What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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I just went to the "Caylee's Fund" web page to see if anything has been updated or added, and apparently the page is gone. Haven't been there in a while so I don't know how long it has been taken down.
I just went to the "Caylee's Fund" web page to see if anything has been updated or added, and apparently the page is gone. Haven't been there in a while so I don't know how long it has been taken down.

There was a fake Cayleesfund.com out there . We know it was a fake because the donate button was not functional.:floorlaugh:
The real one suppose to be cayleesfund.org . I thought it was not online yet.
They are wondering how much longer they have to wait to tell the media that they've all had family counseling, and all problems have been resolved (to include the pesky little issues Jose brought up during opening statements).
As far as I'm concerned, the anthonys should have called caylee in missing. If the child lives in the grandparent's house and disappears, the law should read the resident and provider of the child should notify LE.

I sound like a broken record, I know, but why in the world didn't they call their car in stolen? My guess would be they suspected something terrible happened to Caylee and they didn't want to face it.

So now they want to get on a sanctimonious bandwagon and head the sheep to Washington to pass a law that they never would have abided by; furthermore, they didn't even have the common sense to go get Caylee for 31 days. .GMAFB! So these people who didn't have the judgement to think they grandchild was in danger for 31 days is asking for laws for grandparents' rights? Their own daughter took off with 2 yr old, with no job, no money and no clothes for the child. They never made an effort. They lack good judgement and people are going to give them money to make laws in Washington?

So in 31 days, they sat back and waited for the grandchild who was w/o clothing, food and money and the mother was driving their car and took their computer. Yeah, these two aren't the sharpest crayons in the box, yet they want you to give them money to help pass laws. No one in that family knows how to handle money.,yet, they want to have your money to spend.
My rambling thoughts...again.

I can't imagine what goes through the minds of the Anthony's. For me I think they just have constant $ signs rolling through the minds like a ticker tape. It truely sickens me.

I think if the Anthony's do appear on TV they will be very nasty just like they were in the past. I think they will tell everyone how wrong they were about their "mother of the year" murdering daughter.

I wouldn't be able to take a vacation or fly all over the place on anyone else's dime. I had a very hard time accepting $200.00 after my hubby had open heart surgery in January, and I still feel guilty about accepting it. My hope is to be able to pay it back. So how does a person have a truely good time on someone else's dime?
"George and Cindy Anthony will be hitting the airways in the next few days say Mark Lipmann their attorney. The couple are very busy setting up a new foundation in memory of their granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony called Caylees Fund www.CayleesFund.org.


Above is from today's news thread, I do see a few posts above re: this. My question is re their foundation helping with these issues:

1-Grandparents rights
2-Helping missing and exploited children
3-Lobbying for Caylee's Law.

re: #2, will they "help missing" children by giving tips on how to thwart any LE investigation, how to mislead people who are offering help to try to find "missing" children, how to destroy evidence and cover-up any investigation into their missing child, how to lie and commit perjury during any trials related to the "missing" child, how to go on National TV and mislead the whole country about their "missing" child, I could go on and on but I don't have the energy anymore. I just hope we are able to keep monitoring this "foundation" to see where the $$ is really going, seeing if they draw salaries from their "work" to help locate missing children. IMO they wanted to be like Mark Klass and John Walsh from the beginning, become national figures, but by their antics from the get-go they have thwarted themselves from any such thing. IMO, MOO, etc.
Here's something to chew on for a while. It looks like the new website cayleefund.org is registered to a very high end luxury realtor named James Lowenstern. He was CEO of Castles Unlimited Realty.

Very interesting-especially in light of Casey possibly house surfing thru the US! No doubt they have a vast array of vacant residences the A's, Casey and the DT can use for short term photo ops!!:waitasec:
Three years ago all we knew was Caylee is missing, Casey won't tell the truth and the Anthony's and Baez were starting to make us crazy!! Forward to 2011-Caylee is dead, Casey still won't tell the truth and the A's and the DT still make us crazy-But the cast of characters becoming part of the landscape of this tragedy has tripled! :banghead:
Very interesting-especially in light of Casey possibly house surfing thru the US! No doubt they have a vast array of vacant residences the A's, Casey and the DT can use for short term photo ops!!:waitasec:
Three years ago all we knew was Caylee is missing, Casey won't tell the truth and the Anthony's and Baez were starting to make us crazy!! Forward to 2011-Caylee is dead, Casey still won't tell the truth and the A's and the DT still make us crazy-But the cast of characters becoming part of the landscape of this tragedy has tripled! :banghead:

I'm thinking on a much grander scale. They wouldn't be associated with this realtor for photo op locales, me thinks they are in the market for a castle of their own. Afterall, we do have that picture of Cindy at the Financial Advisors
and she wasn't there just to pass the time of day. She has a nice chunk of money from someone/somewhere and she's house hunting, imo. That could explain the flights to Texas and Arizona with Lippman who's specialty just happens to be real estate law.
"George and Cindy Anthony will be hitting the airways in the next few days say Mark Lipmann their attorney. The couple are very busy setting up a new foundation in memory of their granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony called Caylees Fund www.CayleesFund.org.


Above is from today's news thread, I do see a few posts above re: this. My question is re their foundation helping with these issues:

1-Grandparents rights
2-Helping missing and exploited children
3-Lobbying for Caylee's Law.

re: #2, will they "help missing" children by giving tips on how to thwart any LE investigation, how to mislead people who are offering help to try to find "missing" children, how to destroy evidence and cover-up any investigation into their missing child, how to lie and commit perjury during any trials related to the "missing" child, how to go on National TV and mislead the whole country about their "missing" child, I could go on and on but I don't have the energy anymore. I just hope we are able to keep monitoring this "foundation" to see where the $$ is really going, seeing if they draw salaries from their "work" to help locate missing children. IMO they wanted to be like Mark Klass and John Walsh from the beginning, become national figures, but by their antics from the get-go they have thwarted themselves from any such thing. IMO, MOO, etc.

I had all the same questions for Mark Lippman, and I conveyed my opinion of these odious people to him in my email.
He hasn't replied.....
I'm thinking on a much grander scale. They wouldn't be associated with this realtor for photo op locales, me thinks they are in the market for a castle of their own. Afterall, we do have that picture of Cindy at the Financial Advisors
and she wasn't there just to pass the time of day. She has a nice chunk of money from someone/somewhere and she's house hunting, imo. That could explain the flights to Texas and Arizona with Lippman who's specialty just happens to be real estate law.

After all that's happened..........the lies, the cover-up, making the authorities their adversaries and trying to undermine the investigation and justice, the idea of making a profit from the murder of their granddaughter is particularly obnoxious. No doubt that if the Anthonys do buy a new home it will include room for Casey.

I think of all the families who've had missing children, or children that were missing and later found deceased. Marc Klass, John Walsh, and Mark Lunsford, are three fathers of missing/murdered children who didn't seek personal profit, but sought legislation that would help in future cases of missing/murdered children. These three parents did everything they could to help authorities find their missing child. We have great sympathy for them and support their efforts for better protection of children.

In the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart, who was found alive, her father, Ed Smart, didn't make a profit, but went on to try to help parents of missing children. In the case of Shawn Hornbeck, his mother and step-father established a foundation for the support of searches for missing children long before Shawn was found. The community built the family a new home on the site of their old home that included a basement for the headquarters of foundation.

The murder of Caylee Anthony is an entirely different situation than any of the above cases. The whole family engaged in a cover-up of the murder of Caylee. They committed perjury at the trial in an effort to help Caylee's killer. Their efforts contributed to Casey's acquittal. Now, they expect to cast themselves in the same light as those who are truly victims......Mark Klass, Mark Lunsford, John Walsh, Ed Smart, the Hornbeck family and many many others.

The whole idea of the Anthonys making a profit from the death of Caylee, and erroneously casting themselves as victims worthy of sympathy is something that flies in the face of common decency and moral beliefs.
Here is how Caylee's Law would not have worked for their daughter, had it been in place.
The law will require that the responsible adult notify LE in a timely manner if a child is missing or dies.
BUT, if the responsible adult has killed the child, he/she does not have to notify LE at all as that would be self incrimination- 5th amendment and all that.
According to AZ Lawyer.... something is being done that makes it look like it will help other Caylees. It will not...
But, if said child is found dead and the parent hasn't reported the child missing...can't they then be charged with that offense (not of the murder, but rather the not saying anything part) under Caylee's Law?
But, if said child is found dead and the parent hasn't reported the child missing...can't they then be charged with that offense (not of the murder, but rather the not saying anything part) under Caylee's Law?

And that would have been a charge on Casey.
I'm just curious as to why Mark Lippman has to announce something before it happens. I hope no one bites and puts these people on the air. I also hope he doesn't expect that the As are going to be his cash cow. I see this fund going the way of the others...at least I sure hope so.
"George and Cindy Anthony will be hitting the airways in the next few days say Mark Lipmann their attorney. The couple are very busy setting up a new foundation in memory of their granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony called Caylees Fund www.CayleesFund.org.


Above is from today's news thread, I do see a few posts above re: this. My question is re their foundation helping with these issues:

1-Grandparents rights
2-Helping missing and exploited children
3-Lobbying for Caylee's Law.

re: #2, will they "help missing" children by giving tips on how to thwart any LE investigation, how to mislead people who are offering help to try to find "missing" children, how to destroy evidence and cover-up any investigation into their missing child, how to lie and commit perjury during any trials related to the "missing" child, how to go on National TV and mislead the whole country about their "missing" child, I could go on and on but I don't have the energy anymore. I just hope we are able to keep monitoring this "foundation" to see where the $$ is really going, seeing if they draw salaries from their "work" to help locate missing children. IMO they wanted to be like Mark Klass and John Walsh from the beginning, become national figures, but by their antics from the get-go they have thwarted themselves from any such thing. IMO, MOO, etc.
I truly hope they don't receive one dime...then we won't have to watch where the money goes.
My rambling thoughts...again.

I can't imagine what goes through the minds of the Anthony's. For me I think they just have constant $ signs rolling through the minds like a ticker tape. It truely sickens me.

I think if the Anthony's do appear on TV they will be very nasty just like they were in the past. I think they will tell everyone how wrong they were about their "mother of the year" murdering daughter.

I wouldn't be able to take a vacation or fly all over the place on anyone else's dime. I had a very hard time accepting $200.00 after my hubby had open heart surgery in January, and I still feel guilty about accepting it. My hope is to be able to pay it back. So how does a person have a truely good time on someone else's dime?

It takes a character of exceptional inter-species predatory nature to behave like the Anthony's. In the mean time accept that donation for your hubby with grace. Just remember that many folks get more enjoyment out of giving than receiving.
But, if said child is found dead and the parent hasn't reported the child missing...can't they then be charged with that offense (not of the murder, but rather the not saying anything part) under Caylee's Law?

No, that was my beef- AZ Lawyer said that could be self-incriminating so the 5th applies... they don't have to say a word!
Mass.? I'm missing something here.

I don't know. Isn't it very strange that a wealthy real estate magnet would be registering a website named cayleefund.org? And, it was registered in July of this year. There is still a cayleesfund.org registered to persons unknown since you can request to not include your name or address on website registration. I can't think of any reason for James Lowenstern of Castles Unlimited to own this website.
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