What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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I'm just curious as to why Mark Lippman has to announce something before it happens. I hope no one bites and puts these people on the air. I also hope he doesn't expeect that the As are going to be his cash cow. I see this fund going the way of the others...at least I sure hope so.

He's their publicity agent = mouthpiece
He keeps their names in the media otherwise they would be forgotten.
They need to be in the public eye to get those donations.

I don't know. Isn't it very strange that a wealthy real estate magnet would be registering a website named cayleefund.org? And, it was registered in July of this year. There is still a cayleesfund.org registered to persons unknown since you can request to not include your name or address on website registration. I can't think of any reason for James Lowenstern of Castles Unlimited to own this website.
Care to ask?
I can't seeing it being good for business.
He's their publicity agent = mouthpiece
He keeps their names in the media otherwise they would be forgotten.
They need to be in the public eye to get those donations.

But, it really doesn't make him look good, IMO.
Here's something to chew on for a while. It looks like the new website cayleefund.org is registered to a very high end luxury realtor named James Lowenstern. He was CEO of Castles Unlimited Realty.

The exact name was going to be cayleesfund.org. IIRC .Note the "s".
Which IMO, will be on the radar of various ingenious hackers..

More info on this link. Created on 7/15/2011. 10 days after the NG verdict. Guess it took some time to sink in that there was money to be made.

But, it really doesn't make him look good, IMO.

I agree, but I think he has an interest in having some $$ come in.
IMO he will be paid as part of administrative costs.

I agree, but I think he has an interest in having some $$ come in.
IMO he will be paid as part of administrative costs.

Of course he will. All part of the "opportunity knocks" money grabbing game.
Many gullible gentle folks will fall for it. Sorry, to be so cynical.
Of course he will. All part of the "opportunity knocks" money grabbing game.
Many gullible gentle folks will fall for it. Sorry, to be so cynical.
Just like GA fell for the Nigerian bank scam ...
Just like GA fell for the Nigerian bank scam ...

:floorlaugh: That is when common sense overrides greed.
Not really in this case though. I just hate to see folks forking over their bucks in good faith to those clowns.
There are already many sterling other non profits where their monies would go a long way for a good cause. Really, all they have to do is look in their own neighborhood, many such non profits are all volunteers, no salaries whatsoever.
I don't know. Isn't it very strange that a wealthy real estate magnet would be registering a website named cayleefund.org? And, it was registered in July of this year. There is still a cayleesfund.org registered to persons unknown since you can request to not include your name or address on website registration. I can't think of any reason for James Lowenstern of Castles Unlimited to own this website.

Lots of folks register such a website to sell later on. Looks like it did not work out due to that pesky "s":loser:.
Lots of folks register such a website to sell later on. Looks like it did not work out due to that pesky "s":loser:.
I don't think this guy registered the name for the money, he's already loaded, he sells houses to the movies stars!
I don't think this guy registered the name for the money, he's already loaded, he sells houses to the movies stars!

Well, may be he is one of us. Putting up a road block against Anthony greed:woohoo::woohoo:
I watched quite a bit of the trial. Rarely did I see video of Cindy and George's shoes. :waitasec: Most of the jewelry I saw on Cindy looked like nice quality costume jewelry. One of the comments on WFTV criticized Cindy for wearing sleeveless tops. Another comment I saw elsewhere criticized Cindy for accessorizing her outfits for court. It just astounds me how petty and nasty folks can be sometimes. It almost screams of jealousy.

I do not give a hoot what the Anthonies are wearing or how they look.
What matters to me is how they look from the inside and that ain't pretty
Well, may be he is one of us. Putting up a road block against Anthony greed:woohoo::woohoo:
Now there's a happy thought! TY, with that in mind I'll be heading off to dreamland.
Once again the Anthony's are using Caylee's death as a fund raising opportunity. God has a very special place for all of them.
I truly hope they don't receive one dime...then we won't have to watch where the money goes.

me, too. They will ask for donations I bet. I have no trust left.
It seems to me they couldve went to court and got an emergency court order since Caylee and their daughter were supported by them and they probably claimed them as dependents on their income taxes? I know someone who has grown kids living at home and they claim them.
yeah,more grown kids who don't work:loser:
Im sure they had options if they thought Caylee was in danger.....:twocents:

So, what new are they going to tell people??
Another thing about the cayleesfund.org that was dreamed up after KC's NG verdict.
That verdict put a big damper on the Anthony's future plans living off Caylee's memory.
It suddenly made their value drop as a commodity since KC could now also make money of Caylee's memory . So a new money vehicle had to be invented, hence the Caylees Funds Foundation. Plus it also does double duty as a tax shelter of course.
Another thing about the cayleesfund.org that was dreamed up after KC's NG verdict.
That verdict put a big damper on the Anthony's future plans living off Caylee's memory.
It suddenly made their value drop as a commodity since KC could now also make money of Caylee's memory . So a new money vehicle had to be invented, hence the Caylees Funds Foundation. Plus it also does double duty as a tax shelter of course.

With Casey's acquittal, Cindy and George slipped to second place when it comes to doing media interviews, writing books, or selling movie rights. So, they had to come up with something quickly.

I so hope that people will think before they make any donations to this profit making fund. Better to give to a established worthy organization.
I haven't read any of your responses so far, but I don't care what family members might think now, that their daughter, sister, whatever.....killed that baby and threw her little body into the swamp.....
George and Cindy Anthony will be hitting the airways in the next few days say Mark Lipmann their attorney. The couple are very busy setting up a new foundation in memory of their granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony called Caylees Fund www.CayleesFund.org.

The organization has three primary objectives;
1-Grandparents rights
2-Helping missing and exploited children
3-Lobbying for Caylee's Law.

The Anthony's have decided to put all their energy and strength into filling the emptiness of their loss from their granddaughter's death with this new foundation. They maintain that they will not profit from the foundation.

However one must wonder what this "Fund" is really about let's not forget the www.cayleemarieanthonyfoundation.net , which was highly regarded as a fund for Casey Anthony's commissary account, and to pay her attorney's fees. In fact there were several websites out there claiming that George and Cindy were drawing large salaries from this fund and its non-profit status remained questionable until the foundation was closed down. In fact the Caylee Daily recently reported that the Anthony's used 80% of their charitable donations for "administration expenses" in 2009.


Okay - so I've been focusing on the TMZ pictures, and then the probation issue, and this press release sort of stuck in the back of my mind and I thought okay, and was in and out of the NG thread...:innocent: ....and this morning I got up and thought....WTH???

What is going on in their heads? Well, I think Lee wants absolutely nothing to do with this whole fiasco, but CA and GA? Dunno...:waitasec:

So the NG verdict pretty much leaves it that Caylee drowned in the pool on the day she went "missing" and wasn't "missing" at all.:banghead: .....and more than likely, George is a pedophile. Or so I've been reading......

And if CA and GA are supporting this verdict....then what are they even beginning to think about this fund? I mean ......grandparent's rights, missing and exploited children - what has this all got to do with Caylee who apparently died of an accidental death and might even have been abused as her mother apparently was by George. So I am making some GIANT leaps here in logic and keep making huge pratt falls because it just isn't happening in my mind.

Did I mention I don't believe any of the above BS? But besides that - what is in the mind of GA and CA and how the heck are they planning on answering any or all of the questions that are going to come up here? Because if they in my mind are seen once in public with their daughter - then poof - any PR they could possibly do on behalf of their "organization" goes up in smoke IMO!

Somebody lend me some "clarity" here please because nothing I've got in my bag of tricks is working - keeps coming back as "file not found"... and "logic cannot access this site".....:crazy:
"The organization has three primary objectives;
1-Grandparents rights
2-Helping missing and exploited children
3-Lobbying for Caylee's Law.

The Anthony's have decided to put all their energy and strength into filling the emptiness of their loss from their granddaughter's death with this new foundation. They maintain that they will not profit from the foundation."

Seemingly, 80% of money collected from their other Caylee charitable trust was used for "administrative" expenses. We can predict the accounting:
Salary for CA, GA & Lippman --- administrative
Home office -- administrative
Travel -- administrative
Tax on book revenue, licensing fees, photos -- exempt due to charitable status

Add to that the basis for establishing the "Foundation":

1. Grandparents' rights -- this has been addressed over and over legislatively in Florida. The US Supreme Court has ruled on grandparents' rights.

What rights are the Anthonys seeking? Perhaps the right to sue your daughter for wrongful death after she murders your grandchild and gets away with it? I don't see this being a widespread problem.

2. Missing and Exploited Children - there are already more than enough organizations devoted to this cause. Perhaps the Anthonys should contribute money to one or several of them.

One good one is Texas Equusearch. They often ask for an article of clothing to aid their search dogs. I believe only one family refused to give them this article of clothing and that was the Anthonys.

3. Lobbying for Caylee's Law
Seriously?? We're supposed to believe that this is their motivation?

There is ONE objective with this foundation and that is money. How to maximize it and how to protect it from taxation. Who, in their right mind, would give any money to this foundation?
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