Where is Steve Thomas today?

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
<snip>So John Ramsey does not claim he turned the light on, just that he saw a white blanket.

Whereas under similar circumstances earlier that morning Fleet White observed no white blanket, despite having much better eyesight than John Ramsey who had very poor eyesight, so bad that under federal aviation flying rules he had to hire a pilot!!


Fleet wouldn't have seen anything because he didn't step past the section of the wall which jutted out on his left.
<snip>So John Ramsey does not claim he turned the light on, just that he saw a white blanket.

Whereas under similar circumstances earlier that morning Fleet White observed no white blanket, despite having much better eyesight than John Ramsey who had very poor eyesight, so bad that under federal aviation flying rules he had to hire a pilot!!


Fleet wouldn't have seen anything because he didn't step past the section of the wall which jutted out on his left.
There was enough forensic evidence for the GJ to reach a majority on PR killing JonBenet, her fibers are in the ligature knotting, possibly not a smoking gun but good enough to level a Murder1 True Bill.

There were those on the grand jury who may have agreed with this and voted to indict Patsy on First-Degree Murder charge. There were probably also some who thought that her fibers were there by accident and someone else [John] strangled JonBenet with the cord.
There were those on the grand jury who may have agreed with this and voted to indict Patsy on First-Degree Murder charge. There were probably also some who thought that her fibers were there by accident and someone else [John] strangled JonBenet with the cord.

Would the jury buy Patsy's fibers being present as an accident?

John could have ligature asphyxiated JonBenet, i.e. Patsy says here's the deal John : I'll set up the ligature with knotting, etc, but you have to pull it tight, that way we are both in this together

Would the jury buy Patsy's fibers being present as an accident?

John could have ligature asphyxiated JonBenet, i.e. Patsy says here's the deal John : I'll set up the ligature with knotting, etc, but you have to pull it tight, that way we are both in this together


Or maybe John said "I'll do it, but you have to construct the garrote."
Or maybe John said "I'll do it, but you have to construct the garrote."

Or perhaps it was BDI. I find it hard to believe PR acted alone after all she had to have written the RN. Why would JR wipe JB? I think BR had an accomplice DS.
Or perhaps it was BDI. I find it hard to believe PR acted alone after all she had to have written the RN. Why would JR wipe JB? I think BR had an accomplice DS.

Maybe John didn't wipe JonBenet while wearing his sweater. Maybe Patsy got ahold of his sweater (unbeknownst to John) and wiped JonBenet so those fibers would wind up there.
Just to be clear, Steve Thomas thought (and no doubt still thinks) that Patsy killed JonBenet while John slept through the night, unaware of a problem until confronted by a screaming wife who looked like she'd been up all night murdering someone. John was not involved in the crime scene staging and didn't fully appreciate what had happened until he found JonBenet's body. According to Steve Thomas.

I recently heard Lou Smit referring to Thomas's theory of "them" staging the crime scene, but that's not the theory in JonBenet.
Maybe John didn't wipe JonBenet while wearing his sweater. Maybe Patsy got ahold of his sweater (unbeknownst to John) and wiped JonBenet so those fibers would wind up there.

That is probable but unlikely. PR would be running up and down 4 sets of stairs (one way) remembering to grab JR’s sweater for fiber evidence.
Yet, PR is the most likely candidate of knowing where the size 12 bloomies were located (especially if they were wrapped).
It’s a possibility icedtea4me.
Just to be clear, Steve Thomas thought (and no doubt still thinks) that Patsy killed JonBenet while John slept through the night, unaware of a problem until confronted by a screaming wife who looked like she'd been up all night murdering someone. John was not involved in the crime scene staging and didn't fully appreciate what had happened until he found JonBenet's body. According to Steve Thomas.

fr brown,
Maybe JR went searching for JB when he realized there was no ransom call that morning. He then went searching for JB escaping everyone’s presence for an hour and a half; then returning fidgety after retrieving his mail. Knowing the layout of the house how could he pass by the kitchen, living room and sunroom without detection? But this idea that makes me step back to the fact that he did not touch the RN. What could be the explanation for this?
fr brown,
Maybe JR went searching for JB when he realized there was no ransom call that morning. He then went searching for JB escaping everyone’s presence for an hour and a half; then returning fidgety after retrieving his mail. Knowing the layout of the house how could he pass by the kitchen, living room and sunroom without detection? But this idea that makes me step back to the fact that he did not touch the RN. What could be the explanation for this?

Maybe he recognized that his wife hadn't been to bed and smelled a rat. Maybe he knows better than to touch evidence. As is clear from one of the interviews, she was already on the phone to 911 when he got downstairs so maybe he was saving it for the police. When French arrived, they brought him to the note, not the note to him.

I don't see why she'd have to be running up and down stairs as you mentioned in your previous post. She could have brought JonBenet's underwear upstairs to John's wool sweater, if that's where it was.
That is probable but unlikely. PR would be running up and down 4 sets of stairs (one way) remembering to grab JR’s sweater for fiber evidence.
Yet, PR is the most likely candidate of knowing where the size 12 bloomies were located (especially if they were wrapped).
It’s a possibility icedtea4me.

Didn't they have a laundry chute to the basement in their bedroom? Maybe John tossed it down out of habit. Who knows.
Maybe he recognized that his wife hadn't been to bed and smelled a rat. Maybe he knows better than to touch evidence. As is clear from one of the interviews, she was already on the phone to 911 when he got downstairs so maybe he was saving it for the police. When French arrived, they brought him to the note, not the note to him.

fr brown,
Given this is what took place, why did JR cover for PR?Why did he need to go to Atlanta immediately upon finding JB for a very important meeting? Weren’t the plans that morning to fly to Michigan? Further still, what was the importance of both JR and PR being in Atlanta supporting Lucinda/older children during interviews?

I don't see why she'd have to be running up and down stairs as you mentioned in your previous post. She could have brought JonBenet's underwear upstairs to John's wool sweater, if that's where it was.

I honestly wasn’t aware of the laundry chute before icedtea4me pointed it out. That being said, why not also pick up a pair of size 6 panties from JB’s drawer?
fr brown,
Given this is what took place, why did JR cover for PR?Why did he need to go to Atlanta immediately upon finding JB for a very important meeting? Weren’t the plans that morning to fly to Michigan? Further still, what was the importance of both JR and PR being in Atlanta supporting Lucinda/older children during interviews?

I honestly wasn’t aware of the laundry chute before icedtea4me pointed it out. That being said, why not also pick up a pair of size 6 panties from JB’s drawer?

Maybe he suspected she had framed him or that she would at least accuse him. He must have suspected she was responsible.

Flying to Atlanta would have gotten them out of town. Then to a country w/o an extradition treaty? It seems like a natural thing to do.
On the size 12 underwear: Thomas or someone speculated they had been covering a diaper. Which left the house in Patsy's voluminous purse?
I've often wondered why Steve Thomas doesn't give his reasons in JonBenet for thinking John Ramsey was not involved in the murder and Christmas night cover-up. (As a consequence I've developed my own reasoning about what would indicate John's non-involvement.)

If John and Patsy took polygraphs at the behest of their defense attorneys and John passed his, or part of his, it would be in John's interest for his attorney to leak this information to the police. I took something Armistead said as a hint that polygraphing might be common practice among the defense attorneys he works for: he said that defense attorneys want to know if their clients did it.

Polygraphs are also very persuasive to the public so if your client passes, that can be trumpeted in the press. But Patsy wouldn't have passed and their fates must have been bound together by this point.

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