Ok, i get that is your opinion. But, what does any of that have to do with their mortgage???

Their mortgage has nothing to do with the case.

Actually, if anything, their mortgage payments provided shelter for Caylee everyday of her short life.
The very first thing a smart parent, grandparent would do if they were worried about theirs grandchild's welfare would be to find her ASAP. Casey took no clothing for Caylee when she left. That should have been the first clue.

What did the worried grandparents do? They sat back and talked on the phone with casey.

What would most of us do? We would have called that car in stolen on the first day if not the first hour she left. Casey had no job, no money and the car was in the parents' name.

Since they chose not to get LE involved in finding their grandchild, I can also assume they had a pretty good idea of what happend and chose not to do anything till they were forced to call....31 DAYS LATER!
Ok, i get that is your opinion. But, what does any of that have to do with their mortgage???

Their mortgage has nothing to do with the case.

Actually, if anything, their mortgage payments provided shelter for Caylee everyday of her short life.

Of course it did. Cindy was in charge of the money. Cindy also allowed her money to be taken by casey the entire time. She shut her eyes to all the money disappearing from her account. The point is these two were certainly in a position to afford a small mortgage of $700.00. Due to cindy's outrageous spending habits and casey's stealing, they get a large reduction. Fair? I think not.

They used this case to promote their place in line for reductions in mortgage payments....taking advantage of the system, while other needy people were waiting for months to years.
Public record. When special people like the Anthony can step ahead due to their sense of entitlement and pass ahead of people truly in need, it should be made public. To close one's eyes to their antics and continue riding the grieving train with this bunch is considered by me to be ignorant of the facts or sanctimonious bs.

ITA .. one other thing that's opened the A's up to criticism is starting a non-profit, accepting donations, etc. .... now they've started another ...
The public most certainly has the right to know about the people who do this ... they have a right to know if their donations will really be used the way they are supposed to be or if directors/agents will be mainly drawing large salaries and travelling around the country ... taking expensive vacations ... paid in some form for public appearances ... it all goes to credibility and the A's have opened themselves up to scrutiny ...
What's in the mind of her family right now?

They're thinking...omg, she's coming back to Orlando.:D

OMG ... Cindy, hide your checkbook and credit cards ... George, go hide your gas cans !! Lee and Mallory, run as fast as you can in the other direction !! :giggle:
Re: Casey's supposed breakdown. Michelle Murphy stated in her interview, "Part of me thought that it was just a ploy to get sympathy b/c when I called her the next day she said,'oh no, I'm good' and she just kind of blew me off". So if people that KC is 'confiding' in think that she was just using it for sympathy or b.s.ing, why would anyone believe that CA knew that her daughter was having a breakdown?

minute 2:30

‪p3/4 - Michelle Murphy Police Interview - Casey / Caylee Marie Anthony Homicide Case‬‏ - YouTube

The Anthony's were in a tough spot in that there daughter had not done something against the child that would bring Child Services running to the home. The could have had her arrested for the stealing. Being a theif doesn't make one an unfit mother. They could have had her arrested and hope that KC serve time but even then they'd lose custody and possibly a chance to see their grandkid when their theif of a daughter was released from jail. Between a rock and hard place on that one. Hindsight serves no purpose in these situations except guilt and only one person should feel guilt, the murderer.

Thanks for posting the video....very helpful. :) The bit I bolded above....I assume you are referring to comments made about the Anthonys not responding to 'red flags'. I understand what you mean in your comment, but I don't think that this 'breakdown', or whatever it ended up being was by any means the only 'red flag', just as I don't think Ms. Anthony's umm.....problems, for lack of a better word, began shortly before the tragedy. I'm convinced....my opinion, mind you, but I'm convinced that as parents, there had to have been other 'signs' (red flags) over the years of raising her, that the Anthonys would have seen/heard/witnessed in various events and/or behaviors of their daughter, that by most standards in our society would be deemed 'abnormal'. Just seems to me there had to have been missed opportunities to help her, or at the very least, there were things that they could have 'kept an eye on', but apparently did not. An example that comes to mind is her stealing. How long was that happening, without ANY consequences from her parents whatsoever? It's also my understanding that her lying was a very, very long term thing. What parent sits back and lets that go on without doing anything about it?

Untimately, if the question is, how much responsibility for Caylee's death do the Anthonys bear, because they didn't look into, or follow up on 'red flags', I can't answer that. In fact, I will acknowledge that Ms. Anthony acted alone and made the choice to end her daughter's life, of her own volition. But I firmly believe that there is an element of prevention that was within her parents' control, particularly when she was younger and a minor child, that for whatever reason(s), they did not exercise.

Again, JMO.
Of course it did. Cindy was in charge of the money. Cindy also allowed her money to be taken by casey the entire time. She shut her eyes to all the money disappearing from her account. The point is these two were certainly in a position to afford a small mortgage of $700.00. Due to cindy's outrageous spending habits and casey's stealing, they get a large reduction. Fair? I think not.

They used this case to promote their place in line for reductions in mortgage payments....taking advantage of the system, while other needy people were waiting for months to years.

Cindy has outrageous spending habits? Can you give a few examples of this, please?
GA and CA look rested and younger in those pictures.

I can only imagine the trauma and difficulty of the past few years. I can feel empathy for them, just like I feel it for anyone with psychological/emotional issues who have suffered and bc of their own inappropriate coping skills make it worse for themselves.

The smartest thing they've done was hire a lawyer to speak for them. All their statements re: their feelings about the trial, their daughter, the outcome, etc, are already out there. I don't need to have any other comment ever made by either Anthony ever again.

FL doesn't give disability easily. Most likely CA was deemed to be suffering PTSD along with some other psychological disorder for her to get granted disability. Not my place to judge.

I do hope that CA and GA work on themselves and their marriage. They've been together 30 years and even though the family is dysfunctional, I imagine that their personality styles is complementary which is why they've worked so long. With luck they'll be able to move beyond this tragedy and have another opportunity at being grandparents when LA has his children.

Just curious...what do you mean Florida "doesn't give disability easily"?
Cindy has outrageous spending habits? Can you give a few examples of this, please?

Cindy's clothes and jewelry display in court for starters. Endless dresses with matching jewelry for every NEEDED mood for every day. Endless new clothes wardrobes for her weight gain through this. Gee a new $40,000 car now. Trips galore. 1ST class all the way of course on them all. ETC............................................

Oh the court records show she was bankrupt in July 2008. And has not worked since.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Cindy has outrageous spending habits? Can you give a few examples of this, please?

I saw cindy's income at Gentiva. Her income alone, not counting GA's was x6 her house payment. When Caylee died, they were already in trouble (they say) making house payments.

It has been documented that cindy has always had a taste for the finer things in life. I can certainly believe that. I think we will be witnessing much more in the near future.
Cindy's clothes and jewelry display in court for starters. Endless dresses with matching jewelry for every NEEDED mood for every day. Endless new clothes wardrobes for her weight gain through this. Gee a new $40,000 car now. Trips galore. 1ST class all the way of course on them all. ETC............................................

Oh the court records show she was bankrupt in July 2008. And has not worked since.

OMG! They filed bankruptcy too??? :banghead:
OMG! They filed bankruptcy too??? :banghead:

Cindy never got to file for bankruptcy. Her sick creative use of the media money and decent peoples good will money bailed her out. Heck, even the BoA made a quick new great mortgage deal for her. It is all so sickening in the extreme!!!
The very first thing a smart parent, grandparent would do if they were worried about theirs grandchild's welfare would be to find her ASAP. Casey took no clothing for Caylee when she left. That should have been the first clue.

What did the worried grandparents do? They sat back and talked on the phone with casey.

What would most of us do? We would have called that car in stolen on the first day if not the first hour she left. Casey had no job, no money and the car was in the parents' name.

Since they chose not to get LE involved in finding their grandchild, I can also assume they had a pretty good idea of what happend and chose not to do anything till they were forced to call....31 DAYS LATER!


Since they "allowed" Casey to have HER child with her, they had a good idea that Casey had murdered Caylee?

I disagree.

Of course it did. Cindy was in charge of the money. Cindy also allowed her money to be taken by casey the entire time. She shut her eyes to all the money disappearing from her account. The point is these two were certainly in a position to afford a small mortgage of $700.00. Due to cindy's outrageous spending habits and casey's stealing, they get a large reduction. Fair? I think not.

They used this case to promote their place in line for reductions in mortgage payments....taking advantage of the system, while other needy people were waiting for months to years.

How did they use this case to promote their place in line?
Was this reported on?
Is there a link?
I am just curious here in an angered way. Between George's $500 shirts and Cindy's court dresses alone, what do you think they cost. Not including the countless thousands of dollars of jewelry Cindy wore. OK, throw in the $1,000 matching shoes George and Cindy wore each day at trial. Never the same shoes twice of course.

Alright, lets make it easy. How much was the total fashion statement bill for the Cindy and George clothing show for the trial? And anyone thinking of a number under $40-50,000.00 dollars is far short of the truth here!!!
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