What's missing for Prosecution?

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How is the SA supposed to present that GA would call 911? Or that he would not have gone to work? Or that he would have dismantled the pool?

They have no way to show evidence of what GA would have done....Although I guess they could ask him ........

"Hypothetically, Mr. Anthony, since you already stated you weren't there when Caylee died, but if you found your beloved granddaughter floating in the pool, would you call 911 or throw her in the woods?"

No way to present what George would have done, because even George doesn't know for sure, because he wasn't there.

Absolutely agreed ... he wasn't there. She didn't drown. I was only using a hypothetical, as a possible countering to the DT's theory of the drowning and of GA's involvement. Although I realize now that I should have viewed the hypothetical through my eyes and through what I would have done, and not project any (imaginary) actions onto GA for an imaginary event.

Duh ... that's why I'm not a Lawyer ... or a Chemist ... :doh:
I just want to add... a botanist IMO could have been notified Sat and arrived Mon to testify.
I do think it's MH coming from overseas or someone from NCIS... that could not be told on Sat that they must be in Orlando 1day sooner. Anyone here in the states could get to Fla. in 48 hrs. Overseas... not so easy.
Just my opinion and yes.. I may be wrong.
As Prosecution winds down, are there any thoughts as to what of importance has so far been left out or not mentioned yet?

I can think of quite a number of 'stand-out' events, non-events, videos, conversations, behaviors of ICA, interviews, etc., which in my opinion, should be brought to light.

I have complete confidence in SA, but am beginning to feel a little uneasy that there may be a few things 'missing' so far.

I'll start with a hypothetical:

IF there was a drowning:

~GA would have instantly called 911.
~GA would NOT have gone to work that day.
~GA would have very quickly dismantled the swimming pool.
~GA and CA would NOT have continued living in that house.

YOUR thoughts?

IMO it already came out in an indirect way that the story of George's behavior at the alleged drowning was not logical. The medical examiner testified that in her experience 911 is always called in children's drowning accidents unless there is a good reason not to. It applies to George as well. The soap opera talk wasn't a good reaon, IMO, it sounds more like an immature teen type of excuse ("OMG I can't tell mom") and not something a grown man would come up with. He also said on the stand that if he'd been there we wouldn't be here and it implies a whole lotta things that would have been different had he known that Caylee drowned that day. The pool might still be there and George and Cindy might still be living in the house with all the memories of Caylee but things wouldn't have gotten so far with the stupid nanny story and just maybe someone would have called 911.
Respectfully --It's not easy to make at all. I think I've tried to explain this to you before, but I will try again. When you mix the ingredients for chloroform you get two separated liquids. You also get small bubbles on the very bottom of the container you mix it in. These bubbles are the chloroform. You have to get an eye dropper or similar to sit there and slowly syphon the chloroform off the bottom of the container, being very careful that it doesn't mix with those other two by-products. This process has to be done several times to get any appreciable amount of chloroform. Also this mixture has to be kept in an ice bath at a consistent temperature or the container will blow up. .

So the syringe in the bottle couldn't be used for this? From the directions I have read it seems easier to make than my mom's meatloaf.
As Prosecution winds down, are there any thoughts as to what of importance has so far been left out or not mentioned yet?

I can think of quite a number of 'stand-out' events, non-events, videos, conversations, behaviors of ICA, interviews, etc., which in my opinion, should be brought to light.

I have complete confidence in SA, but am beginning to feel a little uneasy that there may be a few things 'missing' so far.

I'll start with a hypothetical:

IF there was a drowning:

~GA would have instantly called 911.
~GA would NOT have gone to work that day.
~GA would have very quickly dismantled the swimming pool.
~GA and CA would NOT have continued living in that house.

YOUR thoughts?

Bold mine

I think before handing over to Baez, the State will bring on the FBI chemist who analysed the duct tape. I think we'll see the phone pings introduced into evidence, will see evidence of the tape used on Caylee's missing poster and I think Cindy will take the stand again to confirm another two important claims made in LDB's opening statement.
  • that the Winnie the Pooh blanket was missing from the house.
  • that she did own another Whitney laundry bag
The State can then rest and concentrate on cross examination where depending on what doors Baez opens for them, they likely will be able to bring out many of the points you listed above, e.g. when Baez undoubtedly attempts to show ICA as a good and loving mother, he opens the door for the State to show otherwise, e.g. what loving mother totally puts the financial burden for her child on to her parents. If she had no income for two years how did she acquire money? And what victim of sexual abuse would routinely leave her infant daughter with her abuser?.

Baez needs to be very careful what doors he opens for the State. They are imo anticipating his every move. They also have those 6 felony convictions hovering over his head, should he attempt to go somewhere the rules don't allow. Many witnesses have imo been kept back strictly for rebuttal purposes.

The jury can re-visit any piece of evidence again. They can listen to the 5 hours of jailhouse tapes, they can read ICA's first written statement, they can view the many images of ICA caught on cctv and the pics at Fusian. They can read transcripts of all testimony, look again at the pictures of Caylee's skull with the duct tape in place. Those jailhouse tapes tell their own story of a cruel, manipulative selfish lying b*tch. They also imo go a long way in vindicating George Anthony's having anything to do with the disposal of his granchild's body.

Finally I hope for a lengthy zinger of a closing argument shared by LDB and JA where everything pointing to this woman's guilt is clearly laid out and the jury get to finally meet Caylee................. as she was in life.
Tommorrow the state is calling thier last witness and from the coverage I have seen it will be a Botanist; so why hasn't the state caled Dominique Casey or Hoover to the stand? Why haven't they shown the video that Hoover made and the comments that if they find the body not to call police. Why did they not call Tracy to talk about Caseys demeener after she was out on bail or Tim Miller showing how she wouldn't help them search, or what about the jail video of the day the bones were found and it wasn't known yet that it was Cayee....
Why are they leaving so much important stuff out like the jail house letters where she claims when she is released she would go find Caylee, and why was it not brought up that when Casey was released on bond she wanted to go look for Caylee alone (that would be the nail in her coffin right there) or the fact that one of her lawyers had wrote to the state asking them to take the death penalty off the table because if something happened to Caylee it was clearly an accidental overdose........The state is leaving so much out and I wanna know why :banghead:

I'm not sure what happened during those incidents that you're talking about but it sounds a bit like they could be twisted to the purposes of the defense.
She wouldn't let TM search and didn't want the police to be called because she was protecting her father, she wanted to go look for Caylee alone because she had a hunch where George might have put her, she knew it was Caylee the day the bones were found because she immediately realized that it was a place George would have dumped her, and so on.

I think some of those things about her demeanor afterwards lost some of their relevance when the defense decided to go for the "she knew Caylee was dead all along" story. If she'd insisted on the invisinanny taking Caylee the state could have used that to argue that she knew Caylee was dead but if the defense is agreeing that she did there is no point.
I want to rat out ICA so bad, for every little thing she has ever done,
so the jury can diagram her every move and lie by the minute.
So many branches of evidence, a jury could lose the forest for the trees.
Nice tight prosecution case so far.
Mucking it up with anything but science will blur fact with emotion.
Emotion will be saved for a boffo closing by the prosecution.

The Defense will now spin a tale,
which will only highlight it's own implausability.
The devil is in the details, and Mr. baez has a way of helping the State,
with his own unique style of lawyering.
Gatorade bottles, syringes, liner stains, familial chokeholds,
all examples of murky evidence/hearsay,
that could add doubt to solid evidence, and add weeks of testimony to the case.
Mostly nodding with everyone with my ramblings..
Murmers of agreement as we tough this thing out.
John Bradley - the computer expert witness from Canada - testified that Casey visited a site (how to make chloroform) 84 times. He didn't say when those 84 visits occured though. LDB did not follow through and didn't ask him that question either. I do wonder if the jury will want to know that (remember that there's at least one juror who does not own a computer -- who knows how computer literate the jury is -- did a lot of the computer forensics make sense to the jury? I worry about that.

I also wonder what motive if any the prosecution is going to go with? I know that they don't have to show motive but I wonder if they are going to show one?

My husband didn't follow this case at all until the trial started on TV and the internet, he never read any of the discovery materials, didn't watch any of the TV shows discussing this case, never read anything on the internet, i.e. he probably knew as much about this case as the jurors before this trial started. He has watched or listened to the trial online and he thinks it's a manslaughter case so far, not murder 1.
After getting a good night's sleep I have a much better outlook this morning on the SA's case. I was feeling extremely nervous following the announcement yesterday that they'd be finishing up their case by the end of today/tomorrow but my first thought upon waking this morning was the realization that there is ZERO evidence of a drowning. The only thing we have that points to a drowning is Casey Anthony & Jose Baez's word, spoken in his opening statement, and that means squat! In order for the jury to go with the drowning theory they would have to choose to disregard ALL expert testimony and put completely blind trust in Casey/Jose's word alone because that's all they've got. The only reason I can think of as to why anyone (in this case, the jury) would do that is because of their own personal need to believe the best in someone rather than accepting the obvious. The argument cannot simply be based on sheer possibilities, such as "well Caylee could have died in the swimming pool." If you use that sort of argument than one could just as easily claim any/all other possibilities, such as Caylee being abducted by a cult, used as a sacrifice and body discarded on Suburban Drive or she was taken abducted by aliens, etc.,! There is nothing that points to any of this, just as there is nothing to substantiate that Caylee accidentally drowned in the pool. The state doesn't need to answer directly to this claim until Jose begins his case, on rebuttal. I can't wait to see Jose's words come back to bite him in the a$$ when he asked the SA's witnesses if they were there when Caylee drowned. I hope the state asks each one of the DT's witnesses on cross reminding the jury that the only person alledging this drowning is Casey Anthony - Can't wait!

I think the only thing the state has to do now, is make it clear to this jury that they only have to find that Caylee died as a result of a crime commited against her. And that aggravated child abuse resulting in the death of a child is a crime that falls under the requirements of First Degree Murder.
What's missing for me is - the time Casey spent at home while out on bail.

I want to hear from Tracy. :( And Tim too.
Even tho I believe Casey is guilty and I could convict her, I think there are alot of loose ends and none of the forensics were a sure thing. I am VERY concerned about their case and them getting a conviction. We are talking about the death penalthy here.

Why did the State leave out the fight that Cindy had on the 15th with Casey as part of their motive in this case?

Why don't they bring on the inmate where Casey confessed she drugged Caylee at times so she could party?

Roy Kronk is an issue and the State is trying to hide him.

Where was the duct tape before and after Caylee's death? No proof. Baez is making a thing about it.

Why weren't the heart stickers from the bedroom?

Why wasn't KC's child hood friend put on and testify about the pet burial ground in that area?

And there is alot more they could put on? Why be so quick with their case? I don't think it looks that great. I hope they are reading here!

Why didn't they put on some weather reports etc about the storm and how it would affect the remains?

Why didn't they have Texas Equsearch on to tell about how they missed the remains when they searched and the weather problems and flooding.

There is so much they missed.

I totally agree with you here. I was more convinced before this trail that she deserved the death penalty. It's not as convincing as I thought it would be. I keep hearing about this Home Depot tape and so far....nothing. I really don't want to criticize the prosecution, but, there just has to be more! Now, maybe they are holding back for the rebuttal so it will be fresh in the jurors minds. We can only hope!
IMO the state has already proven the length of time Caylee was in the woods. OR disproven RK ever moved the remains.
At this point its redundant testimony.

but I am a nurse.
Not a chemist. lol

To us......redundant.......to JB.........you have to repeat. It can do no harm to have one more expert testimony in that field.
I've been watching the trial in the evening while following along with the trail threads (which I thank everyone for great input, pictures and needed sarcastic comments)

Hearing that the SA is almost complete I'm a bit confused. I did a short list of what I thought hasn't been brought up or seamed together.

On Saturday there was a lot of evidence brought in which normally they address after its entered. So I expected that to happen on Monday. The pictures of the Heart stickers weren't entered as the date of collection was different and I thought that would occur on Monday. Although the Ldry bag picture was entered on Saturday it wasn't really tied to the A's home (that they come in sets of 2). Of course the Tattoo and also the duct tape being used on Caylee posters.

There has been another thing I may have missed and that's pictures of Caylee, videos... I'd really like the Jury to see those pictures of this beautiful vibrant child while alive.
A lot more needs to be brought in to wrap it up for me (as far as the jury goes). Especially the fight, and how CA talked to a counselor to kick ICA out of the house, and to request custody of Caylee Marie. The jury hasn't a clue about this info.
MOO - please and thanks.


I think you hit the nail on the head here. The jury was never told there was tension in that home; in reality the Cleaver family didn't live there! The grandmother (Shirley P) should have been called to the stand. I recall seeing an email she sent that stated "ICA hated CA more than she loved Caylee"; this IMHO could provide the missing puzzle piece on motive.
I think the botonist (sp.?) will testify, and then the state will go out with a zinger.

I am expecting a lot to come out when the defense does their CIC. They are going to make many mistakes and open the door for the state to really bring out things the defense does not want brought out.

I believe there will be fireworks and many, many sidebars when the defense takes over!

It appears with all the evidence the state had tested, only a small portion of it had been told. The most is the choloroform and the duct tape..

I had to turn off HNL's special with Vinnie Politan. Wendy Murphy is now a staunch defender of ICA saying she will be acquitted for she see's no evidence of premediation! :maddening: Then I think, what the heck is wrong with her? Why would any child have duct tape anywhere on their face? In her opinion, the state didn't meet their burden of proof of a premediated death. She opines not one person can say she abused Caylee! Well, sleeping in bed with her boyfriend du jour, waking a sleeping Caylee up when she is called in the middle of the night to bring that child home, telling another inmate how she drugged Caylee so she can party, is child abuse. No one can say that about Susan Smith either, but there she sits doing Life...all it takes is an instant. Oh, and did I mention she now believes ICA had been sexually abused for years? If the jurors take on this type of mentality, I fear the accused murdereress will walk. Then, no one is safe from her clutches.

I so hope those jurors can see this young woman for who she really is. I believe she is a sociopath....I believe she took Caylee's life so she can live a carefree life with no Caylee in tow...I believe she is evil personified as she is still torturing her family and destroying them with the absurd sexual abuse. Why would an excop allow his daughter to face the death penalty if he truly found a lifeless Caylee...I don't buy it at all, I just hope the jury doesn't either..

Roy Kronk Subpoenaed By Casey Defense
Kronk Called In Caylee's Remains In 2008
POSTED: 4:19 pm EDT June 13, 2011
UPDATED: 4:26 pm EDT June 13, 2011

Baez is going full steam ahead with RKronk at the helm. He will denegrate this man on the stand, so I hope he can hold his own...the state will try to recover this allegation and hope they have backup...I abhor ICA more and more. She should just be woman enough to take her medicine. She and only she is responsible for Caylee's demise. I hope a jury thinks so too...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
those dang "home depot" videos are still missing....wonder if home depot sold the laundry bags back then? wonder if ICA is on video purchasing them?? maybe we will see them today?? One can hope.....
Regarding motive and ICA's hatred of her mother:

I think the prosecution is going to let the DT open whatever doors they want to in the family dynamic issue and then slam them shut. If the prosecution had brought it all up in their CIC it would be more of a double edged sword that would have the jurors thinking "wow, the DT was right, even the prosecutors are saying how dysfunctional the family is".

Since the DT brings it up, the whole theory becomes theirs and theirs alone. The prosecution will then try to show that it paints ICA in a bad light not her parents.

Maybe, maybe not. Thinking about the case has me spinning in circles but I thought this seemed reasonable.
It appears with all the evidence the state had tested, only a small portion of it had been told. The most is the choloroform and the duct tape..

I had to turn off HNL's special with Vinnie Politan. Wendy Murphy is now a staunch defender of ICA saying she will be acquitted for she see's no evidence of premediation! :maddening: Then I think, what the heck is wrong with her? Why would any child have duct tape anywhere on their face? In her opinion, the state didn't meet their burden of proof of a premediated death. She opines not one person can say she abused Caylee! Well, sleeping in bed with her boyfriend du jour, waking a sleeping Caylee up when she is called in the middle of the night to bring that child home, telling another inmate how she drugged Caylee so she can party, is child abuse. No one can say that about Susan Smith either, but there she sits doing Life...all it takes is an instant. Oh, and did I mention she now believes ICA had been sexually abused for years? If the jurors take on this type of mentality, I fear the accused murdereress will walk. Then, no one is safe from her clutches.

I so hope those jurors can see this young woman for who she really is. I believe she is a sociopath....I believe she took Caylee's life so she can live a carefree life with no Caylee in tow...I believe she is evil personified as she is still torturing her family and destroying them with the absurd sexual abuse. Why would an excop allow his daughter to face the death penalty if he truly found a lifeless Caylee...I don't buy it at all, I just hope the jury doesn't either..


Baez is going full steam ahead with RKronk at the helm. He will denegrate this man on the stand, so I hope he can hold his own...the state will try to recover this allegation and hope they have backup...I abhor ICA more and more. She should just be woman enough to take her medicine. She and only she is responsible for Caylee's demise. I hope a jury thinks so too...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Mr. Kronk has a great attorney and I think he will be well prepared for what Baez will try to throw at him. The beauty of this strategy for the SA is that on direct, Baez cannot ask leading questions like he has on cross with their witnesses. But the SA can! It will be a thing of beauty to watch Jeff Ashton or Linda Drane Burdick take him through the circumstances with leading questions. Remember their burning crosses of the defense "experts" at the Frye hearings? They were almost ready to go home to their binky and blankies by the time they were finished.

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