Where Should Boulder Police Start?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Where should they start...hmm arrest JR ?

That Ransom NOVEL that Patsy Wrote...... oh um I mean the intruder :rolleyes:


JonBenet will be more than happy in her spirit to see her body being exhumed to see Justice done.

My wish is for the world to know that PR did this to her beautiful darling little daughter and for the people that were involved in the err um cover up to get their dues.
I want the inept people that handled this case and looked the other way to get their dues as well, I want them FIRED

A 6 year old, beautiful girl was murdered in a most atrocious way, and the killer was allowed to walk free and party on like nothing happened. And then she died.
Died without justice being served.
That sucks the most

And NO despite my feelings about PR I will not say Karma got her. Cancer is not Karma. Cancer is deplorable and hits the good and the bad just the same.

I would rather someone get their comeuppance for their sins and crimes in this life than get cancer and die and just walk away from it
John Ramsey was not against exhumation--he said he couldn't make that decision. The DA always had the option of going thru the courts to seek exhumation. Even if JR had wanted to pursue it, he would have had to have gone thru the courts. I think exhumation was seriously considered at one point, but the police opted out of it, because of negative publicity. It's too late now to get any relevant information from JBR's body. They have the pig experiments, which indicate to a large degree of medical certainty that a stun gun was used.

I don't believe they ever determined the race of the male DNA. There is new technology that can (ie: Susannah Chase)...."if" they have a large enough sample. I don't believe they ever had a large enough sample.
I dont believe there would be much left at this point. Also highly doubt that the tissue containing the "stun gun" marks would be in good enough condition to make any kind of definitive decision regarding the marks. In my opinion, considering the other evidence that exists, these marks arent all that big of an issue.. probably more important to consider the fact that there is no evidence to indicate that anyone else was present that night, IMO.

Was just thinking about DNA again......LOL,Lacy makes me laugh,she exonerated the Ramsey's based on DNA,well IMO it's the same DNA that points at them in a weird way>>it didn't match any suspects,it didn't match anyone in the database,it didn't match the friends&relatives,it didn't match Karr :rolleyes: okay,it's not the Ramsey's DNA but imo it's probably not even related to the crime.the crime scene wasn't preserved,everybody was all over the place,they also moved the body.......

I was just thinking about it,WHAT evidence of an intruder is there?????Except that male DNA they so love to use.NONE.And IF that DNA is not related to the crime what do they have left?NOTHING.
I would really like to see them test all possible (male) innocent sources,to try and find a match for the dna.All playmates JB had recently,ppl who had been in the home,kids that were at the White's that evening..and so on and so forth.Even instructors where Patsy took the art class,since it could have come from the paintbrush handle.

Sounds stupid,but I would test all officers who were at the scene or near the body,we know how "well" they preserved the crime scene.

"Father John, a computer tycoon, and Patsy, his ex-beauty queen wife, who died in 2006, were represented by a team of high-powered lawyers and refused to co-operate with the police.

Friends who pressed the Ramseys too closely about the murder found themselves on a list of suspected killers that Mr Ramsey's lawyers handed to police."


Excellent reminder.
IMO Lacy did a big mistake when she exonerated them(we'll see about that).The quote above says it all.
Where should they start...hmm arrest JR ?

That Ransom NOVEL that Patsy Wrote...... oh um I mean the intruder :rolleyes:


JonBenet will be more than happy in her spirit to see her body being exhumed to see Justice done.

My wish is for the world to know that PR did this to her beautiful darling little daughter and for the people that were involved in the err um cover up to get their dues.
I want the inept people that handled this case and looked the other way to get their dues as well, I want them FIRED

A 6 year old, beautiful girl was murdered in a most atrocious way, and the killer was allowed to walk free and party on like nothing happened. And then she died.
Died without justice being served.
That sucks the most

And NO despite my feelings about PR I will not say Karma got her. Cancer is not Karma. Cancer is deplorable and hits the good and the bad just the same.

I would rather someone get their comeuppance for their sins and crimes in this life than get cancer and die and just walk away from it

Don't worry. She didn't just "walk away from it".
Don't worry. She didn't just "walk away from it".

Well no, she died. I know that
But she is dead with being Exonerated - she thinks she got away with it.

I do wonder if things come out whether JR will just simply turn around and blame it ALL on Patsy and say he had NO idea about any of it

I mean she is dead , she can not talk

Although often I wonder whether there are notes left somewhere from people that do things like this.
Great idea, of course, but he'll never be allowed to talk to police. As he is not a suspect, if for no other reason than he was under age 10 at the time, he can't be compelled to talk to them. His father will never allow it. Nor will his lawyer.
Yes, he does know more than he has said- he has said virtually nothing anyway. But as I said, if he has asked his parent(s) about that night, he may have been told things happened differently than what they actually did. And because he was young, kids tend to remember events they way they are told they happened rather than the way they actually happened.
If it does turn out that the killing was committed by BR, I fear this new investigation will run into a brick wall. Because he was under 10 at the time, under Colorado law, he can't be charged (even today) even if he did commit the crime.

When I read DOI, one of the things that struck me was the almost complete absence of Burke from that book. No discussion about how he was coping, counselling for him, anything much at all really. Put together with the assertion that he was sleeping and couldn't have heard anything, and rushing him out of the house that morning, I do wonder. Not just whether he did it, but also whether in fact John created a second line of defence - if the intruder idea really didn't wash, they could pin it on Burke??
When I read DOI, one of the things that struck me was the almost complete absence of Burke from that book. No discussion about how he was coping, counselling for him, anything much at all really. Put together with the assertion that he was sleeping and couldn't have heard anything, and rushing him out of the house that morning, I do wonder. Not just whether he did it, but also whether in fact John created a second line of defence - if the intruder idea really didn't wash, they could pin it on Burke??

Well, heck...Patsy in her 98 interview said that she never spoke with Burke about that night. Now...this is two years AFTER the murder that she is saying this. She said that Burke never mentioned JB, and never wondered what happened that night, which I thought was weird.
Well no, she died. I know that
But she is dead with being Exonerated - she thinks she got away with it.

I do wonder if things come out whether JR will just simply turn around and blame it ALL on Patsy and say he had NO idea about any of it

I mean she is dead , she can not talk

Although often I wonder whether there are notes left somewhere from people that do things like this.

You missed my point. She died, yes, but she knows she did NOT get away with anything. Exoneration in this world means nothing where she is now. She is paying for it, whatever her involvement was.
You missed my point. She died, yes, but she knows she did NOT get away with anything. Exoneration in this world means nothing where she is now. She is paying for it, whatever her involvement was.

But I want Justice for JonBenet in THIS world

But I want Justice for JonBenet in THIS world


We all do, JaneInOz. But the good guys don't always win. When she was alive, I wanted her punished, in some form. But you and I have talked this over in the past, and I truly want to believe that she escaped the torments of the next world. There's a difference between someone truly evil and someone who made a horrible mistake and lived in pain until the end.
We all do, JaneInOz. But the good guys don't always win. When she was alive, I wanted her punished, in some form. But you and I have talked this over in the past, and I truly want to believe that she escaped the torments of the next world. There's a difference between someone truly evil and someone who made a horrible mistake and lived in pain until the end.

I don't believe she was truly evil but I believe she didn't know how to be a good parent.
Making JonBenet Dye her hair and do all the things she did to Jon Benet so that she could *win* the pageants was for her Satisfaction not Jon Benets.

doing the terrible things she did when Jon Benet Wet the bed was also terrible

Children take their own time to do things. Forcing them to do them earlier than when they are ready is only detrimental and imo abusive to a certain degree.

I still want this case to be solved and if as I believe is the case Patsy Ramsay committed this atrocious crime and JR covered it up, I want justice

Maybe that isnt fair to Burke, but I cant help that. JB being brutally murdered and and and ... :( interfered with to cover a crime wasnt fair either

Ah ...I can see I will need to pace myself when this case opens up....

on a side note how is the book coming ! Does this change it now ?
I don't believe she was truly evil but I believe she didn't know how to be a good parent.

I don't either. But look who taught her. That's all the explanation I need.

Making JonBenet Dye her hair and do all the things she did to Jon Benet so that she could *win* the pageants was for her Satisfaction not Jon Benets.

I think she was desperate to please her mother as well.

doing the terrible things she did when Jon Benet Wet the bed was also terrible

Children take their own time to do things. Forcing them to do them earlier than when they are ready is only detrimental and imo abusive to a certain degree.

I still want this case to be solved and if as I believe is the case Patsy Ramsay committed this atrocious crime and JR covered it up, I want justice

Maybe that isnt fair to Burke, but I cant help that. JB being brutally murdered and and and ... :( interfered with to cover a crime wasnt fair either

Ah ...I can see I will need to pace myself when this case opens up....

Justice is not always the same as vengeance. At one time I did not see the difference.

on a side note how is the book coming ! Does this change it now ?

You bet it does! I just added a new chapter end to incorporate the latest news. To that end, I find it very amusing that this case is referred to as a "cold case." As anyone who worked on it can tell you, it's not cold. It's radioactive. And like radiation, it contaminates everyone and everything it comes in contact with!
I don't believe she was truly evil but I believe she didn't know how to be a good parent.
me too.I think she was very immature,and took things personally,like when JB didn't want to dress to match her that evening.it was just a 6 yo antic for you,kids do things like that sometimes..they want to be their own person.it was truly nothing personal,but I do think she took it that way.
Well, heck...Patsy in her 98 interview said that she never spoke with Burke about that night. Now...this is two years AFTER the murder that she is saying this. She said that Burke never mentioned JB, and never wondered what happened that night, which I thought was weird.

It's weird because it's probably a lie.
Okay I completely understand that they wanted(still want) to protect Burke.
But I wanna know why.......what does he know,what did he do....
But on the other hand we know how parents can sometimes brainwash their kids,especially when so young...."no honey,you didn't see that","no darling,you didn't hear that",bla,bla......I am not sure that what he remembers is real.
me too.I think she was very immature,and took things personally,like when JB didn't want to dress to match her that evening.it was just a 6 yo antic for you,kids do things like that sometimes..they want to be their own person.it was truly nothing personal,but I do think she took it that way.

She was very selfish,never thought about how she exposed HER child and to whom.....forget about paedo's and the likes....I always wondered how John reacted to all this,as a father would you like your daughter exposed like that?WOuld you like seeing her wearing all that make-up and those silly outfits????Didi he agree only to make Patsy happy cause it's obvious,in my opinion,that JB wasn't so crazy about it.

Did Patsy ever think about the fact that MAYBE she created an unhealthy invironment for everybody by pushing JB with this BS??

Did she think about the fact that maybe she was exposing JB to someone close,right under her nose?

NOPE,she didn't............
It's weird because it's probably a lie.
Okay I completely understand that they wanted(still want) to protect Burke.
But I wanna know why.......what does he know,what did he do....
But on the other hand we know how parents can sometimes brainwash their kids,especially when so young...."no honey,you didn't see that","no darling,you didn't hear that",bla,bla......I am not sure that what he remembers is real.

I agree. I believe that its a lie too. OF COURSE, he is going to ask questions about his sister, it is not like he was an infant when she died. He was nine years old. I think that Patsy just didn't want them to question Burke any further, that is why she said that he never talked about JB or asked any questions. Trying to make him look as if he didn't care, or had no knowledge or that night.
Assuming this will be an objective investigation, what has to be done to get the investigation going again, in the right direction? Some thoughts:

l) Review the hundreds of tips right in the beginning. Many were discarded without a second look.....the answer may be in one of those discarded tips.

2) Retest evidence for DNA that may have been missed.

3) Review the Michael Helgoth suicide and evidence found around him. Do the dog/wolf hairs found on JBR really match those of the wolfhounds Helgoth had?

4) Review violent crimes and evidence taken from them prior to l2/26/1996.

5) Develop a psychological profile assuming it was a kidnapping gone bad by an amateur...perhaps other profiles based on motive, and analyze which are most plausible.

River says it best. Start with the 911 call and then look into the cell phone that was used by John and Patsy that month and find out if anything can be gotten, whcih is doubtful, but try.

I would love to see what the red turtle neck says also. I would also like to see every picture taken of the house and every picture taken at the White's.

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