Where would you put a dead body?

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I think she did plan it, she just did not research the decomp process. She's not as smart as she thought she was.

One of her favorite shows. CSI. Okay, she would have known that if you lay someone dead in the trunk of your car there are certain clean up procedures that need to be done afterward or you will get busted.
I think Caylee is near where ever it was that KC last saw Zanieda. Not at Sawgrass. I think KC followed Zanny when she left Sawgrass, maybe even for a day or so. I'm thinking maybe Zanieda took her younger girls to a park or somewhere to play and KC saw her and where ever that is, that is where Caylee is.

That or Caylee is where ever KC left or threw away the remainder of her Xanex.

KC keeps saying Zanny is the last person she saw Caylee with, only KC says it funny. I'll have to go get a quote, but she doesn't just say "I left her with Zanny" she says something like "that is the last person I saw my daughter with." I just think it is odd how she spins the words together. Because of that, I think there is an element of truth to the story.

I'm thinking KC, in a bit of shock over what she had done, watched Zaniada with her children and fantisized that Caylee was playing with them, and where ever that was, that is where she left Caylee.

I know Zaniada has nothing to do with this, but it would be nice to know what she was doing on June 16, 17, 18 and maybe the 19th.


Very interesting.
I can't imagine being burdened with a dead body to dispose of. However, why would someone bury a body on land when they have close access to so many bodies of water? I sure wouldn't toss a dead body in a dumpster. Too risky!!
I had serious intentions when I started this thread, but now I am sidetracking myself with my own comedy. So just this one and then I am going to be good.

I remember one of the shows from the Alfred Hitchcock series where this old lady kills her husband, and the detective can't figure out what she did with the body. What she did was covered the body in plaster of paris, set him in a sitting position until he hardened and looked like a statue, then set him in the foyer and hung umbrellas on his arms!
I wouldnt do what she did. But I think Caylees body is in water.
One of her favorite shows. CSI. Okay, she would have known that if you lay someone dead in the trunk of your car there are certain clean up procedures that need to be done afterward or you will get busted.

Yeah, I just don't understand why she didn't clean out the trunk after she disposed of that precious little girl's body. If it smelled so bad, and she left the car in a public place, she had to have known incriminating evidence would be found. I don't get that part.
I think Caylee is near where ever it was that KC last saw Zanieda. Not at Sawgrass. I think KC followed Zanny when she left Sawgrass, maybe even for a day or so. I'm thinking maybe Zanieda took her younger girls to a park or somewhere to play and KC saw her and where ever that is, that is where Caylee is.

That or Caylee is where ever KC left or threw away the remainder of her Xanex.

KC keeps saying Zanny is the last person she saw Caylee with, only KC says it funny. I'll have to go get a quote, but she doesn't just say "I left her with Zanny" she says something like "that is the last person I saw my daughter with." I just think it is odd how she spins the words together. Because of that, I think there is an element of truth to the story.

I'm thinking KC, in a bit of shock over what she had done, watched Zaniada with her children and fantisized that Caylee was playing with them, and where ever that was, that is where she left Caylee.

I know Zaniada has nothing to do with this, but it would be nice to know what she was doing on June 16, 17, 18 and maybe the 19th.


Interesting theory Salem. You may be on to something. I do believe that KC followed ZG around for a little bit
I think she has placed her in some kind of container, maybee a rolling suitcase{would be easy for Casey to roll somewhere} and has pitched her out in the woods somewhere, a hollow tree trunk pehaps?? In thick brush?? I just don't see Casey exerting herself by digging a grave, maybee under a brush/leave pile??

I don't know what I would do. I would always be thinking that no matter where I put the body somebody would find it. I guess I think there is always someone out there smater than me that would figure it out. I also think that there are very few places one can go where nobody sees you. there are witnesses everywhere. Most of us probably witness something significant each day that we are totally unaware of.
Just a little paranoid here. Well that and I've got a terrible poker face.
Well, I think we would all agree something big went down on 6/15, the fight. Up until this time I don't think KC was planning anything, but how to get out and party a little more and steal money. After this fight, (which makes me wonder where was Caylee when these two were going at it) I think KC lost it and when Caylee cried to be with CA she shut her up..........now not knowing what to do, I think she just tossed her somewhere in the woods, wrapped in a blanket and plastic, when she backed her car up at the house I think she needed wrapping supplies, she didn't want to look at Caylee dead, I also think she could have been wrapped well enough that the odor didn't start for a while, till she tried to move her from the back of the car and the plastic leaked fluid. she may have had the thought that she was going to bury Caylee in the back yard (Right by the pool under the plastic box), but digging was just to hard and what if she was found. No, I think she may have driven to Jacksonville at sometime while her phone was off, or she is just in the woods around the home somewhere. One other thought CA and GA were working and digging in the back yard 7/4 moving plants and working on the pavers, I think that is why the dogs hit in more then one place, because the dirt was moved around plus, I don't think Casey would have removed Caylee from the trunk untill she had a hole deep enough to hold Caylee.
I think she has placed her in somekind ogf container, maybee a rolling suitcase{would be easy for Casey to roll somewhere} and has pitched her out in the woods somewhere, a hollow tree trunk pehaps?? In thick brush?? I just don't see Casey exerting herself by digging a grave, maybee under a brush/leave pile??


That's what I think too. She doesn't think far enuf ahead. She would just want to be rid of the body as quickly as possible and then forget poor Caylee ever existed. I think she's too full of herself to think someone would find the child's remains.

If I were cold-hearted enuf to get rid of a body I'd probably do the garbage bag in a dumpster thing.
I would put a dead body in a CASKET for proper burial...

ok, ok, that is not what this thread was asking.. hehe :crazy: If I committed murder I would probably dumb the body in the ocean.. weight it down and let the sea creatures have at it.. If that isn't possible then I'd probably dumb it in the dumpster all wrapped nice and tight in a bag full of trash.. Gosh, now I feel I need a bath...
I would never even think about how to get rid of a body, so can't answer that question. I think that Casey had help doing it. There is no way on earth that Casey could have pulled this off without help. No way at all.

Casey is pretty small and digging, wrapping a body, then going out and getting rid or the body?
Didn't happen! Think about it! All you gals out there......could you have done that? I don't think so. I think what we should be thinking about is WHO was it who helped her aand THEN decide who you think that could be. Father, Brother? Don't think it was her mama.
My first choice is her brother.

Honestly if it were my family member and I thought I could pull them off as not being noticed missing, it would be my backyard. If they would be noticed missing, I'd have to just fold like a house of cards and just leave them and hope I could escape the country before anybody noticed. Perhaps move to Saudia Arabia where I could walk around in full burka since almost every country extradites people who have committed crimes in the U.S. If it was a random stranger, I'd probably just leave it because nobody could link me to it. The main problem is, when I try to think about this, I couldn't imagine killing a loved one on purpose and then if it's an accident I could see no reason to hide it. I'm fairly certain I could kill a stranger provided they had molested my child, based off of the fact that my husband was molested as a child and I've already decided that if I ever see that man alone, I will kill him. Nobody go and call the FBI, I'm fairly certain I'll never get the opportunity since he lives in the Palestinian territorys of Israel. In that country, the rapists get to brag and the male children are the family shame who are blackmailed by their abusers out of fear their own father's will murder them for the abuse. The thing that really is confusing me with this case is murder implys hatred and it's hard to imagine a mother hating her child enough to see them unworthy of life and be mentally able to sustain the appearance of a loving mother. And if this were a legitimate accident I can't see any half decent mother not confessing, no matter what they had done negligent. Who risks a murder charge when they have the option of lesser charges. I mean I couldn't even imagine OJ and his "dream team" turning down a manslaughter charge if it had been a possibility for him. Sorry if this is going of topic a bit..I'll bold the relevent part and cross my fingers that nobody flags me for leaving the rest here.
I would never even think about how to get rid of a body, so can't answer that question. I think that Casey had help doing it. There is no way on earth that Casey could have pulled this off without help. No way at all.

Casey is pretty small and digging, wrapping a body, then going out and getting rid or the body?
Didn't happen! Think about it! All you gals out there......could you have done that? I don't think so. I think what we should be thinking about is WHO was it who helped her aand THEN decide who you think that could be. Father, Brother? Don't think it was her mama.
My first choice is her brother.


Hi Love-Mama :blowkiss: :blowkiss: I understand what you are saying, but I think she acted alone. The reason is because she would risk that other person ratting her out. That would be my reason for doing it alone. I would fear the person who helped me would turn on me to save their own butt..
Things are a lot different here.
So relating to her options and her possible way of thnking?

She may have tied her up in a tree someplace?

She is not logical
have the dogs looked up in trees?
Do the trees in Florida drop leaves like ours do here in the EAST?

I saw a story once on COURT TV.
Nobody could find the guy cuz he hung himself and was way high up in a tree.

It was after the leaves had fallen that somebody spotted his body hanging up there in a tree.
Well, I couldn't kill anyone except to protect my family. And that would include killing someone in my family if they were harming another family member. The latter won't ever happen and hopefully the former wouldn't happen either.

If I were to murder in cold blood, I would make sure I lived in a place that was full of alligators and swamps. I mean FULL. In addition, I would dispose IMMEDIATELY and would not hang onto the body as decomp starts setting in sooo fast. And forget the smell of death-- that stinch is sooo bad.... unforgettable.

I am not sure what I would transport in but, I'd have to make sure that the body was wrapped in something that would disinegrate in water-- something like rice paper or something (ha!)

But definitely alligator infested swamp. Yeah, definitely. (I'm channeling Rain Man err George... err Rain Man)
i actually googled this yesterday. the main consensus was:

1. wrap it tightly in plastic and bury it as far from your home as possible at least six feet underground
2. leave it in an area where animals (esp. pigs apparently:eek:) or alligators would devour it
3. (this one is really gross) put it into a large drum of acid in a secluded area of your home and then carefully pour this down your garbage disposal
4. fill a large drum with the body pour cement over, go out late at night in a boat several miles offshore and drop it (something about if you do it right the body will decompose create an air bubble pop the drum and the concrete will disperse into the water).
5. woodchipper (fargo, anyone?)

me personally, i might try the "Weekend at Bernie's" approach lol!!

i hope this post is not offensive, it's kinda meant tongue in cheek, the only things i've ever successfully killed are some geckos which met their demise squished in the side of my back door and the random cockroach/fly/skeeter.

I think the only one of those Casey is capable of is "2. leave it in an area where animals (esp. pigs apparently:eek:) or alligators would devour it"
I would go at night to where they had dug a fresh grave at a cemetery and was going to bury someone the next day. I would get in the hole and dig a shallow grave (enough to cover the body) and cover it with some dirt. When they set the vault the next day it would be buried forever.
she could easily wrap Caylee up in a blanket and toss her in a dumpster. She could have put the old moldy pizza there as well ( sick attenpt at a joke ) Now Caylee lies below tons of mashed trash and will never be found!!

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