When will Casey be Arrested?

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When will Casey be arrested on charges for Caylee's death ?

  • Tue. Oct. 14th

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I still think it was an accident, because of the flurry of calls, but now that she has lied forever and refuses to give up the location of her baby's body, I think the accident has now turned into some type of murder.

It may have been an accident in that KC was obviously not doing what she was supposed to do as a kind and loving mother to this child. Whatever, it was, either dosing her with chloroform, xanex or a combination, it is so bad that she has told no one, including her family. She blew the opportunity to explain any of that and keep herself from maximum charges. This is not the walk down a hallway at Universal and she can't just turn around later and say, I lied...once they close those doors on her. The correctional system WILL deal with this appropriately so she never gets the chance to do this to any child again.
I think that Casey will be arrested as soon as the latest tests are back - so IMO Casey needs to be sure that her attorney is talking straight with her - LE is just waiting for the tests to come back...for the third time. LE is just dotting their i's and crossing ther t's -
Don't think I explained the remark to Casey about her attorney - point is that I think she did something horrible to Caylee, drug her, put her in the trunk etc. that led to Caylee's death, whether directly or indirectly and all the video we have seen of Casey and audio we have heard with her non emotional attitude - well it's time for her to wake up and "be afraid be very afraid" because she is going to be arrested very soon.
She will get everything she deserves one way or the other.

I just hope the trial is televised on t.v.!!!
Thanks Sammi, I love reading all these posts and sure hope we hear something soon...

Yes, Amethyst they can afford to take their time and hope for even more leads or evidence. Of course the body would be the best thing for the prosecution, so in spite of everything they have, they should wait since they only get one shot at justice.

Maui4me, I love the way you think. They are strategizing right now as well. They are completely on top of this case.

I know it's frustrating that she is not locked up (yet) but she still has to live with herself and her actions. She wanted so badly to get away from her mom but her mom is now her warden. Isn't it ironic for her.

Yeah. Sorta like OJ? What could have been a more sure thing?

They'd better get this one right otherwise this gal will walk.

Casey Anthony has been fine tuning her story(s) from the get go. And so far the cops haven't found the hard evidence.

I'm not sure they ever will but we can only hope.

The forensics is the one thing I am sure they will have.

IMO, the hardest thing for the prosecutors to overcome will be die-hard beliefs about "upper middle-class motherhood".
IMO, the hardest thing for the prosecutors to overcome will be die-hard beliefs about "upper middle-class motherhood".

I don't know what that means, Jolynna.

The only "forensics" I've read about .....or that been released....are the ones concerning odor taken from the trunk of the car. No doubt there are some others but if it was enough for a murder charge wouldn't they have done that by now?
I think based on last yesterdays news report they are doing the tests for a 3rd time and will have iron clad proof it won't be long now!!!! jmo:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
The forensics is the one thing I am sure they will have.

IMO, the hardest thing for the prosecutors to overcome will be die-hard beliefs about "upper middle-class motherhood".

I hear what you're saying, but I don't consider the A's upper-middle. I think of them as regular middle class people. JMO.

(Well, I don't know about regular . . .)
I don't know what that means, Jolynna.

The only "forensics" I've read about .....or that been released....are the ones concerning odor taken from the trunk of the car. No doubt there are some others but if it was enough for a murder charge wouldn't they have done that by now?


They've only had the case a couple of months. Casey isn't going anywhere.

DEFENSE LAWYERS want to rush investigations, not prosecutors.

I think that the hardest thing for the prosecutors to overcome will be the belief by some that an *upper middle-class* mom couldn't harm her adorable baby.


They've only had the case a couple of months. Casey isn't going anywhere.

DEFENSE LAWYERS want to rush investigations, not prosecutors.

I think that the hardest thing for the prosecutors to overcome will be the belief by some that an *upper middle-class* mom couldn't harm her adorable baby.

The Anthony family is by no means "upper middle class" ... and KC is "no class" in my book. Take a look at some of the photos where the guys have their hands on her chest.
Yes, they may have to go for an indictment FIRST -- it does appear they simply do not have enough physical evidence to arrest Casey. If they did, they would have arrested her by now -- I would think.

They may be looking for that one big ticket break -- some huge piece of evidence -- like a body, which they haven't found yet. Of course, you don't need a dead body to try a murder case, but still, there does seem to be a stopgap with their inability to pinpoint this on Casey.

Perhaps they are compiling evidence, slow as it is, which may indicate another person's involvement -- could be more than two people besides Casey involved here.

I viewed all of Cindy Anthony's interview -- as far as I can tell, she clearly does not know what happened to Casey. She did admit that if she were not connected to Casey and was viewing this case from an bystander's point of view, her view of Casey would be extremely negative.

She's obviously not wanting to look at the possibility that Casey had anything at all to do with Caylee's disappearance.

Casey may indeed, walk -- unless they can find enough evidence to take her to trial.

That may not happen -- unless Casey's body washes up on shore or someone finds some piece of solid evidence tying Casey to this disappearance. Thus far, all they've seemed to find to arrest Casey is for check kiting --

Da's get one chance and only one chance to go after Casey. They want it to stick. Also, until they indict her, they do not have to give jack to Baez.
She will get everything she deserves one way or the other.

I just hope the trial is televised on t.v.!!!
i will be so pissed if its not i mean everything else has been public .. that trial better be :whip::gavel:
I wonder about the November hearing and trial. I don't really see how they can hold the trial for neglect without the homicide coming up. They would really have to limit the evidence they presented to the jury - they wouldn't want to disclose the forensics for a mere neglect case if they think they can do a homicide case. My bet is the charge (s) for the disappearance will be before the pre-trial hearing.
The Anthony family is by no means "upper middle class" ... and KC is "no class" in my book. Take a look at some of the photos where the guys have their hands on her chest.

Middle-class, then.

IMO, people are more comfortable with murderers that look like murderers.

Women (including juror members) all over the nation were in tears when the Menendez brothers testified.

Personally, I think the pictures of Casey with Caylee mean nothing. There are lots of dogs in the pound awaiting execution that are probably also in family albums with formerly enraptured owners,

But to another potential juror, the emotions evoked by pictures and videos of a loving mother and daughter might be as compelling as hard science.

i just hope that if she does get arrested, le has the all their i's dotted and t's crossed as from reading postings here at ws, florida has a dj clause and if they cant prove it, they can't charge her later when or if they find more evidence. maybe they will just charge her with the financial stuff, drop the other stuff until they have it all together????? imo
JMHO But I believe that they are not only getting an iron clad case, but looking into capital murder charges. She has burnt too many bridges with all her lies and she had the opportunity to come clean many times.

My thought is she will be facing the death penalty. And all the witnesses that come forward with stories of Caylee being at the beach or Disney while KC was partying and Caylee was missing will be the last piece of the puzzle they need to get a conviction. JMHO

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