Where Precisely Do You Think Caylee Died?

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What is the location of Caylee's Death.

  • Car

    Votes: 577 54.3%
  • Pool

    Votes: 100 9.4%
  • Caylee's Room

    Votes: 102 9.6%
  • Casey's room

    Votes: 231 21.7%
  • Computer Room

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Other Room

    Votes: 51 4.8%

  • Total voters
At first I thought she suffocated her in some way in her bedroom while she was napping.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the theory JWG/Bond alluded to -- Caylee fell asleep in her carseat while Caylee pretended to leave for work on 6/16. KC returned to their home and got distracted and by the time she remembered Caylee, she was dead.

So, either Caylee's room or her carseat.

Never thought about that scenario but it is very plausible. Casey returns home after George leaves for work. Parks outside in the driveway and forgets about Caylee while on the phone with her boyfriend. Still, the cell phone towers show her at home until after 4pm, so she would have to be very close to home.

In a few minutes Caylee is dead and KC uses items from the garage to bag her up, she must have been stored in or around the home. When KC returns home the next day she finds Caylee probably mouth agape due to gases (final sigh) being expelled from the lungs. She duct tapes the mouth closed (because it looks very disquieting when the jaw drops open) and puts a heart shaped sticker over the mouth area, just to show she sorta cared for a while there, then moved her to the trunk for disposal.
Later, when Casey couldn't find Caylee and Zanny, she went to a neutral place. Caylee died in that non-neutral place - the house.
I think she was more than likely given something (chloroform, Xanax, Benadryl, etc.) to knock her out, in the car, while "mommie dearest" played with her boyfriend...when KC returned, the baby was dead...KC knowing that any doctor/hospital would perform an autopsy to find out "why" the baby died, even if it did look accidental, find the drugs in her little body, and "slam/dunk" Mommy goes to jail! Since KC wasn't ready to give up the "good times" with TonE, she had to make it look like someone else took the baby, (kidnapped) and killed her as some type of "revenge" to KC, "hence"... KC is the victim, not Caylee! I believe KC tried to get people (LA, CA, GA) to find the body while she was in jail the first time so it looked like someone else did it - remember JB's investigator that went into the woods, almost knowing EXACTLY where he could find the remains??? Both JB and KC knew where that baby was, all along... everything since July, 2008 has been a cherade for the rest of the world! JMHO...
I think she died in the car and later was put in the trunk.

I agree. If the guy who said he saw Casey and Caylee coming out of Walmart with Caylee trailing behind her is credible, it's possible the temper tantrum he said he saw going on probably continued on into the car. I think Casey snapped, plain and simple. Caylee was placed in the trunk until Casey could concoct a story to cover it up.
There was too much chloroform in the trunk for her not to have sedated her there. I think she put her out in the car seat with a cloth (and the chloroform dissipated as it will fairly quickly). KC then put her in the trunk and saturated her with chloroform in the trunk and then put the tape over her mouth three times. This was no accident.
I really have no idea. The one thing I am pretty sure of is that no one but Casey will ever know exactly how everything went down. If she hasn't cracked by now I doubt she will ever tell the true story. I think she's too sick. Not in the "I'm not mentally competent and was suffering from a psychotic break at the time" kind of way. I just think she is a black hole.
my thoughts are she threw her in the pool and then duct taped her to make it look like a kidnapping but she never got around to reporting it...'cause she was sooo busy with Tony.
I think she also planned to frame one of her friends and then kill her parents but never got around to it or could not come up with a plan 'cause she was busy with Tony
I don't remember where they ended up taking the stickers from that were collected as evidence, so whichever room the heart-shaped stickers were is where I think she killed her. I don't think she would go searching for the stickers to put on the duct tape, but most likely saw them sitting near by and put one on the duct tape.

I don't think the death was accidental at all, and I don't think she had chloroformed(sp?) her prior to this time. I think she chloroformed her to make sure she didn't struggle and then placed the duct tape over her nose and mouth to suffocate her. Then she "decorated" the body with the sticker.

Then I think she stashed the body in the playhouse in the backyard. From the pictures I've seen it doesn't look like you could easily see the floor of the playhouse from outside, so even if someone had gone in the backyard that night they might not have noticed. The FL heat and humidity might have caused the body to decompose rapidly. We used to keep our horses feed in a small plastic shed that was maybe 5x5x5, you couldn't stand up straight in it. In the summer it would get extremely hot in there as it was sealed for long periods of time. The playhouse was probably hot and would also accelerate decomposition.

Then I think she returned to the house in 2 days, when she backed her car into the garage the first time and put the body into her trunk, where it stayed until the 24th. Something must have happened on the 18th to cause her to forget her plans with the shovel, so she ended up leaving the body in the back of her car.

Then on the 24th, I think she planned on getting the shovel but was interrupted by George and just ended up ditching the body uncovered on Suburban Drive, knowing that the road would have light traffic until school started in September and probably thought gators or the elements would have destroyed the body at that point.
There are 2 distinct possibilities as to where the crime scene is.....depending whom you chose to believe.....Lee reported early on, that Casey and Cindy had huge fight Father's Day evening June 15th and as a result of that fight Casey took Caylee and fled the residence and this is the last time Family saw Caylee alive. Then you have George's account of how he saw Casey and Caylee off as they left on June 16th, with Kisses and Backpacks! I'm not calling George a liar ( I think he was trying to protect Cindy from any responsibility of what the fight she participated in aided Casey to do as Cindy has always accepted responsibility for what Casey did ) I'm just more personally inclined to believe Lee's account of events as he got his details from a VERY upset Cindy and then quickly changed his story once they realized who the killer was. Georges story puts her being killed at their home later on the 16th after he had already left the house for the evening to go to work......Lee's version ( after his Mother told him about the fight and how Casey took Caylee and left ) is where I'm more inclined to go. This puts her killing Caylee via her car.
Cindy knows everything that Casey took with her that belonged to Casey and Caylee and she knows the last time she saw them.....she also knew the last time George saw them too. Cindy knew what was missing and she also knew exactly what Casey took everytime she came back to the house to take things out of it, always when she and George were not home! And to think that Cindy, George and Lee thought that Casey was just trying to punish Cindy once again by keeping Caylee from Cindy like she had done before. Well this time she is keeping Caylee from Cindy FOREVER !......JMO
I just think that once we hear that the duct tape was put on pre-death... that it's going to become the theory that Caylee died in the trunk.
I can't even begin to quess where Caylee died but I know from the info we have, ICA left with Caylee dead or alive. She was responsible for keeping her safe and she did not. Facts tell me she smothered her with Chloroform and duct tape. Moo

I also feel CA and GA know she was capable of doing bad things, maybe not
Murder but in need of professional help a long time ago. If only.....Caylee might have been playing in her little doll house right now. IMO
There are some details that will never be known, mostly because ICA can't be trusted to tell the truth. There is no doubt in my mind that ICA is responsible for Caylee's death. I suspect that ICA will continue to spew lies until the day that she dies.
i think she died in the trunk - or if it was in the house she immediately put Caylee in the trunk. Wouldn't the cadaver dogs in the yard start heading towards the house if she died in her room and was there for a while? Did the dogs ever go in the house? Would they be able to smell a scent coming from the house if they were outside?
Car, that is where her belongings were, backpack and doll. No doubt in my mind.
I strongly believe that Caylee Anthony died in the trunk of he mother Casey's car. My theory is that everytime Casey said she was dropping Caylee off at the nanny's house, that instead, she just drugged Caylee up each time, and let her stay in the trunk! Maybe she used chloroform or some strong slepping pill, basically anything she could get her hands on so she could go out and party with her friends. I believe that one day it went too far, and when she returned back to the car, she discovered Caylee wouldn't wake up, had died, freaked out, and hid/ignored it and started making up excuses. She is psychotic basically.
I think that Casey put the duct tape on Caylee while in Casey's room. The duct tape never left the house. George used the same duct tape at least a month later when putting up missing photos. If Casey had used the duct tape while in her car it would have still been in her car or maybe even where Caylee was found.

I have always believed there was a fight on the evening of the 15th and that a very pissed ICA took Caylee and left. I think she went to Lee's and no one was home so she went in. When she talks about going to a "safe and neutral place" ie: Tony's on the 16th.. she is really referring to the night of the 15th and Lee's. She always seems to mix a little truth in with her twisted lies. Lee's whereabouts on the 15th, nor his roommates has ever been brought to light. I never believed George saw them on the 16th. I believe she killed Caylee the night of the 15th after the fight at Lee's, perhaps because Caylee wanted to go home and ICA was so pissed. She put her in the trunk that night and stayed at Lee's. Her phone likely pinged from the same towers at Lee's house. She returned home the next day after George left. I have to wonder if the flurry of calls was in a plan to tell them that Caylee had been taken or wandered off and she can't find her (definitely not dead).. she didn't reach them, chickened out and left home until caught in July.
A call was made from the Anthony home phone to ICA's cell phone @ 7:45 am on the 16th and ICA immediately checked her voicemail. She was not home, imo. Wouldn't make sense. She uploaded from photobucket to laptop @ 1147 AM... from Lee's?
I believe she put her *to sleep* with the chloroform and then put the duct-tape on her and put her in the trunk. She would not have got the tape on so tight or evenly if Caylee was awake. Plus she is a coward so she would not have wanted any struggling or fighting. :(
I don't remember where they ended up taking the stickers from that were collected as evidence, so whichever room the heart-shaped stickers were is where I think she killed her. I don't think she would go searching for the stickers to put on the duct tape, but most likely saw them sitting near by and put one on the duct tape.

I don't think the death was accidental at all, and I don't think she had chloroformed(sp?) her prior to this time. I think she chloroformed her to make sure she didn't struggle and then placed the duct tape over her nose and mouth to suffocate her. Then she "decorated" the body with the sticker.

Then I think she stashed the body in the playhouse in the backyard. From the pictures I've seen it doesn't look like you could easily see the floor of the playhouse from outside, so even if someone had gone in the backyard that night they might not have noticed. The FL heat and humidity might have caused the body to decompose rapidly. We used to keep our horses feed in a small plastic shed that was maybe 5x5x5, you couldn't stand up straight in it. In the summer it would get extremely hot in there as it was sealed for long periods of time. The playhouse was probably hot and would also accelerate decomposition.

Then I think she returned to the house in 2 days, when she backed her car into the garage the first time and put the body into her trunk, where it stayed until the 24th. Something must have happened on the 18th to cause her to forget her plans with the shovel, so she ended up leaving the body in the back of her car.

Then on the 24th, I think she planned on getting the shovel but was interrupted by George and just ended up ditching the body uncovered on Suburban Drive, knowing that the road would have light traffic until school started in September and probably thought gators or the elements would have destroyed the body at that point.

The heart stickers were found in her bedroom & Casey told the woman agent they were "ugly ones."

The "playhouse" makes sense, as the cadaver dogs picked up the cadaver scent behind the pool (near shed), inside the turtle top sandbox & the playhouse.

Monday night: She probably went off with TonE and deliberately chose those obscure videos for "ideas" or for a reaction from TonE on this subject.

She backs the car into the garage and takes: Caylee.....
Duct tape, knife, hamper, winnie the pooh comforter, (horse toy, baby doll,...)

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