What's missing for Prosecution?

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Is there a comprehensive list of all the evidence the state didn't use? I'm curious as to what we have to look forward to in rebuttal.
Apologies in advance if this isnt the right place to put it but I was wondering if Caylee's singing "You are my sunshine" was ever played for the jurors? I believe the video of her being cradled by her great-grand father was shown but not her singing?

Watching her sing could have melted the hearts of every single one of those jurors. It should have been shown, if it wasn't.
Apologies in advance if this isnt the right place to put it but I was wondering if Caylee's singing "You are my sunshine" was ever played for the jurors? I believe the video of her being cradled by her great-grand father was shown but not her singing?

Watching her sing could have melted the hearts of every single one of those jurors. It should have been shown, if it wasn't.

That would be the perfect ending to the States closing!! That video has always bothered me. I guess because I saw it after ICA killed her, but I always felt Caylee looked like she felt safe with her great grandpa and was almost afraid to leave him. I can't even explain it, but Caylee's eye in that video haunt me
Apologies in advance if this isnt the right place to put it but I was wondering if Caylee's singing "You are my sunshine" was ever played for the jurors? I believe the video of her being cradled by her great-grand father was shown but not her singing?

Watching her sing could have melted the hearts of every single one of those jurors. It should have been shown, if it wasn't.

I agree that it would melt hearts and is very sad, but what is the probative value of the video? I mean, how would it help prove that Casey murdered her? I've just seen several posters mention that the state should have shown it, yet I'm not still sure how it counts as evidence against Casey, that's all.
I agree that it would melt hearts and is very sad, but what is the probative value of the video? I mean, how would it help prove that Casey murdered her? I've just seen several posters mention that the state should have shown it, yet I'm not still sure how it counts as evidence against Casey, that's all.

Couldn't it be present not as evidence against Casey, but as a way to include Caylee in to the closing? After all this whole circus is supposed to be about her. I think giving the jury a chance to see her how she was the day before she died would do some good. A bright, vocal, obviously loving child. JMHO Not sure if they could even do that, but it seems to me they should be able too
I think the state is holding back all the details as long as CA, GA and LA remain witnesses for the state. If the A's start traveling down the defense road the state will start using all the ammo they have to prove them liars and the whole dynamic of the trial will change....which will lengthen the trial considerably. As long as the A's stick by the state, the rest is not needed and they will be spared the humiliation of being exposed for the coverups and lies for ICA they took part in. I think the state has laid out enough evidence for the jurors to convict her as is.

What the SA is missing in this case is Motive, and the reason they can't give the jury a Motive is because they cannot find a way to make Cindy Anthony tell the truth about her relationship with ICA--not even one little truth!

CA may be on the SA's witness list, but she hasn't changed one bit from the from the confrontational, manipulative liar she's been since Day 2. She, has, however, perfected and refined her skills to such an extent that she's able to make us like her and sympathize with her while she makes fools of us and thwarts the prosecution of her daughter.

I'm seriously thinking that she is collaborating with the defense (and has persuaded George to do the same). If that sounds farfetched, particularly when we picture her weeping on the witness stand, here's another picture of her to contemplate. It shows her reaction moments after Dr. Spitz announced that in his learned opinion the duct tape was never on Caylee's face and was put on the skull after decomposition.


Puzzler provided this snapshot and the information that "the footage is online at Day 33 In Casey Anthony Murder Trial Pt. 4 starting around the 28:20 mark. It only lasts for a second or two before she (Cindy) notices the camera."

It's not to the point to debate here whether or not Cindy's delighted reaction is normal, or right, or to be expected from any mother in her position.

But it is important to know what side she is on.

The prosecution isn't obligated under the law to provide a motive, but if I were a juror, I'd sure as heck need a strong, believable one before my conscience would let me vote guilty on a first degree murder charge against a "wonderful, devoted," 22 year old mother, when the evidence against her is mostly circumstantial.

If Casey gets off with a light sentence on a lesser charge, (which is what I expect to happen), it won't be the SA's fault, and it certainly won't be due to Jose Baez's defense. All of the credit for that will belong to the indomitable Cindy Anthony who has figured out how to repeatedly commit perjury with impunity and to justify it with an odd memory condition that gets sharper with time but only about things that will help acquit her daughter. Wow. That is truly impressive.

And very discouraging. And maybe a little frightening.

What the SA is missing in this case is Motive, and the reason they can't give the jury a Motive is because they cannot find a way to make Cindy Anthony tell the truth about her relationship with ICA--not even one little truth!

CA may be on the SA's witness list, but she hasn't changed one bit from the from the confrontational, manipulative liar she's been since Day 2. She, has, however, perfected and refined her skills to such an extent that she's able to make us like her and sympathize with her while she makes fools of us and thwarts the prosecution of her daughter.

I'm seriously thinking that she is collaborating with the defense (and has persuaded George to do the same). If that sounds farfetched, particularly when we picture her weeping on the witness stand, here's another picture of her to contemplate. It shows her reaction moments after Dr. Spitz announced that in his learned opinion the duct tape was never on Caylee's face and was put on the skull after decomposition.


Puzzler provided this snapshot and the information that "the footage is online at Day 33 In Casey Anthony Murder Trial Pt. 4 starting around the 28:20 mark. It only lasts for a second or two before she (Cindy) notices the camera."

It's not to the point to debate here whether or not Cindy's delighted reaction is normal, or right, or to be expected from any mother in her position.

But it is important to know what side she is on.

The prosecution isn't obligated under the law to provide a motive, but if I were a juror, I'd sure as heck need a strong, believable one before my conscience would let me vote guilty on a first degree murder charge against a "wonderful, devoted," 22 year old mother, when the evidence against her is mostly circumstantial.

If Casey gets off with a light sentence on a lesser charge, (which is what I expect to happen), it won't be the SA's fault, and it certainly won't be due to Jose Baez's defense. All of the credit for that will belong to the indomitable Cindy Anthony who has figured out how to repeatedly commit perjury with impunity and to justify it with an odd memory condition that gets sharper with time but only about things that will help acquit her daughter. Wow. That is truly impressive.

And very discouraging. And maybe a little frightening.


The position CA is in has to be one of the most devastating situations that could ever happen to a mother and grandmother. Not only is she going through this horrible nightmare, she is doing in front of the entire world. She may have not even been listening to the testimony and could be smiling at another person in the courtroom. We do not know that and we also do not know what its like to be in her shoes for the past 3 years.
No worries, what ever evidence is missing, JB will make sure to have it admitted.
What the SA is missing in this case is Motive, and the reason they can't give the jury a Motive is because they cannot find a way to make Cindy Anthony tell the truth about her relationship with ICA--not even one little truth!

CA may be on the SA's witness list, but she hasn't changed one bit from the from the confrontational, manipulative liar she's been since Day 2. She, has, however, perfected and refined her skills to such an extent that she's able to make us like her and sympathize with her while she makes fools of us and thwarts the prosecution of her daughter.

I'm seriously thinking that she is collaborating with the defense (and has persuaded George to do the same). If that sounds farfetched, particularly when we picture her weeping on the witness stand, here's another picture of her to contemplate. It shows her reaction moments after Dr. Spitz announced that in his learned opinion the duct tape was never on Caylee's face and was put on the skull after decomposition.


Puzzler provided this snapshot and the information that "the footage is online at Day 33 In Casey Anthony Murder Trial Pt. 4 starting around the 28:20 mark. It only lasts for a second or two before she (Cindy) notices the camera."

It's not to the point to debate here whether or not Cindy's delighted reaction is normal, or right, or to be expected from any mother in her position.

But it is important to know what side she is on.

The prosecution isn't obligated under the law to provide a motive, but if I were a juror, I'd sure as heck need a strong, believable one before my conscience would let me vote guilty on a first degree murder charge against a "wonderful, devoted," 22 year old mother, when the evidence against her is mostly circumstantial.

If Casey gets off with a light sentence on a lesser charge, (which is what I expect to happen), it won't be the SA's fault, and it certainly won't be due to Jose Baez's defense. All of the credit for that will belong to the indomitable Cindy Anthony who has figured out how to repeatedly commit perjury with impunity and to justify it with an odd memory condition that gets sharper with time but only about things that will help acquit her daughter. Wow. That is truly impressive.

And very discouraging. And maybe a little frightening.


Are we completely sure that her attorney did not say something pleasing to her, and she turned her head slightly toward him and draw her eyes instinctually to the defense area? Then, seeing the camera, she just stopped because it was time to stop anyway?
My daughter and I gave each other a smile and a dopey gesture at her Confirmation because the priest sang "forever and evveeeerrr" in a funny way and we knew he was going to do it the same funny way he always does. But we had been instructed before mass to be serious and uptight because the Bishop was attending. My daughter's teacher looked at me at that moment that I was being silly and I stopped immediately. Mostly cause I probably looked like a goofy fool and cause I didn't want him to see me distracting and smiling at my dau....:waitasec:
Yeah, maybe she was making eye contact with KC or the defense and got busted.
(Okay, was gonna move this to the Karen Lowe thread, but it's closed, so I'm putting it back here)

I did not see whether or not the state was able to address this today in regards to the duct tape testimony, so pardon if Mr. Ashton already went there. Please see this thread, in particular a post by one of our most attractive, smart and talented members...post #494.


Really though, Valhall takes the prize for most smart and talented.
What the SA is missing in this case is Motive, and the reason they can't give the jury a Motive is because they cannot find a way to make Cindy Anthony tell the truth about her relationship with ICA--not even one little truth!

CA may be on the SA's witness list, but she hasn't changed one bit from the from the confrontational, manipulative liar she's been since Day 2. She, has, however, perfected and refined her skills to such an extent that she's able to make us like her and sympathize with her while she makes fools of us and thwarts the prosecution of her daughter.

I'm seriously thinking that she is collaborating with the defense (and has persuaded George to do the same). If that sounds farfetched, particularly when we picture her weeping on the witness stand, here's another picture of her to contemplate. It shows her reaction moments after Dr. Spitz announced that in his learned opinion the duct tape was never on Caylee's face and was put on the skull after decomposition.


Puzzler provided this snapshot and the information that "the footage is online at Day 33 In Casey Anthony Murder Trial Pt. 4 starting around the 28:20 mark. It only lasts for a second or two before she (Cindy) notices the camera."

It's not to the point to debate here whether or not Cindy's delighted reaction is normal, or right, or to be expected from any mother in her position.

But it is important to know what side she is on.

The prosecution isn't obligated under the law to provide a motive, but if I were a juror, I'd sure as heck need a strong, believable one before my conscience would let me vote guilty on a first degree murder charge against a "wonderful, devoted," 22 year old mother, when the evidence against her is mostly circumstantial.

If Casey gets off with a light sentence on a lesser charge, (which is what I expect to happen), it won't be the SA's fault, and it certainly won't be due to Jose Baez's defense. All of the credit for that will belong to the indomitable Cindy Anthony who has figured out how to repeatedly commit perjury with impunity and to justify it with an odd memory condition that gets sharper with time but only about things that will help acquit her daughter. Wow. That is truly impressive.

And very discouraging. And maybe a little frightening.


I'm not worried at all. No one knows really knows what goes on in someone else's head, and if I were a juror that issue wouldn't bother me in the least. I think most people put more stock in other people's ACTIONS rather than their WORDS. Especially in this era of the internet, most people are savvy to other people's claims about themselves. Ever seen "To Catch a Predator"?:


I sincerely doubt the jurors will be swayed by verbal or written shenanigans. All they have to have is a pair of eyes and functioning neurons to see 2 + 2 = 4.
I agree that it would melt hearts and is very sad, but what is the probative value of the video? I mean, how would it help prove that Casey murdered her? I've just seen several posters mention that the state should have shown it, yet I'm not still sure how it counts as evidence against Casey, that's all.

I agree, it has no probative value as evidence during this phase.. I suppose they could use it during the sentencing phase of the trial..if the jury finds ICA guilty of her most serious charges. But at this point in the trial, it should not be introduced IMO
What the SA is missing in this case is Motive, and the reason they can't give the jury a Motive is because they cannot find a way to make Cindy Anthony tell the truth about her relationship with ICA--not even one little truth!

CA may be on the SA's witness list, but she hasn't changed one bit from the from the confrontational, manipulative liar she's been since Day 2. She, has, however, perfected and refined her skills to such an extent that she's able to make us like her and sympathize with her while she makes fools of us and thwarts the prosecution of her daughter.

I'm seriously thinking that she is collaborating with the defense (and has persuaded George to do the same). If that sounds farfetched, particularly when we picture her weeping on the witness stand, here's another picture of her to contemplate. It shows her reaction moments after Dr. Spitz announced that in his learned opinion the duct tape was never on Caylee's face and was put on the skull after decomposition.


Puzzler provided this snapshot and the information that "the footage is online at Day 33 In Casey Anthony Murder Trial Pt. 4 starting around the 28:20 mark. It only lasts for a second or two before she (Cindy) notices the camera."

It's not to the point to debate here whether or not Cindy's delighted reaction is normal, or right, or to be expected from any mother in her position.

But it is important to know what side she is on.

The prosecution isn't obligated under the law to provide a motive, but if I were a juror, I'd sure as heck need a strong, believable one before my conscience would let me vote guilty on a first degree murder charge against a "wonderful, devoted," 22 year old mother, when the evidence against her is mostly circumstantial.

If Casey gets off with a light sentence on a lesser charge, (which is what I expect to happen), it won't be the SA's fault, and it certainly won't be due to Jose Baez's defense. All of the credit for that will belong to the indomitable Cindy Anthony who has figured out how to repeatedly commit perjury with impunity and to justify it with an odd memory condition that gets sharper with time but only about things that will help acquit her daughter. Wow. That is truly impressive.

And very discouraging. And maybe a little frightening.


The position CA is in has to be one of the most devastating situations that could ever happen to a mother and grandmother. Not only is she going through this horrible nightmare, she is doing in front of the entire world. She may have not even been listening to the testimony and could be smiling at another person in the courtroom. We do not know that and we also do not know what its like to be in her shoes for the past 3 years.

I AM a mother and a grandmother, and I don't NEED to know what its like to be in Cindy Anthony's shoes. My responsibility as a mother, a grandmother, a law abiding citizen, and a human being is to also understand what it is like to be in the shoes of Cindy Anthony's victims. Among those helpless victims are Jesse and Richard Grund, Amy Huzinga, Tony Lazzaro, Zenaida Gonzales, Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch, Roy Kronk, twelve jurors, and the Florida judicial system, to name just a few of the victims she's wounded and humiliated since July 15, 2008. I would hate to be in their shoes.

But of all her victims, there are 2 who suffered the longest and most horribly, by association with this narcissistic, manipulative, dishonest, overbearing, bully of a woman-- One of those victims died before she was 3 years old. The other one became a monster by the age of 22. I would be terrified to be in their shoes. As far as I'm concerned Cindy Anthony is the architect of all this, and I pity Casey and Caylee for ever being born into Cindy's realm.

Forgive me if I don't have any sympathy left for being in Cindy's shoes.
I AM a mother and a grandmother, and I don't NEED to know what its like to be in Cindy Anthony's shoes. My responsibility as a mother, a grandmother, a law abiding citizen, and a human being is to also understand what it is like to be in the shoes of Cindy Anthony's victims. Among those helpless victims are Jesse and Richard Grund, Amy Huzinga, Tony Lazzaro, Zenaida Gonzales, Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch, Roy Kronk, twelve jurors, and the Florida judicial system, to name just a few of the victims she's wounded and humiliated since July 15, 2008. I would hate to be in their shoes.

But of all her victims, there are 2 who suffered the longest and most horribly, by association with this narcissistic, manipulative, dishonest, overbearing, bully of a woman-- One of those victims died before she was 3 years old. The other one became a monster by the age of 22. I would be terrified to be in their shoes. As far as I'm concerned Cindy Anthony is the architect of all this, and I pity Casey and Caylee for ever being born into Cindy's realm.

Forgive me if I don't have any sympathy left for being in Cindy's shoes.
How prophetic your earlier post was, Friday. Knowing what we do now, no truer words were said.
Thank you!
State's case is on the table and the defense is at least half way done. It just seems that ALOT of crucial information is missing.

Why haven't we seen anything from Leonard Padilla? To me, he was an integral part when this whole thing started. Tracy spending time with Casey after she was bonded out, etc. What about Tim Miller or any of the TES people who were in that area and testified that it was flooded? What about George's lawyer friend who was there the night they tried to get Casey make an "X" on the map of where they should start searching?

Also, what about the "little snothead" comment ???

I think the Jury needs to hear this to get the whole picture of what went on.
I'm wondering, if like the defense in their opening statement says things that are not true, can the prosecution in their closing statement say things they know are true but can't exactly prove? Can they say according to Jesse Grund, Lee told him there was a terrible fight the evening of Father's Dayover something that she did to her granfather. Casey stomped off, wanted to spend the next day with her boyfriend, but according to cell phone records, neither George nor Cindy answered. She was so mad they wouldn't answer and babysit, she had to find away to get back at them and spend all the time she wanted with her boyfriend, hence, she murdered Caylee. Or can they not say something like this?
I wish they could talk about the fight on the 15th but I guess that poses some problems.
The computer searches for the 100th episode of One Tree Hill.
The silent videos of Caylee eating breakfast and drawing.
The movies Casey rented on the night of the 16th.
The photo of crying Caylee in her red tee should be included in their closing statement.
Overwhelming Evidence IMO

Who was with the last person seen with an alive Caylee
WHO had a car that reeked of decomposition and has evidence of a decompositional event in the trunk
WHO backed their car into the family garage 3 times in the days immediately following the 16th
WHO borrowed a shovel to allegedly remove bamboo shoots - keeping in mind ICA's work ethic
WHO had a car with a death band hair in the trunk
WHO researched chloroform on the computer - the prosecution's new witnesses will prove this to be ICA I believe
WHO had evidence of chloroform in their trunk
WHO had evidence of something decomposing in their trunk
WHO lied to family regarding the whereabouts of Caylee for 31 days
WHO lied to friends regarding the whereabouts of Caylee for 31 days
WHO did not call 911
WHO for whatever reason did NOT report that Caylee was missing
WHO called herself a spiteful ***** in response to WHY the family could not see Caylee

WHO ELSE had access to ICA's trunk during the period following June 16th
WHO ELSE borrowed a shovel
WHO ELSE had a death band hair in their trunk
WHO ELSE researched chloroform on the computer
WHO ELSE had chloroform in their car
WHO ELSE had something decomposing in their trunk
WHO ELSE lied to EVERYONE regarding the whereabouts of Caylee for 31 days

WHAT CA did differently - she immediately called 911 the moment she discovered that Caylee was missing.
WHAT GA did differently - he immediately informed YM that he was concerned about the smell in the car.

WHY the abuse excuse does not work -
first of all, there is NO evidence that ICA ever told ANYONE that GA abused her sexually. NONE.
second - EVEN if GA had abused ICA, there is still no REASON WHATSOEVER that GA would not call 911. I don't care HOW obvious it was that Caylee was no longer alive.
third - IF IF IF Caylee drown in the pool, WHY is there a packed diaper bag in the trunk. WHY are ICA's work pants and work purse in the car...??? Doesn't the fact that these items are in the car indicate that GA's version of events is the most likely? I can't see ICA and GA cooking up a coverup that included ICA leaving her WORK pants in the car???? After Caylee drowns, we are to believe that they had the presence of mind to think of throwing her work pants and work purse and a packed diaper bag in the car?????

Once again....I have some swamp land to sell you

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